Blois2015: 27th Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology"

Gaston d'Orléans

Gaston d'Orléans

Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
Jacques Dumarchez (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)), Karl Jakobs (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
This will be the 27th meeting in this series of annual international multidisciplinary meetings, created in 1989 by Jean Tran Thân Van and which has in the past covered many topics in physics, astronomy and biology. All sessions take place in the Château of Blois, a beautiful renaissance castle which has housed many French kings, and notably François 1st. The 27th Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology" (Blois2015) will emphasize the increasing interplay between high energy accelerator based physics and cosmology. The conference will consist of plenary sessions for invited in-depth oral presentations (review talks) and contributed papers, in the form of relatively short oral papers. We will aim to achieve a balance between review talks, provocative talks given by recognized specialists, and shorter contributions. Special emphasis is being placed on active participation by younger researchers and post-docs. Parallel sessions are foreseen, and are being organised as the need arises.
    • Registration Secretariat @Chateau

      Secretariat @Chateau

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • Reception Chateau's Courtyard

      Chateau's Courtyard

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • Dinner Dining Room @Chateau

      Dining Room @Chateau

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • Opening Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Thanh Van Tran (Orsay)
      • 1
        Speaker: Jean Tran Thanh Van (LPT, Univ. Orsay)
      • 2
        Speaker: Marc Gricourt (Mayor of Blois) (Mayor of Blois)
      • 3
        Speaker: Karl Jakobs (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
    • 09:45
      Coffee break Marguerite de Valois, ground floor

      Marguerite de Valois, ground floor

    • First Session Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Karl Jakobs (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
      • 4
        The LHC in Run 2, status and plans
        Speaker: Mike Lamont (CERN)
      • 5
        Neutrino Astronomy
        Speaker: Francis Halzen (High Energy Physics-Department of Physics-University of Wiscons)
      • 6
        Holography: from black holes to condensed matter
        Speaker: Dam Thanh Son (University of Chicago)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Dining Room

      Dining Room

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • The Higgs Boson Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Stefan Dittmaier (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
      • 7
        Higgs boson production at the LHC Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Krisztian Peters (CERN)
      • 8
        The Higgs boson profile Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
      • 15:00
        Coffee break Marguerite de Valois, Ground Floor

        Marguerite de Valois, Ground Floor

      • 9
        Exotic Higgs boson decays Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Jessie (Julia) Shelton (U. Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
      • 10
        Higgs boson, BSM interpretations Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Eduard Masso Soler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
    • 17:15
      Conference Photograph Chateau's Courtyard

      Chateau's Courtyard

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • 18:00
      Visit of the Chateau de Blois Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • 20:00
      Dinner Dining Room

      Dining Room

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • QCD+EW+Top Physics+Heavy Ions Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Juan Fuster Verdu (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
      • 11
        Test of QCD at Colliders Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Alexander Savin (University of Wisconsin (US))
      • 12
        Status of electroweak physics Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Emmanuel Sauvan (LAPP (IN2P3/CNRS))
      • 13
        Top Quark production and properties Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Alison Lister (University of British Columbia (CA))
      • 10:30
        Coffee break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

        Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      • 14
        Standard Model theory Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Prof. Stefan Dittmaier (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
    • Beyond the Standard Model Physics Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Conveners: Eduard Masso Soler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES)), Julia (Jessie) Shelton (Rutgers University)
      • 15
        SUSY searches Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Shoji Asai (University of Tokyo (JP))
      • 16
        Exotic searches Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Dr Juan Alcaraz Maestre (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)
      • 12:30
        Lunch Dining Room

        Dining Room

      • 17
        TOP partner searches Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Patrizia Azzi (INFN-PD and CERN)
      • 18
        Implications of SUSY searches for BSM Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)
      • 19
        Recasting experimental searches Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Michele Papucci (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

