8:30 AM
Neutrinos & DM
Gamal Nashed
(until 10:35 AM)
8:30 AM
Thermal Axions: Production Mechanisms and Cosmological Signals
Francesco D'Eramo
8:55 AM
Reparametrization symmetry in neutrino oscillation
Hisakazu Minakata
9:20 AM
Muon g-2 in Light of LHC and DM Experiments
Cem Salih Un
9:45 AM
Dark Matter/Dark sectors searches at neutrino fixed target experiment.
Claudia Frugiuele
10:10 AM
Impact of Non-Perturbative Effects on Simplified t-Channel Dark Matter Models
Mathias Becker
10:35 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Parallel 1: Neutrinos
Sarira Sahu
(until 1:00 PM)
11:00 AM
Non-zero θ13 with A4×Z4 flavour symmetry group
Victoria Puyam
11:15 AM
Neutrino Mass Ordering - Circumventing the Challenges using Synergy between INO, T2HK and JUNO
Deepak Raikwal
11:30 AM
Energy-dependent flavor ratios, cascade/track spectrum tension and high-energy neutrinos from magnetospheres of supermassive black holes
Kirill Riabtsev
11:45 AM
Clockwork Fermions contribution to neutrino mass generation and Charged Lepton Flavor Violation l_i > l_j + \gamma
Gayatri Ghosh
12:00 PM
Testable Leptogenesis Paradigm via Gravitational Waves
Arnab Dasgupta
12:15 PM
Coherent neutrino scattering and the quenching factor
Jiajun Liao
12:30 PM
Non-standard neutrino interactions in light mediator models at reactor experiments.
Sumit Ghosh
12:45 PM
Type II Seesaw Leptogenesis
Neil Barrie
11:00 AM
Parallel 2: Dark Matter
Juan Antonio Aguilar Sánchez
(until 1:00 PM)
11:00 AM
Neutrino Physics and dark matter signals in simple and well-motivated supersymmetric models
Daniel E. Lopez-Fogliani
11:15 AM
New results from PandaX-4T experiment
Xiaopeng Zhou
11:30 AM
Introduction to the neutrino and darkmatter detections of Liquid-Ar and LS
Zhimin Wang
11:45 AM
Planetary Defense and Space Quantum Technology for Dark Matter Search
Yu-Dai Tsai
12:00 PM
Dark Energy in Mass Varying Neutrino Models
Michael Maziashvili
12:15 PM
Probing Dark Sectors with Evaporating Black Holes
Michael Baker
12:30 PM
First dark matter search results from the LZ experiment
Kelly Stifter