International Review of the Crab Cavity system design and production plan for the HL-LHC

774/R-013 (CERN)



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The CC system is a critical equipment in the HL-LHC project. Following the construction of the first HL-LHC CC cavities at CERN and in the US, and the crash program for the SPS DQW cavity cryomodule construction and installation in the new SPS facility, the first tests with proton beam in a CC were successfully achieved in the SPS during 2018. The final design of CC and the complete cryomodule is being finalized, both for DQW (double quarter wave) and RFD (RF Dipole) types, while the construction of a second complete cryomodule prototype (RFD type) is under construction by CERN and UK. The in-kind contribution from US-AUP (all dressed cavities of RFD type), UK-STFC and Lancaster U. (four DQW cryomodule assemblies) and Canada-Triumf (five RFD cryomodule assemblies) are agreed or in final negotiation stage. The construction of the DQW jacketed cavities by Industry for CERN is already under way.

The project management calls this review to assess if the present design of the cavities with their cryomodules and all ancillaries is adequate to meet the required performance and if the production plan is well harmonized with due margin (considering the complex scheme with many in-kinds) in the HL-LHC schedule.

Review Panel members: Akira Yamamoto (Chair, CERN), Edward Daly (JLAB), Carlo Pagani (INFN), Sรฉbastien Bousson (IN2P3) and Delio Duarte Ramos (CERN).

Review link persons: R. Calaga (CERN), T. Jones (UK-STFC), B. Laxdal (TRIUMF), L. Ristori (US-AUP)

Date and Place: The review is scheduled from 19 June afternoon to 21 June 2019 at CERN, room 774-R-013.

Charges: See attached document.


