25th International Summer Institute on Phenomenology of Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology (SI2019)

SANDPINE, Gangneung, Korea

SANDPINE, Gangneung, Korea

Eung Jin Chun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study), Seong Chan Park (Yonsei University)

Welcome to the 25th International Summer Institute on Phenomenology of Elementary Particles and Cosmology (SI2019). The Summer Institutes have been held every summer since 1995. It aims at an Aspen-type Institute in Asia. The purpose of the Summer Institute is to promote communications and discussions on research among participants, rather than to give pedagogical lectures for students. Therefore the scientific program is relaxed to keep enough time for discussions. We hope that the new ideas and research activities will be initiated from this institute.


** Notice on registration**

The registration fee should be paid at the conference site by CASH(KRW) at your arrival.


[Notice on July 6] Timetable 

Please notice that the program of SI 2019 has been uploaded in the 'Timetable' menu of the Indico. Please check it carefully, and in case your talk/poster presentation is in conflict with your travel schedule, please let us know before July 12th.

Other information (e.g. meal plan, nearby restaurants, Banquet, excursion and other useful pieces of information) will be updated on the SI 2019 webpage. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us when you have any inquiries about SI2019.


[Notice on July 10] Poster session 

To Poster Presenters & Discussion Leaders of the poster sessions,

* Please put your posters at the prepared place from 15:00, Tuesday (Aug 20th) to 21:00, Thursday (Aug 22nd).

* Please stand by next to your poster in 20:30-21:00 on Tuesday and Thursday after the parallel sessions and discuss with the visitors.

* Discussion leaders will examine your posters and notify the best 3 posters at the closing session of SI2019. 


[Notice on Aug 23] Best Poster Award Recognitions


Contact: Prof. Seong Chan Park
    • 16:00 17:30
      Welcoming & Check-in: [W] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Conveners: Eung Jin Chun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study), Seong Chan Park (Yonsei University)
    • 17:30 19:30
      Reception 2h
    • 19:30 20:30
      Colloquium: [C1] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))
      • 19:30
        Overview of current situation @ 2019 1h
        Speaker: Hitoshi Murayama (University of California Berkeley (US))
    • 09:00 12:30
      Lectures: [L1] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Conveners: Xiao-Gang He (Shanghai Jiao Tong University/National Taiwan University), morimitsu tanimoto (Niigata University)
    • 12:30 16:00
      Lunch 3h 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Focus Talks: [F1] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Hyun Min Lee (CAU - Chung-Ang University (KR))
      • 16:00
        Light Dark Matter and Dark Radiation 30m

        We propose a model for dark matter and dark radiation, based on a strongly-coupled dark SU(5) gauge theory with fundamental and decuplet dark-quarks. The model supports light dark-baryons, respecting the chiral symmetry, which are electrically neutral but have electromagnetic form factors, and also a light dark-axion. Since the coupling of dark baryons to the standard model particles is inversely proportional to the square of the confinement scale, dark baryons become either hot dark matter or cold dark matter, depending on when the dark color confines. For the confinement scale Λ∼10−103 GeV the dark baryons of mass about 1 GeV−1 MeV become cold dark matter with naturally small magnetic moment and give the correct relic abundance. We also discuss the collider signatures of our model

        Speaker: Deog Ki Hong (Pusan National University (KR))
      • 16:30
        Effective Field Theory of WIMP Dark Matter 30m

        The evidence for Dark Matter in nature is overwhelming. A particle explanation is both conservative and compelling. Nonetheless, with gravitation its only known experimental signal, general considerations allow the particle’s mass to be anywhere within 41 orders of magnitude below the Planck scale. This range narrows significantly if we propose simple extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics to include Dark Matter. The mass scale needed to achieve the measured abundance of Dark Matter in the Universe in this scenario comes out to be near the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking, 10^2-10^4 GeV, giving the so-called Weakly-Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) Miracle. Although these models are simple to write down as lagrangians, their dynamics is nontrivial, including multiple non-perturbative quantum mechanical effects. Understanding their physics properly is crucial for discovering or ruling out simple WIMP Dark Matter. I will describe how state-of-the-art Effective Field Theories, inspired by those developed for studying the strong nuclear force (QCD), resolve questions about the viability of the simplest WIMPs.

