

CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
The first conference of the EGEE-II project, to be held at the International Conference Centre, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Seegrid Regional Grids Workshop Conf. Room 4

    Conf. Room 4


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    SEE-GRID-2 project, in cooperation with EGEE, is
    organising a concertation workshop for the regional
    eInfrastructure projects. The aim of the workshop is to
    exchange experiences regarding a number of horizontal
    topics, including infrastructure operations, applications,
    training, as well as sustainability. All current regional
    projects will be represented, and a set of short panels
    and presentations will address the above issues.

  • Swiss Grid Initiative: Launch of the Swiss Grid Initiative Conf. Room 15

    Conf. Room 15


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    The aim is twofold:

    1. Promotion of Grid projects with Swiss involvement,
    making the projects known to each other and to the
    wider community, as a basis to find synergies in the
    Swiss Grid landscape

    2. Unveiling the Swiss Grid Initiative as a supporting
    organization, representing the interests of the Swiss
    Grid community, promoting its goals and defining its
    focus. Building a Swiss Grid community with the Swiss
    Grid Initiative as the supporting umbrella. The Swiss
    Grid Initiative will have to represent the Swiss Grid
    community towards international bodies and the EU so
    it should be formed properly with all interested parties

    In addition, of course the EGEE community may learn
    about the Swiss Grid activities and vice versa. Visit also
    The Swiss Grid
    Initiative Website

  • Technical Network Liaison Committee Conf. Room 18

    Conf. Room 18


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    This closed session is the place of the first Technical
    Network Liaison Committee (TNLC) of EGEE-II. It is
    dedicated to the relations between EGEE and the
    network providers. As such, it gathers a limited number
    of people from SA2 (the networking activity of EGEE)
    and from the NRENs.

    If you think you are interested in attending this
    meeting, please ask the convener about the
    opportunity of your participation.

  • 12:30
  • EGEE-II Project Management Board (PMB) Conf. Room 7+8

    Conf. Room 7+8


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    (Closed session)

  • Financial helpdesk Conf. Room 11

    Conf. Room 11


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
  • Grid Operations Security (SA1) Conf. Room 3

    Conf. Room 3


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    This session will present the current status and future
    plans of SA1 security activities to the wider SA1
    community. This is to inform SA1 and to invite feedback
    and discussion. Participation by representatives from
    other Grid infrastructures and projects will be welcome.

  • Mini User Forum Conf. Room 2

    Conf. Room 2


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
  • Regional Operations Centers Meeting (SA1 ROC) Conf. Room 17

    Conf. Room 17


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    Regular internal meeting of the SA1 ROC
    these meetings the ROC managers make decisions

  • escalated operational issues
  • ;
  • proposed
    improvements/additions to operations procedures;
  • etc.
  • agenda
  • Seegrid Regional Grids Workshop Conf. Room 4

    Conf. Room 4


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    SEE-GRID-2 project, in cooperation with EGEE, is
    organising a concertation workshop for the regional
    eInfrastructure projects. The aim of the workshop is to
    exchange experiences regarding a number of horizontal
    topics, including infrastructure operations, applications,
    training, as well as sustainability. All current regional
    projects will be represented, and a set of short panels
    and presentations will address the above issues.

  • Swiss Grid Initiative: Grid Projects and Research in Switzerland I Conf. Room 15

    Conf. Room 15


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    The aim is twofold:

    1. Promotion of Grid projects with Swiss involvement,
    making the projects known to each other and to the
    wider community, as a basis to find synergies in the
    Swiss Grid landscape

    2. Unveiling the Swiss Grid Initiative as a supporting
    organization, representing the interests of the Swiss
    Grid community, promoting its goals and defining its
    focus. Building a Swiss Grid community with the Swiss
    Grid Initiative as the supporting umbrella. The Swiss
    Grid Initiative will have to represent the Swiss Grid
    community towards international bodies and the EU so
    it should be formed properly with all interested parties

    In addition, of course the EGEE community may learn
    about the Swiss Grid activities and vice versa. Visit also
    The Swiss Grid
    Initiative Website

  • Technical Network Liaison Committee Conf. Room 18

    Conf. Room 18


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    This closed session is the place of the first Technical
    Network Liaison Committee (TNLC) of EGEE-II. It is
    dedicated to the relations between EGEE and the
    network providers. As such, it gathers a limited number
    of people from SA2 (the networking activity of EGEE)
    and from the NRENs.

    If you think you are interested in attending this
    meeting, please ask the convener about the
    opportunity of your participation.

  • 15:30
    Coffee break
  • Central European Regional Operations Center Meeting (CE-ROC) Conf. Room 17

    Conf. Room 17


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland ....

    Please - the agenda of the session can be found there.

