International Conference on Matter at Extreme Conditions : Then & Now

Sanjay Ghosh (Bose Institute)
The conference aims to discuss the evolution of our understanding of matter at extreme conditions, present status and future directions envisaged. The conference consists mainly of invited plenary talks. A limited number of students and young researchers could be accommodated in the program. Interested persons are requested to apply with abstract and one letter of recommendation.

Last date for abstract submission : October 10, 2013.
  • Abhishek Atreya
  • Aditya Nath Mishra
  • Agam Jha
  • Amal Sarkar
  • Amaresh Jaiswal
  • Ananda Deepika B
  • Anupriya Jain
  • Aritra Bandyopadhyay
  • Avik Banerjee
  • Biswarup Paul
  • Debasish Das
  • György Wolf
  • Hend. Baza
  • Hiranmaya Mishra
  • Inam-ul Bashir
  • Kalyan Dey
  • Kausik Pal
  • Kushal Das
  • Lata Thakur
  • Maitreyee Mukherjee
  • Michael Strickland
  • Mir Hashim Rasool
  • Mohammed Younus
  • Najmul Haque
  • Naosad Alam
  • Navjot Kaur Virk
  • Neelima Agrawal
  • Neha Aggarwal
  • Neha Gupta
  • Nihar R. Sahoo
  • Nihar Ranjan Panda
  • Nu Xu
  • P Simji
  • Palash Khan
  • Paolo Giubellino
  • Peter Senger
  • Pooja Pareek
  • Pradeepta Guptaroy
  • Prasanth J . P
  • Prashant Shukla
  • Pratik Tarafdar
  • Praveen Shukla
  • Raghunath Sahoo
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Ramni Gupta
  • Riyaz Ahmed Bhat Riyaz
  • Rupa Chatterjee
  • Rupamoy Bhattacharyya
  • Sandeep Chatterjee
  • Sankhasubhra Nag
  • santanu mitra
  • Saumia P. S.
  • Sayan Chakraborti
  • Shyam Bihari Mehta
  • Sidharth Prasad
  • Somenath Chakrabarty
  • Somnath De
  • Somorendro Singh Shougaijam
  • Sonali Saha
  • Sonam Mahajan
  • Sreemoyee Sarkar
  • srikanta kumar tripathy
  • Subhrajyoti Biswas
  • Sudipa Upadhaya
  • sukalyan chattopadhyay
  • Suneel Kumar
  • Surasree Mazumder
  • Tahir Hussain
  • Tariq Mohammad
  • Tarun Kumar Jha
  • Tetsuo Hatsuda
  • Tinku Sinha
  • Trambak Bhattacharyya
  • Vincenzo Greco
  • Vivek Kumar Tiwari
  • Waseem Bashir
    • 09:00 09:30
      Registration & Inauguration Bose Institute

