Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

RD51 Open Lectures and Mini Week

593/R-010 - Salle 11 (CERN)

593/R-010 - Salle 11


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Eraldo Oliveri (CERN), Spyros Tzamarias (Aristotle University of Thessalon¡ki (GR))

Monday 11th December, 14:00 - Wednesday 13th December 12:30

RD51 Open Lectures: Signal generation, modelling and processing

W. Riegler, R. Veenhof, F. Resnati, S. Tzamarias

Purpose of the lectures is to discuss new developments on the methods and tools used to describe the signal generating processes as well as techniques of analysing data of gaseous detectors.  The lectures are geared towards people who are doing, or intend to do, research and developments on gas-based detectors but are also open to anyone interested on the subject.

Please, fill the registration to the Open Lectures (right panel) in particular if you are planning to follow them in person at CERN.

Lectures will be broadcasted via Vydio.

Access to the lectures is free. Certificate of Attendance will be provided under request.



Wednesday 13th December, 14:00 - Friday 15th December 17:30

RD51 Mini Week


We are looking forward to seeing you at CERN!

Best regards,

Silvia and Leszek.

  • Abhik Jash
  • Adam Gera
  • Aimilianos Koulouris
  • Akanksha Ahuja
  • Alsu Bagdatova
  • Andrea Gelmi
  • Andreia Fernandes
  • Anil Kumar
  • Anusha Liyanage
  • Aristoteles Kyriakis
  • Atsuhiko Ochi
  • Benjamin Manier
  • Carlos Henriques
  • Catriona Bruce
  • Chilo Garabatos Cuadrado
  • Christopher Filosa
  • Christos Bakalis
  • Christos Dimitrios Paraskevopoulos
  • Christos Roskas
  • Damián García
  • Dan Shaked Renous
  • Daniil Sukhonos
  • Deb Sankar Bhattacharya
  • Dimitrios Matakias
  • Dimos Sampsonidis
  • Elena Voevodina
  • Elisabetta Soldani
  • Emanuel Pollacco
  • Emma Chizzali
  • Eraldo Oliveri
  • Federica Maria Simone
  • Filipp Dubinin
  • Francesco Fallavollita
  • Francisco Garcia
  • Fulvio Tessarotto
  • Gennady Gavrilov
  • George Iakovidis
  • Gianfranco Morello
  • Givi Sekhniaidze
  • Guofeng Song
  • Ian Crotty
  • Ilaria Vai
  • Inkyu Park
  • Inseok Yoon
  • Ioannis Manthos
  • Irina Dribas
  • Javier Galan Lacarra
  • Jaydeep Datta
  • Jeremie Alexandre Merlin
  • Jerome Samarati
  • Jianxin Feng
  • Jinky Agarwala
  • Joao Veloso
  • Jochen Kaminski
  • Katerina Kuznetsova
  • Klaus Dehmelt
  • Kondo Gnanvo
  • Konstantinos Paraschou
  • Kostas Kordas
  • Kostas Ntekas
  • Laura Segui
  • Leszek Ropelewski
  • Lisa Borgonovi
  • liu wei
  • luca moleri
  • Lucian Scharenberg
  • Lukas Lautner
  • Lukas Sohl
  • lv you
  • Maksym Titov
  • Manuel Fontaíña López
  • Mara Corbetta
  • Marek Michal Gruchala
  • Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi
  • Mauro Gregori
  • Mauro Iodice
  • Michael Kohl
  • Michele Gallinaro
  • Mikhail Negodaev
  • Mitali Mondal
  • Mohammad Nizam
  • Morten Jagd Christensen
  • Nayana Majumdar
  • Noor Ward
  • Ourania Sidiropoulou
  • Panagiotis Gkountoumis
  • Paolo Vitulo
  • Paris Moschovakos
  • Patrik Thuiner
  • Paul Colas
  • Pepe Gülker
  • Piet Verwilligen
  • Piotr Bielowka
  • Piotr Gasik
  • Polyneikis Tzanis
  • Prasant Kumar Rout
  • Rafael M Gutierrez
  • Raffaella Radogna
  • Ricardo Peres
  • Rosamaria Venditti
  • Rui De Oliveira
  • Sabato Stefano Caiazza
  • Sebastian White
  • Silvia Dalla Torre
  • Silvia Franchino
  • Stefano Levorato
  • Supratik Mukhopadhyay
  • Tanvi Patel
  • Theodoros Alexopoulos
  • Venetios Polychronakos
  • Vishal Kumar
  • Wenhao You
  • Yorgos Tsipolitis
  • Yuxiang Zhao