DISCRETE 2020-2021

from Monday 29 November 2021 (08:45) to Friday 3 December 2021 (15:40)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
29 Nov 2021
30 Nov 2021
1 Dec 2021
2 Dec 2021
3 Dec 2021
Plenary - Joern Kersten Per Osland (University of Bergen (NO)) (until 09:00) ()
09:00 Neutrinos: recent phenomenological developments - Alexei Smirnov (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
09:35 Fermion mass hierarchies from residual modular symmetries - Joao Penedo (CFTP/IST, Lisbon)   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Challenges in supersymmetric cosmology - Ignatios Antoniadis (UPMC)   ()
11:15 g-2 - Michel Davier   ()
11:50 Going beyond the Standard paradigm of Cosmology: Torsion, gravitational anomalies and inflation without inflaton fields - Nikos Mavromatos (University of London (GB))   ()
09:00 Hints for New Physics in Rare B Decays - Wolfgang Altmannshofer (UC Santa Cruz)   ()
09:35 Underground tests of Quantum Mechanics - Catalina Curceanu (LNF-INFN)   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 CPV in non-leptonic decays - Robert Fleischer (NIKHEF)   ()
11:15 Dark matter - Manfred Lindner (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)   ()
11:50 Dark matter searches at future e+ e- colliders - Jan Henryk Kalinowski (University of Warsaw (PL))   ()
09:00 Rare b-decays and tests of lepton flavour universality at LHCb - Monica Pepe-Altarelli (CERN)   ()
09:35 Quantum correlations in neutrino oscillations - Massimo Blasone (Università di Salerno)   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 On naturalness and UV infinities in perturbative QFT - Sander Mooij   ()
11:15 New ideas on quantum mechanics related to entanglement - Beatrix Hiesmayr (University of Vienna)   ()
11:50 B-$\bar{\rm B}$ mixing: decay matrix at high precision - Ulrich Nierste   ()
09:00 The Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN - Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE))   ()
09:35 Searches for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation - David Hitlin   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Vector-like quarks - Gustavo Branco (Instituto Superior Tecnico)   ()
11:15 Flavour and Symmetries - Ferruccio Feruglio   ()
11:50 Symmetries and Topological Defects in the 2HDM and Beyond - Apostolos Pilaftsis (University of Manchester (GB))   ()
09:00 A natural mechanism for a SM-like Higgs boson in the 2HDM without decoupling - Howard Haber (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   ()
09:35 MoEDAL, MAPP and future endeavours - Vasiliki Mitsou (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Search for the neutron Electric Dipole Moment at the Paul Scherrer Institute - Jacek Zejma   ()
11:15 Antihydrogen hyperfine structure - Daniel James Murtagh (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
11:50 On the equivalence between Starobinsky and Higgs inflation in gravity and supergravity - Serguei Ketov (Tokyo Metropolitan University and Kavli IPMU)   ()
12:25 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Inflaton Dark Matter - Jong-Hyun Yoon (University of Helsinki)   ()
14:00 Muon anomalous magnetic moment - Ara Ioannisyan (A.Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (AM))   ()
14:00 Orbifold brane-Higgs - Gregory MOREAU   ()
14:25 Does antimatter fall like matter? : the GBAR experiment (CERN) - Olivier Rousselle (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (FR))   ()
14:25 Gravitational anomalies, CPT violation and leptogenesis - sarben sarkar   ()
14:35 Lepton g−2 anomalies in general flavour conserving two Higgs doublets models - Miguel Nebot   ()
14:50 CPT violation and neutrino oscillation experiments - Christoph Andreas Ternes (INFN, Sezione di Torino)   ()
14:50 Feynman diagrams: index, topology and current inflow for massless fermions - Srimoyee Sen   ()
15:00 SUSY g-2 with and without neutralino dark matter - Kazuki Sakurai (University of Warsaw)   ()
15:25 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Floquet Time Crystals - Frank Wilczek   ()
17:05 Belle II experiment: status and prospects - Eiasha Waheed   ()
17:05 Diagonal reflection symmetries and universal four-zero texture - Masaki Yang (Saitama University)   ()
17:05 Parity from a gauge symmetry - Fabrizio Nesti   ()
17:30 A decade of dark sector and light dark matter searches at BABAR - Bertrand Echenard (California Institute of Technology (US))   ()
17:30 Horizontal Symmetry and Large Neutrino Magnetic Moment in the Light of Recent Experiments - SUDIP JANA (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)   ()
17:40 A flavor model for neutrino mixing and leptogenesis - biswajit karmakar   ()
18:05 --- Reception ---
12:25 --- Lunch ---
14:00 String Condensation and Gravitational Collapse - or why AdS may be closer than you think - Mike Hewitt (Canterbury Christ Church University) Michael Hewitt (Canterbury Christ Church University)   ()
14:00 Testing CPT symmetry in ortho-positronium decays with J-PET detector - Szymon Niedziecki (Jagiellonian Universit)   ()
14:00 The search for lepton flavour violation with the MEG II experiment - Francesco Renga (INFN Roma)   ()
14:25 CP symmetry test at J-PET with angular coleration of photons from ortho-positronium annihilation - juhi raj   ()