      Bose Institute

      Welcome - S. Raha

      Inauguration - B. Sinha

      Thanks - S. K. Ghosh

    • 09:30 10:10
      Matter at Extreme Conditions : From RHIC to LHC 40m
      Speaker: Prof. Jean-Paul Blaizot (IPHT, Saclay)
    • 10:10 10:50
      Heavy Ion Collisions : Experimental Overview 40m
      Speaker: Karel Safarik (CERN)
    • 10:50 11:20
      TEA 30m
    • 11:20 11:55
      What have we learned from angular correlation studies in p–Pb collisions? 35m
      Angular correlations have been used extensively in heavy–ion collisions to probe the transport properties of the system. Similar studies in p–Pb collisions have recently revealed intriguing features, surprisingly similar to the heavy-ion results. In this talk, I will review the latest results from the analysis of the p–Pb run of 2013 on charged and identified particle correlations obtained with the ALICE detector at the LHC, and I will discuss their implications.
      Speaker: Prof. Panos Christakoglou (NIKHEF, Netherlands)
    • 11:55 12:10
      Overview of quarkonia measurements in pPb and PbPb collisions with 15m
      In this talk results from CMS measurements of quarkonia in pPb and PbPb collisions will be presented. CMS has excellent muon detection capabilities which has resulted in a wealth of results on quarkonia (both charmonia as well as bottomonia) measured in dimuon channel. The good mass resolution in dimuon channels allows precise measurement of all three Upsilon states and their relative yields in pp, pPb as well as PbPb systems which have ability to quantify the properties of strongly interacting matter. In the charmonia sector, measurements of relative yields of J/psi, psi(2S) are equally useful. In addition excellent vertex capability of CMS enables measurement of B mesons via its decay to J/psi which are useful tool to verify energy loss mechanisms of heavy quarks in medium. A detailed overview of all these measurements will be given. How the absolute and relative yields of different charmonia and bottomonia states are modified in heavy ion collisions will be discussed. The results will be compared with other experiments at RHIC and LHC and with theory wherever available.
      Speaker: Prof. Prashant Shukla (BARC, Mumbai)
    • 12:10 12:25
      Upsilon Production in Pb-Pb and p-Pb Collisions at Forward Rapidity with ALICE at the LHC 15m
      The ALICE apparatus at the LHC was designed and built to perform dedicated studies of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a strongly interacting phase of QCD matter, expected to be created in heavy-ion collisions, where quarks and gluons are deconfined. In such collisions heavy flavours are produced at the very early stage of the interaction by the initial hard scattering processes and hence can be used to characterize the hot and dense medium. In particular the sequential suppression of quarkonia (charmonia and bottomonia) was proposed as a thermometer of the deconfined medium. The inclusive $\Upsilon(1S)$ production has been measured down to zero transverse momentum in its dimuon decay channel at forward rapidity $(2.5 < y_{\rm _{lab}} < 4.0)$ using the Muon Spectrometer. Here results on the $\Upsilon(1S)$ nuclear modification factor $(R_{\rm AA})$ in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV will be discussed and compared to the measurement at mid-rapidity by the CMS Collaboration and to theoretical predictions. Also recent results on $R_{\rm pPb}$ and forward-to-backward yield ratio $(R_{\rm FB})$ in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV will be discussed.
      Speaker: Palash Khan for the ALICE Collaboration (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 12:25 12:45
      Nuclear suppression of muons at forward rapidity at relativistic heavy ion collisions 20m
      Heavy quarks produced in the initial stage of heavy ion collisions would traverse the quark gluon plasma, colliding with quarks and gluons and radiating gluons. In the process of collision with the quarks and gluons and also by radiation of gluons they lose energy. After their production, they may get fragmented into heavy mesons by picking up light quarks/antiquarks and in turn may decay through leptonic channels. These leptons would carry information of the initial stage of heavy ion collisions and also the evolution of the plasma. In this work, we have made a detailed study for the nuclear modification factor of production of leptons from the initial fusion of partons in a nuclear collision at RHIC and LHC energies. The pT distribution of heavy quarks produced from the initial fusion of partons in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC energies is obtained by FONLL program. We consider both the radiative and collision energy loss along with longitudinal expansion of the plasma for the prediction of nuclear modification factor. Peterson fragmentation function is used for fragmentation of heavy quarks into D-mesons. We compare our result of muon RAA for Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 ATeV with the ALICE data. Our prediction is found to agree well with the experimental data.
    • 12:45 13:00
      Rapidity dependence of the produced particles at FAIR energies 15m
      The variation of width of the rapidity distribution on beam rapidity and the rapidity distribution of strangeness enhancement factor have been studied for a number of mesons and baryons with UrQMD-3.3p1 generated events at various FAIR energies. The results on the width of the rapidity distribution on beam rapidity, thus obtained with our UrQMD generated events, have been compared with the existing experimental data (E877, E891, E896, NA49). For both experimental and UrQMD data, the width of the rapidity distribution is found to bear a power law with beam rapidity for all the studied hadrons. Such power law behavior follows a mass ordering separately for mesons and baryons which is observed to be violated at $\Lambda$ baryon if the studied hadrons are taken together. From the study of variation of strangeness enhancement factor $E_S$ with rapidity, two distinct patterns could be seen for the studied mesons and baryons.
      Speaker: Kalyan Dey (Gauhati University, Guwahati)
    • 13:00 14:00
      LUNCH 1h
    • 15:00 18:00
      Fest colloquium Bose Institute, Main Campus

      Bose Institute, Main Campus

      93/1 APC Road, Kolkatat - 700009
    • 09:30 10:05
      Equation of State in Dense Matter and Neutron Star 35m Bose Institute

      Bose Institute

      We discuss the equation of state of dense matter from the point of view of the hadron-quark crossover. Its implication to the recently found massive neutron stars is also discussed.
      Speaker: Prof. Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN, Japan)
    • 10:05 10:40
      Exploring nuclear matter at neutron star core densities 35m Bose Institute

