Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024


This series of online lectures started in 2022, with the intention to support UK PhD student training in instrumentation, along with continued development of postdocs and beyond. At present, it is geared towards the needs of the silicon/semiconductor community, and arose from internal UK community discussions which took place during 2021. In 2023, participation was opened beyond the UK to the international community in the hopes that it could prove useful.

The courses focus on the background knowledge involved in silicon detector development, from solid-state theory to electronics and remote software tutorials. Lectures are grouped into the following themes:

  • Semiconductor Theory
  • Electronics and DAQ
  • Mechanics and cooling
  • Fabrication and structures
  • Experimental techniques
  • TCAD electric field and transport simulations
  • Software tools
  • Short topics

Each lecture course consists of ~8 one-hour lectures, with lectures grouped into two 4-hour slots each week.

For the 2024 iteration, lectures will be run on:

  • Tuesday afternoons 13:00 - 17:00 BST
  • Friday mornings 9:00 - 13:00 BST

in the weeks April 22 - June 10 inclusive.

Registration is open to everyone, and attendance is not enforced. Attending a subset of courses is entirely acceptable. The courses are run as a community effort on a voluntary basis by UK-based lecturers, but feedback on the layout and topics will be welcome with the aim of future improvements.

Registration is required in order to provide zoom connection details and send updates to the timetable in the event that lectures have to be rescheduled.

This year there will be a hands-on residential summer school which builds upon the material presented in the online lectures. This is scheduled for the first two weeks of July at the University of Oxford. More details can be founds at:

Steering committee members:

  • University of Birmingham - Karol Krizka
  • University of Bristol - Jaap Velthuis
  • University of Cambridge - Bart Hommels
  • University of Glasgow - Kenny Wraight
  • University of Edinburgh - Andrzej Szelc
  • Imperial College London - Alex Tapper
  • University of Lancaster - Lingxin Meng
  • University of Liverpool - Jon Taylor
  • University of Manchester - Alexander Oh
  • University of Oxford - Daniel Hynds (Chair)
  • Queen Mary University of London - Peter Hobson
  • Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Giulio Villani
  • University of Warwick - Karolos Potamianos

