NOTE: The full version of this abstract contains equations that have been omitted.
The aim of the experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to perform ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions to produce and study the properties of Quark gluon plasma. The main probes considered so far are the jet quenching, the real or virtual photon spectra, the pT distribution of secondary hadrons, quarkonia etc. Heavy quarkonium systems have turned out to provide extremely useful probes for the deconfined matter because the force between a heavy quark and its anti-quark, is weakened due to the presence of light quarks and gluons and leads to the dissociation of quarkonium bound states [1]. Based on potential models there were early predictions that J/ψ production would be suppressed in heavy ion collisions. Among the recent theoretical developments in the quarkonium studies, the first-principle calculations of imaginary contributions to the heavy quark potential due to gluonic Landau damping [2], the additional contribution due to singlet to octet transitions etc. [3] are well known. The imaginary part of the potential are generically related to the quarkonium decay processes in the plasma whose consequences on spectral functions [4], thermal widths [2] etc. have recently been studied. As the anisotropic distribution is a more realistic description of the parton system generated in heavy-ion collisions, it is worthwhile to consider the properties of quarkonia such as the binding energy, decay width and hence the dissociation in such a system. So far we have studied the real part of the potential [5] in the presence of small momentum anisotropy by considering both perturbative as well as the non-perturbative part of the vacuum potential. The imaginary part was calculated earlier by considering only the short-distance part of the vacuum potential, assuming the long-distance part vanishes beyond Tc . But the non-perturbative effect such as the string tension is found to survive till very higher temperatures [6], so we retain the effect of long-distance part in deriving the imaginary part, contrary to others calculation [7] for short distance part. In our work we use the real-time formalism [7] to determine the imaginary part of the potential in the anisotropic medium. Imaginary part can be calculated by using the symmetric propagator. So we first obtain the gluon self-energy by using the phase-space distribution in anisotropic medium and hence the resummed propagator to calculate the imaginary part of the potential. Medium-modification at finite temperature can be obtained by correcting both the short- and long-distance part of the potential (T=0) with a dielectric function encoding the effect of deconfinement [8]. Imaginary part of the heavy quark potential is found to be perturbation to the vacuum potential and thus provides an estimate for the decay width for a particular resonance state. The effects of anisotropy on the imaginary part of the potential and its effects on the quarkonium dissociation is being investigated further in our work.
[1] T. Matsui and H. Satz, Phys. Lett. B178 (1986) 416.
[2] M.Laine, O.Philipsen, P.Romatschke and M.Tassler, JHEP 03 (2007) 054.
[3] Brambilla N, Ghiglieri J, Vairo A and Petreczky P, 2008 Phys. Rev. D78 014017
[4] Burnier Y, Laine M and Vepsalainen M, 2008 JHEP 0801 043
[5] L.Thakur, N.Haque, U.Kakade, B.K.Patra Phys. Rev. D(accepted).
[6] M. Cheng et al., Phys Rev D 78, 034506 (2008).
[7] A. Dumitru, Y. Guo, and M. Strickland, Phys. Rev. D79 (2009) 114003.
[8] V.Agotiya, V.Chandra and B.K.Patra, Phys. Rev. C 80, 025210(2009).