Agenda for the 64th Meeting of the INTC

from Wednesday 24 June 2020 (09:00) to Thursday 25 June 2020 (21:10)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Jun 2020
OPEN Session (until 18:10) ()
09:00 Introduction - Marek Leslaw Pfutzner (University of Warsaw (PL))   ()
09:05 Thanks for 10 years - Enrico Chiaveri   ()
09:10 ISOLDE Technical Report - Joachim Vollaire   ()
09:30 n_TOF Report - Oliver Aberle (CERN) Alberto Mengoni   ()
09:50 Study of the radiactive decay of the low-energy isomer in 229Th - Piet Van Duppen   ()
10:10 Liquid ββ-NMR studies of the interaction of Na and K cations with DNA G-quadruplex structures - Magdalena Kowalska Beatrice Karg   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
10:40 Nuclear moments of excited states in neutron rich Sn isotopes studied by on-line PAC - Heinz Haas Georgi Georgiev   ()
11:00 Collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy of silver between N=50N and N=82 - Ruben Pieter De Groote   ()
11:20 MIRACLS at ISOLDE: The Charge Radii of Exotic Magnesium Isotopes - Stephan Malbrunot Markus Kristian Vilen   ()
11:40 Mass measurement of the self-conjugate 98In for nuclear and astrophysical studies - Lukas Nies   ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
13:10 Simultaneous spectroscopy of γγ- rays and conversion electrons: Systematic study of EE0 transitions and intruder states in close vicinity of mid-shell point in odd-Au isotopes - Martin Venhart   ()
13:30 Beta-delayed neutron emission of 134ln and search for i13/2 single particle neutron state in 133Sn - Robert Grzywacz Marek Karny   ()
13:50 Rotational and Hyperfine Structure of RaF Molecules - Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz Shane Wilkins   ()
14:10 Investigation of octupole deformation in neutron-rich actinium using high-resolution in-source laser spectroscopy - Reinhard Heinke   ()
14:30 Measurement of the decay scheme of 142Cs - Pete Jones   ()
14:50 --- Break ---
15:00 The peculiarities of reduction and doping of vanadium oxides probed by TDPAC spectroscopy at ISOLDE - Artur Wilson Carbonari Juliana Schell Anastasia Burimova   ()
15:20 Laser assisted studies of β-delayed fission in 178,176Au and of the structure of 175Au - Andrei Andreyev Anatoly Barzakh Piet Van Duppen James Cubiss Boris Andel   ()
15:40 Total absorption spectroscopy of neutron-rich indium isotopes beyond N=82 - Aleksandra Fijalkowska Berta RUBIO   ()
16:00 Absolute charge radii of radioactive isotopes measured by muonic x-ray spectroscopy at PSI - Thomas Elias Cocolios   ()
16:20 Laser spectroscopy of neutron-rich tellurium isotopes - Liss Vazquez Rodriguez   ()
16:40 --- Break ---
16:50 Quantum colour centers in diamond studied by emission channeling with short-lived isotopes (EC-SLI) and radiotracer photoluminescence - Ulrich Wahl Lino Miguel Da Costa Pereira   ()
17:10 Beta decay along the rp-process path for accurate stellar weak-decay rates: $^{68}$Se and $^{70}$Se - Enrique Nacher Gonzalez   ()
17:30 Development of new rare-earth-free hard magnetic materials - Peter Schaaf Dmitry Zyabkin   ()
17:50 Precise measurements of the β-decays of 9Li and 8He for reactor neutrino experiments - Hans Fynbo   ()