        Speaker: Prof. Matthew Baumgart (Arizona State University)
      • 17:00
        Stringy Gravity: O(D,D) completion of General Relativity 30m

        Upon treating the whole closed-string massless NS-NS sector as stringy graviton fields, Double Field Theory may evolve into Stringy Gravity'. In terms of an O(D,D) covariant differential geometry beyond Riemann, we present the definitions of the off-shell conserved stringy Einstein curvature tensor and the on-shell conserved stringy Energy-Momentum tensor. Equating them, all the equations of motion of the massless sector are unified into a single expression, GAB=8πGTAB, carrying O(D,D) vector indices, which we dubthe Einstein Double Field Equations'.

        Speaker: Jeong-Hyuck Park (Sogang University)
    • 17:30 19:00
      Dinner 1h 30m
    • 19:00 20:30
      Focus Talks: [F2] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Yuji Omura (KMI, Nagoya University)
      • 19:00
        TBA 30m


        Speaker: Hyung Do Kim (Seoul National University)
      • 19:30
        Photon-ALP-dark photon oscillation and its phenomenological implications 30m

        TBAThe physics of conversion of the photon to ALP (axion-like particle) induced by the conventional ALP coupling to the photon in the presence of the background magnetic field has been well studied. This interesting phenomenological aspect can be used to probe a signal of the new physics beyond the standard model. As an example, the EDGES anomaly of the 21cm signal and the spectral irregularities of the Fermi-LAT data can be explained by the conversion of the photon to ALP. However, the corresponding ALP mass and coupling are in a severe tension with the present constraints. With this motivations, I will talk about our recent work on the photon-ALP-dark photon oscillation as an alternative possibility to resolve such difficulties.

        Speaker: Seokhoon Yun (KIAS)
      • 20:00
        Coffee Break 30m
    • 20:30 21:30
      Colloquium: [C2] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))
      • 20:30
        Overview of current situation @ 2019 1h
        Speaker: Hitoshi Murayama (University of California Berkeley (US))
    • 09:00 12:30
      Lectures: [L2] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Conveners: Ki-Young Choi (Sungkyunkwan University (KR)), Prof. Matthew Baumgart (Arizona State University)
    • 12:30 16:00
      Lunch 3h 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Focus Talks: [F3] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Hyung Do Kim (Seoul National University)
      • 16:00
        Tagging boosted weak gauge bosons with deep learning 30m

        We propose new boosted weak gauge boson taggers based upon deep learning. It is shown to have better efficiency over the traditional BDT technique in discriminating W+/W-/Z bosons at the LHC.

        Speaker: Prof. Cheng-Wei Chiang (National Taiwan University)
      • 16:30
        A New Architecture of Classification Model with the Abstraction of Physical Symmetry 15m

        An amount of the data obtained from the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) accelerator, as well as other future collider experiments, is growing faster. In order to have a good analysis of the data obtained, a high-performance discriminate model is required, and analysis using many machine learning techniques have been studying. However, due to the limitations of the present neural network which are usually trained to possess a poor level of abstraction for rather simple but robust mathematical relations, the quality of conventional classification models are highly dependent on the quality, quantity, and range of the data used for training. In this talk, we introduce a new architecture of classification model, which have not only high performance but also have improved model-universality so that the valid range of the model is highly extended. Finally, we demonstrate a new classification model with interpretable latent space abstracted by our neural machine.

        Speaker: Kayoung Ban
      • 16:45
        Light inflaton and reheating 15m

        We consider the inflation model of a singlet scalar field (sigma field) with both quadratic and linear non-minimal couplings where unitarity is ensured up to the Planck scale. We assume that a Z2 symmetry for the sigma field is respected by the scalar potential in Jordan frame but it is broken explicitly by the linear non-minimal coupling due to quantum gravity. Also, we discuss a novel reheating process with quartic potential dominance.

