Workshop on Standard Model and Beyond

from Sunday 27 August 2023 (09:00) to Thursday 7 September 2023 (21:00)
Mon Repos

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
27 Aug 2023
28 Aug 2023
29 Aug 2023
30 Aug 2023
31 Aug 2023
1 Sept 2023
2 Sept 2023
3 Sept 2023
4 Sept 2023
5 Sept 2023
6 Sept 2023
7 Sept 2023
09:15 Opening and welcome - George Zoupanos (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))   ()
09:30 Recent results from ATLAS - Xuai Zhuang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   ()
10:30 Higgs physics in ATLAS and CMS - Rainer Mankel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 Recent Results from CMS - Slawomir Marek Tkaczyk (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ()
09:00 Highlights from ALICE - Kai Schweda (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   ()
10:00 The θ-angle physics at finite baryon density - Jahmall Bersini   ()
10:30 Semisymmetries of Two-Higgs-doublet models - Bohdan Grzadkowski   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 Triple-leptoquark interactions for tree- and loop-level proton decays - Ilja Doršner (University of Split)   ()
09:00 Exotics and BSM (non SUSY, non DM) in ATLAS and CMS - Jun Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))   ()
09:30 Potential positivity bounds on a positively light Higgs - Tevong You (King's College London)   ()
10:00 A smoking gun signature of 3HDM - Atri Dey   ()
10:30 Phenomenology of flavoured 3HDMs - Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 Confronting CP symmetry of order 4 with experimental data - Igor Ivanov (Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai, China)   ()
09:00 How to measure the reactor neutrino flux below 2 MeV - Danny Marfatia   ()
09:30 Naturally small neutrino masses from asymptotic safety - Enrico Maria Sessolo (NCBJ, Warsaw)   ()
10:00 Neutrino oscillations in the interaction picture - Massimo Blasone (Università di Salerno & INFN)   ()
10:30 Phenomenology with trans-Planckian asymptotic safety - Kamila Kowalska (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 An update on Indirect dark-matter searches with gamma-rays experiments : status and future plans from 300 KeV to 100 TeV - Aldo Morselli   ()
09:00 Flavor puzzles of the Standard Model effective field theory - Admir Greljo (Universitaet Bern (CH))   ()
09:30 Dark matter probes - Laura Lopez Honorez   ()
10:00 Looking for charged detector-stable particles at the LHC - Vasiliki Mitsou (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   ()
10:30 Extended dark sectors, neutrino masses and the baryon asymmetry - Juan Herrero Garcia (IFIC, UV/CSIC)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 Searching for Dark Matter in the LHC with the help of Machine Learning - Rafal Maselek   ()
11:50 Machine learning classification of micro black holes and sphalerons at the LHC - Kazuki Sakurai (University of Warsaw)   ()
09:00 Recent results from LHCb - Frederic Teubert (CERN)   ()
10:00 Recent topics in the analysis of neutrino mass-mixing parameters - Eligio Lisi   ()
10:30 Neutrino mixing sum rules and littlest seesaw models - Stephen F King (University of Southampton)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 Split NMSSM from dimensional reduction of a 10D, N=1, E(8) gauge theory over a modified flag manifold - Gregory Patellis   ()
09:00 Gravitational production of massive spin-2 particles - Rocky Kolb (University of Chicago)   ()
09:30 Geometric quantum field theories - Apostolos Pilaftsis (University of Manchester (GB))   ()
10:00 The hidden power of modular flavor symmetry - Hans Peter Nilles (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))   ()
10:30 Predictions for composite Higgs models from gauge/gravity dualities - Werner Rudolf Porod (Julius Maximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 Top physics in ATLAS and CMS - Markus Cristinziani (Universität Siegen)   ()
10:00 --- GeorgeFest - Morning Session (ZOOM connection: click on "Videoconference" on the left, times are in Athens timezone) ---
10:02 Morning talks - before Coffee   ()
Morning Coffee break (until 11:30) ()
Morning talks - after Coffee , part 1 (until 12:15) ()
09:00 The Path Towards the Future Circular Collider at CERN - Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)   ()
09:30 BSM perspective on Future Colliders - Riccardo Torre (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))   ()
10:00 Neutron physics at the CERN n_TOF facility - Roza Zanni Vlastou (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))   ()
10:30 On the status of the superweak extension of the standard model - Zoltan Laszlo Trocsanyi (ELTE Eotvos Lorand University (HU))   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 Higgs criticality in and beyond the SM - Thomas Steingasser   ()
