High Precision for Hard Processes (HP2 2018)

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Physikalisches Institut Hermann-Herder-Str.3 D-79104 Freiburg Germany

The Seventh International Workshop on High Precision for Hard Processes at the LHC (HP² 2018) will be held from 1-3 October 2018 at the Physics Institute of the University of Freiburg.

This series of workshops is devoted to high-precision studies of hard scattering processes at hadron colliders. The main themes of these workshops are recent developments and new results in theoretical computations in quantum field theory and their applications to collider phenomenology. These topics are particularly relevant as the LHC experiments at CERN are now entering a new phase of precision measurements.

  2018 HP2 Poster (small)


  • Precise predictions for Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model phenomenology
  • New mathematical techniques for amplitude calculations
  • Automated tools for multi-leg amplitudes
  • Status reports and implications of current LHC results

Local Organising Committee:

  • Samuel Abreu
  • Stefan Dittmaier
  • Fernando Febres Cordero
  • Harald Ita
  • Philipp Maierhöfer

International Advisory Committee:

  • Charalampos Anastasiou (Zürich, ETH)
  • Stefano Catani (Firenze, INFN)
  • Daniel de Florian (Buenos Aires, ICAS-UNSAM)
  • Thomas Gehrmann (Zürich, UZH)
  • Massimiliano Grazzini (Zürich, UZH)
  • Gudrun Heinrich (München, MPP)
  • Zoltan Kunszt (Zürich, ETH)

Previous HP² Workshops:

  • Abilio de Freitas
  • Adam Kardos
  • Alexander Karlberg
  • Alexander Ochirov
  • Alexander Yohei Huss
  • Amedeo Primo
  • Andrea Isgro
  • Andreas Maier
  • Andreas van Hameren
  • Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder
  • Ben Page
  • Benjamin Fuks
  • Chiara Signorile-Signorile
  • Chris Wever
  • Christian Brønnum-Hansen
  • Christian Schwinn
  • Christian Sturm
  • Christoph Borschensky
  • Christopher Schwan
  • Daniel Enrique de Florian
  • Dave Dunbar
  • David Kosower
  • Duncan Walker
  • Einan Gardi
  • Federico Buccioni
  • Fernando Febres Cordero
  • Florian Herren
  • Frank Krauss
  • Félix Driencourt-Mangin
  • Gernot Knippen
  • Giuseppe Bevilacqua
  • Harald Ita
  • Herschel Chawdhry
  • Ignacio Fabre
  • Imre Majer
  • Jean-Nicolas Lang
  • Jeong Yeon Yook
  • Johannes Henn
  • Jonathan Mo
  • Keith Hamilton
  • Kirill Kudashkin
  • Konstantinos Papadopoulos
  • Leandro Javier Cieri
  • Lorenzo Tancredi
  • Luca Buonocore
  • Luke Arpino
  • Manfred Kraus
  • Mao Zeng
  • Marco Bonetti
  • Marek Schoenherr
  • Marian Heil
  • Mario Prausa
  • Marius Höfer
  • Markus Schumacher
  • Marumi Kado
  • Massimiliano Grazzini
  • Matthias Steinhauser
  • Max Reyer
  • Max Zoller
  • Michal Wiktor Czakon
  • Paolo Torrielli
  • Peter Uwer
  • Philipp Maierhöfer
  • Rikkert Frederix
  • Roberto Pittau
  • Samuel Abreu
  • Simone Devoto
  • Stefan Dittmaier
  • Stefan Weinzierl
  • Stefano Pozzorini
  • Sven-Olaf Moch
  • Thomas Gehrmann
  • Tiziano Peraro
  • Vasiliy Sotnikov
  • Vitalii Maheria
  • xuan chen
  • Zoltan Kunszt
  • Zoltan Laszlo Trocsanyi
  • Zoltan Nagy
    • Registration Universität Freiburg

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
    • Plenary I HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Stefan Dittmaier
      • 1
      • 2
        HP2 Needs for Experiments - selected topics
        Speaker: Marumi Kado (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 3
        The Edge of Precision in Simulations
        Speaker: Frank Krauss (University of Durham (GB))
    • Coffee break
    • Parallel I: A HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Frank Krauss
      • 4
        NLO QCD corrections to off-shell t\bar{t}\gamma production
        Speaker: Giuseppe Bevilacqua
      • 5
        Logarithmic accuracy of parton showers: a fixed-order study
        Speaker: Keith Hamilton (University College London (GB))
      • 6
        The on-the-fly reduction in OpenLoops 2
        Speaker: Max Zoller (UZH)
    • Parallel I: B HS II (Universität Freiburg)