        Speaker: Mr Soomin Choi (Chung-Ang University)
      • 17:00
        WIMP dark matter in the parity solution to the strong CP problem 30m

        We extend the Standard Model (SM) with parity symmetry, motivated by the strong CP problem and dark matter. In our model, parity symmetry is conserved at high energy by introducing a mirror sector with the extra gauge symmetry, SU(2)R×U(1)R. The charges of SU(2)R×U(1)R are assigned to the mirror fields in the same way as in the SM, but the chiralities of the mirror fermions are opposite to respect the parity symmetry. The strong CP problem is resolved, since the mirror quarks are also charged under the SU(3)c in the SM. In the minimal setup, the mirror gauge symmetry leads to stable colored particles which would be inconsistent with the observed data, so that we introduce two scalars in order to deplete the stable colored particles. Interestingly, one of the scalars becomes stable because of the gauge symmetry and therefore can be a good dark matter candidate. We especially study the phenomenology relevant to the dark matter, i.e. thermal relic density, direct and indirect searches for the dark matter. The bounds from the LHC experiment and the Landau pole are also taken into account. As a result, we find that a limited region is viable: the mirror up quark mass is around [600\,GeV, 3\,TeV] and the relative mass difference between the dark matter and the mirror up quark or electron is about (1-10\,\%). We also discuss the neutrino sector and show that the right-handed neutrinos in the mirror sector can increase the effective number of neutrinos or dark radiation by 0.14.

        Speaker: Yuji Omura (KMI, Nagoya University)
    • 17:30 19:00
      Dinner 1h 30m
    • 19:00 20:30
      Parallel Session: [P1-A] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Conveners: Takaaki Nomura (Korea Institute for Advanced Study), Prof. Wanil Park (Chonbuk (Jeonbuk) National University)
      • 19:00
        Inflaton as a decaying dark matter 10m

        We considered the effects of the linear non-minimal coupling for a singlet inflaton unitarizing the Higgs inflation. The inflaton field called sigma field can couple to the Standard Model through the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. Thus, regarding the sigma field as a decaying dark matter, we considered the non-thermal production mechanisms for dark matter from the decays of Higgs and inflaton condensate. We obtained the correct relic abundance of inflaton dark matter consistent with BBN and CMB constraints.

        Speaker: Yoo-Jin Kang (Chung-Ang University)
      • 19:10
        Dark matter coannihilation as a prediction of an origin of families and NLS miracle. 10m

        We study the phenomenological consequences of the supersymmetric (SUSY) E7/SU(5)× U(1)3 non-linear sigma model, where the squarks and sleptons are Nambu Goldstone (NG) bosons. This SUSY coset space accommodates just three families of the quark and lepton chiral multiplets as (pseudo) NG multiplets, explaining the origin of the families. The model coupled to the supergravity predicts a chiral multiplet which has shift symmetry. The imaginary part can be identified as the QCD axion solving the strong CP problem. The gaugino masses have a typical mass pattern from the anomaly mediation and the SUSY breaking mediation due to the chiral multiplet if the dominant SUSY breaking field is charged under some symmetry. The model predicts the difference of the wino and bino masses within O(1)%, which can lead to thermal dark matter with bino-wino coannihilation. Moreover we find that the regions for the dark matter abundance, the consistent Higgs boson mass, and the unification regions within O(1)% precision of the bottom-tau Yukawa couplings and the gauge couplings coincides, i.e. a NLS miracle. The scenario can be tested in the LHC and future colliders.

        Speaker: Dr Wen Yin (KAIST, Department of Physics)
      • 19:20
        Self-heating dark matter in the early Universe 10m

        This talk introduces a regime of semi-annihilating DM that accommodates the self-heating period between the kinetic decoupling and freeze-out of DM self-interaction. During the self-heating, the DM temperature redshifts like radiation even though the DM particles are non-relativistic. The novel aspect of self-heating DM is that warmness and self-interaction of DM are interrelated: stronger self-interaction prolongs the self-heating to make DM particles warmer. The resultant warmness of DM particles impact the matter distribution of the Universe. Interestingly, we find that structure formation of sub-GeV self-heating DM is suppressed at sub-galactic scale when the self-interaction cross section is ~1cm^2/g, which is the value that flattens the inner halo profile. Thus, self-heating DM potentially solves the missing satellite problem and the core-cusp problem simultaneously. Such self-heating DM is realized when DM is the pion-like particles of a hidden QCD-like sector that semi-annihilates into an axion-like particle.

