Planck 2010
From the Planck Scale to the ElectroWeak Scale
Planck 2011 will be held in Lisbon May 30-June 3
(link here)
The conference will be the twelfth one in a series of meetings on physics beyond the Standard Model, organized jointly by several European groups: Bonn, CERN, Ecole Polytechnique, ICTP, Madrid, Oxford, Padua, Pisa, SISSA and Warsaw as part of activities in the framework of the European network UNILHC.
Video recordings (from Main auditorium):
- Monday morning
- Monday afternoon
- Tuesday morning 9:00->10:30
- Tuesday morning 11:00->13:00
- Tuesday afternoon 14:30->16:30
- Tuesday afternoon 17:00->19:00
- Wednesday morning 9:00->10:30
- Wednesday morning 11:00->13:00
- Thursday morning
- Friday morning
- Friday afternoon
Topics to be discussed:
- Supergravity & string phenomenology
- Extra dimensions
- Electroweak symmetry breaking
- LHC and Tevatron Physics
- Collider physics
- Flavor & neutrinos physics
- Astroparticle & cosmology
- Gravity & holography
- Strongly coupled physics & CFT
Registration: registration will be open until May 1st. Registration fees amount to 150 CHF and cover the cost of the coffee breaks and the social dinner. Payment has to be made online. The deadline for registration has been postponed to May 7th. However, after May 3th, we shall not accept any talk request any more.
The meeting will be partly supported by
° the Marie Curie Initial Training Network "UNILHC" PITN-GA-2009-23792,
° the ERC Advanced Grant "MassTeV" 226371,
° and the CERN-TH unit.
Abdelhak Djouadi
Adam Falkowski
Adisorn Adulpravitchai
Alberto Salvio
Alberto Casas
Alberto Nicolis
Alberto Tonero
Alessandro Strumia
Alessandro Vichi
Alex Pomarol
Alexandre Arbey
Alexey Anisimov
Alfredo Aranda
Alvise Varagnolo
Andi Hektor
Andrea Romanino
Andreas Weiler
Andrey Katz
Andrey Khmelnitskiy
Andrzej Czarnecki
Angel Uranga
Anna Kaminska
Anne-Marie Perrin
Antoine Kouchner
Antonio Masiero
Antonio Delgado
Antonio Pich
Antonio Riotto
Arjun Trivedi
Arthur Hebecker
Avihay Kadosh
Babiker Hassanain
Barbara Mele
Ben Gripaios
Benedict von Harling
Benjamin Grinstein
Bogdan Dobrescu
Bohdan Grzadkowski
Brian Feldstein
Brian Batell
Bruce Campbell
Bryan Zaldivar
Carla Biggio
Carlos Savoy
Carolin Barbara Braeuninger
Cedric Delaunay
Celine Boehm
Christophe Grojean
Christopher Andrey
Christopher Kolda
Christopher McCabe
Christopher Rogan
Chul Kim
Claudia Hagedorn
Claudio Scrucca
Csaba Csaki
Daniel Arnold
Daniel Chung
Daniel Figueroa
Daniel Whiteson
Dave Tucker-Smith
David Tran
Dennis D. Dietrich
Diego Blas
Diego Guadagnoli
Dong-Won Jung
Dorota Sokolowska
Duccio Pappadopulo
Dumitru Ghilencea
Durga Prasad Roy
Eduardo Pontón
Ehsan Hatefi
Elias Kiritsis
Emidio Gabrielli
Emilian Dudas
Emiliano Molinaro
Emilie Omnes
Emmanuel Moulin
Ennio Salvioni
Enrico Bertuzzo
Enrico Trincherini
Enrique Fernandez Martinez
Eran Palti
Fabio Zwirner
Fabrizio Nesti
Federico Mescia
Fedor Bezrukov
Felix Bruemmer
Fernando Quevedo
Fernando Marchesano Buznego
Filipe Joaquim
Filipe Paccetti Correia
Florence Auger
Florian Plentinger
Francesca Borzumati
Francesco Coradeschi
Francesco Riva
Frank Deppisch
Frederic J. Ronga
Fulvio Piccinini
Fuminobu Takahashi
Gabriele Honecker
Georg Weiglein
Gerhard Hejc
Gero Gersdorff
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Gian Francesco Giudice
Gilad Perez
Gino Isidori
Giovanni Villadoro
Giuliano Panico
Goran Senjanovic
Graham Ross
Gudrun Hiller
Guido Altarelli
Guillermo Ballesteros
Gustavo Burdman
Gustavo C. Branco
Gábor Cynolter
Géraldine Servant
Hajime Ishimori
Hans Peter Nilles
Hitoshi Murayama
Holger Bech Nielsen
Hooman Davoudiasl
Hyun Min Lee
Ian-Woo Kim
Ignatios Antoniadis
Ilia Gogoladze
Ioannis Dalianis
Ioannis Rizos
Isabella Masina
Itzhak Bars
Jackson Wu
Jacques Wagstaff
Jae-hyeon Park
James Barnard
James Wells
Jan Mrazek
Javi Serra
Jean-Pierre Derendinger
