Physics in LHC and Beyond
Matsue (Japan) with ONLINE
The international workshop of "Physics in LHC and Beyond" will take place from 12 to 15 May 2022. Not only physics but also latest detector, trigger, data-analysis technology are discussed covering the present LHC, future LHC/colliders and non-collider experiments.
This workshop is held with a so-called hybrid format, that is, both face-to-face and online (decided). The workshop venue is "Kunibiki Messe" (Shimane Prefectural Convention Center) [EN/JP], Matsue city in Japan.
Copyright: Matsue Kankou Kyoukai
The registration fee is not needed.
This workshop is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “New expansion of particle physics of post-Higgs era by LHC revealing the vacuum and space-time structure.”
We have presentations from both invited speakers and speakers selected from "call for abstracts". We encourage early carrier scientists from theory, experiment and other fields. See the "call for abstracts" page for detail (CFA was closed).
The zoom information was sent to all the people registered in this indico page (6th, 10th or 11th May). If you don't get it, please contact Tanaka (