        Speaker: Hee Jung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
      • 19:30
        Hidden Monopole Dark Matter via Axion Portal and its Implications for Direct Search and Beam-Dump Experiments 10m

        We study the monopole dark matter (MDM) emerging from a spontaneous breakdown of non-abelian gauge symmetry in the hidden sector. We assume that this hidden MDM was produced as a topological defect during a second-order phase transition in the early universe, and its stability is guaranteed by the topological nature. In particular, we introduce an axion-like particle (ALP), which mediates the interactions between the hidden MDM and nucleus, and the configuration of the ALP field is affected by the Witten effect in the presence of the hidden monopole. We then compute the spin-dependent elastic cross-section of the hidden MDM scattering off a nucleon and compare it to the direct search experiments. To induce the Witten effect, the ALP has to couple to the hidden photons. As a consequence, the bounds coming from the beam-dump experiments and $B$ meson decays for the ALP decay constant are changed. By considering those constraints, we find that the room for the hidden MDM is still large with a benchmark point which can satisfy the relic abundance of dark matter while solving the small-scale problems in galaxy formation.

        Speaker: Mr Shu-Yu Ho (Tohoku University)
      • 19:50
        Entropy production from decay of GeV scale right-handed neutrinos and the primordial gravitational wave 10m

        Right-handed neutrinos are particles beyond the SM introduced in the seesaw mechanism that can explain tiny neutrino masses. We revisit the entropy production from the decay of right-handed neutrinos with the GeV scale masses. This additional production of entropy dilutes the DM and baryon abundances. Furthermore, we estimate the effect on the primordial gravitational wave spectrum. Primordial gravitational waves are closely related to the thermal history of the universe. Therefore, the modified history by right-handed neutrino is imprinted in the gravitational wave spectrum. We then evaluate the influence on the spectrum and the sensitivity in future experiments.

        Speaker: Hisashi Okui (Niigata University)
      • 20:00
        Composite Asymmetric Dark Matter 10m

        Asymmetric Dark Matter(ADM) is a regime which can naturally solve the coincidence problem. In this talk, we discuss a QCD-like composite ADM model. We also derive constraints on this model from CMB and direct detection experiment, and show that this model is detectable in future direct detection experiments.

        Speaker: Mr Shin Kobayashi (ICRR)
      • 20:10
        Ultraviolet Completion of a Composite Asymmetric Dark Matter Model with a Dark Photon Portal 10m

        Composite asymmetric dark matter scenarios naturally explain why the dark matter mass density is comparable with the visible matter mass density. Such scenarios generically require some entropy transfer mechanism below the composite scale; otherwise, their late-time cosmology is incompatible with observations. A tiny kinetic mixing between a dark photon and the visible photon is a promising example of the low-energy portal. In this talk, I will demonstrate that grand unifications in the dark and the visible sectors explain the origin of the tiny kinetic mixing. I will also show that the dark confinement scale can be similar as the visible hadronic scale in a mirror unification model. This talk is based on arXiv:1811.10232 and work in progress.

        Speaker: Dr Takumi Kuwahara (IBS)
      • 20:20
        New constraint from supernova explosions on light particles beyond the Standard Model 10m

        A new constraint on light bSM particle is proposed from the observed supernova explosion energy. This constraint is stronger than the established cooling bound for particles that can transfer energy to progenitor stellar envelop, such as dark photon which kinetically mixes with SM photon. This result also rules out the possibility of aiding successful supernova explosions by transferring energy from the supernova core to the shock with exotic particles.