      Bose Institute

      Substantial experimental and theoretical efforts worldwide are devoted to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. At top RHIC and LHC energies, the QCD phase diagram is studied at very high temperatures and very low net-baryon densities. These conditions presumably existed in the early universe about a microsecond after the big bang. For larger net-baryon densities and lower temperatures, it is expected that the QCD phase diagram exhibits a rich structure such as a critical point, a first order phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter, or new phases like quarkyonic matter. The experimental discovery of these prominent landmarks of the QCD phase diagram would be a major breakthrough in our understanding of the properties of nuclear matter. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment will be one of the major scientific pillars of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt. The goal of the CBM research program is to explore the QCD phase diagram in the region of high baryon densities using high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. This includes the study of the equation-of-state of nuclear matter at neutron star core densities, and the search for the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions. The CBM detector is designed to measure rare diagnostic probes such as multi-strange hyperons, charmed particles and vector mesons decaying into lepton pairs with unprecedented precision and statistics. Most of these particles will be studied for the first time in the FAIR energy range. In order to achieve the required precision, the measurements will be performed at very high reaction rates of 1 to 10MHz. This requires very fast and radiation hard detectors, and a novel data read-out and analysis concept based on free streaming front-end electronics and a high-performance computing cluster for online event selection. The layout, the physics performance, and the status of the proposed CBM experimental facility will be discussed.
      Speaker: Prof. Peter Senger (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
    • 10:40 10:55
      Insights into the Supernova-GRB Connection from Radio Synchrotron 15m Bose Institute

      Bose Institute

      Relativistic outflows were observed in only a few supernovae, all of them accompanied by Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). All other supernovae had Newtonian outflows. This clear demarcation was blurred by discovery of the radio afterglow of SN 2009bb, the first supernova with a relativistic outflow without an observed GRB. We will discuss this, plus exciting new results from observations and modelling of a relativistic shockwave in SN 2012ap. Radio studies are revealing that supernova explosions with energetic relativistic ejecta can be found even without an observed GRB.
      Speaker: Dr Sayan Chakraborti (Harvard University)
    • 10:55 11:10
      Modification of kick velocity of neutron star due to non-Fermi liquid effects 15m Bose Institute

