Higgs 2020

Giacinto Piacquadio (State University of New York (US)), James Daniel Wells (University of Michigan (US)), Maria Cepeda (CIEMAT), Marumi Kado (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), Paolo Meridiani (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), Tilman Plehn

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic the in-person Higgs conference at
Stonybrook/BNL is postponed to 2021. Nevertheless, Higgs 2020 will proceed online this year.  

Follow us on Twitter: @HiggsConference

Higgs 2020 (former Higgs Couplings) is this year's installment of an annual conference devoted to new experimental and theoretical results on the Higgs boson. The 2020 conference will present the latest results from the LHC on the Higgs boson mass, spin/parity, and couplings and will present new theoretical work devoted to the measurement of Higgs parameters and possibilities for exotic Higgs decays. The conference will provide an opportunity for critical discussion of the current strategies for studying the Higgs boson at the LHC and the next steps beyond the LHC. Higgs 2020 will include several sessions of parallel contributions on current research topics. 

Zoom connection for Plenary Sessions


Zoom connections for Parallel Sessions

Session A (Precision): https://cern.zoom.us/j/99197698239

Session B (Yukawa): https://cern.zoom.us/j/94061343557

Session C (HH):https://cern.zoom.us/j/94128951251

Session D (EFT):https://cern.zoom.us/j/94803863596

Session E (BSM):https://cern.zoom.us/j/91003003852

Zoom connection for YSF sessions


Passwords for zoom connection will be distributed to registered participants only. Webcast is also available for plenary sessions.

The sessions will be recorded and the videos of the presentation will be available for viewing offline after the conference (files are available directly in the agenda associated to each talk)

History of the Conference

One of the main physics goals of the LHC experiments was the early discovery of the Higgs boson, responsible for the spontaneous symmetry breaking, known as Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) mechanism. The discovery of the Higgs boson was announced on July 4th, 2012. Being well aware of the importance of physics of Higgs boson, preparation started in Spring 2012, well before the formal announcement of the discovery, to initiate the « Higgs Couplings » workshop series. The first edition took place in Tokyo (2012), and subsequent editions were held annually in Autumn at Freiburg (2013), Torino (2014), Durham (2015), SLAC (2016), Heidelberg (2017), Tokyo (2018), and Oxford (2019).

The « Higgs Couplings » workshop evolved as one of the high-profile topical conferences on Higgs-boson physics. Following its success, ATLAS and CMS experiments and theory community have agreed in 2019 to adopt a few extensions to the initial "Higgs Couplings" format to ensure a strong involvement of the community through the instalment of a program committee. Also since the "Higgs Couplings" conference always covered the entire Higgs physics program, the name of the conference series is changed to "Higgs".  The initial spirit of the conference to gather the experts from both theoretical and experimental communities to discuss lively most up-to-date Higgs-boson physics results in a friendly atmosphere, remains unchanged.


There is a live webcast for this event