Rare Pion Decay Workshop

from Thursday 6 October 2022 (08:30) to Saturday 8 October 2022 (18:00)
UC Santa Cruz (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
6 Oct 2022
7 Oct 2022
8 Oct 2022
08:30 Registration and welcome - Prof. Bruce Andrew Schumm (University of California,Santa Cruz (US)) Simone Michele Mazza (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
Rare decay physics (until 12:50) (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
09:00 Welcome and orientation details - Prof. Bruce Andrew Schumm (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
09:15 Intro and meeting goals - David Hertzog (University of Washington)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
09:30 Physics insights on RPD program - Bill Marciano   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:00 LFU tests across energy scales - Toni Pich   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
10:50 Meson decays as probes of light new physics - Asaf Dror Dr Jeff Dror (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) stefania gori (UC Santa Cruz)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
11:20 Tests for sterile neutrino effects - Robert Shrock (Stony Brook University)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
11:50 Perspectives on pi->e nu Measurements - Douglas Andrew Bryman (University of British Columbia (CA))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
12:20 Systematics from "old" muons - Richard Mischke Dick Mischke   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
Theory and Calorimetry (until 12:10) (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
09:00 Status and prospects of the first-row CKM unitarity test - Martin Hoferichter (University of Washington)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
09:30 The case for New Physics at PIONEER - Andreas Crivellin (University Bern) Andreas Crivellin (University of Zurich (CH)) Andreas Crivellin   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:00 MEG II LXe detector and simulation - Sei Ban   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:13 MEG II LXe calibration and resolution - Ayaka Matsushita   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
10:50 LXe R&D and simulation for open and segmented system - Stephan Malbrunot (TRIUMF (CA)) Chloe Malbrunot (CERN)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
11:20 LYSO bench tests - Omar Basel Beesley Eric - Omar -   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
11:40 Simulations of LXe and Hybrid crystal wrt pileup - Patrick Schwendimann   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
Tracker, DAQ and future prospects (until 12:00) (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
09:00 Measuring pion beta decay in PIONEER - Dinko Pocanic (University of Virginia) Dinko Pocanic (University of Virginia (US)) Prof. Dinko Pocanic (University of Virginia)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
09:30 Electronics (Kevin) + trigger (Dieter) - Dieter Ries (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) Kevin Labe Dieter Ries (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dieter Ries (Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN)) Dieter Ries (C)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:00 Tracker possibilities from Stony Brook - Dr Prakhar Garg (Stony Brook University) Prakhar Garg (Stony Brook University) Prakhar Garg (Stony Brook University)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:20 --- Coffee ---
10:40 Production plans at FBK - Matteo Centis Vignali (FBK)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
10:55 DAQ overview - Tim Gorringe   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
11:15 PIONEER going forward; R&D; next PSI; Small funding - David Hertzog (University of Washington)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
11:30 DISCUSSION of these Systematics   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
12:50 --- Lunch ---
Systematics and beamline (until 17:20) (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
13:50 Systematics from DIF & PIENU tail - Tristan Sullivan (University of Victoria) Tristan Sullivan Tristan Sullivan (University of Victoria (CA))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
14:30 PEN resolution MC vs real - Charles Glaser Charlie Glaser   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
15:00 PIONEER Modelling general results - Joshua Labounty   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
15:30 --- Coffee ---
15:50 Thoughts and experience with LXe and LYSO - Jianglai Liu Jianglai Liu Jianglai Liu (California Institute of Technology)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
16:20 Results from Run1 beam tests at PSI - Dr Anna Soter (ETH Zürich)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
16:50 The beamline model and going forward - Peter Kammel   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
Dinner reception (until 20:00) ()
12:10 --- Lunch ---
Active target, timing and fast electronics (until 17:10) (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
13:10 Introduction to the ATAR project and session - Simone Michele Mazza (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
13:30 High granularity fast silicon sensors for the active target - Dr Jennifer Ott (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
14:00 Alternative active target design based on traditional silicon devices - Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
14:20 Event simulation and reconstruction in the active target - Vincent Wai Sum Wong (TRIUMF (CA))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
14:40 Event reconstruction experience from Lar TPC - Dr Chao Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Chao Zang   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
15:00 --- Coffee ---
15:20 Fast silicon sensor simulation with TCAD software - Mohammad Nizam Dr Mohammad Nizam (University of California Santa Cruz)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
15:50 Front end electronics and digitization for fast silicon - Abraham Seiden (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
16:10 Overview of BNL Silicon sensor capability - Dr Gabriele Giacomini (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Gabriele Giacomini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) Gabriele Giacomini (BNL)   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
16:20 BNL approved LDRD related discussion and planning - Vladimir Tishchenko (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Volodya Tishchenko   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
16:30 Conclusions and discussion - Simone Michele Mazza (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
17:10 Dinner info   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
Informal social dinner, Friday (until 20:00) ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Simulation bootcamp (until 15:00) (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)
13:45 --- Coffee ---
IB meeting (until 16:00) (ISB 231)
16:00 Small Discussion Sessions to be Arranged   (Cervantes and Velasquez Room)