Jeanne Parmentier
Jeanne Rostant
Jeremy Mardon
Jernej Kamenik
Jesus M. Moreno
Jianming Qian
Jochen Baumann
Joel Jones Perez
Joern Kersten
John Ellis
John March-Russell
John Terning
Jorge Romão
Jose Miguel No
Jose Ramon Espinosa
Jose Santiago
Jose W F Valle
Josef Kluson
Josef Pradler
José Francisco Zurita
Ju Min Kim
Juan Antonio Aguilar-Saavedra
Jure Zupan
Katrin Gemmler
Kiwoon Choi
Koji Ishiwata
Koji Tsumura
Kristjan Kannike
Kyriakos Tamvakis
Laura Covi
Laura Lopez Honorez
Lawrence Hall
Leonardo Brizi
Liliana Velasco-Sevilla
Lisa Everett
Lisa Randall
Lorenzo Calibbi
Lorenzo Magnea
Lorenzo Sorbo
Lotfi Boubekeur
Luca Di Luzio
Luca Merlo
Luca Panizzi
Luis Alvarez-Gaume
Luis Aparicio
Luis Ibanez
Mahdi Torabian
Makoto Fujiwara
Manuel Pérez-Victoria
Marcela Carena
Marcin Badziak
Marco Bonvini
Marco Cirelli
Marco Drewes
Marco Farina
Marco Nardecchia
Marco Serone
Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo
Maria Spiropulu
Mariano Quiros
Markus Luty
Martin Holthausen
Martin S. Sloth
Martin Spinrath
Martti Raidal
Masaki Asano
Mathias Garny
Matthew Buican
Matthew McCullough
Matti Jarvinen
Mattias Blennow
Michael A. Schmidt
Michal Artymowski
Michele Redi
Michele Papucci
Michelle Connor
Miha Nemevsek
Mihoko Nojiri
Mikhail Shaposhnikov
Mindaugas Karciauskas
Minoru Nagai
Mitsuru Kakizaki
Morimitsu Tanimoto
Nausheen Shah
Nazila Mahmoudi
Nicholas Setzer
Nicola Ambrosetti
Nikolaos Brouzakis
Nima Arkani-Hamed
Norberto Gutierrez Rodriguez
Norihiro Iizuka
Nuria Rius
Oriol Pujolas Boix
Oscar Vives
Pablo G. Camara
Pantelis Tziveloglou
Paolo Lodone
Paolo Panci
Paolo Torrielli
Paride Paradisi
Per Osland
Peter Skands
Radja Boughezal
Radovan Dermisek
Raffaele D'Agnolo
Rakhi Mahbubani
Raman Sundrum
Reinhold Rueckl
Reinier De Adelhart Toorop
Riccardo Barbieri
Riccardo Rattazzi
Riccardo Torre
Robert Hodgkinson
Robert Ziegler
Roberto Contino
Roberto Franceschini
Roland Allen
Ruggero Tacchi
Ryan Terri
Sabine Kraml
Salah eddine En Nadifi
Sandeepan Gupta
Seongchan Park
Sercan Sen
Sergey Sibiryakov
Seung Lee
Shun Zhou
Sinan Kuday
Slava Rychkov
Sogee Spinner
Stathes Paganis
Stefan Antusch
Stefan Groot Nibbelink
Stefan Pokorski
Stefania De Curtis
Stefano Di Chiara
Stefano Rigolin
Stephan Huber
Stephen Ellis
Stephen West
Steve Blanchet
Steven Worm
Stéphane Lavignac
Susanne Westhoff
Sven Krippendorf
Sylvain Fichet
Tae-Won Ha
Tatsu Takeuchi
Terrance Figy
Thomas Curtright
Thomas Flacke
Thomas Gregoire
Thomas Konstandin
Tomo Takahashi
Tony Gherghetta
Veronica Sanz
Wilfried Buchmuller
Yitzhak Frishman
Yue Zhang
Yuri Shirman
Yutaka Hosotani
Zackaria Chacko
Ze'ev Surujon
Zoltan Trocsanyi
Speaker: Heuer, Rolf & Bloch, Philippe & Alvarez-Gaume, Luis
A non-standard supersymmetric spectrum 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Riccardo Barbieri (Dipartimento di Fisica)
The naturally light dilation 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Riccardo Rattazzi (EPFL)
10:30 AM
Higgs-mediated flavour-changing neutral currents 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Gino Isidori (Unknown)
Flavour constraints on the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Antonio Pich (Unknown)
Aspects of 3rd generation physics at the LHC 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Gilad Perez (Weizmann Institute)
Selected results from D0 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Dr Jianming Qian (University of Michigan)
1:00 PM
Electroweak symmetry breaking from monopole condensation 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Csaba Csaki (Cornell)
Speaker: Alex Pomarol (Universidad de Barcelona)
The MSSM and beyond 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Marcela Carena
Speaker: Graham Ross (Oxford)
4:30 PM
Mass and spin measurements with MT2 and MAOS momentum 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Kiwoon Choi (KAIST)
