Thomas Bergauer
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
15/02/2016, 10:10
David Robert Nygren
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
15/02/2016, 10:20
Now in its fourth decade, the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) idea continues to find new and novel applications in nuclear and particle physics, rare longevity in the arsenal of experimental techniques. I examine some of the recent implementations as exemplars of the scientific aspirations, with focus on a bizarre idea to exploit single molecule fluorescent imaging as a means to identify the...
Stefan Schoenert
15/02/2016, 11:10
Norbert Wermes
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
15/02/2016, 14:00
The talk will give a (selective) overview of developments in recent years on silicon detectors, in particular those developments which are challenged by new demands on particle tracking and vertexing from coming-up new experiments and upgrades.
Florian Jochen Lutticke
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
15/02/2016, 14:50
An upgrade of the existing Japanese flavor factory (KEKB in Tsukuba, Japan) is under construction, and foreseen for commissioning by the end of 2017. This new e+e- machine (SuperKEKB) will deliver an instantaneous luminosity 40 times higher than the world record set by KEKB.
In order to be able to fully exploit the increased number of events and provide high precision measurements of the...
Didier Ferrere
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
15/02/2016, 15:15
Run-2 of the LHC is providing new challenges to track and vertex
reconstruction with higher energies, denser jets and higher rates.
Therefore the ATLAS experiment has constructed the first 4-layer Pixel detector in HEP, installing a new Pixel layer, also called Insertable B-Layer (IBL).
IBL is a fourth layer of pixel detectors, and has been installed in May 2014 at a radius of 3.3 cm...
Alessandro Marchioro
15/02/2016, 16:15
A prophetic and risky prediction made more than half a century ago in the then obscure field of “integrated electronics” has changed profoundly every manufacturing, computing and communication technology that we can imagine.
Also in experimental physics, microelectronics has changed not only the speed at which we can read and manipulate data from detectors, but has also allowed designers to...
Nicolo Cartiglia
(INFN Torino (IT))
15/02/2016, 17:05
Development of Ultra Fast Silicon Detector for 4D tracking
In this contribution I will review the progress towards the development of a new type of silicon detectors suited for picosecond tracking, the so called Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors, designed to obtained concurrent precisions of ~ 10 picoseconds and ~ 30 microns with a 50 micron thick sensor.
UFSD are based on the concept of...
Sergo Jindariani
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
15/02/2016, 17:30
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver luminosities of 5 × 10^34 cm-2s-1, with an average number of overlapping proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing of up to 200. However, a higher number of particle interactions per bunch crossing presents huge challenge to the experiments, as their trigger systems are not designed to accommodate the anticipated rates. For luminosity...
Markus Friedl
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
15/02/2016, 18:00
The city of Vienna was essentially founded by the ancient Romans. In the late middle ages, it became the capital of the Habsburg Empire, and consequently grew in size and importance. Even though there are some Roman excavations, most of the architectural heritage originates from the monarchy. In particular, the turn of the 19th to 20th centuries was undoubtedly a peak in many aspects of arts...
Samo Korpar
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
16/02/2016, 09:00
The paper will review recent progress in photodetectors: vacuum based detectors (PMTs, MCP PMTs), solid state detectors (SiPMs, APDs) and
hybrid detectors (HPD, HAPDs). It will discuss advances in photon detection efficiency, timing properties, as well as improvements in radiation hardness, resistance against ageing and suppression of internal noise. As a motivation for these improvements it...
Thomas Kirn
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
16/02/2016, 09:50
The LHCb detector will be upgraded during the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) of the LHC in order to cope with higher instantaneous luminosities and to read out the data at 40MHz using a trigger-less read-out system. All front-end electronics will be replaced and several sub-detectors must be redesigned to cope with higher occupancy. The current tracking detectors downstream of the LHCb dipole magnet...
SoLid: An innovative antineutrino detector for searching oscillations at the SCK•CEN BR2 reactor
Yamiel Abreu
(Universiteit Antwerpen)
16/02/2016, 10:15
The SoLid experiment intends to search for active-to-sterile anti-neutrino oscillation at the very short baseline of the SCK•CEN BR2 research reactor (Mol, Belgium). A novel detector approach to measure reactor anti-neutrinos was developed based on an innovative sandwich of composite Polyvynil-Toluene and 6LiF:ZnS scintillators. The system is highly segmented and read out by a network of...