    • BSM + DM: Parallel Session Room IV

      Room IV

      Convener: Shoji Asai (University of Tokyo (JP))
      • 20
        Accidental matter at the LHC
        Speaker: Luca Di Luzio
      • 21
        New Physics for EW baryogenesis
        Speaker: Jose Miguel No (University of Sussex)
      • 22
        Interference effects in BSM processes
        Speaker: Elina Fuchs (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 23
        Constraints on supersymmetry after Run 1 ATLAS searches
        Speaker: Anyes Taffard (University of California Irvine (US))
      • 24
        Light stop decays
        Speaker: Ramona Groeber (INFN)
      • 25
        Results on searches using jet(s) + ETmiss signatures (incl. monojets and inclusive SUSY with jet/Etmiss signatures)
        Speaker: Phat Srimanobhas (Chulalongkorn University (TH))
      • 26
        Weakly interacting and third generation SUSY searches at the LHC
        Speaker: Alexandre Aubin (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
      • 27
        Searches for RPV SUSY and long lived particles at the LHC
        Speaker: Minghui Liu (Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN))
      • 28
        Revisiting LHC gluino mass bounds through radiative decays using MadAnalysis 5
        Speaker: Guillaume Chalons (LPSC Grenoble)
    • EW + Top + Higgs: Parallel Session Room II

      Room II

      Convener: Alison Lister (University of British Columbia (CA))
      • 30
        Recent Top Quark Results from the Tevatron
        Speakers: Yvonne Peters, Yvonne Peters
      • 31
        Top quark mass measurements at the LHC
        Speakers: Juan Fuster Verdu (Universidad de Valencia (ES)), Juan Fuster Verdú (IFIC-Valencia (ES))
      • 32
        Top-quark production at the LHC
        Speaker: Javier Fernandez Menendez (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
      • 33
        Measurements of top-quark properties at the LHC
        Speaker: Kelly Beernaert (Ghent University (BE))
      • 34
        Constraining top quark Z-boson couplings at the LHC
        Speaker: Markus Christian Schulze (CERN)
      • 35
        Top quark form factors measurements at the ILC
        Speaker: Roman Poeschl (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
      • 36
        Search for rare top-quark decays at the LHC
        Speaker: Filipe Almeida Veloso (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
      • 37
        Light Quark Composite Partners
        Speaker: Seung J. Lee (KAIST)
      • 38
        Search strategies for heavy quark partners at LHC run-II
        Speaker: Thomas Dieter Flacke (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KR))
    • Neutrinos: Parallel Session Room I

      Room I

      Convener: Jacques Dumarchez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 39
        Latest results of the T2K experiment
        Speaker: Benjamin Quilain (University of Kyoto)
      • 40
        The NOvA experiment: status and future
        Speaker: Bruno Zamorano (University of Sussex)
      • 41
        Latest results from the Double Chooz experiment
        Speaker: Antoine Collin (MPI Heidelberg)
      • 42
        Results from the Daya Bay experiment
        Speaker: Bedrich Roskovec (Charles University, Prague)
      • 43
        KM3NeT/ORCA: Measuring neutrino oscillations and the mass hierarchy in the Mediterranean
        Speaker: Martijn Jongen (NIKHEF)
      • 44
        Leptonic flavour models
        Speaker: Christoph Luhn
      • 45
        Searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te with CUORE-0 and CUORE
        Speaker: Claudia Tomei (INFN Roma)
      • 46
        The GERDA Experiment for the Search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: Phase I Results and Phase II Upgrades
        Speaker: Manuel Walter (University of Zurich)
      • 47
        Hadron Production Measurements from NA61/SHINE for Neutrino Flux Predictions
        Speaker: Dr Katarzyna KOWALIK (National Center for Nuclear Research, Warsaw)
      • 48
        Neutrino electromagnetic interactions:a window to new physics
        Speaker: Alexander Studenikin (Moscow State University)
    • QCD + Heavy Flavour: Parallel Session Room III