14:25 Measurement of the CP violation in B_s^0 -> J/psi phi decays in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector - Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University (GB))   ()
14:25 Natural supersymmetric dark matter in Twin Higgs models - Marcin Badziak   ()
14:50 Light hyperon physics at BESIII - Patrik Adlarson (Uppsala University (SE))   ()
14:50 Measurements of the Higgs boson properties and their interpretations with the ATLAS experiment - Shuzhou Zhang (University of Michigan (US))   ()
14:50 Next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model - Mohamed-Amine OUAHID (Rabat, Morocco)   ()
15:15 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Additional Baryons and Mesons - Paul Frampton (University of Salento)   ()
16:00 Dark CP violation - Venus Keus   ()
16:00 Probing the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking with Higgs boson pair-production at ATLAS - Michael Donald Hank (University of Chicago (US))   ()
16:25 Dark matter in three-Higgs-doublet models with 𝑆3 symmetr - Anton Kuncinas (CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa)   ()
16:25 Searching for new symmetries in the Higgs sector at ATLAS - Yunyun Fan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   ()
16:35 New measurement of radiative decays at the NA62 Experiment at CERN - Cristina Biino (INFN Torino (IT))   ()
16:50 Measurements of multi-boson production including vector-boson scattering at ATLAS - Xiaotian Liu (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))   ()
16:50 Models with (broken) Z2 symmetries - Tania Natalie Robens (Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))   ()
17:00 Search for K+ decays to a lepton and invisible particles - Roberta Volpe (Comenius University)   ()
17:15 Light states from weak CP violation in the aligned Weinberg 3HDM - Robin Plantey (NTNU)   ()
17:15 Precision measurements of top-quark couplings and cross sections with the ATLAS detector at the LHC - Laurynas Mince (University of Glasgow (GB))   ()
17:25 Searches for baryon number violation via neutron conversions at the European Spallation Source - Sze Chun Yiu   ()
17:50 Measurement of CP violation in B0s decays at CMS - Alberto Bragagnolo   ()
17:50 Model-independent test of T violation in neutrino oscillations - Alejandro Segarra   ()
Plenary (until 12:35) ()
12:35 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Discreteness and Determinism in Quantum Mechanics - Gerard 't Hooft (University of Utrecht)   ()
12:25 --- Lunch ---
14:00 An eclectic approach to the flavor (symmetry) problem - Saul Ramos-Sanchez (UNAM, Mexico)   ()
14:00 Cutting rules on cylinder and simplified diagrammatic approach to CP violation in quantum kinetic theory - Peter Matak (Comenius University (SK))   ()
14:00 Search for lepton number and flavour violation in K+ and pi0 decays - Sergey Kholodenko (Institute for High Energy Physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute (RU))   ()
14:25 A complete description of P- and S-wave contributions to the 𝐵0→𝐾+𝜋−ℓ+ℓ− decay - Marcel Algueró   ()
14:25 Anatomy of a top-down approach to discrete and modular flavor symmetry - Andreas Trautner   ()
14:25 Long-lived highly charged particles at Run-3 and High Luminosity LHC - Rafal Maselek   ()
14:50 Multiple modular symmetries as the origin of flavour - Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas (CFTP, IST, University of Lisbon)   ()
14:50 Searching for New Physics in Rare K and B Decays without |Vcb| and |Vub| Uncertainties - Elena Venturini   ()
14:50 Spontaneously stabilised dark matter from a fermiophobic U(1)' gauge symmetry - Bowen Fu   ()
15:25 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 A common origin of CKM and PMNS pases within 2HDM - Fernando Cornet Gómez   ()
16:00 On the Klein Symmetry of Majorana Mass Matrices and the Electroweak Hierarchy Problem - Jim Talbert   ()
16:00 Status of the K0L to pi0nunu --- Search at the KOTO Experiment - Chieh Lin (The University of Chicago)   ()
16:25 Latest results from the CUORE experiment - Chiara Capelli   ()
16:25 Measurement of the very rare K+ to pi+ nu nubar decay - Michal Zamkovsky (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   ()
16:25 The limits of the strong CP problem - Carlos Tamarit (Technische Universität München)   ()
16:50 Extending the Reach of Leptophilic Boson Searches at DUNE and MiniBooNE with Bremsstrahlung and Resonant Production - Francesco Capozzi (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)   ()
16:50 T_{13} Flavor Symmetry for Quarks and Leptons - Moinul Rahat (University of Florida)   ()
16:50 Tests of LFU and searches for LFV at LHCb - Alessandra Gioventù (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   ()
17:15 Design, Status and Physics Potential of JUNO - Hans Theodor Josef Steiger (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Cluster of Excellence PRISMA+)   ()
17:15 Pulsed Production of Antihydrogen in AEgIS - Nicola Zurlo (Universita di Brescia (IT))   ()
17:15 e-mu Lepton Flavour Violation and tau-mu Lepton Flavour Universality Studies at the Upsilon(3S) with BaBar - Nafisa Tasneem (St Francis Xavier University)   ()
Plenary - Ulrich Nierste Per Osland (University of Bergen (NO)) Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo (Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST)) (until 12:40) ()