Link to 2023 programme
Link to 2022 programme

  • Aashaq Shah
  • Abderrezak Boughedda
  • Abhishek Bohare
  • Adam Klekotko
  • Adam Molnar
  • Ajay Kumar
  • Ajit Kumar
  • Alan Wong
  • Albanik Gashi
  • alberto brusegan
  • Aled Horner
  • Aleksandrina Docheva
  • Aleksandrina Docheva
  • Alessandra Zingaretti
  • Alessandro Fondacci
  • Alessandro Petrolini
  • Alexandra Wald
  • Ali Murteza ALTINGUN
  • Alice Gabrielli
  • Alka Kumari
  • Ana Sofia Inacio
  • Ana Torrento
  • Anastasia Basharina-Freshville
  • Andrew Rose
  • Angela María Henao Isaza
  • Angelo Colelli
  • Anna Rita Altamura
  • anna vignati
  • Anna Villani
  • Annabelle Brooks
  • Anthony Badea
  • Antonio Carballedo Costa
  • Arianna Morozzi
  • Arianna Wintle
  • Arnav Sunil Avad
  • Ashley McDougall
  • Ashutosh Bhardwaj
  • Asta Tamuleviciene
  • Aurora Camperi
  • Benjamin Urbach
  • Beth Spear
  • Bojan Masic
  • Brendan Regnery
  • Carissa Kumar
  • Caterina Pantouvakis
  • Celeste Fleta
  • Ceyhan Sam
  • Chakresh Jain
  • Chiara Bonini
  • Christos Vergis
  • Clara Elisabeth Leitgeb
  • Consuelo Guardiola Salmerón
  • Corentin Lemoine
  • Corey Lehmann
  • Daniel Hynds
  • Daniel Johnson
  • Daniel Makay
  • Daniel Radmanovac
  • Daniel Weatherill
  • David Bacher
  • Debora Magalhaes Suarez
  • Dengfeng Zhang
  • Denise Aparecida Moreira De Godoy Willems
  • Dennis Yborde
  • Dharmender Gaur
  • Diana Antic
  • Diango Montalvan
  • Djemouai DJAMAI
  • Edward Dewit
  • Elio Antonio Sacchetti
  • Eliot Jane Walton
  • Elisabetta Medina
  • Elizabeth George
  • Emma Buchanan
  • Enoch Ejopu
  • Esteban Curras Rivera
  • Eva Vilella Figueras
  • Evangelos Istatiadis
  • Fa Zhang
  • Fabian Simon Lex
  • Faiza Rizwan
  • Fasih Zareef
  • Federico Siviero
  • Felipe Zamorano
  • francesc Farré
  • Francesco Moscatelli
  • francesco palmonari
  • Francisca Munoz Sanchez
  • Franco Mostardi
  • Ganapati Dash
  • Gaurav kumar
  • Gemma Tinti
  • Georg Viehhauser
  • Georgios Bantemits
  • Giorgia Bonomelli
  • Giorgia Cacciola
  • Gregory Hallewell
  • Guilherme Tomio Saito
  • Hannsjorg Weber
  • Hans Ludwig Joos
  • Hao long Liao
  • Harald Handerkas
  • Hasan Darwish
  • hasan shamas
  • Ida Maria Wostheinrich
  • Ilona-Stefana Ninca
  • Ilyas Benaoumeur
  • Iveta Zatocilova
  • Jaap Velthuis
  • Jakub Andrzej Gajownik
  • Jakub Bucko
  • James Julian Glover
  • Jana Kozakova
  • Jashandeep Dhaliwal
  • Javier Bañuelos
  • Jayesh Bhatt
  • Jenny Lunde
  • Jianhua Guo
  • Jiayi REN
  • Jiri Kroll
  • Joan Marc Rafí
  • Johannes Wüthrich
  • Jon Taylor
  • Jona Dilg
  • Jose Maria Alvarez
  • Josef Janecek
  • Joseph Bateman
  • Josh Bex
  • Juan Carlos Giraldo González
  • Karolos Potamianos
  • Ke WANG
  • Khaoula Aouadj
  • Kuo Ma
  • Larissa Mendes
  • Laura Gonella
  • Laura Torino
  • Lauren Anthony
  • Lea Stockmeier
  • Lei Zhang
  • Liliana Teodorescu
  • Lochana Ranatunge
  • luca aglietta
  • Luca Federici
  • Luca Menzio
  • Luca Menzio
  • Luca Terenzi
  • Lucian Fasselt
  • Luigi Rignanese
  • Luis Figueras
  • Maaike Bloem
  • Magnus Loutit
  • Malinda De Silva
  • Manuel Fernandez
  • Marcela Mikestikova
  • Marcello Bindi
  • Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
  • Marcio Alfonso Jiménez Venegas
  • Marco Ferrero
  • Marcos Fernandez Garcia
  • Maria Cecilia Queiroga Bazetto
  • Marion Lehuraux
  • Mariya Georgieva
  • Mark Grimes
  • Martin Perez
  • Marvin Pfaff
  • Marvin Taylor
  • Maryam Akhtar
  • Matthias Knopf
  • Maurice C Solal
  • Maurizio Bonesini
  • Maurizio Massa