      Bose Institute

      In this present work we have incorporated the non-Fermi liquid behavior into the expression of the neutron star kick velocity due to assymetric neutrino emission. We have studied leading order as well as next-to-leading order corrections to the velocity and compared the results with the Fermi liquid case. We have also approximated our results for the case of large magnetic field found in neutron stars.
      Speaker: Mr Souvik Priyam Adhya (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 11:10 11:25
      Maximum mass and radial modes of hybrid star in presence of strong magnetic field 15m
      Compact stars such as neutron stars (NS) can have either hadronic or exotic states like strange quark or color superconducting matter. Stars also can have a quark core surrounded by hadronic matter, known as hybrid stars (HS). The HS is likely to have a mixed phase in between the hadron and quark phase. Observational results suggest huge surface magnetic field in certain neutron stars. Therefore,we study here the effect of strong magnetic field on the eigenfrequencies of radial pulsations of neutron star .The equations of state (EOS) used to estimate such eigenfrequencies have been derived by taking proper care of the hadron-quark phase transition. The hadronic matter EOS is described basing on RMF theory and we include the effect of strong magnetic fields leading to Landau quantization of the charged particles. For the quark phase we use the simple MIT bag model, assuming the density dependent bag pressure and magnetic field. The magnetic field strength increases going from the surface to the center of the star. We construct the intermediate mixed phase using Glendenning conjecture. We find the maximum mass for a hybrid star and in the presentation we will show the periods of oscillations of hybrid stars.
      Speaker: Mr Nihar Ranjan Panda (Institute of Physics)
    • 11:25 11:45
      TEA 20m
    • 11:45 12:20
      UA(1) breaking effects and eta’ at finite temperature 35m
      We first discuss about the how chiral symmetry and UA(1) breaking effects are related and reflected in correlator. Then, using these relations and the the Witten Veneziano formula at finite temperature, we discuss the eta’ properties at finite temperature.
      Speaker: Prof. Su Houng Lee (Yonsei University, Seoul)
    • 12:20 12:35
      QCD back-scattering photons in relativistic heavy ion collisions 15m
      We have investigated the correlations of photons produced by back scattering of fast partons in quark gluon plasma with their away‐side jets. Back-scattering photons or the jet-conversion photons was first proposed as a unique source of photons in PRL 90,132301(2003). Attempts to identify this source in experiment through inclusive direct photon spectra or direct photon v_2 at intermediate pT at RHIC have been inconclusive so far. We have shown that there is a possibility to separate back-scattering photons from other photon sources using trigger jets. We have calculated the back-scattering photon spectra in coincidence with trigger jet at the RHIC and LHC energy and shown the distinct behaviour of nuclear modification of photon production around the trigger jet E_T window.
      Speaker: Mr Somnath De (VECC, Kolkata)
    • 12:35 12:50
      On Direct Photon Production at RHIC and LHC-energies: A Theoretical Approach 15m
      The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) recently studied in the laboratories different collisions at extremely high energies and produced a sizable amount of high-precision data. We deal with the direct photon production phenomena in p + p, Au + Au collisions at RHIC energy, √s_NN = 200 GeV and in P b+P b-collisions at LHC energy, √s_NN = 2.76 TeV on the basis of Sequential Chain Model (SCM). Comparisons of the model-based results with the measured data on some observables are generally found to be modestly satisfactory.
      Speaker: Dr Pradeepta Guptaroy (Department of Physics, Raghunathpur College,)
    • 12:50 14:00
      LUNCH 1h 10m
    • 14:00 15:00
    • 15:00 15:35
      Perturbative QCD at nonzero temperature and density : Recent developments 35m
      Perturbative QCD at nonzero temperature and density : Recent developments.
      Speaker: Dr Purnendu Chakraborty (VECC, Kolkata)
    • 15:35 15:50
      Three loop HTLpt thermodynamics at finite temperature and baryonic chemical potential 15m
      We calculate thermodynamic potential at finite temperature and finite baryon chemical potential of a system of quarks and gluons using three-loop hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory. This is the highest order accessible by finite temperature perturbation theory applied to a non-Abelian gauge theory before the high-temperature infrared catastrophe. We compare the resulting pressure and diagonal quark number susceptibilities with available lattice data. We find reasonable agreement between our analytic results and lattice data at both zero and finite chemical potential. We further calculate other thermodynamical quantities like trace anomaly, speed of sound etc. both at zero as well as finite chemical potential and we get good agreement with lattice data.
      Speaker: Mr Najmul Haque (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 15:50 16:05
      Thermodynamics of non-ideal quark gluon plasma using Mayer's cluster expansion method 15m
