Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Physics in LHC and Beyond

from Thursday 12 May 2022 (12:00) to Sunday 15 May 2022 (13:00)
Matsue (Japan) with ONLINE

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
12 May 2022
13 May 2022
14 May 2022
15 May 2022
Session 4: LHC, Higgs and EW Baryogenesis - Yuji Yamazaki (Kobe University (JP)) (until 10:40) ()
08:00 Higgs, Electroweak, and Top Physics Measurements at the LHC - Pierre Savard (University of Toronto (CA))   ()
08:30 LHC signals of Electroweak Baryogenesis - James Cline (McGill University, (CA))   ()
09:00 Probing double-aligned two Higgs doublet models at LHC - Michihisa Takeuchi (Osaka Univ.)   ()
09:20 Impact of radiative corrections on decays of the charged and CP-odd Higgs bosons - Masashi Aiko (Osaka University)   ()
09:40 Investigating new physics effects by loop corrected decays of the heavier CP-even Higgs boson - Mariko KIKUCHI (Nihon University)   ()
10:00 Electroweak baryogenesis in the Higgs alignment scenario - Yushi Mura (Osaka Univ.)   ()
10:20 Electroweak phase transition in the nearly aligned Higgs effective field theory - Masanori Tanaka (Osaka U.)   ()
Long break and Coffee break (until 16:30) ()
16:00 --- Break: coffee and tea ---
Session 7: Quantum Computing and Sensor - Koji Terashi (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 10:00) ()
09:00 Quantum Computing at Colliders ; status and prospects - Jean-Roch Vlimant (California Institute of Technology (US))   ()
09:30 Quantum sensing for particle and astrophysics - Tatsumi Nitta (University of Tokyo)   ()
Session 8: Accelarator - Koji Terashi (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 10:30) ()
10:00 Prospects for Future Colliders with Superconducting Technology Advances - Akira Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   ()
10:30 --- Break: coffee and tea ---
Session 9: Detector and Future Experiments - Masaya Ishino (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Chalcogenide semiconductor detector with high radiation tolerance - Jiro Nishinaga (AIST)   ()
11:30 Prospect of physics with large neutrino detectors - Masashi Yokoyama (University of Tokyo (JP))   ()
12:00 Muon g-2, present and future - Tsutomu Mibe   ()
Session 12: Cosmology and Gravitation (1) - Osamu Jinnouchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)) (until 10:40) ()
09:00 New Explorations for Particles in the Early Universe via Galaxy Observations - Masami Ouchi (NAOJ / U.Tokyo)   ()
09:30 Current Status and Prospects of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiments - Kenji Kiuchi   ()
10:00 Cosmological Constraints on MeV-scale New Mediators - Yuhei NAKAYAMA (The University of Tokyo)   ()
10:20 Higgs early dark energy by non-thermal trapping effect - Shota Nakagawa (Tohoku University)   ()
10:40 --- Break: coffee and tea ---
Session 13: Cosmology and Gravitation (2) - Makoto Tomoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 12:20) ()
11:10 New Manifestations of Primordial Black Holes - Volodymyr Takhistov   ()
11:30 Primordial black holes as a probe of first-order electroweak phase transition - Katsuya Hashino   ()
11:50 Space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO - Seiji Kawamura (Nagoya University)   ()
Registration (until 13:00) ()
13:00 Introduction - Junichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo (JP))   ()
Session 1: Dark Matter - Junichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 15:20) ()
13:10 Addressing theory uncertainties in direct dark matter searches - Alejandro Ibarra   ()
13:40 Electroweakly interacting spin-1 dark matter and its phenomenology - Motoko Fujiwara   ()
14:00 The comprehensive search for CP violating Higgs portal WIMP - Taisuke Katayose   ()
14:20 Dark matter direct detection: status, results and future plans - Shingo Kazama   ()
14:50 Indirect DM searches: Experiments, status, and future plans - Moritz Hütten (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo)   ()
15:20 --- Break: coffee and tea ---
Session 2: Machine Learning and DAQ - Junichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 17:20) ()
15:50 Recent Machine Learning Techniques and Exploration of New Physics - Yuta Nakashima   ()
16:20 Differentiable Programming for High Energy Physics - Lukas Alexander Heinrich (CERN)   ()
16:50 DAQ at 40 Tbit/s - Niko Neufeld (CERN)   ()
Session 3: Flavor Physics (1) - Junichi Tanaka (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 18:30) ()
17:20 Flavor Physics Experiments - Akimasa Ishikawa (Belle II, IPNS KEK)   ()
17:50 Bell inequality violation detection with flavor entanglement of B0-B0 pairs using low-luminosity data at ATLAS experiment in LHC Run-3 - Yoshiaki Tsujikawa (Kyoto University (JP))   ()
18:10 Imprint of quark flavor violating SUSY in h(125) decays at future lepton colliders - Keisho Hidaka   ()
Session 5: Flavor Physics (2) - Yuji Enari (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 18:30) ()
16:30 CP Violation in the Heavens and on Earth - George Wei-Shu Hou UNKNOWN (National Taiwan University)   ()
17:00 Lepton Flavour Universality Violation - Andreas Crivellin (University of Zurich (CH))   ()
17:30 Various bounds on a three-loop radiative seesaw model - Osamu Seto (Hokkaido University)   ()
17:50 B anomaly hunting at the LHC: tau b + missing search for leptoquarks - Teppei Kitahara (Nagoya U)   ()
18:10 Electroweak baryogenesis in the three-loop neutrino mass model with dark matter - Kazuki Enomoto (Osaka University)   ()
Session 6: LHC and Future Experiments - Ryu Sawada (University of Tokyo (JP)) (until 19:50) ()
18:30 Status of the FASER experiment - Hidetoshi Otono (Kyushu University (JP))   ()
18:50 Physics Beyond Colliders projects at LHC and beyond - Claude Vallee (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)   ()
19:20 Searches for BSM physics at the LHC: Where do we stand, where will we go? - Klaus Monig (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
12:30 --- Lunch (13:30~ coffee and tea) ---
Session 10: Axion and BSM Physics - Kohei Yorita (Waseda University (JP)) (until 16:20) ()
14:00 Axion fragmentation - Ryosuke Sato   ()
14:30 Light dark matter detection with collective excitation in matter - Kazunori Nakayama   ()
15:00 Phenomenological implications of anomaly-free axion for 3HDM - Kodai Sakurai (Tohoku University)   ()
15:20 Fermion mass hierarchy in simplified grand gauge-Higgs unification - Haruki Takahashi (SOKENDAI/KEK)   ()
15:40 Fake GUT based on SU(5) × SU(3) - Keiichi WATANABE   ()
16:00 Upper bound on the smuon mass from vacuum stability in the light of muon g-2 anomaly - Yutaro Shoji (Hebrew university of Jerusalem)   ()
16:20 --- Break: coffee and tea ---
Session 11: Future Physics and Experiments - Shinya KANEMURA (Osaka University) (until 18:20) ()
16:50 BSM Higgs Bosons at the ILC in the Light of HL-LHC Results - Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))   ()
17:20 Future Colliders Physics Prospects - Part 1 (Higgs factories and high energy lepton colliders) - Daniel Jeans   ()
17:50 Future Colliders Physics Prospects - Part 2 (EWK and Higgs factories and complementarity with hadron colliders) - Patrizia Azzi (INFN Padova (IT))   ()
12:20 Closing - Shoji Asai (University of Tokyo (JP))   ()