Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT) 2023

from Tuesday 2 May 2023 (08:35) to Friday 5 May 2023 (20:00)
Palais des papes, Avignon (Chambre du Trésorier)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 May 2023
3 May 2023
4 May 2023
5 May 2023
08:55 Intro - Christian Marinoni (Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Gravitational Waves (until 12:25) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 LVK review - Rachel Gray   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:35 PTA Review - Golam Mohiuddin Shaifullah   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:10 GW Beyond-LCDM - Tessa Baker   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:15 Magnifying the gravitational-wave Universe - Jose Maria Ezquiaga Bravo   (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:50 LISA cosmology - Chiara Caprini (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Early Universe (until 11:50) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Probing inflation: precision physics, exploratory physics, and formal aspects - Sébastien Renaux-Petel (IAP - CNRS)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:35 EFT Constraints on Inflationary Scenarios - Giovanni Cabass (Institute for Advanced Study)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:10 CMB review - Dr Matthieu TRISTRAM (CNRS)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:15 Cosmological tests of gravity - Kazuya Koyama   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Early Universe (until 12:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:50 Resonant Features in Inflation Beyond Perturbation Theory - Giovanni Tambalo   (Chambre du Trésorier)
12:10 Robust constraints on the primordial power spectrum from mini halos and the CMB anisotropies - Guillermo Franco Abellán   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Late Universe (until 11:50) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Status of the Hubble tension - Dillon Brout (Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:35 EFT of the Large Scale Structure - Guido D'Amico (Universita degli Studi di Parma (IT))   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:10 Review on theoretical solutions to the H0 and S8 tensions - Tristan Smith (Swarthmore College)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:15 The future of dark energy - Eric Linder   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Late Universe (until 12:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:50 Cosmological tests of Einstein and Euler - Prof. Levon Pogosian (Simon Fraser University)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
12:10 ΛCDM is alive and well - Prof. Alain Blanchard (IRAP, UPS, Toulouse)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Astrophysical messengers of fundamental physics (until 12:25) (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:00 Selected aspects of the particle vs wave nature of dark matter - Sebastian Hoof (Università degli Studi di Padova)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
09:35 Probing light particles with stars - Andrea Caputo (CERN)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:10 Dark matter in extreme astrophysical environments - Dr Djuna Croon (IPPP Durham)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:15 Probing dark matter with line intensity mapping - Alvise Raccanelli (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Chambre du Trésorier)
11:50 Gamma and X-ray searches for dark matter - Nicholas Llewellyn Rodd (CERN)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
12:25 --- Lunch break ---
Gravitational Waves (until 18:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:00 Gwfast and the detection of high-redshift black-hole binaries at third generation GW detectors - Michele Mancarella (University of Milan-Bicocca)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:20 Gravitational-wave cosmology with binary black holes as dark sirens in the 3G era - Danny LAGHI   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:40 Measuring supermassive black hole properties from binary inspirals in LISA - Adrien KUNTZ (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:00 Constraining cosmological parameters with massive black hole binaries - Alberto Mangiagli   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:20 Modified gravitational-wave propagation with extreme mass-ratio inspirals - Chang Liu (L2IT / PKU)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:40 Smoking guns of beyong-GR physics in binary mergers - Dr Daniela Doneva (University of Tuebingen)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 Gravitational wave production in higher derivative gravity - Anna Tokareva (Imperial College London)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:50 The SGWB produced by MHD turbulence in the early universe - Dr Alberto Roper Pol (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:10 Real scalar phase transitions: bubble nucleation, nonperturbatively - Anna Kormu   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:30 Reconstructing phase transitions from future LISA data - Deanna Hooper   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:50 Searching for anisotropic stochastic GW backgrounds with constellations of space-based interferometers - Giulia Capurri (SISSA)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:10 Searching for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background with Ground-Based Detectors - Jishnu Suresh (Université catholique de Louvain)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Welcome Cocktail (until 19:30) (Salle des gardes)