Piotr Gasik
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
16/02/2016, 11:20
A large Time Projection Chamber is the main device for tracking and charged particle identification in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. After the second long shutdown in 2019/20, the LHC will deliver Pb beams colliding at an interaction rate of about 50 kHz, which is about a factor of 100 above the present read-out rate of the TPC. This will result in a significant improvement on the...
Shinji Ogawa
(University of Tokyo (JP))
16/02/2016, 12:10
The MEG II experiment is the upgrade of the MEG experiment to search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay of muon, $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+ \gamma$. The MEG II experiment is expected to reach a branching ratio sensitivity of $4\times10^{-14}$, which is one order of magnitude better than the sensitivity of the current MEG experiment. The performance of the liquid xenon (LXe) gamma-ray...
Yusuke Uchiyama
(The University of Tokyo)
16/02/2016, 14:00
We have developed a timing detector with a ~ 30 ps time resolution for the measurement of ~ 50 MeV/c positron in the MEG II experiment using fast scintillator and SiPM. The adoption of SiPM allows flexible layout of the detector with high segmentation as well as a high precision time measurement due to the intrinsic properties. The detector is composed of 512 fast-plastic-scintillator...
Stefano Terzo
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
16/02/2016, 14:00
It is foreseen to significantly increase the luminosity of the LHC by upgrading towards the HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC). The Phase-II-Upgrade scheduled for 2023 will mean unprecedented radiation levels, way beyond the limits of the silicon trackers currently employed. All-silicon central trackers are being studied in ATLAS, CMS and LHCb, with extremely radiation hard silicon sensors to be...
Nicolas Lurkin
(University of Birmingham (GB))
16/02/2016, 14:00
The Cherenkov detector identifying kaons in the beam line of the NA62 experiment will be presented. The main goal of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator is to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ decay with $10\%$ accuracy. NA62 uses a 750MHz high-energy un-separated charged hadron beam, with kaons corresponding to $\sim 6 \%$ of the...
Wladyslaw Henryk Trzaska
(University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
16/02/2016, 14:25
The LHC heavy-ions luminosity and collision rate from ~2020 onwards will considerably exceed the design parameters of the present ALICE forward trigger detectors and the introduction of a new Muon Forward Tracker will significantly reduce the space available for the upgraded detectors. To comply with these conditions a new Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) will be build. FIT will be the main...
Esteban Curras Rivera
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
16/02/2016, 14:25
The CMS collaboration is planning to upgrade the forward calorimeters as these will not be sufficiently performant with the expected HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC) conditions. The High Granularity Calorimeter (HGC) is the technology choice of the CMS collaboration for this upgrade. It is realized as a sampling calorimeter with layers of silicon detectors that feature very high longitudinal and...
Ana Ros Garcia
(University of Bristol (GB))
16/02/2016, 14:25
The TORCH time-of-flight (TOF) detector is being developed to provide particle identification between 2-10 GeV/c momentum for a flight distance of 10 m. It has been proposed for the upgrade of the LHCb experiment to complement the particle identification capabilities of the RICH detectors. TORCH is designed for large-area coverage, up to 30$\rm m^2$, and has a DIRC-like construction with 10 mm...
Luca Pontisso
(Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))
16/02/2016, 14:50
General-purpose computing on GPUs is emerging as a new paradigm in several fields of science, although so far applications have been tailored as accelerator in offline computation. With the steady reduction of GPU latencies, and the increase in link and memory throughputs, the use for real-time applications in high-energy physics data acquisition and trigger systems is becoming ripe. We will...
Pier Simone Marrocchesi
(University of Siena (IT) and INFN Pisa)
16/02/2016, 14:50
A prototype of a Focused Internal Reflection Cherenkov, equipped with 16 arrays of NUV-SiPM, was tested at CERN SPS in March 2015 with beams of relativistic ions at 13 and 30 GeV/n obtained from fragmentation of an Ar primary beam. The detector, designed to identify cosmic nuclei, features a Fused Silica radiator bar optically connected to a cylindrical mirror, of the same material, and an...
Joern Schwandt
(University of Hamburg)
16/02/2016, 14:50
The voltage stability, the charge-collection properties and the dark current of segmented silicon sensors are influenced by the charge and potential distributions on the sensor surface, the charge distribution in the oxide and passivation layers, and by Si-SiO$_2$ interface states. To better understand these complex phenomena, measure¬ments on test structures and sensors, as well as TCAD...
