Strings2024 Conference

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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CERN, EPFL, ETHZ, LAPTh, the University of Bern and the University of Geneva, are delighted to host the 34th instalment of Strings, the flagship annual conference for the extended string theory community. It brings together leading researchers from around the world to discuss the latest developments and explore cutting-edge ideas in the fields of string theory, quantum gravity and quantum field theory. As one of the most anticipated gatherings in theoretical physics, the conference serves as a platform for exchanging knowledge, fostering new collaborations, and pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the fundamental aspects of the physical laws of nature.

We invite participants of previous Strings conferences to provide feedback, which we can consider when planning the upcoming conference. Please provide your input here.

The conference will take place at two different locations at CERN: 1) Science Gateway Auditorium for the opening day on Monday, 2) CERN Main auditorium from Tuesday to Friday. 

Organisers: David Andriot (LAPTh, CNRS), Matthias Blau (U.Bern), Matthias Gaberdiel (ETHZ), Victor Gorbenko (EPFL), Alba Grassi (U.Genève and CERN), Monica Guica (EPFL and CERN), Shota Komatsu (CERN), Wolfgang Lerche (CERN), Kyriakos Papadodimas (CERN), Joao Penedones (EPFL), Susanne Reffert (U.Bern), Julian Sonner (U.Genève), Piotr Tourkine (LAPTh, CNRS), Irene Valenzuela (CERN), Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN)

There is a live webcast for this event