      This work investigates the applicability of using the Mayer's cluster expansion method to derive the equation of state (EoS) of the quark gluon plasma. The possibility of the existence of quarkonium system after deconfinement at higher temperature than the critical temperature T >Tc is investigated. The EoS has been studied by using cornell potential with the effect of the screening term. It is compared with the theoretical and lattice results and has been done for different number of flavors, nf = 0, 2, 3. The EoS has been studied by calculating second and third cluster integrals using Mathematica program.
      Speaker: Mr Prasanth J P Prasanth Jayaprakash (University of Calicut)
    • 16:05 16:30
      TEA 25m
    • 16:30 17:05
      The Multiple Facets of Correlation Functions. 35m
      I will review studies of fluctuations and correlations carried out over the last 20 years and hopefully provide some insights for new measurements.
      Speaker: Prof. Claude Pruneau (Wayne State University)
    • 17:05 17:20
      Long Range Correlations 15m
      Speaker: Sudipan De (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
    • 17:20 17:35
      Medium effects on the transport coefficients of a pion gas 15m
      The shear and bulk viscosities, as well as the thermal conductivity of a pion gas at finite temperature are obtained by solving the relativistic transport equation in the Chapman-Enskog approximation. The in-medium effects are introduced in the $\pi\pi$ cross section through one-loop self-energies of the exchanged $\rho$ and $\sigma$ mesons. The effect of early chemical freeze-out in heavy ion collisions is implemented through a temperature-dependent pion chemical potential. These shows a noticeable effect in the temperature dependence of the viscosities and thermal conductivity.
      Speaker: Ms Sukanya Mitra (VECC)
    • 17:35 17:50
      Relativistic third-order viscous hydrodynamics from kinetic theory 15m
      We present the derivation of a novel third-order hydrodynamic evolution equation for shear stress tensor from kinetic theory. Boltzmann equation with relaxation time approximation for the collision term is solved iteratively using Chapman-Enskog like expansion to obtain the non-equilibrium phase-space distribution function. Subsequently, the evolution equation for shear stress tensor is derived from its kinetic definition up-to third-order in gradients. We quantify the significance of the new derivation within one-dimensional scaling expansion and demonstrate that the results obtained using third-order viscous equations derived here provides a very good approximation to the exact solution of Boltzmann equation in relaxation time approximation. We also show that the time evolution of pressure anisotropy obtained using our equations is in better agreement with transport results when compared with an existing third-order calculation based on the second-law of thermodynamics.
      Speaker: Mr Amaresh Jaiswal (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
    • 17:50 18:05
      Analytical approach for the approximate solution of the gluon distribution function with respect to the GLR-MQ evolution equation at small-x 15m
      In this paper we show that the singularity behavior of gluon distribution function at small-x can be controlled by the nonlinear corrections to the gluon distribution function with respect to GLR-MQ equations. For the gluon distribution the nonlinear effects are found to play an increasingly important role at x≤〖10〗^(-3) and Q^2≤20 GeV^2, but rapidly vanish at higher values of x and Q^2. We compare our results with H1 and ZEUS data and with the global QCD fits viz. MSTW2008, CT10. Our results show that nonlinear gluon distribution function increases as x decreases which also corresponds with perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) fit at small-x, but this behavior is tamed with respect to nonlinear terms at GLR-MQ equation.
    • 09:30 10:05
      Hadrons and multi-hadrons from lattice QCD 35m
      Lattice QCD is a first principle non-perturbative method to study the theory of strong interaction with controlled systematic. Using lattice QCD energy spectra of many hadronic states can be obtained precisely. Moreover prediction from lattice QCD can led to experimental discovery of many other hadronic and multi-hadronic states. Recent results on hadron and multi-hadrons from lattice QCD will be presented.
      Speaker: Prof. Nilmani Mathur (TIFR, Mumbai)
    • 10:05 10:40
      De-confinement and the clustering of color sources 35m
      Possible phase transition of strongly interacting matter from hadron toa quark-gluon plasma state have in the past received considerable interest. It has been suggested that this problem might be treated by percolation theory. The clustering of color sources with percolation (CSPM) is used to determine the equation of state (EOS) and the transport coefficient of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) produced in central A-A collisions at RHIC and LHC energies.
      Speaker: Prof. Brijesh Srivastava (Purdue University)
    • 10:40 10:55
      Baryon Anti-Baryon Segregation in the Early Universe due to Spontanoues CP Violation from QCD Z(3) Domains 15m
      We investigate the possibility of segregation of baryons and anti-baryons in the quark-gluon plasma phase of the early universe due to spontaneous CP violation in scattering of quarks and anti-quarks from moving Z(3) domain walls. CP violation here is spontaneous in nature and arises from the nontrivial profile of the background gauge field (A0 ) between different Z(3) vacua. We calculate the spatial variation of A0 across the Z(3) interface from the profile of the Polyakov loop (L(x)) for the Z(3) interface and determine the reflection of quarks and anti-quarks using the Dirac equation. Our results show that the reflection coefficients of quarks and anti-quarks can differ by a large amount. We discuss the implications of this CP violation in context of early universe and study the possibility of segregating quarks and anti-quarks from collapsing large Z(3) walls (which can arise in the context of certain low energy scale inflationary models).
