Introduction to EGEE & EGEE & Business
An Introductory session on EGEE, offers an overview of the
EU funded EGEE project; its ultimate goals; where it is now
and where it plans to be in the coming months.
Delegates will hear about specific success stories of EGEE
Grid adoption and its benefits to users. An overview will be
offered comparing Grid & Research with Grid & Industry with
interventions made from major Industry players such as:
Intel & HP. A visionary, policy overview from Mario
Campolargo, Head of Unit of Research Infrastructures will
cover the EC strategy on the importance of Grid adoption in
enterprise for the future.
Grid Business Models Global vs Corporate
How far do business models need to change for
companies to use grid effectively? This follow-up session
from the introduction on benefits to users looks at
analysing this question in greater detail introducing real
case studies from industrial experts in adopting Grid.
Presentations will be given on how enterprise may
increase its revenue through improved business
processes. A Panel discussion is organised for the latter
part of the session.
(closed meeting)
This closed meeting is a hands-on work meeting between OSG,
EGEE and Open Science Center - to discuss and update the
OSG/EGEE Security Audit Strategy and Plans document
initiated during the MWSG 9 meeting in June at SLAC.
"Heterogeneous Data Integration using EGEE -
Requirements and Ways Forward".
After a short introduction, a 20 minute talk will be given
by an EGEE middleware expert to introduce gLite data
management services, followed by 10 minutes for
questions. Then each of the HealthGrid projects present
will present its requirements for data management and
what it might wish for from EGEE. Then, the floor would
be open for a round-table discussion with EGEE data
management experts. Invited participants would be
from the FP6 Healthgrid Projects and the NA4, SA1 and
JRA1 groups in EGEE.
This session will review the training events held by
activity partners so far in EGEE-II and discuss future
plans and training requirements.
Introduction to EGEE & EGEE & Business
An Introductory session on EGEE, offers an overview of the
EU funded EGEE project; its ultimate goals; where it is now
and where it plans to be in the coming months.
Delegates will hear about specific success stories of EGEE
Grid adoption and its benefits to users. An overview will be
offered comparing Grid & Research with Grid & Industry with
interventions made from major Industry players such as:
Intel & HP. A visionary, policy overview from Mario
Campolargo, Head of Unit of Research Infrastructures will
cover the EC strategy on the importance of Grid adoption in
enterprise for the future.
Grid Business Models Global vs Corporate
How far do business models need to change for
companies to use grid effectively? This follow-up session
from the introduction on benefits to users looks at
analysing this question in greater detail introducing real
case studies from industrial experts in adopting Grid.
Presentations will be given on how enterprise may
increase its revenue through improved business
processes. A Panel discussion is organised for the latter
part of the session.
(closed meeting)
This closed meeting is a hands-on work meeting between OSG,
EGEE and Open Science Center - to discuss and update the
OSG/EGEE Security Audit Strategy and Plans document
initiated during the MWSG 9 meeting in June at SLAC.
"Heterogeneous Data Integration using EGEE -
Requirements and Ways Forward".
After a short introduction, a 20 minute talk will be given
by an EGEE middleware expert to introduce gLite data
management services, followed by 10 minutes for
questions. Then each of the HealthGrid projects present
will present its requirements for data management and
what it might wish for from EGEE. Then, the floor would
be open for a round-table discussion with EGEE data
management experts. Invited participants would be
from the FP6 Healthgrid Projects and the NA4, SA1 and
JRA1 groups in EGEE.
This is open to the SEE Federation members from the 7
countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Romania,
Serbia, Turkey) with effort in the Networking Activities
focusing on NA2, NA3 and NA4. The coordination of the
federation efforts in those activities will be discussed.
Security & Data Management
Industry is more hesitant toward the adoption of Grid
computing with its main concerns over costs, data
movement, security and performance. This session
addresses these concerns in terms of discussing these
concrete benefits.
Grid & the Public Administration
The 451 group recently showed in a study of early
adopters of Grid computing that Government
institutions featured at 10%. This session looks at how
Grid and the EGEE solution may change the shape of
Public Administration for the future.
