9:00 AM
Perfect QCD – a new Universal approach to soft QCD
Peter Christiansen
(Lund University (SE))
9:30 AM
Understanding background for jet measurements and implications for robust comparisons to models
Christine Nattrass
(University of Tennessee (US))
10:00 AM
Exploring and exploiting the various regimes within a jet shower
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Determination of the shear viscosity and light quark diffusivity of QGP with two-particle correlation functions
Claude Andre Pruneau
(Wayne State University (US))
11:30 AM
Results on light (anti)nuclei production in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Esther Bartsch
(Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))
9:00 AM
Lattice QCD equation of state at finite chemical potential from an alternative expansion scheme
Claudia Ratti
9:30 AM
Cluster and hyper-cluster production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Elena Bratkovskaya
(GSI, Darmstadt)
10:00 AM
J/psi production in heavy-ion collisions
Joerg Aichelin
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Photon-hadron/jet production and angular correlations in high energy proton-nucleus collisions
Jamal Jalilian-Marian
11:30 AM
Complementary Two-Particle Correlation Observables for Relativistic Nuclear Collision
George Moschelli
(Lawrence Technological University)
9:00 AM
Bayesian analyses the QGP transport parameters
Anthony Robert Timmins
(University of Houston (US))
9:30 AM
Rivet and the analysis preservation in heavy-ion collisions experiments
Antonio Carlos Oliveira Da Silva
(University of Tennessee - Knoxville)
10:00 AM
Finite volume and magnetic effects on pion correlation function in HICs
Cristian Villavicencio
(Universidad del Bio-Bio)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Equilibrium and Dynamical Properties of Hot and Dense Quark-Gluon matter from Holographic Black Holes
Joaquin Grefa
11:30 AM
A look into the "hedgehog" events in pp collisions
Guy Paic
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))
9:00 AM
J/ψ and ψ(2S) production in small systems with PHENIX
Anthony Frawley
(Florda State University)
9:30 AM
PHENIX results on collectivity in small systems
Julia Velkovska
(Vanderbilt University (US))
10:00 AM
Ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions at the LHC
Daniel Tapia Takaki
(University of Kansas)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Lambda and anti-Lambda global polarization from the core-corona model
Maria Elena Tejeda-Yeomans
(Universidad de Colima)
11:30 AM
Temperature of the QGP: an experimental overview
Mike Henry Petrus Sas
(Yale University (US))
9:00 AM
Plasma screening and the critical end point in the QCD phase diagram
Alejandro Ayala
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
9:30 AM
Synthesis of light nuclei in hadronic collisions
Harald Appelshaeuser
(Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))
10:00 AM
Is the nucleus produced in particle collisions a quantum entangled state ?
Rene Bellwied
(University of Houston (US))
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Event-by-event investigation of the two-particle source function in heavy-ion collisions with EPOS
Mate Csanad
(Eotvos University, Budapest)
11:30 AM
Study of High-pT direct photons in small systems
Zhandong Sun
(University of Debrecen)
6:00 PM
--- Reception ---
12:00 PM
The ALICE Time Projection Chamber Upgrade
Charles Hughes
(University of Tennessee (US))
12:30 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:00 PM
Beam-energy dependence of the anisotropy scaling functions for identified particle species
Roy Alphanso Lacey
5:30 PM
Hypernuclei production at STAR
Yuanjing Ji
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
6:00 PM
CME search with isobar collisions
Niseem Abdelrahman
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
6:30 PM
STAR’s Forward Upgrade Program
Xu Sun
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
7:30 PM
--- Conference dinner ---
12:00 PM
Lattice-QCD-based equations of state at finite temperature and density
Jamie Karthein
12:30 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:00 PM
PHENIX Spin Physics Overview
Dillon Scott Fitzgerald
(University of Michigan (US))
5:30 PM
Identified light hadron measurements from small to large systems at PHENIX
Norbert Novitzky
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
6:00 PM
Exploring jet modification via gamma-hadron correlations in AuAu collisions at PHENIX
Cheuk Ping Wong
(Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))
6:30 PM
The jet physics program with sPHENIX
Virginia Bailey
(Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))
12:00 PM
Particle production as a function of UE activity in small and large systems and search for jet-like modifications.
Omar Vazquez Rueda
(Lund University (SE))
12:30 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:00 PM
Detailed measurements of nuclear deformation at high-energy colliders
Chunjian Zhang
5:30 PM
Initializing BSQ with Open-Source ICCING
Patrick Carzon
6:00 PM
Thermodynamics of the little bang
Tapan Nayak
(CERN, Geneva and NISER, Bhubaneswar)
6:30 PM
Recent results on 2-particle angular correlations from ALICE
Sumit Basu
(Lund University (SE))
12:00 PM
sPHENIX Event Plane Detector and its flow capabilities
Rosi Reed
(Lehigh University)
12:30 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:00 PM
Calculation of three pion Coulomb scattering from scalar QED
Dhevan Raja Gangadharan
(University of Houston (US))
5:30 PM
Introduction to EIC Physics
Friederike Bock
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory - (US))
6:00 PM
Far Forward Physics with EIC
Wenliang (Bill) Li
6:30 PM
Heavy Flavor Physics with the EIC
Xuan Li
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
12:00 PM
Traversed path length of hard probes in the quark-gluon plasma within the Trajectum model
Govert Nijs
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
12:30 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:00 PM
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia Physics at sPHENIX
Thomas Marshall
(University of California, Los Angeles)
5:30 PM
Semi-analytical calculation of the nuclear collision trajectory in the QCD phase diagram
Zi-Wei Lin
(East Carolina University)
6:00 PM
Influence of heavy resonances in SMASH
Jordi Salinas San Martin
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
6:30 PM
The Inter-American network of networks of QCD challenges
Daniel Tapia Takaki
(University of Kansas)
7:00 PM
Speaker Statistics in Heavy-Ion Collisions by Gender
Christine Nattrass
(University of Tennessee (US))
7:30 PM
--- Conference dinner ---