      Speaker: Mr Abhishek Atreya (Institute of Physics)
    • 10:55 11:10
      On realizability of relativistic acoustic geometry under a generalized perturbation scheme for matter flow onto a Schwarzschild black hole. 15m
      It is a general practice in the community to study the stationary solution for matter flow on an astrophysical Schwarzschild black hole since at the close proximity of the event horizon, in-falling matter encounters extreme conditions due to the strong curvature of the space time and hence a full space time dependent dynamics of such matter at extreme state is not possible to examine within the analytical framework. The main issue, however, in this approach is, whether the stationary solutions of the aforementioned physical configuration are stable. We introduce a novel stability analysis scheme within the framework of Einstein's theory of gravity which can address the aforementioned issue. Using our linear perturbation analysis scheme, we study the stability properties of the curved acoustic manifold embedded within the background fluid configuration and investigate the influence of the introduction of the higher order perturbation in destabilizing the associated relativistic acoustic geometry.
      Speaker: Ms Ananda Deepika (Harish Chandra Research Institute)
    • 11:10 11:30
      TEA 20m
    • 11:30 12:05
      Heavy Quarks in the Quark-Gluon Plasma: Boltzmann vs Langevin dynamics 35m
      The propagation of heavy flavour through the quark gluon plasma has been treated commonly within the framework of Langevin dynamics, i.e. assuming the heavy flavour momentum transfer is much smaller than the light one. On the other hand a similar suppression factor, R_AA, has been observed experimentally for light and heavy flavor. We present a thorough study of the thermalization dynamics and of the approximations involved by Langevin equation by mean of a direct comparison with the full collisional integral within the framework of Boltzmann transport equation. The nuclear suppression factor, $R_{\mathrm AA}$ and the elliptic flow $v_2^{HF}$ of the charm and bottom quarks have been evaluated at RHIC and LHC energies within both the Langevin and Boltzmann approach. We have compared the results obtained in both approaches which can differ substantially leading to quite different values extracted for the the heavy quark diffusion coefficient.
      Speaker: Prof. Vincenzo Greco (University of Catania)
    • 12:05 12:20
      Imaginary part of the medium modified heavy quark potential 15m
      NOTE: The full version of this abstract contains equations that have been omitted. The aim of the experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to perform ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions to produce and study the properties of Quark gluon plasma. The main probes considered so far are the jet quenching, the real or virtual photon spectra, the pT distribution of secondary hadrons, quarkonia etc. Heavy quarkonium systems have turned out to provide extremely useful probes for the deconfined matter because the force between a heavy quark and its anti-quark, is weakened due to the presence of light quarks and gluons and leads to the dissociation of quarkonium bound states [1]. Based on potential models there were early predictions that J/ψ production would be suppressed in heavy ion collisions. Among the recent theoretical developments in the quarkonium studies, the first-principle calculations of imaginary contributions to the heavy quark potential due to gluonic Landau damping [2], the additional contribution due to singlet to octet transitions etc. [3] are well known. The imaginary part of the potential are generically related to the quarkonium decay processes in the plasma whose consequences on spectral functions [4], thermal widths [2] etc. have recently been studied. As the anisotropic distribution is a more realistic description of the parton system generated in heavy-ion collisions, it is worthwhile to consider the properties of quarkonia such as the binding energy, decay width and hence the dissociation in such a system. So far we have studied the real part of the potential [5] in the presence of small momentum anisotropy by considering both perturbative as well as the non-perturbative part of the vacuum potential. The imaginary part was calculated earlier by considering only the short-distance part of the vacuum potential, assuming the long-distance part vanishes beyond Tc . But the non-perturbative effect such as the string tension is found to survive till very higher temperatures [6], so we retain the effect of long-distance part in deriving the imaginary part, contrary to others calculation [7] for short distance part. In our work we use the real-time formalism [7] to determine the imaginary part of the potential in the anisotropic medium. Imaginary part can be calculated by using the symmetric propagator. So we first obtain the gluon self-energy by using the phase-space distribution in anisotropic medium and hence the resummed propagator to calculate the imaginary part of the potential. Medium-modification at finite temperature can be obtained by correcting both the short- and long-distance part of