        Speaker: Allan Sung
    • 19:00 20:30
      Parallel Session: [P1-B] Sandpine Room (Sandpine)

      Sandpine Room


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Conveners: Fa Peng Huang (CTPU-IBS), Yeong Gyun Kim (Gwangju national University of Education (KR))
      • 19:00
        Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector 10m

        We formulate a generalization of Higgs effective field theory (HEFT) including arbitrary number of extra neutral and charged Higgs bosons (generalized HEFT, GHEFT). Using the geometrical form of the GHEFT Lagrangian, which can be regarded as a nonlinear sigma model on a scalar manifold, it is shown that the scalar boson scattering amplitudes at high energy are described in terms of the Riemann curvature tensor (geometry) of the scalar manifold. The one-loop divergences in the oblique correction parameters S and U can also be written in terms of the Killing vectors (symmetry) and the Riemann curvature tensor (geometry). It is found that perturbative unitarity of the scattering amplitudes involving the scalar fields demands the flatness of the scalar manifold. The relationship between the finiteness of the electroweak oblique corrections and perturbative unitarity of the scattering amplitudes is also clarified in this language: we verify that once the tree-level unitarity is ensured, then the one-loop finiteness of the S and U parameters is automatically guaranteed.

        Speaker: Yoshiki Uchida (Nagoya University)
      • 19:10
        Portraying Double Higgs at the LHC 10m

        We examine the discovery potential for double Higgs production at the HL-LHC in the bbWW dilepton channel. Although dilepton channel suffers from the large backgrounds, we propose that it is possible to get signal significance improvement by adopting a deep learning frame work making full use of the relevant kinematics. The method can be generalized to other processes with similar final states.

        Speaker: Mr Minho Kim (POSTECH)
      • 19:20
        Flavor anomalies and LHC physics in a general two Higgs doublet model 10m

        There are several flavor anomalies in RD^(*), muon g-2 and so on. It is known that a general two Higgs doublet model can improve those deviations. I will discuss the collider bounds for the scenario. This talk is based on our works: 1810.05843 and the work in progress with Yuji Omura and Michihisa Takeuchi.

        Speaker: Syuhei Iguro (Nagoya University)
      • 19:30
        Stable magnetic monopole in two Higgs doublet models 10m

        Two Higgs doublet model (2HDM), in which one more Higgs doublet is added to the Standard Model(SM), is one of the most simple extensions of the SM. We show that there is a stable magnetic monopole solution in a certain parameter range of 2HDM. In particular, the stability of the monopole is topologically ensured when the Higgs potential has a U(1) symmetry and a discrete $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry. Since this monopole has a mass of about a few TeV, it might be discovered in future monopole searches. This talk is based on arXiv:1904.09269 [hep-ph].

        Speaker: Mr Yu Hamada (Kyoto University)
      • 19:40
        Complex-valued Neural Arithmetic Logic Units (CALU) for the Abtraction of Physical Symmetries. 10m

        We introduce a new neural network architecture (Complex-valued Neural Arithmetic Logic Units, CALU), for learning and extraction of physical features. We also demonstrate and discuss on its potential implications on building more physical machine learning models for science including HEP.

        Speaker: Won Sang Cho (Seoul National University)
      • 19:50
        Indirect Studies of Electroweakly Interacting Particles at 100 TeV Hadron Colliders 10m

        There are many models beyond the standard model which include electroweakly interacting massive particles (EWIMPs), often in the context of the dark matter. We study the indirect search of EWIMPs using a precise measurement of the lepton pair production cross sections at future 100 TeV hadron colliders. It is revealed that this search strategy is suitable in particular for Higgsino and that the Higgsino mass up to about 850 GeV will be covered at 5 sigma level irrespective of the chargino and neutralino mass difference. We also show that the property of the observed signal, in particular its weak charges and mass, can be independently read off by using both the neutral and charged current processes.

        Speaker: So Chigusa (University of Tokyo)
      • 20:00
        Search for muon-philic new light gauge boson 10m

        Motivated by the long-lasting 3.5σ discrepancy in the anomalous magnetic moment of muon, we consider a new muon-specific force mediated by a light gauge boson, X, with mass mX<2mμ and the coupling constant gX∼(10−4,10−3). We show that the Belle II experiment has a robust chance to probe such a light boson in e+e−→μ+μ−+X channel and cover the most interesting parameter space explaining the discrepancy with the planned target luminosity 50 ab−1. The clean signal of muon-pair plus missing energy at Belle II can be a smoking gun for the new gauge boson. We expect that the (invisibly decaying) muon-philic light (mX<2mμ) gauge boson can be probed down to gX≥5×10−5 (1.5×10−4, 4×10−4) for 50 (10, 1) ab−1 search.

