Linac4 Ion Source Review



The mandate of the committee for the Linac4 Ion Source Review is:

a) Review of the linac4 ion source Work Package; Compare what has been achieved with respect to what was planned and review what is foreseen.
b) Estimate the probability of having a sufficient beam current (40, 60, 80 mA) within the right emittance (0.25 mmmrad) in time for the final commissioning before the connection (February 2016).
c) Is it still necessary to pursue an alternative solution, and is the magnetron source still considered as the most appropriate option? When a decision has to be made and what has to be prepared to make such a source available on-time for the final commissioning of Linac4?

Reviewers: James Alessi (BNL), Dan Faircloth (STFC), Martin Stockli (ORNL), Olli Tarvainen (JYU)