3rd FCC Physics and Experiments Workshop

222/R-001 (CERN)



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Alain Blondel (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN), Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK)), Patrick Janot (CERN)

The yearly FCC physics and experiments Workshop is meant to cover recent progress in the study of the physics prospects of the complete FCC experimental programme, with the ee, hh and eh colliders.

In previous events, the discussions were focused on the preparation of the physics volume of the Conceptual Design Report. In 2020, we expect to have two main themes, running mostly in parallel. On one side we propose a broad overview of all recent theoretical and phenomenological studies that have appeared since the CDR, ranging from precision physics to BSM searches. On the other, we plan sessions focused on the detector concepts and the various aspects of the FCC-ee experimental programme. A few plenary sessions will address the common aspects of the two main themes.

The  agenda  include both theory and experiment and detector sessions.

The workshop will be broadcast via Vidyo; we will be grateful if you register also if you plan to attend only by  vidyo.