Grids & SMEs
SMEs, who often cannot afford the time or the
resources to research whether Grid could be a
potential solution for them, do nevertheless, think
fundamentally about their principal Business drivers
which are: Time to Market, Doing New Things,
Competition, Saving Money and Improving Performance.
This session looks at how SMEs can consider these
business drivers with Grid, specific case studies
This session will be the first opportunity to hear the
feedback from the early adopters of ETICS, EGEE and
DILIGENT. In particular, the EGEE activities involved
with the gLite middleware (JRA1, SA3 and NA4) will be
This session will provide an introduction to the
KnowARC project and discuss issues of interest to
KnowARC and EGEE, including interoperability and
diverse applications.
The NA4 Life Sciences session will be the opportunity to
review the status of the biomedical applications
deployed on EGEE. Time will be dedicated to discussion
with related projects and presentations selected from
the conference call for abstracts.
The session is divided in three subsessions dedicated
to medical imaging, bioinformatics and drug discovery.
This session will map the current status of National Grid
Initiatives in as many countries represented in the EGEE-
II project as possible, as well as representatives from
other areas where the NGI concept is debated. The
inputs about the status of their
National Grid Initiatives and / or major national Grid
projects and efforts have been collected from participating
countries via a pre-distributed questionnaire. The
Policy Workshop will also give important information
about the different countries' status. The perspectives for
FP7 in each country will also be documented.
(Closed meeting)
This closed meeting will discuss and update the current
Security coordination work.
About SCG: The Security Coordination Group (SCG) is
responsible for ensuring overall EGEE security
This includes architecture, deployment, standardisation
cross-project concertation. The goal is to ensure the
relationship between the various security-related work
inside the project do not adversely overlap (leading to
duplication of effort) or leave gaps that could be
exploited. In addition, the SCG is to coordinate a new
security auditing activity. This activity will monitor both
operations and middleware for security issues and
periodically on status and progress of the issues
identified. The security audit will leverage the work of
Grid vulnerability issues group.
Grid in Automotive, Finance & Petroleum
75% of major investment banks are already using Grid
computing and Petroleum and Automotive look set to become
an adopters of Grid technology.
Focusing on these three areas, this session offers an
overview of some deployed cases, the main achievements and
obstacles involved to a wider deployment and success stories
and how EGEE may support these sectors.
Reporting & Initial Feedback
The session includes the speakers of each of the
parallel sessions within the Business Track to offer an
overview of their session to share with the audience.
This will be a closed meeting for members of ETICS to
discuss the progress of the ETICS service. We will also
debrief on the ETICS training event taking place on the
24th September.
This meeting will follow up work begun in the
EUChinaGrid workshop in June 2006. Specifically it will
focus on the 'How to make a program IPv6 compliant'
guide and the code checker, and then explore the views
of developers from gLite and GOS.
The Grid Security Vulnerability Group meeting will be a
closed meeting, for GSVG/Task TSA1.4.2 members, and
others by invitation. It will be roughly divided into 3.
We will briefly review the procedures for tackling specific
issues, and sort out any remaining problems. We will
discuss the other vulnerability work we will do, other
than the specific issues group, in particular to progress
work of some people who are providing effort to the
task but are not in the issues group. We will
also discuss plans for producing the deliverable
DSA1.3, "Grid Services Security Vulnerability and Risk
Analysis" which is a Month 10 deliverable of task
If you are not already involved with the GSVG and
would like to attend the meeting, please contact
Meeting of COD-on-Duty teams operating the daily
of the EGEE/LCG grid: feedback is collected, procedures
tools are discussed and enhanced.
The ICEAGE forum is a meeting of world experts in grids
and education which
has the function of developing policy, standards and
collecting best
practice with the aim of supporting academic uptake of
grid teaching.
The meeting of the Forum in Geneva is paired with an
earlier meeting at the
OGF conference in Washington, to allow contributions
from both the
US/Pacific Rim and Europe.
These meetings will build on the successful inaugural
meeting of the Forum
in Italy in July.