On weighting the superpartners at the 'early stage' of LHC 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: mihoko nojiri (KEK)
Uplifted supersymmetric Higgs region 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Bogdan Dobrescu
7:00 PM
LHC and Tevatron physics 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Hitoshi Murayama (University of California, Berkeley)
Multi-Higgs models and minimal flavour violation 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Gustavo Branco (Instituto Superior Tecnico)
LHC and the origin of neutrino mass 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Goran Senjanovic (ICTP, Trieste)
10:30 AM
Speaker: Emilian Dudas (DAPNIA)
Precision gauge unification from extra Yukawa couplings 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Arthur Hebecker (Heidelberg University)
D-brane instantons and phenomenological applications 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Angel Uranga (CERN)
Recent results from CDF 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Daniel Whiteson (University of California-Unknown-Unknown)
1:00 PM
Dark Matter I TH Theory Conference Room
TH Theory Conference Room
Convener: Marco Cirelli (CERN & CNRS IPhT Saclay)- 22
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More Formal: quantum gravity, strings, sugra, susy... 503/1-001 - Council ChamberConvener: Fernando Marchesano Buznego (Unknown)
On predictions of 2T-Physics 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Itzhak Bars (Unknown)
Observing The Hidden Sector of Supersymmetric Theories 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Bruce Campbell
Intersecting Brane worlds and Gauge Couplings at 1-Loop 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Monika Gabriele Honecker (Unknown)
DBI and universal hypermultiplet in N=2 supersymmetry 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Nicola Ambrosetti
The flavour of heterotic gauge/gravity duality 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Filipe Paccetti Correia
Heterotic MSSM on resolved orbifold 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Dr Stefan Groot Nibbelink (Heidelberg University)
M-theory phenomenology 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Mahdi Torabian (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
Random dynamics, model of fine tuning, dark matter, Tunguska 503/1-001 - Council ChamberSpeaker: Holger Nielsen (University of Copenhagen-Unknown-Unknown)
Non Standard Higgs 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Abdelhak Djouadi (Montpellier)
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4:30 PM
Dark Matter II TH Theory Conference Room
TH Theory Conference Room
Convener: Celine Boehm (Unknown)- 46
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Non-Standard Higgs II (mainly LITTLE HIGGS) 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Giacomo Cacciapaglia (Unknown)
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Signatures for LHC 503/1-001 - Council ChamberConvener: Rakhi Mahbubani
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Stable gravitino Dark Matter and the SUSY spectrum 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Laura Covi (DESY)
Beyond minimal flavour violation in family symmetry theories of the fermion masses 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Stefan Pokorski (Institute of Experimental Physics)
News on Dark Matter 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Alessandro Strumia (Dipartimento di Fisica-Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (SNS)-IN)
10:30 AM
Recent developments in the LARGE volume string scenario 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Fernando Quevedo (Univ. of Cambridge and ICTP)