the potential (T=0) with a dielectric function encoding the effect of deconfinement [8]. Imaginary part of the heavy quark potential is found to be perturbation to the vacuum potential and thus provides an estimate for the decay width for a particular resonance state. The effects of anisotropy on the imaginary part of the potential and its effects on the quarkonium dissociation is being investigated further in our work. References [1] T. Matsui and H. Satz, Phys. Lett. B178 (1986) 416. [2] M.Laine, O.Philipsen, P.Romatschke and M.Tassler, JHEP 03 (2007) 054. [3] Brambilla N, Ghiglieri J, Vairo A and Petreczky P, 2008 Phys. Rev. D78 014017 [4] Burnier Y, Laine M and Vepsalainen M, 2008 JHEP 0801 043 [5] L.Thakur, N.Haque, U.Kakade, B.K.Patra Phys. Rev. D(accepted). [6] M. Cheng et al., Phys Rev D 78, 034506 (2008). [7] A. Dumitru, Y. Guo, and M. Strickland, Phys. Rev. D79 (2009) 114003. [8] V.Agotiya, V.Chandra and B.K.Patra, Phys. Rev. C 80, 025210(2009).
      Speaker: Lata Thakur (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
    • 12:20 12:35
      Effect of flow on the heavy quark damping rate in hot QCD plasma 15m
      We derive an expression for the heavy quark damping rate in hot quark gluon plasma in the presence of flow. All the bath particles in the present case are out of equilibrium due to the existence of nonzero velocity gradient. The magnetic sector exhibits similar infrared divergences even after hard thermal loop corrections as one encounters in the case of nonviscous plasma. We estimate the first order correction in $\eta/s$ for heavy quark damping rate due to the nonzero viscosity of the QCD plasma.
      Speaker: Mrs Sreemoyee Sarkar (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 12:35 12:50
      Gluon Radiation off Heavy Flavour Jets 15m
      Gluon emission spectrum off heavy flavour (HF) jet is suppressed in the forward direction due to the well-known 'Dead Cone Effect'. We endeavour to explore the effect of non-eikonality (bent path of HF) on the gluon emission spectrum of heavy quark and show that when the heavy quarks are allowed to bend, additional gluons turn up along the direction of propagation of HF. Hence this study, on one hand, helps remove the prevalent eikonal approximation in jet-quenching models and on the other hand revisits the notion of dead-cone within the non-eikonal regime.
      Speaker: Trambak Bhattacharyya (V)
    • 12:50 13:50
      LUNCH 1h
    • 13:50 14:25
      The equation of state at finite chemical potential. 35m
      I will show results on the equation of state and preliminary studies of the critical exponents in QCD at finite chemical potential.
      Speaker: Prof. Sourendu Gupta (TIFR, Mumbai)
    • 14:25 14:40
      Exploring the QCD critical region in the QCD-like two flavor models 15m
      We have calculated the phase diagram for exploring the critical behavior around the critical end-point (CEP) and located the chiral limit existence of the tri-critical point (TCP) in the $\mu$ and T plane of the Polyakov loop extended Quark Meson Model (PQM) and the pure Quark Meson (QM) model which become effective Quantum-chromodynamics (QCD) like models due to the augmentation of the effective potential by the renormalized fermionic vacuum one loop fluctuation. These models yield the second order transition at $\mu=0$ on the temperature axis after incorporating the fermionic vacuum correction. The proximity of the TCP to the QCD critical end-point (CEP) has been quantified in the phase diagram. We have plotted the contours of appropriately normalized constant quark number susceptibility and scalar susceptibility around the CEP in different model scenarios. In order to investigate the qualitative as well as quantitative effect of the fermionic vacuum term and the Polyakov loop potential, on the critical behavior around CEP, we have compared the shape of these contours as obtained in different model calculations. Further, we have computed and compared the critical exponents resulting from the divergence of quark number susceptibility at the CEP in different model scenarios. The possible influence of the TCP on the critical behavior around CEP, has also been discussed. Finally, we plotted the temperature variation of the $\sigma$ and $\pi$ meson masses at $\mu=0$, $\mu=\mu_{CEP}$ and $\mu>\mu_{CEP}$ in different model scenarios and compared the emerging mass degeneration trend in the $\sigma$ and $\pi$ meson mass variations as the chiral symmetry gets restored at higher temperatures.
    • 14:40 14:55
      Multiple freezeout 15m
      We argue that known systematics of hadron cross sections may cause different particles to freeze out of the fireball produced in heavy-ion collisions at different times. We find that a simple model with two freezeout points is a better description of data than that with a single freezeout, while still remaining predictive. The resulting fits seem to present constraints on the late stage evolution of the fireball, including the tantalizing possibility that the QCD chiral transition influences the yields at sqrt(S)=2700 GeV and the QCD critical point those at sqrt(S)=17.3 GeV.
      Speaker: Sandeep Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Science)
    • 14:55 15:30
      Exploring the Phase Diagram of QCD Matter with the RHIC Beam Energy Scan 35m
      Speaker: Daniel Cebra (University of California, Davis)
    • 15:30 16:00
      TEA 30m
    • 16:00 16:40
      Theory - Summary 40m
    • 16:40 17:20
      Experiment - Summary 40m
      Speaker: Subhasis Chattopadhyay (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))