The NA4 Life Sciences session will be the opportunity to
review the status of the biomedical applications
deployed on EGEE. Time will be dedicated to discussion
with related projects and presentations selected from
the conference call for abstracts.
The session is divided in three subsessions dedicated
to medical imaging, bioinformatics and drug discovery.
This session will map the current status of National Grid
Initiatives in as many countries represented in the EGEE-
II project as possible, as well as representatives from
other areas where the NGI concept is debated. The
inputs about the status of their
National Grid Initiatives and / or major national Grid
projects and efforts have been collected from participating
countries via a pre-distributed questionnaire. The
Policy Workshop will also give important information
about the different countries' status. The perspectives for
FP7 in each country will also be documented.
Grid in Automotive, Finance & Petroleum
75% of major investment banks are already using Grid
computing and Petroleum and Automotive look set to become
an adopters of Grid technology.
Focusing on these three areas, this session offers an
overview of some deployed cases, the main achievements and
obstacles involved to a wider deployment and success stories
and how EGEE may support these sectors.
Reporting & Initial Feedback
The session includes the speakers of each of the
parallel sessions within the Business Track to offer an
overview of their session to share with the audience.
In this session we provide an overview on the joint
work between EGEE, ETICS and OMII-Europe and
discuss joint future plans between these three projects.
This meeting will follow up work begun in the
EUChinaGrid workshop in June 2006. The resulting
document, discussing issues in interoperability between
gLite and GOS, will be discussed and developers of both
middlewares will move towards defining a work plan.
The Grid Security Vulnerability Group meeting will be a
closed meeting, for GSVG/Task TSA1.4.2 members, and
others by invitation. It will be roughly divided into 3.
We will briefly review the procedures for tackling specific
issues, and sort out any remaining problems. We will
discuss the other vulnerability work we will do, other
than the specific issues group, in particular to progress
work of some people who are providing effort to the
task but are not in the issues group. We will
also discuss plans for producing the deliverable
DSA1.3, "Grid Services Security Vulnerability and Risk
Analysis" which is a Month 10 deliverable of task
If you are not already involved with the GSVG and
would like to attend the meeting, please contact
Meeting of COD-on-Duty teams operating the daily
of the EGEE/LCG grid: feedback is collected, procedures
tools are discussed and enhanced.
The ICEAGE forum is a meeting of world experts in grids
and education which
has the function of developing policy, standards and
collecting best
practice with the aim of supporting academic uptake of
grid teaching.
The meeting of the Forum in Geneva is paired with an
earlier meeting at the
OGF conference in Washington, to allow contributions
from both the
US/Pacific Rim and Europe.
These meetings will build on the successful inaugural
meeting of the Forum
in Italy in July.
The NA4 Life Sciences session will be the opportunity to
review the status of the biomedical applications
deployed on EGEE. Time will be dedicated to discussion
with related projects and presentations selected from
the conference call for abstracts.
The session is divided in three subsessions dedicated
to medical imaging, bioinformatics and drug discovery.
This session will map the current status of National Grid
Initiatives in as many countries represented in the EGEE-
II project as possible, as well as representatives from
other areas where the NGI concept is debated. The
inputs about the status of their
National Grid Initiatives and / or major national Grid
projects and efforts have been collected from participating
countries via a pre-distributed questionnaire. The
Policy Workshop will also give important information
about the different countries' status. The perspectives for
FP7 in each country will also be documented.
In the given time we have to focus on a few core
1) Presentation of the restructured configuration
2) Status of the testing activity
3) Update of the status of the partner contributions
4) Discussion of next steps
Discussions on GOCDB Requirements and Work Plan
This session is dedicated to the presentation of concrete
experiences and benefits of the implementation of QA
standards such us ITIL,CMMi,ISO.
Minimizing Misunderstanding: How the media deal with
The world of the media is very different to that of science,
but it does work on a
logical set of rules and behaviors, however obscure they
might be to those
outside of the media. In this session, journalists will
present how the media
operates to help researchers, scientists and developers to
have better relations
with journalists. It will cover both how to respond to being
approached by
journalists, and how to approach journalists themselves.
