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Blois 2022: 33rd Rencontres de Blois on "Exploring the Dark Universe"

from Sunday 22 May 2022 (15:00) to Friday 27 May 2022 (13:45)
Gaston d'Orléans

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 May 2022
23 May 2022
24 May 2022
25 May 2022
26 May 2022
27 May 2022
Opening - Jean TRAN THANH VAN (until 09:45) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 10:15) (Margueritte de Valois, Ground Floor)
Highlights - Jacques Dumarchez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 12:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
10:30 Observational Signatures of Quantum Gravity: Searching for UV Physics in the Infrared - Kathryn Zurek (Caltech)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
11:10 Black hole superradiance to search for new particles - Diego Blas (UAB/IFAE)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
11:50 The Antares Adventure - Antoine David Kouchner (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Gaston d'Orléans)
GW probes of Dark Sectors - Juan Garcia-Bellido Capdevila (Universidad Autonoma Madrid) (until 10:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
09:00 Gravitational-wave signatures of dark matter around black holes - Danid Nichols (University of Virginia)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
09:30 Adopting axion dark matter ideas to detect high-frequency gravitational waves - Camilo Garcia Cely (IFIC Valencia)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
10:00 Dark Energy: recent results and prospects for the upcoming era of multi-messenger studies - Marcelle Soares-Santos (Brandeis University)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 11:00) (Margueritte de Valois Ground Floor)
FIPS / ALPS - Corinne Augier (IP2I - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) (until 12:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
11:00 News from sub-GeV FI(N)Ps - Joerg Jaeckel (ITP Heidelberg)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
11:30 Dark photon stars - Edward Hardy   (Gaston d'Orléans)
12:00 Axion searches at DESY: ALPS II, BabyIAXO and MADMAX - Axel Lindner   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Excursion to Chateau de Chenonceau (until 12:00) ()
Cosmological connections of neutrinos - Sotiris Loucatos (Université Paris-Saclay (FR) and APC) (until 10:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
09:00 Massive neutrinos and cosmology - Yvonne Wong   (Gaston d'Orléans)
09:30 Light Sterile Neutrinos - Stefano Gariazzo (INFN, Turin)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
10:00 An overview of Leptogenesis - Jessica Turner   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 11:00) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Modified Gravity / PBH - Yann Gouttenoire (until 12:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
11:00 Experimental tests of antigravity - Gabriel Chardin (CNRS)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
11:30 Primordial Black Holes - Juan Garcia-Bellido Capdevila (Universidad Autonoma Madrid)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
12:00 Compact objects in gravity theories - Christos Charmousis (Paris-Sud University)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Cosmology / H0 tension / LSS - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) (until 10:00) (Gaston d'Orléans)
08:30 Probing cosmological inflation - Sébastien Renaux-Petel (IAP)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
09:00 Current status of the H0 tension and suggested solutions - Vivian Poulin (LUPM, CNRS, France)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
09:30 Dark matter searches in the cosmic large-scale structure - Keir Rogers (University of Toronto)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 10:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Summary Talk - Jean TRAN THANH VAN (until 11:15) (Gaston d'Orléans)
10:30 Perspectives on the Dark Sector: Concluding Remarks - Robert Brandenberger (McGill University)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Concluding Remarks (until 11:25) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Lunch (until 13:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Registration (until 19:00) (Secretariat)
Reception (until 20:00) (Chateau's Courtyard)
Dinner (until 22:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Lunch (until 14:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Dark Matter direct detection - Gilles Gerbier (Queen's Univesrity) (until 15:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:00 The Status and Prospects for Liquid Noble Dark Matter Experiments - Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:30 Dark Matter in 2022: A (parameter) Space Odyssey - Aaron Vincent (Queen's University)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
