2nd Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting
INFN Frascati
While LHC is producing record luminosity the study on the High Luminosity LHC proceeds steadily, also thanks to the FP7 HiLumi Design Study which sees participation of European, Japanese and USA (LARP) Laboratories and Universities. The integration of the HL-LHC into the CERN Medium Term Program 2013-17 has been recently approved by the CERN Council, sending a clear signal to the community about the priority of HL-LHC in the CERN programme. Following the 1st HiLumi LHC Collaboration Meeting, held CERN from 16th to 18th November 2011, and the LARP Collaboration Meeting 18 held in Fermilab from 7th to 9th May 2012, we are pleased to announce the 2nd HiLumi Collaboration Meeting jointly organised with LARP, at INFN-LNF Frascati from 14th to 16th November 2012.
The meeting will review the progress in design and R&D of the FP7 HiLumi Work Packages, and of the other WPs as well, and the progress toward a final lay-out of the accelerator upgrade. The milestones and deliverables will be checked and the results of the European Meeting on the HEP strategy update will be discussed.
The Annual Meeting foresees a common dinner and will host the 2nd Collaboration Board meeting.
Registration is mandatory and without fee.
General - Plenary 14/11 Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Convener: Dr Andrzej Wolski (University of Liverpool)-
1. Welcome by host โ INFN-LNF and infoSpeaker: Dr Umberto Dosselli (LNF Director)
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Coffee break
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Lunch ENEA Canteen
ENEA Canteen
WP2 session - 14/11 Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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HLLHCV1.0: HL-LHC layout and optics version for 150 mm Nb3Sn triplets and local crab-cavities, 25โ+5โTopics: layout description and basic magnet parameters (aperture, strength), optics (injection, pre-squeeze, collision), chromatic properties, mechanical aperture and beta* reachSpeaker: Dr Riccardo De Maria (CERN)
Particle simulations: status and plans, 25โ+5โTopics: field quality targets for the new HL-LHC magnet at injection and first results in collision (IT, D1 and other magnets?) for different optics (various beta* and beta* aspect ratio), RF multipoles of crab-cavities, non-linear fringe field (?), tracking tool developmentSpeaker: Dr Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN)
Coffee break
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WP3 session - 14/11: WP3 progress Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Convener: Dr Ezio Todesco (CERN)- 17
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Coffee break Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36) (INFN Frascati)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
WP4 session - 14/11 Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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Coffee break Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36) (INFN Frascati)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Discussions Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
WP5 session - 14/11 Aula Div.Acc. (Bldg 2)
Aula Div.Acc. (Bldg 2)
INFN Frascati
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Coffee break
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WP6 session - 14/11 Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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Coffee break Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36) (INFN Frascati)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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Integration studies at P7, P1&P5. Available Space & Possibilities Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Speaker: Dr Jean-Pierre Corso (CERN) -
Free discussions, plan and coordination of future activities Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
WP3 session - 14/11: Results from magnet fabrication and test Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Convener: Dr GianLuca Sabbi (LBNL)- 39
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WP1: Meeting with LARP Management 14/11 Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Meeting with LARP Management
Collaboration Banquet โRistorante Cacciani (Frascati)
โRistorante Cacciani
Triplet field quality mini-session WP2-WP3 & Triplet powering scheme and corrector layout mini-session WP2-WP3-WP6 - 15/11 AM Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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WP4 session 15/11 AM Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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WP5 session - 15/11 AM Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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Coffee break Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Optics and crab-cavity mini-session WP2-WP4 - 15/11 AM Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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WP3 session - 15/11 AM: Conductor and cable: status/issues/plans Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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PIT conductor performance and future development (15+5)Speaker: Dr Luc-Rene Oberli (CERN)
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WP3 session - 15/11 AM: Cooling Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
Aula Seminari (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Convener: Dr Rob Van Weelderen (CERN)- 70
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Lunch ENEA Canteen
ENEA Canteen
Extended Steering Committee Aula Direzione (Bldg 1)
Aula Direzione (Bldg 1)
INFN Frascati
Extra WP4 session 15.11 PM Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Convener: Dr Rama Calaga (CERN)-
2nd harmonic cavity specification and studySpeaker: Dr Luca Ficcadenti (INFN)
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WP3 session QXF: 150 mm design status, critical issues, plans - 15/11 PMConveners: Dr Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab), Dr Paolo Ferracin (CERN)
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Coil cross-section, end design and parts, and winding test - part 3Speaker: Dr Miao Yu (Fermilab)
Support structureSpeakers: Dr Helene Felice (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL)), Dr Paolo Ferracin (CERN)
Coffee break Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36) (INFN Frascati)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Radiation resistanceSpeaker: Dr Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab)
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ATS optics and IR collimation mini-session WP2-WP5 - 15/11 PM Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
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General discussion
Coffee break Aula Direzione (Bldg 1)
Aula Direzione (Bldg 1)
INFN Frascati
WP4 session Crab instrumentation & Machine Protection brainstorming - 15/11 PM Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta A-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Conveners: Dr Hermann Schmickler (CERN), Dr Markus Zerlauth (CERN)-
Crab instrumentation brainstorming
WP6 session - 15/11 PM Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
Auletta B-1 (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Collaboration Board Aula Direzione (Bldg 1)
Aula Direzione (Bldg 1)
INFN Frascati
Young Scientist talkConvener: Dr John Fox (SLAC)
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Collaboration Board Working Dinner Ristorante Zaraza' (Frascati)
Ristorante Zaraza'
Plenary - Selected Topics 16/11 Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Convener: Prof. Lucio Rossi (CERN)- 93
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Coffee break
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Laboratory Visit: Please consult the meeting website for more details
Lunch ENEA Canteen
ENEA Canteen
Plenary - 16/11 PM Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
Aula B. Touschek (Bldg 36)
INFN Frascati
Convener: Dr Oliver Bruning (CERN)- 101
The US plan for HL-LHCSpeaker: Dr Bruce Strauss (U.S. Department of Energy)
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