Second International Workshop on Nuclear Emulsions for Neutrino Studies and WIMP Search

Villa Orlandi, Anacapri (NA)

Villa Orlandi, Anacapri (NA)

Via Lo Pozzo, 80071 Anacapri NA
Giovanni De Lellis (Universita e INFN, Napoli (IT))

The workshop will be held in Villa Orlandi (Anacapri, Napoli) from 29th May to 1st June 2018.

The first two days of the workshop (29 - 30 May) will be devoted to the NEWSdm experiment, followed by other two days (31 May - 1 June) focussed on the OPERA experiment.

The registration fee amounts to 150€ per participant, social dinner included. Reduced fee for people partecipating to only one meeting is 100€.

2/5/2018: UPDATE

  • Social dinner will take place at restaurant "Da Gelsomina" alla Migliera on 31rd May. Please contact the organizers if you need a special diet.
  • The registration fee includes lunches.


29/4/2018: UPDATE

List of suggested hotels in Anacapri. Reserved rooms and indicated prices are valid up to the end of April.

Dead line for registration has been extended up to 15th May 2018

01/6/2018: Photos of the social dinner:

  • by Svetlana: 1234

