World SCET 2021

from Monday 19 April 2021 (08:30) to Friday 23 April 2021 (13:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Apr 2021
20 Apr 2021
21 Apr 2021
22 Apr 2021
23 Apr 2021
Asian Social Meetup (hosted by HuaXing Zhu) [Gather Town] (until 09:00) ()
Coffee, Tea, and Chat [Gather Town / Zoom] (until 09:30) ()
09:30 Talk 1: Angularities, gaps and alpha_s - Christopher Lee   ()
10:10 Talk 2: Automating the calculation of jet and beam functions - Kevin Brune (University of Siegen)   ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 11:10) ()
11:10 Talk 3: TMD factorization for dijet and heavy meson pair production in DIS - Rafael F del Castillo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)   ()
11:50 Talk 4: The Higgs pT Spectrum and Total Cross Section with Fiducial Cuts at N3LL'+N3LO - Johannes Michel (MIT CTP)   ()
Coffee, Tea, and Chat [Gather Town / Zoom] (until 09:30) ()
09:30 Talk 1: NLO Massive Event-Shape Differential and Cumulative Distributions - Christopher Lepenik (University of Vienna)   ()
10:10 Talk 2: Massive Event-Shape Distributions at N2LL - Alejandro Bris (Universidad Autónoma Madrid)   ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 11:10) ()
11:10 Talk 3: Electroweak and finite lifetime corrections for boosted top quark production - Daniel Lechner (University of Vienna)   ()
11:50 Poster Session [GatherTown] - 3. Xiaojun Yao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 8. Benoit Assi (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) Dr 4. Gherardo Vita (SLAC) 5. Alexey Vladimirov 6. Vicent Mateu Barreda (University of Salamanca) 1. Oleksandr Tomalak (University of Kentucky) 2. Calum Milloy (University of Turin) 7. Néstor Gonzalez Gracia (University of Salamanca)   ()
Coffee, Tea, and Chat [Gather Town / Zoom] (until 09:30) ()
09:30 Talk 1: A new form of QCD coherence for multiple soft emissions using Glauber-SCET - Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester)   ()
10:10 Talk 2: Higher-Loop Anomalous Dimensions from Regge Constants - Gregory Ridgway (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 11:10) ()
11:10 Talk 3: Soft drop double differential cross section - Lorenzo Zoppi (DESY)   ()
11:50 Talk 4: Soft drop groomed momentum fraction and energy drop - Kyle Lee (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   ()
Asian Social Meetup (hosted by HuaXing Zhu) [Gather Town] (until 09:00) ()
Coffee, Tea, and Chat [Gather Town / Zoom] (until 09:30) ()
09:30 Talk 1: Factorization-compatible hadronization model for Monte Carlo event generator - Daniel Samitz (University of Vienna)   ()
10:10 Talk 2: Probing Quark Gluon Plasma with Jets - Varun Vaidya (MIT)   ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 11:10) ()
11:10 Talk 3: Soft Theorem from SCET Gravity - Patrick Hager (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   ()
11:50 A prescription for endpoint divergences and renormalization in Higgs decay induced by a b quark loop - Xing Wang   ()
Coffee, Tea, and Chat [Gather Town / Zoom] (until 09:00) ()
09:00 Talk 1: Re-organize Power Corrections with Lorentz/Conformal Symmetry - Hao Chen (Zhejiang University)   ()
09:35 Talk 2: RPI-Assisted Renormalization of Subleading SCET Operators - Julian Strohm   ()
10:10 Talk 3: Resummation of large logs in the presence of end-point divergences in SCET - Bianka Mecaj   ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 11:10) ()
11:10 Talk 3: NLP soft functions for the Drell-Yan process at threshold - Alessandro Broggio (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   ()
11:45 Talk 4: Factorization of the transverse momentum distribution in semi-inclusive DIS at subleading power - Anjie Gao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 13:00) ()
European Social Meetup (until 13:30) ()
Americas Social Meetup (until 22:00) ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 13:20) ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 13:20) ()
12:00 On soft-collinear factorization in the presence of endpoint divergences - Philipp Böer (TU Munich)   ()
12:10 NLP resummation and the endpoint divergent contribution in DIS - Sebastian Jaskiewicz (Technical University of Munich)   ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 13:00) ()
European Social Meetup (until 13:30) ()
Americas Social Meetup (until 22:00) ()
Discussion and Coffee Break [Gather Town] (until 13:20) ()