The session will be introduced by members of the NA2
(Dissemination, Outreach
and Communication) activity, followed by a talk by a
professional writer and
journalists, and finally a panel discussions with a members
of the media, NA2
and NA3 (Training) activities.
This is open to the SEE Federation members from the 7
countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Romania,
Serbia, Turkey) with effort in the Service Activities
focusing mainly on SA1 and secondly on SA3. The
of the federation efforts in those activities will be
(Closed meeting)
This session is open to all from the UK-Ireland
working on (or interested in) EGEE and will provide a
forum for
discussion of UK/I specific issues. There will be an
opportunity for a few short talks.
TWGrid: The Grid and e-Science Global Infrastructure in
Eric Yen, ASGC, Taiwan
“National Grid in Singapore - Moving Forward”
Hing-yan Lee, National Grid Office, Singapore
Title: TBA
Glenn Moloney, University of Melbourne, Australia
"GRID Research and Application in Malaysia: Leveraging
on Malaysian Research and Education Network (MYREN)
connectivity with TransEurasian Information Network
Suhaimi Napis, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
“Grid Activities in Korea”
Jae-Hyuck Kwak, KISTI, Korea
“The State of Grid Computing in Vietnam, and Which
Aims the VNGrid Project Want to Reach”
Tran Van Lang, HCMC Institute of Information
Technology, Vietnam
Panel discussion: Facilitating Sustainable e-
Infrastructure in Asia
Presentation to SA1 of some important issues in the
This session is dedicated to the presentation of concrete
experiences and benefits of the implementation of QA
standards such us ITIL,CMMi,ISO.
Goal with the meeting:
Update on current global security architecture work.
Discuss future global security architecture work.
The first part of the session will be devoted to the User
Group, whose remit is to provide EGEE users with
accurate, up-to-date information on using EGEE. We will
review the mandate for the UIG and look at examples
how we intend to present the material. This will be
followed by an open discussion.
The second part of the sesion will be devoted to other
matters of common interest to NA2/3/4
The session will start with an update from both EGEE
activities and from Related Projects, focusing on multi-
lateral collaboration. Each project in attendance will
have been invited to highlight potential areas for
collaboration and these will be integrated into a master
presentation and presented by the EGEE
representatives. Key EGEE activities will be presented to
the Related Projects participants, and the opportunity for a
panel discussion with everybody involved will be given.
Finally, a workshop discussion will then take place
with the aim of formalising some concrete collaboration
TWGrid: The Grid and e-Science Global Infrastructure in
Eric Yen, ASGC, Taiwan
“National Grid in Singapore - Moving Forward”
Hing-yan Lee, National Grid Office, Singapore
Title: TBA
Glenn Moloney, University of Melbourne, Australia
"GRID Research and Application in Malaysia: Leveraging
on Malaysian Research and Education Network (MYREN)
connectivity with TransEurasian Information Network
Suhaimi Napis, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
“Grid Activities in Korea”
Jae-Hyuck Kwak, KISTI, Korea
“The State of Grid Computing in Vietnam, and Which
Aims the VNGrid Project Want to Reach”
Tran Van Lang, HCMC Institute of Information
Technology, Vietnam
Panel discussion: Facilitating Sustainable e-
Infrastructure in Asia
Presentation to SA1 of some important issues in the
(Closed meeting to Industrial Applications
using or
intending to use gLite).
The EGEE-II Industrial Task Force (ITF) brings together
the industrial partners of EGEE-II and related projects
with industry/business focus.
This meeting is focussed on application needs with
topics such us:
Goal with the meeting:
Update on current global security architecture work.
Discuss future global security architecture work.
The first part of the session will be devoted to the User
Group, whose remit is to provide EGEE users with
accurate, up-to-date information on using EGEE. We will
review the mandate for the UIG and look at examples
how we intend to present the material. This will be
followed by an open discussion.