  • EGEE-II Project Management Board (PMB) Conf. Room 7+8

    Conf. Room 7+8


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    (Closed session)

  • Financial helpdesk Conf. Room 11

    Conf. Room 11


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
  • Global Grid User Support (SA1 GGUS) Conf. Room 16

    Conf. Room 16


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
  • Grid Operations Security (SA1) Conf. Room 3

    Conf. Room 3


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    This session will present the current status and future
    plans of SA1 security activities to the wider SA1
    community. This is to inform SA1 and to invite feedback
    and discussion. Participation by representatives from
    other Grid infrastructures and projects will be welcome.

  • Mini User Forum Conf. Room 2

    Conf. Room 2


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
  • Seegrid Regional Grids Workshop Conf. Room 4

    Conf. Room 4


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    SEE-GRID-2 project, in cooperation with EGEE, is
    organising a concertation workshop for the regional
    eInfrastructure projects. The aim of the workshop is to
    exchange experiences regarding a number of horizontal
    topics, including infrastructure operations, applications,
    training, as well as sustainability. All current regional
    projects will be represented, and a set of short panels
    and presentations will address the above issues.

  • Swiss Grid Initiative: Grid Projects and Research in Switzerland II Conf. Room 15

    Conf. Room 15


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    The aim is twofold:

    1. Promotion of Grid projects with Swiss involvement,
    making the projects known to each other and to the
    wider community, as a basis to find synergies in the
    Swiss Grid landscape

    2. Unveiling the Swiss Grid Initiative as a supporting
    organization, representing the interests of the Swiss
    Grid community, promoting its goals and defining its
    focus. Building a Swiss Grid community with the Swiss
    Grid Initiative as the supporting umbrella. The Swiss
    Grid Initiative will have to represent the Swiss Grid
    community towards international bodies and the EU so
    it should be formed properly with all interested parties

    In addition, of course the EGEE community may learn
    about the Swiss Grid activities and vice versa. Visit also
    The Swiss Grid
    Initiative Website

  • Technical Network Liaison Committee Conf. Room 18

    Conf. Room 18


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    This closed session is the place of the first Technical
    Network Liaison Committee (TNLC) of EGEE-II. It is
    dedicated to the relations between EGEE and the
    network providers. As such, it gathers a limited number
    of people from SA2 (the networking activity of EGEE)
    and from the NRENs.

    If you think you are interested in attending this
    meeting, please ask the convener about the
    opportunity of your participation.

  • Public Relations Workshop Conf. Room 18

    Conf. Room 18


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    Effective communication: How to present your work in
    technical articles and presentations

    Researchers and scientists are very used to
    communicating within their interest groups, but it can be
    more complex when producing material for those outside of
    your project or field. This session will give guidance on
    two ways for presenting material. The first part of the
    session will be on how to produce and give presentations
    with guidance on how to fit your talk to your audience, and
    how to stop them falling asleep! The second part of the
    session will cover how to plan and write articles for
    magazines and newspapers that will be clear and readable
    while also conveying your key messages. The session will end
    with a Q&A session with the two presenters.

  • FIRST Event: eArchiving & Digital Libraries Conf. Room 2

    Conf. Room 2


    CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland

    IT First @ Centre Internationale de Conferences Geneve

    The death of paper: digital libraries & e-


    As computers are integrated into every aspect of
    organisations, much of the information that used to be
    stored on paper is being moved to digital storage
    These offer many new ways to organise, access and
    documents, providing organisations with novel sources
    valuable information. However, if implemented badly,
    e-archiving can be worse than paper, with valuable
    data lost
    forever or winding up in the wrong hands. As a result,
    digital libraries and e-archiving are now a hot topic in
    political, business, scientific and cultural circles.

    Taking advantage of EGEE’06, a major gathering in
    Geneva of
    over 500 experts on Grid technology, Rezonance has
    a special First on this topic in collaboration with CERN
    openlab and EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE),
    largest Grid infrastructure project. Grid technology
    provides seamless access to distributed data and
    capacity on a global scale, and is a promising
    infrastructure for digital libraries to share information –
    either within businesses and international
    organisations or
    within virtual organisations, such as scientific
    communities, or even with the general public, providing
    access to cultural heritage via the Internet.


    The event features experts from CERN, WHO, leading
    library and e-archiving research initiatives in Europe,
    solution providers from the IT industry. They will outline
    the state-of-the-art, illustrating their presentations with
    examples from communities and organisations with
    amounts of documents that must be digitised. Whether
    you are
    facing e-archiving challenges, developing digital library
    solutions, or simply keen to keep abreast of this
    fast-moving field, this event will provide you with a
    glimpse of the future. And the future is paperless.

  • Friday 29 September