1st Workshop of ARIES WP17 PowerMat

Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy

The PowerMat work package (WP 17) is a Joint Research Activity (JRA) of the new Horizon2020 Integrating Activity for Particle Accelerator R&D - ARIES (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society), supporting a comprehensive and integrated R&D activity of several institutes and academic groups to investigate, develop, manufacture, characterize, test and simulate novel materials for extreme thermal management and other challenging and unconventional societal applications.

Its main objectives are:

  • Develop and characterize novel composite materials based on graphitic and metal matrices with carbide and diamond reinforcements;
  • Online test materials behaviour under intense thermal shocks (particle- or laser-beam induced) and irradiation;
  • Investigate radiation damage using theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches;
  • Identify and test novel materials for broader accelerator applications for high power targets, beam catchers, beam windows and luminescence screens;
  • Explore societal applications of these materials such as: advanced engineering, medical imaging, quantum computing, energy efficiency, aerospace, and thermal management.

The main goal of the 1st Workshop of WP17, which is taking place on November 27 and 28 at Politecnico di Torino, is to discuss and plan the future activities in relation to the objectives of each task.

  • Alessandro Bertarelli
  • Alexander Ryazanov
  • Anton Lechner
  • Carlotta Accettura
  • Claudio Fichera
  • Claudio Leopoldo Torregrosa Martin
  • Daniel Schmitt
  • David Grech
  • Edoardo Besozzi
  • Eleftherios Skordis
  • Federico Carra
  • François-Xavier Nuiry
  • Jorge Guardia Valenzuela
  • Jose Antonio Briz Monago
  • Laura Bianchi
  • Lorenzo Peroni
  • Marco Beghi
  • Mariangela Lombardi
  • Marilena Tomut
  • Martina Scapin
  • Michael GUINCHARD
  • Michael Kitzmantel
  • Michele Pasquali
  • Monica Ferraris
  • Paolo Fino
  • Pascal Simon
  • Philipp Bolz
  • Pierluigi Mollicone
  • Stefano Bizzaro
  • Stefano Redaelli
  • Theodor Asavei