The second part of the sesion will be devoted to other
matters of common interest to NA2/3/4
The session will start with an update from both EGEE
activities and from Related Projects, focusing on multi-
lateral collaboration. Each project in attendance will
have been invited to highlight potential areas for
collaboration and these will be integrated into a master
presentation and presented by the EGEE
representatives. Key EGEE activities will be presented to
the Related Projects participants, and the opportunity for a
panel discussion with everybody involved will be given.
Finally, a workshop discussion will then take place
with the aim of formalising some concrete collaboration
Closed meeting of the administrative federation
representatives to discuss administrative issues of
JRA1 internal activity meeting. We will discuss the main
changes since the last JAR1 All Hands meeting in Pilsen.
There will be short reports form the cluster managers.
Regular internal meeting of the SA1 ROC
these meetings the ROC managers make decisions
SEE-GRID-2 project, in cooperation with EGEE, is
organising a concertation workshop for the regional
eInfrastructure projects. The aim of the workshop is to
exchange experiences regarding a number of horizontal
topics, including infrastructure operations, applications,
training, as well as sustainability. All current regional
projects will be represented, and a set of short panels
and presentations will address the above issues.
The aim is twofold:
1. Promotion of Grid projects with Swiss involvement,
making the projects known to each other and to the
wider community, as a basis to find synergies in the
Swiss Grid landscape
2. Unveiling the Swiss Grid Initiative as a supporting
organization, representing the interests of the Swiss
Grid community, promoting its goals and defining its
focus. Building a Swiss Grid community with the Swiss
Grid Initiative as the supporting umbrella. The Swiss
Grid Initiative will have to represent the Swiss Grid
community towards international bodies and the EU so
it should be formed properly with all interested parties
In addition, of course the EGEE community may learn
about the Swiss Grid activities and vice versa. Visit also
The Swiss Grid
Initiative Website
This closed session is the place of the first Technical
Network Liaison Committee (TNLC) of EGEE-II. It is
dedicated to the relations between EGEE and the
network providers. As such, it gathers a limited number
of people from SA2 (the networking activity of EGEE)
and from the NRENs.
If you think you are interested in attending this
meeting, please ask the convener about the
opportunity of your participation.
This session will present the current status and future
plans of SA1 security activities to the wider SA1
community. This is to inform SA1 and to invite feedback
and discussion. Participation by representatives from
other Grid infrastructures and projects will be welcome.
Regular internal meeting of the SA1 ROC
these meetings the ROC managers make decisions
SEE-GRID-2 project, in cooperation with EGEE, is
organising a concertation workshop for the regional
eInfrastructure projects. The aim of the workshop is to
exchange experiences regarding a number of horizontal
topics, including infrastructure operations, applications,
training, as well as sustainability. All current regional
projects will be represented, and a set of short panels
and presentations will address the above issues.
The aim is twofold:
1. Promotion of Grid projects with Swiss involvement,
making the projects known to each other and to the
wider community, as a basis to find synergies in the
Swiss Grid landscape
2. Unveiling the Swiss Grid Initiative as a supporting
organization, representing the interests of the Swiss
Grid community, promoting its goals and defining its
focus. Building a Swiss Grid community with the Swiss
Grid Initiative as the supporting umbrella. The Swiss
Grid Initiative will have to represent the Swiss Grid
community towards international bodies and the EU so
it should be formed properly with all interested parties
In addition, of course the EGEE community may learn
about the Swiss Grid activities and vice versa. Visit also
The Swiss Grid
Initiative Website
This closed session is the place of the first Technical
Network Liaison Committee (TNLC) of EGEE-II. It is
dedicated to the relations between EGEE and the
network providers. As such, it gathers a limited number
of people from SA2 (the networking activity of EGEE)
and from the NRENs.
If you think you are interested in attending this
meeting, please ask the convener about the
opportunity of your participation. ....
Please - the agenda of the session can be found there.
This session will present the current status and future
plans of SA1 security activities to the wider SA1
community. This is to inform SA1 and to invite feedback
and discussion. Participation by representatives from
other Grid infrastructures and projects will be welcome.