      HS II

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall II, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Daniel De Florian
      • 7
        Three-loop operator matrix elements with one and two masses
        Speaker: Abilio de Freitas
      • 8
        NLO QCD corrections to gluon loop-induced ZZ production at the LHC
        Speaker: Ms Jeong Yeon Yook (University of Zurich)
      • 9
        Higgs boson production at the LHC using the qT-subtraction formalism at N3LO QCD
        Speaker: Leandro Cieri (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
    • Lunch Break
    • Plenary II HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Daniel De Florian
      • 10
        New results on the strong coupling
        Speaker: Zoltan Trocsanyi (University of Debrecen (HU))
      • 11
        What is a parton shower?
        Speaker: Zoltan Nagy
      • 12
        QCD splitting functions and cusp anomalous dimensions at four loops
        Speaker: Sven Moch (UHH)
    • Coffee break
    • Parallel II: A HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Zoltan Kunszt
      • 13
        Vector-Boson Scattering at the LHC
        Speaker: Christopher Schwan
      • 14
        Renormalization of mixing matrices in scalar extensions of the Standard Model
        Speaker: Jean-Nicolas Lang (University of Zurich)
      • 15
        Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to Higgs gluon fusion
        Speaker: Marco Bonetti (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
      • 16
        High-energy effect for the production of Higgs-bosons with Dijets
        Speaker: Marian Heil (IPPP, Durham)
    • Parallel II: B HS II (Universität Freiburg)

      HS II

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall II, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Thomas Gehrmann
      • 17
        IR structure of two-loop four-gluon amplitude in N=2 SQCD
        Speaker: Alexander Ochirov (St Petersburg State University (RU))
      • 18
        One-loop amplitudes with space-like initial state momenta
        Speaker: Andreas van Hameren (IFJ PAN)
      • 19
        Semi-inclusive five-particle phase-space integrals
        Speaker: Vitalii Maheria
      • 20
        Feynman integrals and elliptic polylogarithms
        Speaker: Lorenzo Tancredi (CERN)
    • Plenary I HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Stefano Pozzorini
      • 21
        Higgs boson pair production at high energies
        Speaker: Matthias Steinhauser (KIT)
      • 22
        NLO EW corrections for multiparticle final states
        Speaker: Marek Schoenherr (CERN)
      • 23
        Electroweak corrections for top associated production
        Speaker: Rikkert Frederix (TUM)
    • Coffee break
    • Parallel I: A HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Frank Krauss
      • 24
        Off-shell ttj production - Top-quark mass studies at the LHC
        Speaker: Manfred Kraus (HU Berlin)
      • 25
        NLO predictions for $t \bar{t}$ + $b \bar{b}$ production in association with a light-jet at the LHC
        Speaker: Federico Buccioni (University of Zurich)
      • 26
        New physics Monte Carlo simulations at the next-to-leading order accuracy
        Speaker: Benjamin Fuks (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • Parallel I: B HS II (Universität Freiburg)

      HS II

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall II, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Mao Zeng
      • 27
        WW production with a jet veto made simple
        Speaker: Luke Arpino (University of Sussex)
      • 28
        Soft-gluon resummation for leptoquark pair-production at the LHC
        Speaker: Christoph Borschensky (University of Tübingen)
      • 29
        Electroweak corrections in the 2HDM for neutral scalar Higgs-boson production through gluon fusion
        Speaker: Christian Sturm
    • Lunch Break
    • Plenary II HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Thomas Gehrmann
    • Coffee break
    • Parallel II: A HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Lorenzo Tancredi
      • 33
        Five-Parton Two-Loop Amplitudes from Numerical Unitarity
        Speaker: Vasiliy Sotnikov (University of Freiburg)
      • 34
        Integrand reduction for five-parton two-loop scattering amplitudes in QCD
        Speaker: Christian Brønnum-Hansen (University of Edinburgh)
      • 35
        Two-loop five-point massless QCD amplitudes within the IBP approach
        Speaker: Herschel Chawdhry (University of Cambridge)
      • 36
        On the recent progress of computing non-planar pentaboxes
        Speaker: Chris Wever (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • Parallel II: B HS II (Universität Freiburg)

      HS II

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall II, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Christian Schwinn
      • 37
        Heavy-quark production at NNLO
        Speaker: Simone Devoto
      • 38
        Jet(s) with the CoLoRFulNNLO framework
        Speaker: Adam Kardos (University of Debrecen)
      • 39
        NLL power corrections to the N-jettiness subtraction scheme
        Speaker: Andrea Isgro (Northwestern University)
      • 40
        A local analytic sector subtraction at NNLO
        Speaker: Paolo Torrielli (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
    • Conference Dinner Dattler Schlossbergrestaurant

      Dattler Schlossbergrestaurant

      Am Schlossberg 1, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
    • Plenary I HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Massimiliano Grazzini
    • Coffee break
    • Parallel I: A HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Stefan Weinzierl (Universität Mainz)
      • 44
        Soft-gluon and Coulomb corrections to hadronic top-quark pair production beyond NNLO
        Speaker: Christian Schwinn (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 45
        MiNNLO improved colour singlet production
        Speaker: Alexander Karlberg (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
      • 46
        Application of the Loop-Tree Duality theorem at two loops
        Speaker: Félix Driencourt-Mangin (IFIC, UV-CSIC)
    • Parallel I: B HS II (Universität Freiburg)

      HS II

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall II, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: David Kosower
    • Lunch break
    • Plenary II HS I (Universität Freiburg)

      HS I

      Universität Freiburg

      Physics Highrise, Lecture Hall I, Hermann-Herder-Str.3, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
      Convener: Zoltan Kunszt