Zimányi 2009 Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics
Tanácsterem (Council rooms), Builiding 3 (KFKI Campus)
Tanácsterem (Council rooms), Builiding 3
KFKI Campus
H-1121 Budapest XII,
Konkoly-Thege M. u 29-33
This School aimed to summarize some of the developments of 2009 in high energy heavy ion physics, with particular attention to the status of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex in Japan, to the new data emerging from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), and to the status of preparations of the six LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, LHCf and TOTEM). We pay particular attention to the first beam circulating again in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and report, if possible, on the first collisions.
The highlight of this meeting will be on the science of the J-PARC project, we will host an invited talk by professor Shoji Nagamiya, director of J-PARC Complex in Tokai-Mura, Japan. This talk is also announced as an RMKI Colloqium.
The talk of professor A. Nakamura from Hiroshima University on lattice QCD will also be a focal point, it is announced as a seminar of the Particle Physics Section of the Eötvös Loránd Physical Society too.
Another focal point will be the talk of professor Roy Lacey, who will summarize, what has been learned from the RHIC experiments on the transport properties of the perfect fluid created in Au+Au collisions at RHIC, also known as quark gluon plasma. This is an important milestone review before the first collisions at LHC.
As part of the traditions of the Zimányi Winter Schools, we discuss in detail recent results and advances on femtoscopy including correlations and fluctuations in high energy particle and heavy ion physics.
We also discuss the preparations of the (Hungarian) heavy ion community at the LHC accelerator and and the current status of the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCf, LHCb and TOTEM experiments and their plans for the first collisions, foreseen for 2009. A special session is devoted to review diffractive physics at RHIC and at the LHC.
Please find below the final program of the meeting and the links to the presentations. The main web page of this meeting is archived at
http://zimanyischool.kfki.hu/09/ .
The next Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics will be held in Budapest, Hungary, starting on November 29 Monday, 2010. More details will be given at the web page http://zimanyischool.kfki.hu/10/ .
Looking forward to the continuation of this series and hope to welcome our colleagues and friends in Hungary soon.