        Speaker: Mr Yongsoo Jho (Yonsei University)
      • 20:10
        Charged lepton flavor violation in muonic atom 10m

        The charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) is a good probe to search for new physics beyond the standard model. If there is a neutral boson X which is lighter than muon and has CLFV interaction, a muon can decay into an electron and an X, i.e. mu->e+X. The search for this process is expected to constraint the property of X. In this talk, we focus on a search for the decay in muonic atom due to some advantages.

        Speaker: Yuichi UESAKA (Saitama University)
    • 09:00 11:30
      Lectures: [L3] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Prof. Deog Ki Hong (Pusan National University)
      • 09:00
        Electroweak baryogenesis and BSM theories [2] 1h
        Speaker: Chang Sub Shin (Institute for Basic Science )
      • 10:00
        Inflation and cosmology [2] 1h
        Speaker: Misao Sasaki
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:30 12:30
      Focus Talks: [F4] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Cheng-Wei Chiang (National Taiwan University)
      • 11:30
        Cosmological constant problem and spontaneous breaking of scale invariance 30m

        In the scenario to solve the cosmological constant problem by scale invariance, it is necessary to spontaneously break the scale invariance. The point is that it must be realized with no fine tuning. I discuss the possiblity in a dynamical model.

        Speaker: Prof. Taichiro Kugo (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University)
      • 12:00
        The Cosmic Conundrum 30m

        I will discuss LambdaCDM tensions.

        Speaker: Prof. Eoin Ó Colgáin (APCTP)
    • 12:30 19:00
      Excursion 6h 30m
    • 19:00 21:00
      Banquet 2h
    • 09:00 11:30
      Lectures: [L4] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Prof. Koichi Hamaguchi (University of Tokyo)
    • 11:30 12:30
      Focus Talks: [F5] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Seodong Shin (University of Chicago / Yonsei University)
      • 11:30
        Recent highlights of Belle and Belle II 30m

        In this talk, we present recent highlights of Belle physics results as well as those from the Phase 3 operation of Belle II.

        Speaker: Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)
      • 12:00
        B anomalies 30m

        I will review current status of B anomalies related RK() and RD().

        Speaker: Prof. Xiao-Gang He (National Taiwan U)
    • 12:30 16:00
      Lunch 3h 30m
    • 16:00 17:30
      Focus Talks: [F6] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)
      • 16:00
        Dark Matter Heating vs. Rotochemical Heating in Old Neutron Stars 30m

        We discuss the Neutron Star heating by dark matter accumulation and by the so-called rotochemical heating, based on [arXiv:1905.02991].

        Speaker: Prof. Koichi Hamaguchi (University of Tokyo)
      • 16:30
        Higgs pair production to probe heavy vectorlike quarks 30m


        Speaker: Prof. Jeonghyeon Song (Konkuk U)
      • 17:00
        Probing dark matter and baryogenesis by SKA-like and LISA-like experiments 30m

        Motivated by absence of new physics signals at LHC and dark matter direct search, we study new approach to explore dark matter and baryogenesis by radio telescope experiments like SKA or Laser interferometer experiments like LISA.

        Speaker: Fa Peng Huang (CTPU-IBS)
    • 17:30 19:00
      Dinner 1h 30m
    • 19:00 20:30
      Parallel Session: [P2-C] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Hye-Sung Lee (KAIST)
      • 19:00
        Annihilation Signatures of neutron dark decay Models 15m

        We point out that two models that reconcile the neutron lifetime anomaly via dark decays of the neutron, also predict dark matter-neutron ($\bar{\chi}-n$) annihilation that may be observable in neutron-antineutron oscillation and proton decay searches at Super-Kamiokande, Hyper-Kamiokande and DUNE. We study signatures of $\bar{\chi}n\to \gamma\pi^0$~(or multi-pions) and $\bar{\chi}n\to \phi\gamma\pi^0$~(or $\phi+$multi-$\pi^0$), where $\phi$ is an almost massless boson in one of the two models.

