Diffractive and electromagnetic processes at high energies


International Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Physics School

The school "Diffractive and electromagnetic processes at high energies" is held in Bad Honnef,  August 17 - 21, 2015. Applications from students and postdocs are encouraged. The school programme consists of invited talks of the HERA, RHIC, TEVATRON and CERN programmes, invited lectures and talks contributed by the participants .

This school is generously funded by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.


Invited Lectures

  • M. Albrow, Fermi Nat. Lab.,''Experiments in central exclusive production at hadron colliders'
  • C. Alexandrou,  Univ. of Cyprus, ''Hadron structure in lattice QCD"
  • J. Bartels, Univ. of Hamburg, "Theory of diffractive processes at the LHC"
  • S.U. Chung, CERN,  ''Partial wave analysis of centrally produced resonances''
  • V. Goncalves, Univ. Federal de Pelotas, "Probing the QCD dynamics in photon-hadron interactions at the LHC"
  • W. Guryn, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., "Spin dependence of diffractive observables in pp and pA collisions at RHIC"
  • L. Jenkovszky, Bogolubov Inst. Theor. Physics, Kiev, "Elastic and inelastic diffraction at the LHC"
  • F. Krinner, TU Munich, ''Review of diffraction in COMPASS"
  • Ch. Mesropian, Rockefeller Univ., New York, ''Review of diffraction at the TEVATRON"
  • O. Nachtmann, Inst. Theor. Physics, Univ of Heidelberg, ''The tensor-pomeron model for diffractive processes: from elastic scattering to diffractive dissociation and central production"
  • A. Papa, Univ. of Calabria, Cosenza, ''High-energy resummation in hard QCD processes"
  • K. Passek-Kumericki, Rudjer Boskovic Inst., Zagreb,  "Introduction to Generalized Parton Distributions, DVCS and DVMP"
  • K. Piotrzkowski, UC Louvain-la-Neuve, "Photon-photon processes at the LHC"
  • W. Plessas, Inst. Theor. Physics, Univ. of Graz,  "Electroweak structure of baryons at low and intermediate momentum transfers"
  • W. Schäfer, PAN Cracow, "Electromagnetic excitations in proton-proton collisions "
  • A. Szczurek, PAN Cracow, ''Recent developments on exclusive production of mesons''
  • R. Orava, Helsinki Inst. of Physics, "Review diffractive and electromagnetic processes in ALICE"
  • L. Schoeffel, CEA/IRFU Saclay, "Review diffractive and electromagnetic processes in ATLAS"
  • G.A. Alves, CBPF Rio de Janeiro, "Review diffractive and electromagnetic processes in CMS"
  • D. Johnson, CERN, '' Review diffractive and electromagnetic processes in LHCb"
  • M. Deile, CERN, "Review diffractive and electromagnetic processes in TOTEM"
  • S. Levonian, DESY, "Review diffractive and electromagnetic processes at HERA"


R. Schicker, Phys. Inst., University Heidelberg

A. Szczurek, Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN Cracow, and Rzeszow University