SEE-GRID-2 project, in cooperation with EGEE, is
organising a concertation workshop for the regional
eInfrastructure projects. The aim of the workshop is to
exchange experiences regarding a number of horizontal
topics, including infrastructure operations, applications,
training, as well as sustainability. All current regional
projects will be represented, and a set of short panels
and presentations will address the above issues.
The aim is twofold:
1. Promotion of Grid projects with Swiss involvement,
making the projects known to each other and to the
wider community, as a basis to find synergies in the
Swiss Grid landscape
2. Unveiling the Swiss Grid Initiative as a supporting
organization, representing the interests of the Swiss
Grid community, promoting its goals and defining its
focus. Building a Swiss Grid community with the Swiss
Grid Initiative as the supporting umbrella. The Swiss
Grid Initiative will have to represent the Swiss Grid
community towards international bodies and the EU so
it should be formed properly with all interested parties
In addition, of course the EGEE community may learn
about the Swiss Grid activities and vice versa. Visit also
The Swiss Grid
Initiative Website
This closed session is the place of the first Technical
Network Liaison Committee (TNLC) of EGEE-II. It is
dedicated to the relations between EGEE and the
network providers. As such, it gathers a limited number
of people from SA2 (the networking activity of EGEE)
and from the NRENs.
If you think you are interested in attending this
meeting, please ask the convener about the
opportunity of your participation.
Effective communication: How to present your work in
technical articles and presentations
Researchers and scientists are very used to
communicating within their interest groups, but it can be
more complex when producing material for those outside of
your project or field. This session will give guidance on
two ways for presenting material. The first part of the
session will be on how to produce and give presentations
with guidance on how to fit your talk to your audience, and
how to stop them falling asleep! The second part of the
session will cover how to plan and write articles for
magazines and newspapers that will be clear and readable
while also conveying your key messages. The session will end
with a Q&A session with the two presenters.
IT First @ Centre Internationale de Conferences Geneve
The death of paper: digital libraries & e-
As computers are integrated into every aspect of
organisations, much of the information that used to be
stored on paper is being moved to digital storage
These offer many new ways to organise, access and
documents, providing organisations with novel sources
valuable information. However, if implemented badly,
e-archiving can be worse than paper, with valuable
data lost
forever or winding up in the wrong hands. As a result,
digital libraries and e-archiving are now a hot topic in
political, business, scientific and cultural circles.
Taking advantage of EGEE’06, a major gathering in
Geneva of
over 500 experts on Grid technology, Rezonance has
a special First on this topic in collaboration with CERN
openlab and EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE),
largest Grid infrastructure project. Grid technology
provides seamless access to distributed data and
capacity on a global scale, and is a promising
infrastructure for digital libraries to share information –
either within businesses and international
organisations or
within virtual organisations, such as scientific
communities, or even with the general public, providing
access to cultural heritage via the Internet.
The event features experts from CERN, WHO, leading
library and e-archiving research initiatives in Europe,
solution providers from the IT industry. They will outline
the state-of-the-art, illustrating their presentations with
examples from communities and organisations with
amounts of documents that must be digitised. Whether
you are
facing e-archiving challenges, developing digital library
solutions, or simply keen to keep abreast of this
fast-moving field, this event will provide you with a
glimpse of the future. And the future is paperless.
NA2 internal activity meeting dealing with new issues
arising since the NA2 face to face meeting in Karlsruhe.
The session will feature a short update on the status of
NA2 and advice for reaching out to Industry, followed by
a workshop format discussion and brainstorming of key
issues for the activity.
This session will review current progress in NA5,
specifically with reference to the planning for a
sustainable European Grid infrastructure. In addition,
progress towards future milestones and deliverables
will be discussed. This will involve areas such as the
inventory of standardisation activities and the ongoing
contributions to the work of the e-IRG.
Coordination meeting among JRA1, SA3 and SA1
discussing items related to the integration, certification
and deployment on the PS and PPS of the JRA1
Closed session
QAG Monthly meeting
This session will consist in a presentation to VO managers
of the VO managers group, followed by an open discussion
about VO needs and wishes.