Conférence Grand Public (until 21:30) (Cellier Benoit XII)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Early Universe (until 18:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:00 The Cosmological Flow: a Systematic Approach to Primordial Correlators - Denis Werth   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:20 Enabling Beyond-LCDM Non-Linear Matter Power Spectrum Emulation with COLA - Guilherme Brando de Oliveira   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:40 Dynamical Tunnelling-Induced Cosmological Bounce - Drew Backhouse   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:00 Phase transitions in the early universe: a 2PI approach - Eleanor Hall   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:20 Modified gravity in two body problem: theoretical implications and observational constraints - Dr David Benisty (University of Cambridge)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:40 Causality Constraints on Mergers beyond General Relativity - Francesco Serra   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 Coupling metric-affine gravity to a Higgs-like scalar field - Claire Aude Laure Rigouzzo (King's College London)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:50 Covariant Effective Action for Generalized Proca Theories - Dr Sukanta Panda (IISER Bhopal)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:10 Ruling out Interacting Holographic Dark Energy with Hubble scale cutoff - Ricardo Landim (University of Portsmouth)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:30 A cosmological model where the expansion is blind to the spatial curvature - Vigneron Quentin (Copernicus University of Toruń)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:50 Screening approach to address relativistic species as sources of cosmological perturbations - Ezgi Yilmaz (CASUS)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:10 Backreaction of cosmological perturbations - Prof. Alexander Zhuk (Astronomical Observatory Odessa National University (UA), Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (Germany))   (Chambre du Trésorier)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Late Universe (until 18:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:00 Exploring the effects of primordial non-Gaussianity at galactic scales - Clément Stahl   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:20 Constraining cosmological models with the effective field theory of large-scale structures - Théo Simon   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:40 Constraining spatial curvature with large-scale structure - Mr Julien BEL (Centre de Physique Théorique)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:00 What it takes to solve the Hubble tension through modifications of cosmological recombination - Nanoom Lee   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:20 Tensions in Cosmological Probes and Quasar Cosmology - Dr Micol Benetti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Scuola Superiore Meridionale)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:40 Multipole Expansion of the Local Expansion Rate - Basheer KALBOUNEH   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 Constraining non-standard neutrino interactions with cosmology - Petter Taule (IPhT, Saclay)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:50 Antisymmetric galaxy cross-correlations - Eleonora Vanzan (Università degli Studi di Padova)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:10 Measuring weak lensing with strong lensing: a proof of concept - Dr Natalie Hogg (IPhT CEA-Saclay)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:30 Mysteries under a strong lens - Charles Dalang (Queen Mary University of London)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:50 Gravitational lensing induced by matter currents - Dr Calum Murray (APC, University Paris Cité)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:10 Relativistic matter bispectrum of cosmic structures on the light cone - Thomas Montandon (University of Vienna)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Conference Cocktail & Dinner (until 22:00) (Espace Jeanne Laurent)
12:25 --- Lunch Break ---
Astrophysical messengers of fundamental physics (until 14:30) (Chambre du Trésorier)
13:55 Dark matter - baryon interactions in the Milky Way - Prof. Kimberly Boddy (University of Texas at Austin)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
Astrophysical messengers of fundamental physics: Contributed talks (until 18:40) (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:30 First neutrino telescope dedicated search for DM induced neutrino lines - Thomas Hambye (ULB)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
14:50 CR antinuclei predictions and their detectability in the next years - Pedro De la Torre Luque   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:10 Probing Axions through Tomography of Anisotropic Cosmic Birefringence - Alessandro Greco   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:30 Quasi-extremal primordial black holes are a viable dark matter candidate - Matteo Lucca (ULB)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
15:50 Did black holes in the very early universe induced the formation of the first Pop III stars? - Dr Felix Mirabel (CEA-France & IAFE-Argentina)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
16:10 --- Coffee break ---
16:40 Black Holes as Probes for Ultralight Dark Matter - Bruno Bucciotti (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:00 Ultra-Light Dark Matter: Current Constraints and Future Possibilities - Emily Kendall (The University of Auckland)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:20 Exploring the Role of Self-Interacting Scalar Dark Matter in Dynamical Friction and GW Emission - Alexis Boudon   (Chambre du Trésorier)
17:40 Strong electroweak phase transition and simplified dark matter models - Philipp Schicho (Goethe University Frankfurt)   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:00 Solitons and halos for self-interacting scalar dark matter - Raquel Galazo   (Chambre du Trésorier)
18:20 Exploring the Dark Sector (non-abelian DM-DR interaction) - Asmaa Mazoun   (Chambre du Trésorier)