NuInt 2022

from Monday 24 October 2022 (07:00) to Saturday 29 October 2022 (19:00)
Hoam Faculty House at Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA (Convention Center)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Oct 2022
25 Oct 2022
26 Oct 2022
27 Oct 2022
28 Oct 2022
29 Oct 2022
Registration (until 10:00) (Convention Center)
Welcome and Introductory Talks -Prof. Un-Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR)) (until 11:00) (Convention Center)
10:00 Welcome from Dean of College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University   (Convention Center)
10:10 Welcome from Organzier - Prof. JONGHEE YOO (Seoul National University) Prof. Un Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR))   (Convention Center)
10:20 Overview of Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions - Prof. Teppei Katori (King's College London)   (Convention Center)
11:00 --- Break ---
Highlights on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions -Prof. Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester) (until 12:30) (Convention Center)
11:20 Highlights from MINERvA (ONLINE) - Tejin Cai (York University) Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester) Tejin Cai   (Convention Center)
11:45 Exploring Neutrino Interaction Physics with MicroBooNE - Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Convention Center)
12:10 T2K latest results on neutrino-nucleus cross sections - Cesar Jesus Valls (IFAE-BIST) César Jesús-Valls (IFAE)   (Convention Center)
Electron-Nucleus Scattering -Dr Yoomin Oh (until 10:20) (Convention Center)
09:00 Electrons for Neutrino - the next generation - Noah Steinberg (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Convention Center)
09:30 New results from JLab e-Ar experiment (ONLINE) - Camillo Mariani (Virginia Poly. Inst. & State Univ. (US))   (Convention Center)
10:00 Extraction of the Transverse Enhancement and Longitudinal Suppressio of quasielastic scattering data (ONLINE) - Arie Bodek (University of Rochester (US))   (Convention Center)
10:20 --- Break ---
Modelling on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions -Dr Jorge G. Morfin (until 12:30) (Convention Center)
10:50 Modeling neutrino-nucleus interaction uncertainties for DUNE long-baseline sensitivity studies - Laura Munteanu (CERN)   (Convention Center)
11:15 Modelling neutrino-nucleus interactions for the T2K experiment (rescheduled on Thursday morning) - Dr Stephen Dolan (CERN)   (Convention Center)
11:40 Constraining the neutrino interaction model using near detector data in the T2K experiment - Clarence Wret (University of Rochester (US))   (Convention Center)
12:05 Deep inelastic interactions simulation in NEUT - Christophe Bronner   (Convention Center)
Neutrino CC and NC Scattering without Pion Production 1 -Prof. Rex Tayloe (Indiana University) (until 11:10) (Convention Center)
09:00 Lepton-Hadron Correlations in QE-like Neutrino Scattering at MINERvA - Deborah Appel Harris (York University (CA))   (Convention Center)
09:25 Antineutrino-CH QE-Like Scattering at MINERvA: Two Views - Andrew Olivier   (Convention Center)
09:45 Direct Measurement of Nuclear Effects in QE-like Neutrino Scattering at MINERvA - Dr Jeffrey Kleykamp (University of Mississippi) Prof. Steven Manly (University of Rochester)   (Convention Center)
10:10 Combined neutrino and antineutrino CC cross section measurement on carbon with zero final state pions in the T2K near detector complex - Dr Caspar Maria Schloesser (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Convention Center)
10:30 Measurements of inclusive CC muon neutrino scattering in MicroBooNE - London Cooper-Troendle   (Convention Center)
10:50 First Measurement of Double-Differential CC νμ–Argon Scattering Cross Sections In Kinematic Imbalance Variables With The MicroBooNE Detector - Afroditi Papadopoulou   (Convention Center)
11:10 --- Break ---
Neutrino CC and NC Scattering without Pion Production 2 -Dr Michael Kirby (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) (until 12:30) (Convention Center)
11:30 CC Neutrino-nucleus cross-section tuning in GENIE v3 - Julia Tena vidal   (Convention Center)
11:50 The Nucleon Axial Form Factor for Neutrino Oscillation from First Principles - Aaron Meyer (University of California Berkeley)   (Convention Center)
12:10 Form factor and Model Dependence in Neutrino-Nucleus Cross Section Predictions - Noah Steinberg (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Convention Center)
Coherent Neutrino Scattering -Prof. JONGHEE YOO (Seoul National University) (until 11:05) (Convention Center)
09:00 Physics Opportunities of Coherent Scattering - Doo Jin Kim   (Convention Center)
09:20 Review of COHERENT experiments - Daniel Pershey   (Convention Center)
09:45 Measuring coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in argon with a scintillating bubble chamber - Eric Vazquez-Jauregui   (Convention Center)
