5th Workshop on LHCb Upgrade II
Video only
UPDATEDue to the current situation of the Covid-19 outbreak,the workshop will be in the form of aVIDEO CONFERENCE-ONLY meetingwith ZOOM (see information below) |
The LHCb Collaboration prepared an Expression of Interest in 2017 and a Physics Case in 2018 for an LHCb Upgrade II, aiming at a full exploitation of the Flavour physics potential of the HL-LHC. This workshop will discuss and further develop this long-term programme, aimed at both LHCb Upgrade 1b (Run 4) and Upgrade II (Run 5 and 6).
The CERN LHCC and Research Board has recently recommended that the project proceeds to a framework Technical Design Report (TDR). The meeting will have a particular emphasis on the development of the detector design towards the TDR. The physics potential of the programme will also be discussed.
The meeting will start at 10:00 on Monday 30th of March 2020 and will finish at 13:00 on Wednesday, April 1st. This is a change of times from the original ones, with all sessions now occurring inside working hours in central European time.
Registration for the meeting is no longer required.
HOW to use ZOOM:
1 - you need a headset with microphone
2 - to connect to the workshop zoom meeting, just click on the link : https://cern.zoom.us/j/669036579, downlaod the application if needed and select "join" (no need to click on sign-in)
Downlaod and import iCalendar (.ics)
Daily: https://cern.zoom.us/meeting/u5Ikd-quqzwj50xgjCel1T6tpi0MOLx9_g/ics?icsToken=98tyKu-upzspHNGSuVyCe60tW534b-H2iCQesqRXvxrpUhQFdhP_Zs9tHqomL9-B