SCGP Workshop on Exotic Hadrons and Flavor Physics

from Monday 28 May 2018 (08:30) to Friday 1 June 2018 (22:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
28 May 2018
29 May 2018
30 May 2018
31 May 2018
1 Jun 2018
08:30 --- Registration ---
Exotic Hadrons Theory I (until 12:30) ()
09:30 Welcome remarks - George Sterman   ()
09:35 Opening - Marek Karliner   ()
09:40 Ordinary and extraordinary hadrons - Robert Jaffe   ()
10:15 Baryon-antibaryon exotics; heavy baryons - Jon Rosner   ()
10:50 --- coffee break ---
11:20 Hybrids - Eric Swanson   ()
11:55 Theory of hadronic molecules - Ulf-G. Meissner   ()
Exotic Hadrons: Experiments (until 12:30) ()
09:00 Unresolved and under-appreciated - Stephen Olsen   ()
09:45 Open questions in hadron spectroscopy at BESIII - Ryan Mitchell   ()
10:30 --- coffee break ---
11:00 Exotic hadrons at LHCb - Tomasz Skwarnicki   ()
11:45 Exotic hadrons: results and perspectives at ATLAS and CMS - Alexis Pompili   ()
Exotic Hadrons Theory II (until 12:30) ()
09:00 Multiquark states: QCD string-junction picture - Gabriele Veneziano   ()
09:35 Compact tetra- and penta-quarks - Ahmed Ali   ()
10:10 Prompt production of exotic hadrons - Alessandro Pilloni   ()
10:45 --- coffee break ---
11:20 Triangle singularities and cusps - Adam Szczepaniak   ()
11:55 Threshold phenomena, triangle singularity and exotic hadrons - Qiang Zhao   ()
Exotic Hadrons Theory III (until 12:00) ()
09:00 Stable tetraquarks - Marek Karliner   ()
09:35 Stable doubly bottom and bottom-charm tetraquarks - Kim Maltman   ()
10:10 --- coffee break ---
10:50 Stable tetraquarks - Chris Quigg   ()
11:25 Stable tetraquarks - Misha Voloshin   ()
Flavor Physics (until 10:00) ()
08:30 g-2 expt status and outlook - Chris Polly Chris Polly Chris Polly,   ()
09:00 g-2 hadronic VP theory status and outlook, off and on the lattice - Thomas Teubner   ()
09:30 LBL contributions to g-2 - Christoph Lehner   ()
10:00 --- coffee break ---
Flavor Physics (until 12:00) ()
10:30 Status and outlook for lattice calculations for RD(*) and RK(*) - Elvira Gamiz   ()
11:00 EFT analysis for flavor anomalies - Jorge Martin Camalich   ()
11:30 More BSM ideas on flavor anomalies - Gudrun Hiller   ()
12:30 --- lunch break ---
Exotic Hadrons Theory I (until 17:05) ()
14:00 Heavy-light exotics - Feng-Kun Guo   ()
14:35 Some speculations about Quirks - Shmuel Nussinov   ()
15:10 --- coffee break ---
15:40 Motivations for Considering a Stable Sexaquark - Glennys Farrar   ()
16:05 Exotic hadrons from holographic QCD - Ismail Zahed   ()
16:30 Dynamically generated exotic hadrons from superconformal algebra and light-front holography - Stan Brodsky   ()
12:30 --- lunch break ---
Exotic Hadrons: Experiments (until 17:05) ()
14:00 New results on exotic hadrons at BESIII - Changzheng Yuan   ()
14:45 Heavy baryons and multiple-flavored exotics at LHCb - Marco Pappagallo   ()
15:30 --- coffee break ---
16:10 Future of hadron exotics at BelleII - Bryan Fulsom   ()
12:30 --- lunch break ---
Exotic Hadrons Theory II (until 16:50) ()
14:00 More about hadrons with heavy quarks - Estia Eichten   ()
14:35 Few-body dynamics in baryons and multiquarks - Jean-Marc Richard   ()
15:10 --- coffee break ---
15:40 Five quarks coupled with open channels - Atsushi Hosaka   ()
16:15 Doubly-heavy baryons in heavy-ion collisions - Xiaojun Yao   ()
12:00 --- lunch break ---
Flavor Physics (until 17:00) ()
13:30 RD(*), Belle status and outlook for Belle-II - Toru Iijima   ()
14:00 RD(*), LHCb status and outlook, Run 1, Run 2 and beyond - Guy Wormser   ()
14:30 Status of SM predictions for RD(*) - Michele Papucci   ()
15:00 --- coffee break ---
15:30 RK(*), Belle status and outlook for Belle-II - Vladimir Savinov   ()
16:00 RK(*), LHCb status and outlook, Run 1, Run 2 and beyond - Sheldon Stone   ()
16:30 BSM ideas on flavor anomalies - Jernej Kamenik   ()
12:00 --- lunch break ---
Flavor Physics (until 15:00) ()
13:30 Kaon experiments, status and outlook - Matthew Moulson   ()
14:00 BSM ideas on epsilon’ and other flavor anomalies - Ulrich Nierste   ()
14:30 K to pi pi and eps’, status and outlook - Chris Kelly   ()
15:00 --- coffee break ---
Flavor Physics (until 17:00) ()
15:20 Experimental Summary - Tim Gershon   ()
16:05 Theory Summary - Matthias Neubert   ()
16:50 --- Closing ---