10:05 Neutrino interactions with a ton-scale liquid argon detector for the COHERENT experiment - Rex Tayloe (Indiana University) Rex Tayloe (Indiana U.)   (Convention Center)
10:25 Status of Neutrino Elastic-scattering Observation with NaI(Tl) experiment - Dr InSoo Lee (IBS)   (Convention Center)
10:40 Modelling neutrino-nucleus interactions for the T2K experiment (from Modeling nu-N session ) - Dr Stephen Dolan (CERN)   (Convention Center)
11:05 --- Break ---
Lunch & Excursions (until 18:25) (Convention Center)
Neutrino Pion Productions -Dr Laura-Iuliana Munteanu (CERN) (until 10:25) (Convention Center)
09:00 MK Single pion production model (online) - Minoo Kabirnezhad (Imperial College London)   (Convention Center)
09:25 Measurements of pion production at MicroBooNE (ONLINE) - Rob Fine (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Rob Fine (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   (Convention Center)
09:45 Muon antineutrino charged-current neutral pion production differential cross-section measurement in the NOvA near detector (ONLINE) - Matthew Judah (University of Pittsburgh (US))   (Convention Center)
10:05 Study of charged current interactions on carbon with a charged pion at the T2K near detector with 4π solid angle acceptance - Danaisis Vargas Oliva (University of Toronto (CA))   (Convention Center)
10:25 --- Break ---
Pions and Other Neutrino Interactions -Prof. Seonho Choi (Seoul National University) (until 12:00) (Convention Center)
10:55 Neutrino Pion Production at MINERvA - Prof. Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester)   (Convention Center)
11:20 Total neutron cross section measurement on CH with a novel 3D-projection scintillator detector - Mr SunWoo Gwon (Chung-Ang University)   (Convention Center)
11:40 Neutrino-Argon Cross Sections for Rare Processes in MicroBooNE - Christopher Thorpe   (Convention Center)
Workshop Summarys -Prof. JONGHEE YOO (Seoul National University) (until 12:00) (5th Floor )
10:00 Theoretical Summary and Prospects (ONLINE) - Prof. Natalie Yvonne Jachowicz (Ghent University (BE))   (5th Floor )
10:40 Experimental Summary and Prospects - Dr Callum David Wilkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (5th Floor )
11:20 Announcement of NUINT 2023 (Jorge G. Morfín) - Dr Jorge G. Morfin   (5th Floor )
11:30 Closing Remark   (5th Floor )
Lunch (until 14:00) (Convention Center)
Shallow Inelastic, Deep Inelastic and Inclusive Scattering 1 -Dr Christophe Bronner (until 15:30) (Convention Center)
14:00 Inclusive Cross Section Measurements at MINERvA - Amy Filkins   (Convention Center)
14:25 Measurements of electron neutrino interactions at the NOvA near detector - Derek Doyle (Colorado State University)   (Convention Center)
14:45 Update on Bodek-Yang Model - Prof. Un-Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR))   (Convention Center)
15:05 Understanding the Shallow-to-Deep Inelastic Transition - Dr Jorge Morfin (Fermilab)   (Convention Center)
15:30 --- Break ---
Shallow Inelastic, Deep Inelastic and Inclusive Scattering 2 -Dr Clarence Wret (University of Rochester (US)) (until 18:00) (Convention Center)
16:10 Neutrino cross sections at the transition region between shallow- and deep-inelastic scattering - Dr Yu Seon Jeong (Chung-Ang University)   (Convention Center)
16:30 QED radiative corrections and nuclear medium effects at GeV energies - Oleksandr Tomalak   (Convention Center)
16:50 What mean-field models can offer to the neutrino interaction community (ONLINE) - Prof. Raul Gonzalez Jimenez (Complutense University of Madrid)   (Convention Center)
17:15 Measurement of numu, numu-bar CC interactions on iron using a nuclear emulsion detector in the NINJA experiment - Akihiro Minamino (Yokohama National University)   (Convention Center)
Reception (until 20:00) (Convention Center)
Lunch (until 14:00) (Convention Center)
Neutrino Flux -Prof. Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) (until 15:50) (Convention Center)
14:00 Hadron Production Measurements for Neutrino Experiments - Yoshikazu Nagai (Eötvös Loránd University (HU))   (Convention Center)
14:30 Hadron Production Measurements with EMPHATIC - Teresa Lackey (Fermilab)   (Convention Center)
14:50 ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements - Prof. Andrea Longhin (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Convention Center)
15:10 A substandard candle: the low-nu method at few-GeV neutrino energies - Callum David Wilkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Convention Center)
15:30 The MINERvA Flux Prediction - Anezka Klustova   (Convention Center)
15:50 --- Break ---
Neutrino Interaction Generators -Dr Yu Seon Jeong (Chung-Ang University (KOR)) (until 17:45) (Convention Center)
16:20 Status of Genie event generator(ONLINE) - Marco Roda (University of Liverpool (GB))   (Convention Center)