Piergiulio Lenzi
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
16/02/2016, 15:15
We present the CLASSIC R&D for the development of a Silicon Carbide (SiC) based
avalanche photodiode for the detection of Cherenkov light.
SiC is a wide-bandgap semiconductor material, which, thanks to the 3.3 eV
bandgap, is insensitive to visible light. A SiC based light detection device
has a peak sensitivity in the deep UV, around 280 nm, making it ideal for Cherenkov
Kazu Carvalho Akiba
(Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
16/02/2016, 15:15
The LHCb detector is a single-arm forward spectrometer covering the
pseudorapidity range $2<\eta <5$, designed for the study of particles
containing $b$ or $c$ quarks. The detector includes a high-precision tracking
system consisting of a silicon-strip vertex detector (VELO) surrounding the
$pp$ interaction region, a large-area silicon-strip detector located upstream
of a dipole magnet...
Silvia Borghi
(University of Manchester (GB))
16/02/2016, 15:15
The LHCb detector is a forward spectrometer at the LHC, designed to perform high precision studies of B and D hadrons. In Run II of the LHC, a new scheme for the software trigger at LHCb allows splitting the triggering of events in two stages, giving room to perform the alignment and calibration in real time. In the novel detector alignment and calibration strategy for Run II, data collected...
Stefan Petrovics
(Semiconductor Laboratory of the Max-Planck Society)
16/02/2016, 16:30
Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) are a promising candidate for replacing conventional photomultiplier tubes in many applications, thanks to ongoing developments and advances in their technology. A drawback of conventional SiPMs is their limited fill factor caused by the need for a high ohmic polysilicon quench resistor and its metal lines on the surface of the devices, which in turn limits the...
Clemens Sauerzopf
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
16/02/2016, 16:30
The matter - anti matter asymmetry observed in the universe today still lacks a quantitative explanation. One possibility that could contribute to the observed state could be a violation of the combined Charge-, Partiy- and Timesymmetries (CPT). A possible contribution to this asymmetry could come from a violation of the CPT symmetry. A test of CPT symmetry using anti-atoms is being carried...
Karol Hennessy
(University of Liverpool (GB))
16/02/2016, 16:30
The upgrade of the LHCb experiment, scheduled for LHC Run-3, will transform the experiment to a triggerless
system reading out the full detector at 40 MHz event rate.
All data reduction algorithms will be executed in a high-level software farm.
enabling the detector to run at luminosities of $2
\times 10^{33} \rm{/cm^2/s}$.
The Vertex Locator (VELO) is the silicon vertex detector...
Roberta Arcidiacono
(Universita Del Piemonte Orientale (IT))
16/02/2016, 16:55
The CT-PPS detector will be installed in Roman pots positioned on both sides of CMS, ~ 200 meter downstream the interaction point. This detector will measure forward leading protons, allowing detailed studies of diffractive hadron physics and Central Exclusive Production. The main components of the CT-PPS detectors are a silicon tracking system and a timing system, QUARTIC, which measures the...
Gaetano Zappalà
(University of Trento)
16/02/2016, 16:55
In this work, we will present the latest Silicon photomultiplier technology (SiPM), developed in Fondazione Bruno Kessler, designed to detect UV and blue light and named NUV-HD.
With respect to the original NUV technology, shown at last VCI, the High-Density (HD) one has the same electrical field profile but a novel layout with a lower dead border area and the introduction of trenches between...
James Pinfold
(University of Alberta (CA))
16/02/2016, 16:55
MoEDAL- the newest LHC experiment – that began operating in June 2015 – is designed to search for highly ionizing avatars of new physics and extend the discovery horizon of the LHC in a complementary way. In this talk I will describe MoEDAL’s innovative and unconventional detector methodologies tuned to the prospect of discovery physics. The largely passive MoEDAL detector, deployed at Point 8...
Mariana Rihl
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))
16/02/2016, 17:20
The LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO) is used to reconstruct beam-gas interaction
vertices which allows one to obtain precise profiles of the LHC beams.
In LHCb, this information is combined with the profile of the reconstructed
beam-beam collisions and with the LHC beam currents to perform precise
measurements of the luminosity.
This beam-gas imaging (BGI) method also allows one to study the...
