PSAS'2024 - International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems

ETH Zurich- Hönggerberg Campus

ETH Zurich- Hönggerberg Campus

Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich (CH)), Savely Karshenboym (LMU, MPQ, Pulkovo), Daniel Kienzler, Fabian Schmid

The International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, PSAS'2024, marks the 12th edition of the  PSAS conference series  PSAS 2024 will be held in Zurich from June 10th to June 14th, 2024.

PSAS 2024 is dedicated to advancing precision studies of simple atomic and molecular systems, with the aim of developing innovative approaches and addressing fundamental questions within the realm of atomic physics and potential new physics. The applications of this research span various fields, including particle and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, astrophysics, metrology, and more.

The conference will be followed by the satellite workshop: "µASTI --- Muonic Atom Spectroscopy Theory Initiative".