Birdseye view of DESY site (Image credit: DESY)
The 1st EuPRAXIA Collaboration Week will take place on June 19th - 23th, 2017 at DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
During the collaboration week, all participants will have the chance to meet and update each other on work progress. After a common half day on Monday afternoon, Tuesday is reserved for individual work package (WP) meetings. Wednesday and half of Thursday are reserved for meetings across different WPs with common topics or interfaces. The final three sessions bring together again the whole collaboration, to discuss the outcomes from WP meetings, outstanding topics, problems and plans for the rest of the year.
Common activities such as a visit to the new Elbphilharmonie plaza and the collaboration dinner will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evening respectively.
This meeting will be sponsored by DESY, the European Network for Novel Accelerators (HORIZON2020 / EuroNNAc3), the European Coordination of Accelerator R&D project (HORIZON2020 / ARIES, GA730871).
Deadline for registration is May 15th, 2017.
14:00 Welcome
14:10 Practical information
WP talks (5 min talk + 10 min discussion): what was achieved; is there any input missing/needed; is the share of the work with connected WP’s fully defined; any other problems we should be aware of; what are the WP’s goals and plans for the collaboration week.
14:15 General update & WP1 (R. Assmann)
14:45 WP2 (A. Mosnier)
15:00 WP3 (B. Cros)
15:15 WP4 (L. Gizzi/F. Mathieu)
15:30 WP5 (E. Chiadroni)
15:45 WP6 (M.E. Couprie)
16:00 WP7 (A. Specka/R. Walczak)
WP talks (5 min talk + 10 min discussion): what was achieved; is there any input missing/needed; is the share of the work with connected WP’s fully defined; any other problems we should be aware of; what are the WP’s goals and plans for the collaboration week.
16:30 WP8 (R. Torres)
16:45 WP9 (J. Osterhoff/M. Ferrario)
17:00 WP10 (U. Dorda)
17:15 WP11 (A. Maier)
17:30 WP12 (A. Mostacci)
17:45 WP13 (Z.M. Sheng)
18:00 WP14 (A. Martinez de la Ossa, T.Heinemann)
9:00 Introduction (suggested coordinator: A. Walker/R. Assmann)
9:15 Discussion, requests, comments: one accelerator with switchyard; several dedicated accelerators; two levels; generic layout vs site studies; how many user areas; footprints; costing approach.
10:30 LP injector (suggested coordinator: B. Cros)
10:45 Discussion: what beam energy, quality, average and peak current …
11:15 RF injector (suggested coordinator: E. Chiadroni)
11:30 Discussion: what beam energy, quality, average and peak current …
12:00 Overall discussion injectors
14:00 LPA to 1 GeV and 5 GeV (suggested coordinator: A. Mosnier)
14:15 Discussion: how to arrive at required beam quality; applications (FEL,HEP,medical); simulation codes; what to simulate next (triangular bunches, hollow plasma, multi pulse LWFA, dechirper …).
15:00 PWFA to 1 GeV and 5 GeV (suggested coordinator: M. Ferrario/J. Osterhoff)
15:15 Discussion: how to arrive at required beam quality; applications (FEL, HEP, medical); simulation codes; what to simulate next.
We reserved some tables at the restaurant "Hafenhunger"
at 8 p.m. not far away from the Elbphilharmonie (Hafencity)
9:00 Introduction (suggested coordinator: A. Specka)
9:15 Discussion: what imperfections are most important for electron beam, laser, and plasma how do we correct; what do we measure; do we need additional equipment.
11:00 Facility Access (suggested coordinator: A. Mostacci)
11:15 Discussion and questions
11:45 Any additional common discussion (proposals invited)
12:00 Discussion
Room available until 17:30
Room available until 17:30
Room available until 17:30
Room available until 17:30
Champagne Reception
alkoholfree alternative: Rhubarb Spritzer
Room available until 17:30
Room available until 17:30
Room available until 17:30
Room available until 17:30
In this session we welcome presentation from additional inst. (depending on numbers, limited to 5 minutes).
14:00 ESFRI roadmap (F. Brottier)
14:30 Discussion
14:45 ANAR workshop towards HEP roadmap (B. Cros)
15:15 Additional funding opportunity status, LEAPS & TIARA (R. Assmann)
15:45 Discussion
Room available until 17:30
Room available until 17:30
9:00 Worklist and issues collected (R. Assmann)
9:30 Discussion
9:45 Short view from WP leaders (1 slide each)
11:00 Short view from WP leaders (1 slide each)
11:45 Contributions/thoughts from associated partners/industry