International Review of the Crab Cavity system design and production plan for the HL-LHC
The CC system is a critical equipment in the HL-LHC project. Following the construction of the first HL-LHC CC cavities at CERN and in the US, and the crash program for the SPS DQW cavity cryomodule construction and installation in the new SPS facility, the first tests with proton beam in a CC were successfully achieved in the SPS during 2018. The final design of CC and the complete cryomodule is being finalized, both for DQW (double quarter wave) and RFD (RF Dipole) types, while the construction of a second complete cryomodule prototype (RFD type) is under construction by CERN and UK. The in-kind contribution from US-AUP (all dressed cavities of RFD type), UK-STFC and Lancaster U. (four DQW cryomodule assemblies) and Canada-Triumf (five RFD cryomodule assemblies) are agreed or in final negotiation stage. The construction of the DQW jacketed cavities by Industry for CERN is already under way.
The project management calls this review to assess if the present design of the cavities with their cryomodules and all ancillaries is adequate to meet the required performance and if the production plan is well harmonized with due margin (considering the complex scheme with many in-kinds) in the HL-LHC schedule.
Review Panel members: Akira Yamamoto (Chair, CERN), Edward Daly (JLAB), Carlo Pagani (INFN), Sรฉbastien Bousson (IN2P3) and Delio Duarte Ramos (CERN).
Review link persons: R. Calaga (CERN), T. Jones (UK-STFC), B. Laxdal (TRIUMF), L. Ristori (US-AUP)
Date and Place: The review is scheduled from 19 June afternoon to 21 June 2019 at CERN, room 774-R-013.
Charges: See attached document.
Executive session
Introduction & Overview
Including project re-scoping, collaborations and key milestones for the HL-LHC
Speaker: Oliver Bruning (CERN) -
Overview of WP4-CC inside the HL-LHC project
General overview of the project covering SPS and HL-LHC, role and scope of each collaboration, planning, strategy and key milestones achieved and future prospects.
Management of collaborations and integration into the CERN planning and documentationSpeaker: Rama Calaga (CERN) -
WP4 Strategy for Cryomodule
Engineering specifications overview for cavities & cryomodules and strategy to manufacture the cryomodules.
Experience and key lessons learned from SPS-CM
Open issues, spare policy, maintenance and repairability including radiation aspects for HL-LHCSpeaker: Ofelia Capatina (CERN) -
WP4 Strategy for RF System
HPRF system architecture in SPS and Lessons learned (RF power, conditioning, linearity, availability)
RF power requirements and interfaces to other WPs
Options for HL-LHC and ongoing studies on SSPA including SM18/SPS testing
Planning and procurement strategy including potential collaborationsSpeaker: Eric Montesinos (CERN) -
WP4 strategy for Integration & Services (SPS-BA6 & Interfaces)
Experience from the SPS installation & lessons learned
Interfaces for HL-LHC-WP4 and present statusSpeaker: Giovanna Vandoni (CERN) -
US contribution to SPS Crab Cavity Prototypes and Lessons Learned
Short history of the US-LARP contributions to HL-LHC
Issues with conformity
Cavity performance overview (DQW/RFD) - 2015-2017 Cavity+HOMs results & lessons learned (DQW/RFD) - 2017-19
Mitigations and future prospects of the US-LARP cavities including testing at Uppsala and EP at KEK
Status of documentationSpeaker: Alessandro Ratti (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) -
CERN-Crash Program for SPS-DQW Cryomodule
Recap of the SPS cavity and cryomodule fabrication, assembly, testing and lessons learned
Variances to RFD "LHC type" and future prospectsSpeaker: Marco Garlasche (CERN) -
Vacuum layout & experience from SPS
Vacuum layout in SPS, installation and lessons learned
Aspects related to carbon coating of the bypass chambers
Experience with beam and insulation vacuum
Outlook for operation in 2021 and beyondSpeaker: Chiara Pasquino (CERN) -
Cryogenics Experience from SPS
Challenges for SPS installation and commissioning and related schedule constraints
Experience and learning curve for SPS module, results and outlook for 2021 operations
Lessons learned and relevance to HL-LHCSpeaker: Krzysztof Brodzinski (CERN) -
Freq Tuning System & Lessons learned
Frequency tuning requirements, concept and results and lessons learned from SPS.
Relevance to HL-LHC and improvements adopted
Open issues for cavity tuning to be addressedSpeaker: Kurt Artoos (CERN) -
HOM Damping & SPS Measurements
HOM damping requirements and overview of the damping schemes
Measurements on the bare and dressed SPS cavities including distribution of the HOM power between couplers
Measurements with beam and comparison to simulations
Improvements for DQW for HL-LHCSpeakers: James Alexander Mitchell (Lancaster University (GB)), Zenghai Li (SLAC)
LLRF experience for SPS & HL-LHC Outlook
LLRF concept and preparation towards the SPS tests
Implementation in the SPS and commissioning, experience with beam, main issues and foreseen improvements (SEL, firmware, software, automatization of functions etc..)