        Speaker: Dr Po-Yen Tseng (The University of Tokyo, Kavli IPMU)
      • 19:15
        Loop corrections to dark matter direct detection in a pseudoscalar mediator dark matter model 15m

        The dark matter (DM) direct detection experiments give a strong upper bound on the DM-nucleon scattering cross section. In fermionic DM models with pseudoscalar mediators, the tree-level amplitude for the DM-nucleon elastic scattering is suppressed by the momentum transfer in the non-relativistic limit. This is a nice feature to avoid the constraint from the direct detection experiments. However, it is not suppressed at the loop level, and thus the loop corrections are essential to discuss the sensitivities of the direct detection experiments for the model prediction. In this talk, we show the cross section obtained by the improved analysis at the loop level and discuss the region where the cross section becomes large.

        Speaker: Tomohiro ABE (Nagoya University)
      • 19:30
        Inelastic Boosted Dark Matter 15m

        I will introduce the concept of boosted dark matter, focussed on inelastic boosted dark matter (iBDM) model, as a promising alternative of the conventional WIMP models. In such a class of model, a light DM which is boosted enough to pass the energy threshold can come from dense dark matter region in the universe, such as the galactic center, the sun, dwarf spheroidal galaxies, showing unique signal features easily separable from potential backgrounds. This motivates totally new strategies in dark matter searches in large volume neutrino experiments and dark matter direct detection experiments.

        Speaker: Dr Seodong Shin (University of Chicago / Yonsei University)
      • 19:45
        Light feebly interacting massive particle: freeze-in production and galactic-scale structure formation 15m

        Feebly interacting massive particles (FIMPs), contrasting with weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), is an intriguing dark matter candidate. Light (keV-scale) FIMPs produced by the freeze-in mechanism is of particular interest in that the structure formation of the Universe with FIMPs differs from that with WIMPs on galactic scales. The galactic-scale structure formation has been probed in many independent ways: Lyman-alpha forest spectra and the number of satellite galaxies in the Milky Way. We discuss the current constraints from observed galactic-scale structure and future prospects. Particular stress is placed on that the details of the production processes can impact the obtained constraints.

        Speaker: Dr Ayuki Kamada (IBS-CTPU)
      • 20:00
        Neutron star cooling constraint of light dark matter 15m

        I will talk about the calculation of probable light dark matter emission rate from a neutron star with paired nuclear medium. The constraining power of the resultant bound is similar to the SN1987A limit. However, these bounds depend on different processes in distinct environment and are thus complement to each other. This talk will be base on my on going work and a previous paper arXiv:1806.07151.

        Speaker: Dr Jiaming Zheng (University of Tokyo)
      • 20:15
        Constraining dark matter-neutrino interactions with IceCube-170922A 15m

        Astrophysical neutrinos travel long distances from their sources to the Earth traversing dark matter halos of clusters of galaxies and that of our own Milky Way. The interaction of neutrinos with dark matter may affect the flux of neutrinos. The recent multimessenger observation of a high energy neutrino, IceCube-170922A, can give a robust upper bound σ/Mdm≲5.1×10-23  cm^2/GeV on the interaction between neutrino and dark matter at a neutrino energy of 290 TeV allowing 90% suppression. Combining the constraints from cosmic microwave background and Large Scale Structure at different neutrino energies, we can constrain models of dark matter-neutrino interactions.

        Speaker: Jongkuk Kim
    • 19:00 20:30
      Parallel Session: [P2-D] Sandpine Room (Sandpine)

      Sandpine Room


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Dr Eoin Ó Colgáin (APCTP)
      • 19:00
        Higgs sector under scrutiny 15m

        I will talk about Higgs (New) physics measurements at the LHC, where we stand in precision measurement, and how are we improving with near future data.