09:00 Landscape, swampland and extra dimensions - Ignatios Antoniadis (UPMC)   ()
09:30 On three-generation super no-scale models in heterotic string theory - Ioannis Rizos (University of Ioannina (GR))   ()
10:00 Torsion-induced axions in string theory, quantum gravity and the cosmological tensions - Nikos Mavromatos (University of London (GB))   ()
10:30 Trace anomaly and induced action in metric-scalar backgrounds - Manuel Asorey (Universidad de Zaragoza)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:30 Applications of the tunneling potential formalism - Jose Espinosa (Departm.of Physics & Astronomy)   ()
09:00 --- Departure ---
16:00 --- Registration ---
12:30 Revisiting extractions of the strong coupling constant with soft collinear effective theory - Jim Talbert   ()
13:00 20 years of Theta+ - Michal Praszalowicz (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:00 Entanglement and high energy physics - Jesus Moreno   ()
16:30 The QCD axion sum rule - Belen Gavela Legazpi (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES))   ()
17:00 Modular invariance and the QCD angle - Alessandro Strumia (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))   ()
17:30 The QCD phase transition behind a PBH origin of LIGO/Virgo events? - Pasquale Serpico (LAPTH, Annecy-le-vieux)   ()
18:00 --- Coffee break ---
18:20 The current status of B-anomalies and Z' explanations - Ben Allanach (University of Cambridge (GB))   ()
12:00 CP violating asymmetries in $D^0 \rightarrow PP$ decay - Franco Buccella (Unknown)   ()
12:30 Theory of rare kaon decays - Giancarlo D'Ambrosio (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))   ()
13:00 SM (QCD+EW) in ATLAS and CMS - Elvira Rossi (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:00 Physics with tagged forward protons in proton-proton collisions at RHIC - Wlodek Guryn   ()
16:30 Constraining EW baryogenesis with searches for decays of heavy Higgs bosons in ATLAS - Spyros Argyropoulos (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   ()
17:00 Constraining new physics with hyperon decays - German Valencia (Monash University (AU))   ()
17:30 Probing CP violation in Higgs -> tau+ tau- gamma - Dibyakrupa Sahoo   ()
17:45 --- Coffee ---
18:05 Evaluating Feynman integrals with the help of the Landau equations - Georgios Papathanasiou (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
18:35 Sterile neutrinos and μ-term phenomenology from D-brane string models - Christos Kokorelis (Unknown)   ()
20:00 --- Reception ---
12:00 SUSY in ATLAS and CMS - Otilia Anamaria Ducu (IFIN-HH (Bucharest, RO))   ()
12:30 Dark matter in ATLAS and CMS - Bisnupriya Sahu (University of Hyderabad,India)   ()
13:00 Complementary probes of multi-component Dark Matter - Venus Keus (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS))   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:00 Beyond the standard Model: from axions to nonHermiticity - Sarben Sarkar   ()
16:30 The Search for Milli-Charged Matter at the LHC - James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))   ()
17:00 Catastrogenesis: dark matter and gravitational waves from ALP cosmic string-wall system annihilation - Graciela Beatriz Gelmini (University of California Los Angeles (US))   ()
17:30 A vector-like top quark portal to a minimal non-Abelian vector dark matter - Nakorn Thongyoi (University of Southampton)   ()
17:45 --- Coffee ---
18:05 Exploring mixed lepton-quark interactions in non-resonant leptoquark production at the LHC - João Pedro Pino Gonçalves (University of Aveiro)   ()
18:20 Investigating ALP dark matter through the early Universe dynamics of PQ field - Marek Olechowski   ()
12:00 The Higgs field and the nature of gravity - Javier Rubio   ()
12:30 B anomalies in the post-R_K era - Nazila Mahmoudi (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR))   ()
13:00 Cornering BSMs with positivity - Alex Pomarol (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & IFAE)   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:00 Recent developments in Flavor physics, the Unitarity Fit, Anomalies and all that - Guido Martinelli (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
16:30 Flavor and Fluctuations - Stam Nicolis   ()
17:00 Unitarity Relations in the presence of vector-like quarks - Gustavo Branco (Instituto Superior Tecnico)   ()
17:30 Probing New Physics with Double Beta Decay - Frank F Deppisch   ()
18:00 --- Coffee ---
18:20 Extending the SM with vector-like quarks: consequences for CKM unitarily and CP violation - José Bastos   ()
18:35 New physics searches using ProtoDUNE and the CERN SPS accelerator - Jacobo Lopez Pavon (IFIC, CSIC-Universitat de València (Spain))   ()
12:20 Quantum information and CP measurement in $H \to \tau^+ \tau^-$ at future lepton colliders - Priyanka Lamba   ()