  • Mauro Dinardo
  • Mehr-Un-Nisa Mirza
  • Mei-Li Holmberg
  • Michele Rignanese
  • Mikio Sakurai
  • Milos Manojlovic
  • Mitch Norfolk
  • Montserrat Prieto Moliné
  • Morag Williams
  • Moritz Wiehe
  • Nadezda Fadeeva
  • Namrata Agrawal
  • Naomi Afiriyie Davis
  • Natalia Zubova
  • Natthaporn Kamwang
  • Nick Owen
  • Nicola Rubini
  • Niels Sorgenfrei
  • Nikolai Fomin
  • Niladri Sahoo
  • Nina Dimova
  • Niyathi Krishna
  • Oliwia Agnieszka Kaluzinska
  • Owen Shea
  • Pavla Federicova
  • Peilin Li
  • Peter Hobson
  • Petr Manek
  • Piers Coode
  • Piotr Andrzej Dorosz
  • Po-Wei Huang
  • Pranati Jana
  • Prasiddhi Pramodh
  • Pratik Gheewalla
  • Pritindra Bhowmick
  • Priyanka Kachru
  • Rajendra Nath Patra
  • Rickard Brunskog
  • Rob Foster
  • Robert Renz Marcelo Gregorio
  • Robert Stephen White
  • Roberta Cardinale
  • Roberto Mulargia
  • Rory McFeely
  • Roy Wastie
  • Ruirui Han
  • Ryan Griffin
  • Ryoma Kondo
  • Sabrina Ciarlantini
  • Samuel Manchester
  • Samuel Manchester
  • Saqlain Khan
  • Sarah Alsharif
  • Saverio Minutoli
  • Sean Hibbitt
  • Sebastian Haberl
  • Sebastian Haberl
  • Sebastian Onder
  • Selina R. H. Owe
  • Serafima Nechaeva
  • Seraphim Koulosousas
  • Shudhashil Bharthuar
  • Shuhui Huang
  • Simon Knowles
  • Simone Cammarata
  • Simone Emiliani
  • Sinuo Zhang
  • Sneha Naik
  • Snigdho Chakraborty
  • Sophie Rohletter
  • Spyros Argyropoulos
  • Stefania Perciballi
  • Stefanos Paschalis
  • Stephan Eisenhardt
  • Stoyan Trilov
  • Tanay Dey
  • Thierry Guillaume Harte
  • Tianqi Gao
  • Till Dieminger
  • Tim Stellhorn
  • Tomas Ceponis
  • Tommaso Croci
  • Triloki Triloki
  • Umberto Deut
  • Umberto Molinatti
  • Valentina Sola
  • Veronika Kraus
  • Wei Liu
  • Weida Zhang
  • Weiguo Lu
  • Weimin Song
  • Weize Li
  • William Marshall
  • Wilson David Buitrago Ceballos
  • Xiaohui Li
  • xiaoping liu
  • xiaoxuan li
  • Yajun He
  • Yana Gurimskaya
  • Yaoguang Liu
  • Yiming Liu
  • Yue Xu
  • Yujie Zhou
  • Yuta Okazaki
  • Zhenyu Ye
  • Ziyu Bao
Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024 - Electronics
Zoom Meeting ID
Daniel Hynds
Alternative hosts
Andrew William Rose, Ulla Blumenschein, Weida Zhang, Sneha Amogh Naik
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024 - Semiconductors
Zoom Meeting ID
Daniel Hynds
Alternative hosts
Philipp Windischhofer, Karol Krizka, Laura Gonella
Useful links
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Zoom URL
Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024 - Mechanics
Zoom Meeting ID
Daniel Hynds
Alternative hosts
Georg Viehhauser, Michael Jack Booth
Useful links
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Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024 - Fabrication
Zoom Meeting ID
Daniel Hynds
Alternative hosts
Andrew Blue, Francisca Munoz Sanchez, Eva Vilella Figueras
Useful links
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Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024 - Techniques
Zoom Meeting ID
Daniel Hynds
Alternative hosts
Jon Taylor, Bart Hommels
Useful links
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Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024 - Software
Zoom Meeting ID
Daniel Hynds
Alternative host
Weida Zhang
Useful links
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Advanced UK Instrumentation Training 2024 - Short topics
Zoom Meeting ID
Daniel Hynds
Alternative hosts
Alexander Oh, Jon Taylor
Useful links
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Zoom URL
Participants survey