        Speaker: Zhuoni Qian (IBS)
      • 19:15
        Exotic top partner decays: search gaps and opportunities 15m

        Many standard model extensions predict vector-like fermionic top-partners at the TeV scale. The searches by ATLAS and CMS typically focus on VLQ decays into a 3rd generation quark and an electroweak boson (W, Z, h). If BSM particles lighter than the top partner exist, they can give rise to exotic top partner decay channels. We consider several scenarios, identify signatures which are currently only weakly constrained, and discuss opportunities for the next run of LHC searches.

        Speaker: Dr Thomas Flacke (IBS CTPU)
      • 19:30
        Big-bang nucleosynthesis and leptogenesis in the CMSSM 15m

        We have studied the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model with three right-handed neutrinos, and investigated whether there still is a parameter region consistent with all experimental data/limits such as the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, the dark matter abundance and the lithium primordial abundance. Using Casas-Ibarra parametrization, we have found a very narrow parameter space of the complex orthogonal matrix elements where the lightest slepton can have a long lifetime, which is necessary for solving the lithium problem. We have obtained the mass range of the lightest right-handed neutrino that lies between $10^{9}$ and $10^{11}$ GeV. The important result is that its upper limit is derived by solving the lithium problem and the lower limit comes from leptogenesis. Lepton flavor violating decays such as $\mu \to e \gamma$ in our scenario are in the reach of MEG-II and Mu3e.

        Speaker: Prof. Masato Yamanaka (Osaka City University)
      • 19:45
        Baryogenesis and late-time lepton asymmetry via right-handed neutrino oscillations 15m

        Introducing right-handed neutrinos to the Standard Model is one of promising solutions for non-zero neutrino masses and the baryon asymmetry of the universe. The new particles with masses below the electroweak scale are called heavy neutral leptons (HNLs), which are directly testable in high-intensity experiments. In two HNL case we evaluate a parameter space explaining the observed baryon asymmetry and compare it with sensitivity of near-future experiment. Further a HNL with the mass of keV scale is a candidate of dark matter, and it is known that sizable lepton asymmetries are required to realize the observed dark matter abundance. We discuss production of the asymmetries via physics of heavier HNLs as well.

        Speaker: Dr Shintaro Eijima (KEK)
      • 20:00
        Probing Trilinear Higgs Self-coupling at the HL-LHC via Multivariate Analysis 15m

        We perform a multivariate analysis of the Higgs-pair production in $HH \to b\bar b \gamma\gamma$ channel at the HL-LHC to probe the trilinear Higgs self-coupling $\lambda_{3H}$, which takes the value of 1 in the SM. We consider all the known background processes. And, for the signal, we adopt the most recent event generator of OWHEG-BOX-V2 to exploit the NLO distributions for Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis (TMVA), taking account of the full top--quark mass dependence. Through Boosted Decision Tree (BDT) analysis trained for $\lambda_{3H}=1$,
        we find that the significance can reach up to 1.55 with about $6$ signal and $14$ background events. And, the Higgs boson self-coupling can be constrained to $0.53 < \lambda_{3H} < 6.80$ at 95\% confidence level (CL).
        We also perform a likelihood fitting of $M_{\gamma\gamma bb}$ distribution and find the $1\sigma$ confidence interval (CI) of $-0.1 < \lambda_{3H} < 2.8\, \cup\,4.9 < \lambda_{3H} < 7.0$ for the $\lambda_{3H}=1$ nominal set. Using BDTs trained for each value of $\lambda_{3H}$, we find a bulk region of $0.5 |\sim \lambda_{3H} |\sim 5$ in which
        it is hard to one cannot pin down the trilinear coupling.

        Speaker: Jubin Park (Chonnam National University)
    • 09:00 11:00
      Lectures: [L5] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Convener: Prof. Taichiro Kugo (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University)
      • 09:00
        Inflation and cosmology [3] 1h
        Speaker: Misao Sasaki
      • 10:00
        Electroweak baryogenesis and BSM theories [3] 1h
        Speaker: Chang Sub Shin (Institute for Basic Science )
    • 11:00 11:20
      Focus Talks: [Thanksgiving & Closing] Lakai Ballroom (Sandpine)

      Lakai Ballroom


      Gangneung 25460, Korea
      Conveners: Prof. Eung Jin Chun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study), Prof. Seong Chan Park (Yonsei University)