3:00 PM
Workshop opening
- Dr
Dariusz Banas
(Jan Kochanowski University)
3:05 PM
Session 1
(until 4:45 PM)
3:05 PM
Recent results from the NA61/SHINE strong interactions program on fluctuations
Maja Katarzyna Mackowiak-Pawlowska
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
3:25 PM
Studies of final-state interactions via femtoscopy in ALICE
Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
3:45 PM
Pion spectra and mean multiplicities in Ar+Sc collisions at SPS energies
- Mr
Maciej Lewicki
(University of Wrocław)
4:05 PM
In-medium modifications of properties of near-theshold kaons in wide range of phase space with FOPI
- Dr
Krzysztof Piasecki
(University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics)
4:25 PM
Angular correlations of identified particles in pp collisions
Malgorzata Anna Janik
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
4:45 PM
--- coffee break ---
5:15 PM
Session 2
(until 6:55 PM)
5:15 PM
vBag - vector interaction in an extended bag model.
Mateusz Cierniak
(University of Wrocław, Institute of Theoretical Physics)
5:35 PM
Measurement of azimuthal flow of soft and high-pT charged particles in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
Klaudia Burka
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
5:55 PM
Quantum field theoretical approach to the shear and bulk relaxation times
Alina Czajka
(McGill Uni./UJK)
6:15 PM
Participant number fluctuations for higher moments of a multiplicity distribution
Viktor Begun
6:35 PM
Repulsive interactions and their effects on the thermodynamics
Pok Man Lo
7:00 PM
--- reception ---