15:30 Boat trip info   ()
15:30 --- Excursion ---
12:00 Constraining Higgs sectors of BSM models - the case of 95 GeV "Higgs" - Wojciech Kotlarski   ()
12:30 Audible gravitational echoes of new physics - António Morais (University of Aveiro)   ()
13:00 Anomalies and parities for quintessential and ultra-light axions - Jihn E. Kim (Kyung Hee University)   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:00 Running vacuum approach to the quantum vacuum: theoretical and phenomenological implications - Joan Sola (Universitat de Barcelona)   ()
16:30 Taking advantage of entanglement in B factories to measure the weak phase gamma - Francisco Botella (University of Valencia)   ()
17:00 Anomaly and Dynamics in Strongly-coupled Gauge Theories. New Criteria for Different Phases and Lessons from Supersymmetric Theories - Kenichi Konishi (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:30 The code SmeftFR : handling vertices in SMEFT - Athanasios Dedes (University of Ioannina)   ()
18:00 --- Coffee ---
18:20 CP violation in rare B decays as a window to new physics - Anders Rehult   ()
18:35 Impact of a non-universal Z' on the B-> K*ll and B -> K*vv processes - Alfiia Mukhaeeva   ()
18:50 The muon anomalous magnetic moment from the fermionic portal to vector dark matter - Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)   ()
12:00 A grandunified RHINO miracle in IceCube - Pasquale Di Bari (University of Southampton)   ()
12:30 Model for dark matter, stopping in the shielding, just at DAMA - Holger Bech Nielsen (Niels Bohr Institue Theory)   ()
13:00 Finite Unified Theories: results and perspectives - Myriam Mondragon (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico UNAM)   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:00 Primordial black holes, dark matter and gravitational waves with light scalars - Zygmunt Lalak (Faculty of Physics)   ()
16:30 On low scale baryogenesis - Nuria Rius   ()
17:00 Non renormalisation theorems and UV/IR mixing - Steven Adam Abel (University of Durham (GB))   ()
17:30 Precise prediction for the W-boson mass in U(1) extensions of the standard model - Zoltán Péli (Institute for Theoretical Physics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University)   ()
17:45 --- Coffee ---
18:05 Real effective potentials for phase transitions in models with extended scalar sectors - Károly Seller (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University)   ()
18:20 Robust intermittency analysis in heavy ion collisions: overcoming challenges through novel techniques. - Nikolaos Davis (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   ()
18:50 Atmospheric neutrino octant from flavour symmetry - Paul Frampton (University of Salento)   ()
20:00 --- Greek night ---
20:00 Greek night info   ()
Morning talks - after Coffee , part 2 (until 13:00) ()
Morning talks - after Coffee , part 3 (until 13:30) ()
13:30 Info on lunch boxes   ()
13:30 --- Lunch break: lunch boxes will be provided for all participants ---
Afternoon talks - before Coffee (until 15:28) ()
15:28 --- GeorgeFest - Afternoon Session (ZOOM connection: click on "Videoconference" on the left, times are in Athens timezone) ---
Afternoon Coffee break (until 16:00) ()
Afternoon talks - after Coffee, part 1 (until 17:00) ()
Afternoon talks - after Coffee, part 2 (until 18:00) ()
Afternoon talks - after Coffee, part 3 (until 19:00) ()
12:00 Some aspects of anomalous U(1) - Karim Benakli (CNRS)   ()
12:30 Standard Model & extra dimensions: UV sensitivity, Higgs mass and vacuum energy - Vincenzo Branchina (Universita e INFN (IT))   ()
13:00 Improved single-field models of inflation and production of primordial black holes - Serguei Ketov (Tokyo Metropolitan University and Kavli IPMU)   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:00 Exotics lead the way to gluebalss --- through anomalies - Jean-Marie Frere   ()
16:30 A model for Dark Matter emerging from a modified geometry - Spyros Konitopoulos (NCSR Demokritos)   ()
16:45 Supergeometry in effective quantum field theories - Viola Gattus (University of Manchester)   ()
17:00 Standard Model in Weyl geometry and Weyl anomaly - Dumitru Ghilencea (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (RO))   ()
17:30 --- Coffee ---
17:50 BRST formalism of Weyl invariant gravity - Ichiro Oda   ()
18:20 Exorcizing the ghosts in higher-derivative gravity - Anamaria Hell   ()
12:00 Testing nonlocal cosmologies from the conformal anomaly effective action - Claudio Corianò (INFN Lecce)   ()
12:30 Thermal effects in Ising cosmology - Fotios Koutroulis (Warsaw University)   ()
13:00 Unimodular gravity - Enrique Alvarez   ()
13:30 On non-geometric flux compactifications - George Leontaris (University of Ioannina (GR))   ()
14:00 Closing - Jean-Marie Frere (Service de Physique des Particules Elementaires)   ()