16:50 Status of Neut event generator(ONLINE) - Dr Luke Pickering (Royal Holloway, University of London)   (Convention Center)
17:20 Status of NUISANCE - Dr Clarence Wret (University of Rochester (US))   (Convention Center)
Discussions -Dr Teppei Katori (King's College London) (until 18:30) (Convention Center)
Public Lecture on Neutrinos (in Korean) -Prof. Un-Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR)) (until 21:30) (Convention Center)
20:00 Search for Hidden Neutrinos: 숨겨진 중성미자를 찾아서 - Prof. Inkyu Park (University of Seoul, Department of Physics (KR))   (Convention Center)
Lunch (until 14:00) (Convention Center)
Discussions (until 14:30) (Convention Center)
14:00 Discussions - Kevin Scott Mc Farland-Porter (University of Rochester (US)) Callum David Wilkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Prof. Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Deborah Appel Harris (York University (CA))   (Convention Center)
Neutrino CC and NC Scattering without Pion Production 3 -Prof. Deborah Appel Harris (York University (CA)) (until 15:30) (Convention Center)
14:30 Measurements of Electron Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE - Andrzej Michal Szelc (University of Edinburgh)   (Convention Center)
14:50 Neutrino-induced two-proton knockout in MicroBooNE - Dr Michael Hudson Kirby (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Michael Kirby (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Convention Center)
15:10 Reassessing the models of neutrino-nucleus interactions (ONLINE) - Prof. Omar Benhar (INFN, Roma)   (Convention Center)
Poster under break time (until 16:30) (Convention Center)
15:30 Poster: Neutrons from Antineutrino Interactions in MINERvA - Andrew Olivier   (Convention Center)
15:35 Poster: Measurement of Nuclear Dependence in Inclusive Antineutrino Scattering with MINERvA - Anezka Klustova   (Convention Center)
15:40 Poster: Measurement of θ13 using reactor antineutrino events with neutron capture on hydrogen at RENO - Sang Yong ­KIM (Seoul National University)   (Convention Center)
15:45 Poster: Nearest neutrino detector at Hanbit nuclear power plant. - Wonjun Lee   (Convention Center)
15:50 Poster: Neutron detection with a 3D-projection scintillator tracker and its application to neutrino oscillation experiments - SunWoo Gwon   (Convention Center)
15:55 Poster: Feasibility study on the spectrum of light emitted by LED using a CMOS RGB-based image sensor and its application - HW Park (Chonnam National University, Department of physics)   (Convention Center)
16:00 Measurement of Reactor Antineutrino Spectra from U(235) and Pu(239) Fission at RENO - Dojin Kim   (Convention Center)
Low Energy Scattering -Prof. Hyunsoo Kim (Sejong University (KR)) (until 18:00) (Convention Center)
16:30 EstrellaNueva: an open-source software to study the interactions and detection of neutrinos emitted by supernovae - Eric Vazquez-Jauregui   (Convention Center)
16:50 Production of a 4.4-MeV gamma ray from NC neutrino-oxygen reaction in a water Cherenkov detector for supernova neutrino bursts and the isospin mixing of the 2^- states (12.97 MeV and 12.53 MeV) of O - Makoto Sakuda (Okayama University)   (Convention Center)
17:10 Status of Neutrino-Water interaction measurements in the NINJA experiment - Tsutomu Fukuda (Nagoya Univ.)   (Convention Center)
17:30 First analysis result of the KDAR neutrino search with JSNS2 experiment - Hyoungku Jeon (SungKyunKwan University)   (Convention Center)
Workshop Banquet (until 21:30) (Convention Center)
Lunch (until 13:30) (Convention Center)
Discussions (until 14:00) (Convention Center)
Future Experiments 1 -Prof. Steven Manly (University of Rochester) (until 15:30) (Convention Center)
14:00 Status of the Short-Baseline Near Detector at Fermilab - Supraja Balasubramanian   (Convention Center)
14:20 Neutrino Interaction Measurement Capabilities of the SBND Experiment - Lauren Yates (Fermilab)   (Convention Center)
14:40 Neutrino-Argon Cross-Section Measurements Using the NuMI Neutrino Beam at ICARUS - Dr Stephen Dolan (CERN)   (Convention Center)
15:00 ND280 Upgrade status and sensitivity - Laura Munteanu (CERN)   (Convention Center)
15:30 --- Break ---
Future Experiments 2 -Prof. Siyeon Kim (until 17:30) (Convention Center)
16:00 Neutrino interactions in a modularised-LArTPC demonstrator for the DUNE near detector - Yifan Chen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Convention Center)
16:20 High-energy neutrino measurements with FASERnu at the LHC - Dr Daiki Hayakawa (Chiba University (JP))   (Convention Center)
16:40 BSM physics @ FASERnu from the neutrino nucleon scattering - Ouseph C.J. (National Tsing Hua University Taiwan)   (Convention Center)
17:00 A new Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC - Chun Sil Yoon (Department of Physics Education and RINS)   (Convention Center)
Discussions (until 18:00) (Convention Center)
Lunch (until 13:30) (Lakgu-Jung)