15:00 Cryogenic Solid-State Detectors - Ziqing Hong (University of Toronto)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Conference Photograph (until 15:40) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 16:00) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Light DM scenarios / new experimental searches - Gérard Fontaine (LLR) (until 17:00) (Gaston d'Orléans)
16:00 New materials for light DM detection - Yonatan Kahn (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
16:30 Searching for Light and Ultralight Dark Matter:The SENSEI and NASDUCK - Tomer Volansky (Tel Aviv University (IL))   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Visit of the Chateau (until 18:30) ()
Dinner (until 22:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Lunch (until 14:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
DM indirect detection - Emmanuel Moulin (CEA Saclay) (until 15:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:00 Dark Stars: A Dark Matter-Powered Phase of Stellar Evolution - Pearl Sandick   (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:30 Cosmic antiparticles: is there room for dark matter? - Yoann Genolini (LAPTh)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
15:00 The Landscape of Dark Matter Indirect Detection - Nicholas Llewellyn Rodd (CERN)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 16:00) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Parallel Session Tuesday-Cosmology - Gérard Fontaine (LLR Palaiseau) (until 19:30) ()
16:15 Exploring the Dark Universe with the South Pole Telescope - Alexandra Rahlin   ()
16:35 An Independent Measurement of H0 from Lensed Quasars - Kenneth Wong   ()
16:55 Detection of Cosmological 21cm Emission with CHIME - Simon Foreman   ()
17:15 Data Acquisition and Control Software for the Simons Observatory - Lauren Saunders   ()
17:35 Constraining decaying dark matter with BOSS data and the effective field theory of large-scale structures - Théo Simon   ()
17:55 Status of QUBIC, the Q\&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology - Louise Mousset (IRAP)   ()
18:15 Cosmological results from the eBOSS collaboration - Andreu Font-Ribera (Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE))   ()
Parallel Session Tuesday-Dark Matter - Emmanuel Moulin (CEA Saclay) (until 19:30) ()
16:15 Upper limits on the dark matter content in globular clusters - Javier Reynoso (University of Turin)   ()
16:35 SuperCDMS SNOLAB Status and Plans - Rupak Mahapatra (Texas A&M University)   ()
16:55 Search for light WIMP recoils on methane with NEWS-G - Francisco Andres Vazquez de Sola   ()
17:15 First 100 eV nuclear recoil ionization yield measurement in Si from IMPACT - Benjamin Schmidt (Northwestern Univsersity)   ()
17:35 Direct dark matter detection with NaI-based low-temperature scintillating detectors in COSINUS - Moritz Kellermann   ()
17:55 The CYGNO experiment for directional Dark Matter searches - Andrea Messina (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
18:15 Recent results on Dark matter and axion-like particle searches - Ivana Batković (University of Padova and INFN Padova)   ()
18:35 Search for Axions on the MINER experiment - Rupak Mahapatra (Texas A&M University)   ()
Parallel Session Tuesday-Neutrinos - Sotiris Loucatos (Université Paris-Saclay (FR) and APC) (until 19:30) ()
16:15 Mass spectrum-consistent neutrino decay lifetime constraint - Joe Chen (The University of New South Wales)   ()
16:35 Recent neutrino mass results from the KATRIN experiment - Stephanie Hickford   ()
16:55 Observing our Sun with Borexino - Ömer Penek (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)   ()
17:15 Ptolemy - Angelo Esposito   ()
17:35 The recent neutrinoless double beta decay results from KamLAND-Zen 800 - Spencer Axani (MIT)   ()
17:55 Status of the JUNO experiment and physics potential to detect low-energy neutrinos from the DSNB, the CCSN, the Sun and the inner Earth - Frederic Perrot (Université de Bordeaux)   ()
18:15 Latest results from MicroBooNE - Marianette Wospakrik (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   ()
Dinner (until 21:30) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Lunch (until 14:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Collider probes of Dark Sectors (until 15:30) (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:00 Probes of the Dark sector from the ATLAS and CMS experiments - Long Wang (University of Maryland (US))   (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:30 Probes of the Dark sector from the Belle II experiment - Laura Zani (CPPM - Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
15:00 Probes of the Dark sector from the LHCb experiment - Serhii Cholak (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 16:15) (Marguerite de Valois Ground Floor)
Parallel Session Wednesday-Colliders probes (until 19:00) ()
