Cargese International School for Theoretical Particle Physics: MultiTeV Probes of the Standard Model and beyond with the LHC
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese
** Registration is now closed **
The first run of the LHC culminated with the discovery of the Higgs boson and the next run is expected to provide the first thorough exploration of the TeV scale threshold. The exciting LHC program is also complemented by a rich experimental program in flavor physics, neutrino physics, astroparticles and cosmology. All these topics will be covered during the next Cargese summer school, targeted particularly at advanced graduate students and young postdocs, with a strong interest in collider physics and particle theory. Theorists, model builders, phenomenologists, and experimentalists with strong inclination for theory are all encouraged to apply. The school will share the same spirit as the 2010 and 2012 schools. There will be three 1.5 h lectures per day followed by discussion sessions in the afternoon. Students will also have the opportunity to present their work in short talks if they wish.
The school will take place at the Institute for Scientific Studies in Cargese, Corsica.
♦ Experimental lectures:
- The high-pT pp physics in the first LHC Run: Maurizio Pierini (CERN, CMS),
- Boosted objects: Marcel Vos (IFIC, Valencia U./CSIC)
♦ Theory lectures:
- Scalar couplings & EWSB alternatives: Andrea Wulzer (Padova U.),
- Very high precision theoretical challenges: Giulia Zanderighi (Oxford U. & CERN),
- Outstanding routes Beyond the Standard Model: Gian Giudice (CERN),
- Top quark physics: Alex Mitov (Cambridge U.),
- Flavour tests with rare processes: Gudrun Hiller (Dortmund U.),
- Standing issues in neutrino physics: Enrique Fernandez (IFT, Madrid),
- Dark Matter hunt: Alejandro Ibarra (Technical U. Munich),
- Effective field theory for cosmology: Paolo Creminelli (ICTP).
♦ Tutorials:
- MadGraph practice: Celine Degrande (Durham U.) & Olivier Mattelaer (CP3, U. Catholique de Louvain).
♦ Closing lecture:
- The future: Gian Giudice (CERN).
Application: On-line application will open on December 1st, 2013 and will close on February 15th, 2014. The student selection will be announced around the end of March, 2014.
Advisory Committee: lecturers of the 2012 Cargese summer school: Andrea Banfi (U. of Sussex), Glen Cowan (Royal Holloway, U. of London), Karl Jakobs (Freiburg U.), Aurelio Juste (ICREA & IFAE, Barcelona), Eric Laenen (Amsterdam U. & Nikhef), Chiara Mariotti (INFN-Torino), Meenakshi Narain (Brown U.), Maxim Perelstein (Cornell U.), Alex Pomarol (U. Autonoma de Barcelona), Matthew Schwartz (Harvard U.), David Shih (Rutgers U.), Natalia Toro (Perimeter Institute), Tejinder Virdee (Imperial College, London), Andreas Weiler (DESY).
Organizers: Christophe Grojean (ICREA & IFAE, Barcelona), Jean Orloff (LPC, Clermont-Ferrand) and Géraldine Servant (ICREA & IFAE, Barcelona). School secretary: Catherine Pinty (LPC, Clermont-Ferrand)
Sponsor: "MassTeV" ERC Advanced Grant 226371