Conference hall (IHEP, Theoretical Division)

Conference hall

IHEP, Theoretical Division

National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division 142281, pl. Nauki, Protvino, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
Nikolai Tyurin (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
Institute for High Energy Physics  (in the framework of the National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute") is organizing the XXIX-th International Workshop on High Energy Physics “NEW RESULTS and ACTUAL PROBLEMS in PARTICLE & ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS and COSMOLOGY”, June 26-28, 2013, in Protvino, Moscow region, Russia.
 The purpose of this Workshop is to exhibit a more complete and coherent picture of our understanding of the structure and dynamics of the microcosm, the megacosm and its evolution and the relationship between these two extremes of modern physics.
 The Workshop covers both theory and experiment/observations in most actual and critical points.
 We would like to promote, at the meeting, much more critical discussions than is usually the case. An example is the series of historic debates at famous Solvay Congresses.
 To this end the meeting will be organized so that reports will be accompanied by discussion panels and talks. In addition, the poster event for brief actual notes will be organized.
 Topics to discuss contain presumably Higgs boson observed at LHC and Tevatron (including alternative interpretations), exploratory searches for dark matter and dark energy, neutrino oscillations and the problem of neutrino mass, progress in the study of confinement in YM theory and beyond, quark-gluon plasma and other exotic states of matter, problems in QCD as the strong interaction theory, black holes (pro et contra), progress in Grand Unification theories, early Universe, cosmic microwave background radiation, progress in experimental and accelerator techniques.
 We believe that such a relatively wide scope of subjects for presentation and discussion will be also a good opportunity for participants to learn first hands about the state of art in the fields of common interest where they are not experts.


- 5000 Rub. (~ 125 Euro)  for applications before 15/05/2013
- 8000 Rub. (~ 200 Euro) for applications after 15/05/2013
Includes visa payments, transportation from/to the airport, coffee breaks,
conference dinner, welcome and farewell parties, complete set for the participant.


January 15, 2013 - start of the registration procedure and abstract submission
May 15, 20131st registration deadline for those who needs Russian visa, change of the registration fee (5000 rub. to 8000 rub.)
May 1, 2013 - start of the presentation upload
June 1, 2013 –  2nd registration deadline for those who needs Russian visa
June 15, 2013 - registration deadline for domestic participants
June 15, 2013 - end of the registration procedure and abstract submission  
Since visa formalities may take a long time, please, try to send us the information as early as possible (it is better before May 1, 2013).
Please, send us the title of your talk (even if preliminary) before June 15, 2013 and try to upload your presentation by the web interface (will be open after January 15, 2013) or send it by e-mail to Roman.Rioutine@cern.ch  before June 15, 2013.
Please, inform organizers about any changes.

About 50 scientists from Russia and other countries are expected to participate. The sessions will be held in the Conference Hall of the Theory Division Building.
The Proceedings of the Workshop will be published in “Proceedings of Science”.

The Workshop will be held in Protvino, a small town 100 km to the south of Moscow. The town is situated nearby the State Research Center of Russia—IHEP (Serpukhov 76 Gev accelerator) inside a pine forest and near the Protva river.
The participants will be accommodated in the “Protva” hotel in single or double rooms. Prices for one night are from $40 to $80. The total living expenses (including breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be about $10 a day. The participants can have their meal in the restaurant and snack-bar of the Hotel, in the restaurant of the Club of Scientists or in other restaurants of Protvino indicated in the map.

All the participants will be transported from/to the Sheremetievo or Domodedovo airports by the IHEP transport or taxi. The information on flights or trains and the date of arrival should be communicated to the Scientific Secretary of the Organizing Committee a few days in advance.
Preliminary agenda
Russian visa information
Style for Proceedings