16:15 Phenomenology of the Dark Matter sector in the Two Higgs Doublet Model with Complex Scalar Singlet extension - Juhi Dutta   ()
16:35 Dark Matter searches with the BABAR detector - Georges Vasseur   ()
16:55 Searches for dark Higgsstrahlung and invisible Z' at Belle II - Huw Haigh (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
17:15 Search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector - Claudia Merlassino (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
17:35 Searches for dark photons in CMS - Simranjit Singh Chhibra (CERN)   ()
17:55 Searches for exotic decays of the Higgs boson as a window to the dark sector with the ATLAS detector - Huacheng Cai (University of Pittsburgh (US))   ()
18:15 Searching for semivisible jets in CMS - Thomas Klijnsma (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ()
18:35 Searches for dark matter with the ATLAS detector - Marco Rimoldi (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
Parallel Session Wednesday-Cosmology - Jacques Dumarchez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 19:00) ()
16:15 Shedding light on the dark Universe with Gamma-Ray Bursts - Lorenzo Amati (INAF - OAS Bologna)   ()
16:35 The string theory swampland in the Euclid, SKA and Vera Rubin observatory era - Killian Martineau   ()
16:55 Generalizing models with variations of the fine-structure constant driven by scalar fields: extended Bekenstein models coupled to the dark sector - João Dias   ()
17:15 Simons Observatory - Steve Choi (Cornell University)   ()
17:35 The new measurement of the Hubble Constant from the SH0ES team - Louise Breuval (Johns Hopkins University)   ()
17:55 BICEP/Keck - Denis Barkats (Harvard University)   ()
18:15 Emulating 2-body decaying dark matter with neural networks and effects on cosmological observables - Jozef Bucko (University of Zurich)   ()
Parallel Session Wednesday-Dark Matter - Gilles Gerbier (Queen's Univesrity) (until 19:00) ()
16:15 DarkSide-20k and the Future Liquid Argon Dark Matter Program - Julie Rode (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
16:35 Status of the LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Experiment - Jim E Y Dobson   ()
16:55 The DAMIC-M Experiment: Status and First Results - Claudia De Dominicis   ()
17:15 Sub-GeV Dark Matter Searches with EDELWEISS: New results - Elsa Guy (IP2I Lyon)   ()
17:35 Dark matter search with COSINE-100 - Young yu Ko (IBS Daejeon)   ()
17:55 The TESSERACT Project - Daniel Mckinsey   ()
18:15 The NEWSdm experiment for directional dark matter searches - Valeri Tioukov (INFN NAPOLI)   ()
Dinner (until 22:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Conférence Grand Public (in french) - Jean TRAN THANH VAN (until 22:00) ()
20:30 Climat: du diagnostic à l'action - échanger, réfléchir ensemble - Jean Jouzel   ()
Sound and Light Show (until 23:00) (Gaston d'Orléans)
Lunch (until 14:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)
Dark energy / Inflation - Daniel Mckinsey (until 15:40) (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:00 Direct tests of dark energy - Philippe Brax (CEA)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
14:30 First measurements from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) - Andreu Font-Ribera (Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE))   (Gaston d'Orléans)
15:00 A lightning overview of W-boson mass measurements - Daniel Froidevaux (CERN)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Coffee Break (until 16:10) (Marguerite de Valois Ground Floor)
Parallel Session Thursday-ALPS/FIPS/LLP - Sotiris Loucatos (Université Paris-Saclay (FR) and APC) (until 18:10) (Gaston d'Orléans)
16:10 Primordial black holes from supercooled first-order phase transition - Yann Gouttenoire   (Gaston d'Orléans)
16:30 The scotogenic model with scalar dark matter connected to Long-lived - Ivania Maturana Ávila (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
16:50 Impact of self-scattering on dark matter relic density - Andrzej Hryczuk   (Gaston d'Orléans)
17:10 Light dark matter vis-à-vis non-standard mechanisms and its possible probes - Sreemanti Chakraborti (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India)   (Gaston d'Orléans)
Parallel Session Thursday-Dark Matter - Corinne AUGIER (IP2I - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) (until 18:10) ()
16:10 DEAP-3600 - Michela Lai (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
16:30 Status and first results from XENONnT - Sid El Moctar AHMED MAOULOUD   ()
16:50 Status of the PICO-40L Bubble Chamber - Colin Moore   ()
17:10 Searches for Dark Matter with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope - Adrian Saina   ()
17:30 Precision Predictions for the Migdal Effect - Peter Cox (The University of Melbourne)   ()
Dinner (until 23:00) (Dinning Room @ Chateau)