Electroweak symmetry breaking from a SM bulk Higgs 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Mariano Quiros (Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas-Universidad Complutense-Unknown)
Prospects for SUSY and Higgs phenomenology at the LHC 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Georg Weiglein (Desy)
Speaker: Stathes Paganis (Sheffield)
1:00 PM
COSMOLOGY TH Theory Conference Room
TH Theory Conference Room
Convener: Martin Sloth- 77
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Convener: Carla Biggio (Unknown)
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Convener: Roberto Contino (Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS))
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4:30 PM
TH Theory Conference Room
Convener: Thomas Markus Konstandin- 100
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Convener: Matthew Buican
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Convener: Eduardo Ponton
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SUSY breaking in N=2 QFT 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Matthew Buican
The discrete beauty of local grand unification 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Hans Peter Nilles
Gravity from the landscape of gauge theories 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Elias Kiritsis (Unknown)
10:30 AM
Partially supersymmetric composite Higgs models 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Michele Redi
Speaker: Ben Matthew Gripaios
From partons to pions 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Peter Skands (CERN)
Speaker: Frederic J. Ronga (ETH Zurich)
1:00 PM
FLAVOUR II TH Theory Conference Room
TH Theory Conference Room
Convener: Filipe Joaquim- 131
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OUT OF THE COMMON CATEGORIES 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumConvener: Sergey Sibiryakov (Unknown)
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Convener: Isabella Masina (Unknown)
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4:30 PM
Coffee Break and departure for the UN 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
5:00 PM
UN visit and Dinner 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
Strong double Higgs production 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Roberto Contino (Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS))
Strong breaking of electroweak symmetry 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Markus Luty (University of California Davis)
10:30 AM
Generating fermion mass in emergent electroweak symmetry breaking 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Tony Gherghetta (University of Melbourne)
Minimal Z' models and the early LHC 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Mr Fabio Zwirner (Unknown)
Towards self-consistent theory of small-angle transplanckian scattering 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Vyacheslav Rychkov (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Gravity without relativity: exploring new approach to quantum gravity 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Sergey Sibiryakov (Unknown)
1:00 PM
Physics of Plenitude 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: John March-Russell (Oxford)
A finely-predicted Higgs mass from a finely-tuned weak scale 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Lawrence Hall (UC Berkeley)
Broken R-parity in the Sky and at the LHC 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Wilfried Buchmuller (DESY)
SUSY splits, but then returns 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Raman Sundrum
4:30 PM
Scattering amplitudes and emergent spacetime 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Nima Arkani-Hamed
Resonances at the LHC 500/1-001 - Main AuditoriumSpeaker: Lisa Randall (Harvard)