Looping in the Primordial Universe
Topics: This CERN TH institute is motivated by recent debates within the inflationary community concerning the significance of loop corrections in various inflationary scenarios. Our goal is to revisit these classic questions and address new issues that have emerged, some of which require formal theoretical developments. We aim to bridge the gap between the phenomenological community, which focuses on the connection between loops and observations, and the more formal community, which addresses the theoretical aspects.
Format: 3 days of presentations, followed by 2 days dedicated to in-depth discussions and collaboration to stimulate extensive discussions and foster collaboration among participants.
Organizers: Matteo Braglia (NYU), Tim Cohen (CERN), Gabriele Franciolini (CERN), Laura Iacconi (QMUL), Lucas Pinol (LPENS).
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Chiara Animali (LPENS, Paris)
- Guillermo Ballesteros (IFT, Madrid)
- Martin Beneke (TUM, Munich)
- Paolo Benincasa (Max-Planck-Inst., Munich)
- Sebastian Cespedes, (Imperial Coll. London)
- Carlos Duaso Pueyo (DAMTP, Cambridge U.)
- Kshitij Gupta, (UC San Diego)
- Jason Kristiano (Tokyo U., RESCEU)
- Matthew Lewandowski (ETH, CERN)
- Azadeh Maleknejad (King's Coll. London)
- Anna Negro (Leiden U.)
- David Seery (Sussex U.)
- Leonardo Senatore (ETH, Zürich)
- Zhong-Zhi Xianyu (Tsinghua U., Beijing)
An independent public event will take place at the CERN Science Gateway on 31 October at 7.30 p.m in the occasion of Dark Matter Day 2024. Participants are encouraged to attend, if interested. Notice it is a free event, altough registration is mandatory. Please check the indico page for more information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1449536/ .
NOTE: several participants received phishing messages offering to book accommodation for the event. We do not send such messages and participants need to make their own arrangements for their accommodation (either at the CERN hostel or hotels nearby).