Amplitude and phase stability, RF noise measurements and future improvements
Future platform for HL-LHC and outlook for 2021 SPS operationSpeaker: Philippe Baudrenghien (CERN) -
SPS-CC experiments and operation Challenges/Limitations & Outlook for 2021Speaker: Rama Calaga (CERN)
Machine Protection lessons learned from SPS
Possible failure scenarios and observations from the SPS tests
Interlocks and future improvements including outlook for 2021 SPS testsSpeakers: Daniel Wollmann (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN) -
Cavity & Ancillaries (Fabrication, Treatment, Testing) 774/R-013
CERN RFD-SPS Cavity Manufacturing Status
Manufacturing strategy for the RFD cavity, copper trials and present status of the Nb cavities
Issues encountered during the manufacturing and impact on schedule
Technology transfer to partner collaborations and industrySpeaker: Marco Garlasche (CERN) -
CERN/RI DQW-Series Cavities for HL-LHC CC
Industrial production of the pre-series DQW cavities with RI
Present status including the re-scoping and changes implemented during the first phase of the contract
Status of the documentation, qualifications, readiness for fabrication and CERN acceptance tests
Impact on the scheduleSpeaker: Nuria Valverde Alonso (CERN) -
US-AUP RFD Dressed Cavities for HL-LHC CC
US-AUP strategy for RFD-DC including scope, RF geometry, treatment, testing planning for prototypes and series cavities
Compliance with engineering specifications and safety requirements including fabrication, documentation, qualification status, issues
Reliability of the existing setups and acceptance criteria agreements with CERN
Experience industrial partner and next key milestonesSpeakers: Leonardo Ristori (Fermilab), Paolo Berrutti (FNAL) -
CERN FPCs & Other Couplers for HL-LHC CC
FPCs, HOM couplers and field antenna design and prototyping
Issues encountered during the SPS phase and mitigation measures including transport considerations
Strategy for RFD and DQW (including RF feedthroughs) both at CERN and Canada/UK
Status of fabrication/doc/qualification/documentationSpeaker: Eric Montesinos (CERN) -
US-AUP RFD Couplers for HL-LHC CC
RFD-HOM couplers and field antenna design and USLARP prototypes
Issues encountered with prototypes and mitigiation measures
Strategy for future prototypes and series (including feedthroughs)
Status of fabrication/doc/qualification/documentationSpeaker: Paolo Berrutti (FNAL)
HL-LHC CC Cryomodule Design
Recap of the SPS-DQW cryomodule design and the updates towards the HL-LHC modules
Conceptual design and key interfaces (RF, vacuum, cryo, alignment etc..)
Open items to be addressedSpeaker: Teddy Capelli (CERN) -
SPS-RFD & Series DQW Cryostating Plans
Scope of the UK1 and UK2 projects towards the HL-LHC WP4
Experience and participation in the SPS program and lessons learned
Planning of the RFD-prototype and DQW series
Main interfaces and responsibility sharing between UK and CERN and compliance with engineering specifications, safety regulations and acceptance criteriaSpeaker: Thomas Jones (STFC) -
Series RFD Cryostating for HL-LHC CC
Scope of the Canadian contribution to HL-LHC-WP4 including fabrication, assembly and testing
Planning of the RFD cryomodules and integration into WP4 master planning
Main interfaces and responsibility sharing between Canada and CERN, acceptance criteria and compliance with engineering specifications.Speaker: Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF) -
Transport Aspects
Boundary conditions and specifications for transport
Key aspects to be addressed specially (Couplers, bellows etc..)
Experience with transport inside CERN and measurementsSpeakers: Kurt Artoos (CERN), Thomas Joseph Jones (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB)) -
SM18 Assembly and Testing Infrastructure
Overview of the cavity and cryomodule reception at CERN and testing and lessons learned from SPS-CCs
Detailed planning for the RFD-proto, DQW/RFD series in SM18
Readiness of the testing infrastructure for vertical testing of cavities and bunker tests of cryomodules
Preparations ongoing towards the series testing and main bottlenecksSpeaker: Katarzyna Turaj (CERN) -
LHC Environment Constraints & Integration
Design update of the integration of CCs in HL-LHC including the displacement and interfaces related to RF, cryogenics, vacuum, alignment and other services
Optimization of the crab zone and cores for future flexibility including swap of H/V if needed
CV, infrastructure, cabling and other open itemsSpeaker: Paolo Fessia (CERN) -
Vacuum for HL-LHC CC
Scope of the WP13 contribution to WP4
HL-LHC CC vacuum layout including the counter-rotating beam and all vacuum equipment related to CCs
Main interfaces and responsibility sharing including collaborations from Canada, UK and US-AUPSpeaker: Dr Germana Riddone (CERN) -
Cryogenics for HL-LHC CC including sectorization
Cryogenics layout for HL-LHC CCs and improvements from SPS experience
Integration and maintainence of the cryogenic insfrastructure for HL-LHC CCs
Commissioning strategy and cool-down/warmup and operational constraints
Sectorization of the crab cavities w.r.t the IR regionSpeakers: Krzysztof Brodzinski (CERN), Serge Claudet (CERN) -
Alignment & Monitoring from SPS to HL-LHC
Cavity alignment specifications and concept demonstration in the SPS
Improvement foreseen for HL-LHC and future testing in the SPS
Aspects related to remote alignment cryomodules and periodic alignment of the cavities inside the cryomodulesSpeaker: Mateusz Sosin (CERN) -
DiscussionSpeaker: All
RF Conditioning Strategy during HL-LHC
RF conditioning experience from SPS and estimates for LHC including 8 modules at P1/P5
Compatibility with HW commissioning of magnets
Memory of conditioning and strategy during technical shutdowns
No RF zone ?Speaker: Eric Montesinos (CERN) -
Technical Specifications and Guidelines for Compliance with CERN Safety RulesSpeaker: Luca Dassa (CERN)
WP4 QA & QC Status, Risks & DocumentationSpeaker: Hector Garcia Gavela (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
DiscussionSpeaker: All
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Visit to BA6
Transport from BA6 (building 873) to Prevessin (building 774) and coffee break 774/R-013