The Muon g-2 Theory Initiative is planning to write a second White Paper to update the Standard Model prediction of $a_\mu$ prior to the release of the Fermilab g-2 experiment's final measurement result, expected in 2025. The four working groups (data HVP, lattice HVP, analytic HLbL, lattice HLbL) will report on their progress and plans for the respecitve sections.
Code of Conduct:
The organizers are committed to making this meeting productive and enjoyable for everyone. Creating a supportive professional environment where open and frank discussion of ideas can take place, where everyone is treated with courtesy and respect, and in which diversity and inclusion are valued is the responsibility of all the participants. We will not tolerate harassment of attendees or others involved in the meeting in any form. For the entire duration of the meeting and in other professional interactions with colleagues you agree to follow these guidelines:
Inappropriate behavior during the meeting can be reported to the organizers. Any contact will be kept confidential. Should a participant be asked to stop any inappropriate behavior, they are expected to comply immediately. In serious cases, they may be asked to leave the meeting at the sole discretion of the organizers.
Finally, this meeting will conducted via zoom. We ask that participants keep their microphones muted during the presentations. Questions and discussion are, or course, welcome! Here, we ask that participants use the zoom "hand raise" feature and await their turn.