Appart'City Hotel

Appart'City Hotel

11, avenue des Sablonnières 01210 Ferney-Voltaire France
Dominique Missiaen (CERN), Helene Mainaud Durand (CERN)

International Workshops on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA) are normally held every two years at particle accelerator laboratories around the world. They are devoted to large scale and high precision positioning of particle accelerators and physics experiments, focusing on the exchange of information between geodesists, surveyors, physicists, and other specialists. The fields of geodesy, geomatics, metrology, monitoring and traditional surveying will be discussed in this unique gathering.

The deadlines:

The abstract submission will be open as from 25th April 2022 and close on 30th June 2022. It was decided to extend the submission deadline until Friday, 15th July 2022.


Registration is now open and will close on Friday, 7th October 2022.


The paper submission will end on Friday, 14th October 2022.