      Room III

      Convener: Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB))
      • 49
        Recent Heavy Flavor Physics Results from the Tevatron
        Speaker: Brad Abbott (Oklahoma)
      • 50
        Measurement of HF production at Atlas and CMS
        Speaker: Alexis Pompili (Bari)
      • 51
        Measurement of HF properties at Atlas and CMS
        Speaker: Adam Edward Barton (Lancaster)
      • 52
        Measurements of CP-violating phases in B decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Laurence Carson (Edinburgh)
      • 53
        Measurements of CP violation and mixing in charm decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Oliver Lupton (Oxford)
      • 54
        Results on CP violation in heavy meson decays at e+e- B Factories
        Speaker: Thomas Latham (Warwick)
      • 55
        Semileptonic b-hadron decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Brian Hamilton (College Park-Maryland)
      • 56
        Rare beauty and charm decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Alessandro Mordà (Marseille)
      • 57
        Leptonic B decays and related results at B Factories
        Speaker: Youngmin Yook (Yonsei)
    • 20:00
      Dinner Dining Room

      Dining Room

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • 08:00
      Excursion to Chenonceau and Clos Lucé Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • 12:30
      Lunch Dining Room

      Dining Room

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • Astro + Cosmo I-II: Parallel Session Room I

      Room I

      Conveners: Michael Rigault, Rafael Lang
      • 58
        A compelling case for Dark Matter in the Gamma-Ray Sky
        Speaker: Tim Linden (U)
      • 59
        Preliminary results of the final SNLS cosmology analysis
        Speaker: Patrick El-Hage (T. W. Bonner Nuclear Laboratory-Rice University-Unknown)
      • 60
        The LSST: General Presentation and New Method for Redshift Reconstruction
        Speaker: Adeline Choyer
      • 61
        Cosmology in the era of BOSS
        Speaker: Nicolas Busca (Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie)
      • 62
        Early Science Results from the Dark Energy Survey
        Speaker: Kathy Romer (University of Sussex)
      • 63
        Updates from the BICEP/KECK Array
        Speaker: Zeesh Ahmed
      • 16:00
        Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

        Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      • 64
        South Pole Telescope E-Mode, B-Mode, and Gravitational Lensing Spectra
        Speaker: Jason Gallicchio (University of Chicago)
      • 65
        Recent highlights from the Fermi-LAT
        Speaker: Benoit Lott (Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CENBG))
      • 66
        Antares Results in the Light of IceCube Discovery
        Speaker: Vladimir Kulikovskiy (LNS)
      • 67
        Status and Perspectives of KM3NeT/ARCA
        Speaker: Agata Trovato (INFN)
      • 68
        VERITAS: Observatory Status and Recent Highlights
        Speaker: Gernot Maier (DESY)
      • 69
        HESS Highlights
        Speaker: Francois Brun (IRFU, CEA Saclay)
      • 70
        The HAWC Gamma Ray Observatory
        Speaker: Colas Riviere
      • 71
        Results from the Telescope Array
        Speaker: Gordon Thomson (University of Utah)
      • 72
        The MAGIC Telescope System: Scientific Highlights, Status and Future Perspectives
        Speaker: Sabrina Einecke (University Dortmund)
    • BSM + DM: Parallel Session Room IV

      Room IV

      Conveners: Juan Alcaraz Maestre (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES), Patrizia Azzi (INFN Padova (IT))
      • 73
        Searches for heavy resonances at the LHC
        Speaker: Aidan Sean Randle-Conde (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
      • 74
        Searches for dark matter and extra dimensions at the LHC
        Speaker: Marie-Helene Genest (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 75
        Searches for new phenomena with heavy quarks and multileptons at the LHC
        Speaker: Loic Valery (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
      • 76
        SHiP: a new facility for searching for long-lived neutral particles and studying the tau neutrino properties
        Speaker: Geraldine Conti (CERN)
      • 77
        Axions-like particles at colliders
        Speaker: Ken Mimasu (University of Sussex)
      • 78
        Search for Pseudoscalar and Scalar Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particles with the OSQAR Experiment
        Speaker: Matthias Schott (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
      • 16:00
        Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

        Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      • 79
        Probing the non thermal dark matter at hadron colliders with events containing a single top quark in the final state
        Speaker: Mykhailo Dalchenko (Texas A & M University (US))
      • 80
        A taste of dark matter: flavour constraints on pseudoscalar mediators
        Speaker: Christopher McCabe (University of Amsterdam)
      • 81
        Self-interacting asymmetric dark matter
        Speaker: Kalliopi Petraki (Nikhef)
      • 82
        Particle cosmological probes on light dark matter
        Speaker: Kenji Kadota (IBS)
      • 83
        Latest Results from the LUX Dark Matter Search Experiment
        Speaker: Simon Fiorucci (Brown University)
      • 84
        Dark Matter searches with HESS
        Speaker: Knut Mora (University of Stockholm)
      • 85
        Status of the first EDELWEISS-III physics run
        Speaker: Valentin Kozlov (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • 86
        The direct WIMPs search within the XENON Project: the status of the art
        Speakers: Fabio Valerio Massoli, Fabio Valerio Massoli (INFN Bologna)
      • 87
        Recent Results from the CRESST Experiment
        Speaker: Raimund Strauss (MPI Munich)
      • 88
        Vortices in axion condensate dark halos
        Speaker: Marek Szydlowski
    • EW + Top + Higgs: Parallel Session Room II

      Room II

      Conveners: Krisztian Peters (CERN), Stephen Jacob Sekula (Southern Methodist University (US))
      • 89
        Di-boson production at the LHC and gauge couplings
        Speaker: Alexander Oh (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 90
        Prospects for W-mass measurements at the LHC
        Speaker: Mariarosaria D'Alfonso (CERN)
      • 91
        Electroweak Chiral Lagrangians
        Speaker: Juan Jose Sanz-Cillero (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
      • 92
        Elektroweak constraints from Gfitter
        Speaker: Thomas Peiffer (Universitaet Hamburg)
      • 93
        EW constraints on composite Higgs models
        Speaker: Matteo Salvarezza (INFN Rome)
      • 94
        Spacetime curvature and the Higgs stability during inflation
        Speaker: Tommi Markkanen (Imperial College London)
      • 16:00
        Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

        Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      • 95
        Study of Higgs boson production in bosonic decay channels at the LHC (incl. off-shell production)
        Speakers: Susumu Oda (ICEPP, University of Tokyo), Susumu Oda (Kyushu University (JP))
      • 96
        Study of Higgs boson production in fermionic decay channels at the LHC (incl. mumu and tau-mu)
        Speaker: Maria Cepeda Hermida (University of Wisconsin (US))
      • 97
        Higgs boson couplings, from combination of all channels
        Speaker: Dr Tae Min Hong (University of Pittsburgh (US))
      • 98
        Pseudo-observables in Higgs decays
        Speaker: David Marzocca (University of Zurich)
      • 99
        Boosted Higgs boson channel(s)
        Speaker: Matthias Josef Schlaffer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 100
        Higgs boson properties (mass, spin/CP)
        Speaker: Nikolina Ilic (Stanford University (US))
      • 101
        DiHiggs production and new physics
        Speaker: Andreas Papaefstathiou (CERN)
      • 102
        Searches for BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC
        Speaker: Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
      • 103
        Double Higgs boson production in the Standard Model with extra scalar particles
        Speaker: Evgenii Zhemchugov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU))
    • QCD + Heavy Flavour: Parallel Session Room III

      Room III

      Conveners: Emmanuel Sauvan (LAPP (IN2P3/CNRS)), Stephen Lars Olsen
      • 104
        Recent QCD&EW Results from the Tevatron
        Speaker: Darren Price (Manchester)
      • 105
        Latest results on jets and photon production from Atlas and CMS
        Speaker: Kadir Ocalan (Middle East Technical Univ.)
      • 106
        Inclusive W, Z, and W&Z+jets production at Atlas and CMS
        Speaker: Benjamin Brau (Massachusetts)
      • 107
        NNLO corrections to Higgs + 1 jet
        Speaker: Fabrizio Caola (CERN)
      • 108
        N3LO corrections to inclusive Higgs production
        Speaker: Bernhard Mistlberger (ETH Zurich)
      • 109
        Progress in NNPDF
        Speaker: Valerio Bertone (CERN)
      • 16:00
        Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

        Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      • 110
        Electroweak physics and QCD in the forward direction at LHCb
        Speaker: William Barter (CERN)
      • 111
        Charmed hadron physics at BESIII
        Speaker: Yong Huang (Nanjing, China)
      • 112
        Exotics and charmonia at BESIII
        Speaker: Zhihong Wang (Hefei, China)
      • 113
        Heavy quark spectroscopy at LHCb
        Speaker: Yiming Li (Orsay-LAL)
      • 114
        Recent results and prospects on kaon physics from CERN
        Speaker: Plamen Petrov (Louvain)
      • 115
        Results of HI physics from Atlas and CMS
        Speaker: Emilien Chapon (Palaiseau)
      • 116
        Test of the Weak Equivalence Principle on Antimatter with the AEgIS Experiment
        Speaker: Davide Pagano (University of Brescia)
    • 20:00
      Dinner Dining Room

      Dining Room

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • Neutrino Physics Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Sotirios Loucatos (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
      • 117
        Present status of neutrino parameters and near future prospects
        Speaker: M. Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia (YITP Stony Brook and ICREA U. Barcelona)
      • 118
        Long term neutrino prospects
        Speaker: Marco Zito (IRFU CEA-Saclay)
      • 119
        BSM neutrino physics confronted with LHC
        Speaker: Frank Deppisch (University College London (UK))
      • 120
        Theoretical aspects of CP violation and flavour in the leptonic sector
        Speaker: Ferruccio Feruglio (Dipartimento di Fisica Galileo Galilei)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

    • Heavy Flavour Physics Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Tan Chung-I
      • 121
        CP violation and rare decays
        Speaker: Tim Gershon (Warwick)
      • 122
        XYZ particles
        Speaker: Stephen Lars Olsen (Daejeon, Korea)
      • 123
        Implications of Heavy Flavour measurements
        Speaker: Ulrich Haisch (Oxford)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Dining Room

      Dining Room

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • Astro/Cosmo/Dark Matter - High Energy Universe Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Thomas Lohse (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (DE))
      • 124
        Gamma Ray Astronomy
        Speaker: Stefan Funk (Stanford University and SLAC)
      • 125
        Acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays
        Speaker: Alexandre Marcowith
      • 126
        Cosmic Ray and Air Shower Experiments
        Speaker: Markus Roth (KIT)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

    • Astro/Cosmo/Dark Matter - High Energy Universe Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      • 127
        Results from the AMS experiment and status of Dark Matter Searches
        Speaker: Laurent Derome (LPSC Grenoble)
    • Discussion on Physics in Vietnam Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      • 128
        The ICISE centre
      • 129
        Presentation on 2016 Conferences
      • 130
    • 20:00
      Cocktail and Conference Dinner Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • The Dark Universe Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Jodi Cooley (SMU)
      • 131
        Direct searches for dark matter
        Speaker: Rafael Lang
      • 132
        Indirect dark matter searches
        Speaker: Louis Strigari (Texas A&M University)
      • 133
        Dark matter theory
        Speaker: David Cerdeno (IPPP Durham)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

      Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

    • Cosmology Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: David Cerdano
      • 134
        Our Universe: News from the oldest light
        Speaker: Torsten Ensslin (MPA Munich)
      • 135
        Expansion history of the Universe
        Speaker: Mickael Rigault (HU Berlin)
      • 136
        Cosmological constraints on inflation
        Speaker: Hiranya Peiris (University College London)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Dining Room

      Dining Room

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
    • Summary and Conclusion Gaston d'Orléans

      Gaston d'Orléans

      Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
      Convener: Thanh Van Tran (Orsay)
      • 137
        Summary Talk Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Dr Gavin Salam (CERN)
      • 138
        Concluding Remarks Gaston d'Orléans

        Gaston d'Orléans

        Château de Blois, Blois, Loire Valley, France
        Speaker: Jean Trân Thanh Vân (LPT/Orsay)
      • 15:15
        Coffee break Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor

        Marguerite de Valois, Ground floor