The differential reduction algorithm allows to change the values
of parameters of any Horn-type hypergeometric functions on arbitrary
integers numbers. The description of mathematical part of algorithm
have been presented on ACAT08 by M.Kalmykov [6].
We will describe the status of project and will present a new version
of MATHEMATICA based package including a several important hypergeometric
functions of one and two variables.
Interrelation between Differential Reduction algorithm
and Integration-by-Parts technique is discussed.
We illustrate the procedure in the context of
generalized hypergeometric functions, and give an
example for a type of bubble and propagator type diagram.
Another application of HYPERDIRE is the construction of
epsilon-expansion of Horn-type Hypergeometric Functions.
Talk is based on the following publications:
"HYPERDIRE: HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction MATHEMATICA
based packages for differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric
functions: now with pFq, F1,F2,F3,F4"
by V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov,B.A.Kniehl,
"Differential Reduction Techniques for the Evaluation of Feynman Diagrams"
by S.A. Yost, V.V. Bytev, M.Yu. Kalmykov, B.A. Kniehl, B.F.L. Ward
PoS ICHEP2010:135,2010
"Differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions from
Feynman diagrams: One-variable case",
by V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov,B.A.Kniehl,
Nucl.Phys.B836:129-170, 2010 [arXiv:0904.0214]
"Counting master integrals: integration by parts vs. differential reduction"
by Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl
"Differential Reduction Algorithms for Hypergeometric Functions
Applied to Feynman Diagram Calculation"
by V.V.Bytev, M.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl, B.F.L.Ward, S.A.Yost
"Feynman Diagrams, Differential Reduction, and Hypergeometric Functions"
by M. Yu. Kalmykov, V. V. Bytev, Bernd A. Kniehl, B.F.L. Ward, S.A.Yost
PoS ACAT08:125,2009 [arXiv:0901.4716]