Rok Dolenec
(Institut "Jožef Stefan")
16/02/2016, 17:20
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) were examined as photodetectors in Cherenkov time-of-flight positron emission tomography (TOF PET). The time-of-flight resolution and the detection efficiency of several devices by different manufacturers were measured in TOF PET setup. Effects which degrade the time resolution and the methods to correct them were studied in more detail with a picosecond laser setup.
Stefano Bettarini
(University of Pisa and INFN)
16/02/2016, 17:20
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider in Japan will operate at an instantaneous luminosity approximately 50 times greater than its predecessor (Belle).
The central feature of the experiment is a vertex detector comprising two layers of pixelated silicon detectors (PXD) and four layers of double-sided silicon microstrip detectors (SVD).
One of the key measurements for Belle-II is...
Davide Pagano
(Universita di Brescia (IT))
16/02/2016, 17:45
Cosmic ray radiation, thanks to its high penetration capability and relative abundance, has been successfully used both in scientific studies and civil applications. We investigated, for the first time, the possibility of using cosmic ray radiation for the static monitoring of historical buildings, where severe conservation constraints apply and the time evolution of the deformation phenomena...
Robert Klanner
(University of Hamburg)
16/02/2016, 17:45
The breakdown behaviour of prototype SiPMs (Silicon Photomultiplier) with pixel sizes of 15×15, 25×25 and 50×50 μm^2 manufactured by KETEK has been investigated. The I-V (current-voltage) characteristics and the PA (pulse-area) spectra have been measured as a function of bias voltage in dark conditions, as well as with the SiPM illuminated with an LED with a wavelength of 470 nm. The...
Anton Lymanets
(GSI, Darmstadt)
16/02/2016, 17:45
The central detector of the CBM experiment at FAIR is a Silicon Tracking System (STS) consisting of 8 tracking stations based on double-sided silicon microstrip sensors. It will deliver high-rate streamed data that is analyzed on a computing farm.
The functional building block is a detector module consisting of a sensor, microcables and a front-end electronics board. The double-sided...
Chunhui Zhang
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
17/02/2016, 09:00
The measurement of direct photon production at forward rapidity (y~3-5) at the LHC provides access to the structure of protons and nuclei at very small values of fraction momentum (x~10^-5). FoCal, an extremely-high-granularity Forward Calorimeter covering 3.5 < η < 5.3 is proposed as a detector upgrade to the ALICE experiment. To facilitate the design of the upgrade and to perform generic R&D...
Patrik Thuiner
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))
17/02/2016, 09:00
Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice with remarkable mechanical, electrical and optical properties. It can be regarded as the thinnest and narrowest conductive mesh with a reported strong asymmetry in transmission of low energetic electrons and ions. Ideally this would make graphene a membrane transparent to electrons and opaque to ions, therefore solving...
Lawrence Pinsky
(University of Houston)
17/02/2016, 09:00
NASA has evaluated 7 Timepix-based radiation imaging pixel detectors from the CERN-based Medipix2 collaboration on the International Space Station (ISS), collecting 3-years of data, as well on the recent EFT-1 mission testing the new Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. These data along with data collected at ground-based accelerator facilities including the NASA Space Radiation Lab (NSRL) at...
Carla Aramo
(INFN - Napoli)
17/02/2016, 09:25
Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) consist of multiple layers of graphite sheets arranged in concentric cylinders, from two to many tens. These systems are closely related to graphite layers but in some features MWCNTs behave quite differently from graphite. In particular, their ability to generate a photocurrent in a wide wavelength range has been demonstrated either without or with the...
Gianfranco Morello
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
17/02/2016, 09:25
The KLOE-2 experiment started its data taking campaign in November 2014 with an upgraded tracking system including an Inner Tracker built with the cylindrical GEM technology, to operate together with the Drift Chamber improving the apparatus tracking performance. The Inner Tracker is composed of four cylindrical triple-GEM, each provided with an X-V strips-pads stereo readout and equipped with...
Claudia Cecchi
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
17/02/2016, 09:25
The new facility SuperKEKB will be an upgrade of the existing KEKB electron-positron asymmetric collider, with a target luminosity of 8 x 10^35 cm^-2 s^-1, about 40 times greater than that of KEKB. The accelerator upgrade is based on the novel low-emittance "nanobeams" scheme.
The detector will also be upgraded to cope with the higher luminosity, pile-up and occupancy. We report here on the...
Makoto Kobayashi
17/02/2016, 09:50
Gas amplification of the electrons created by X-rays, UV photons, or charged particles plays an essential role in their detection with gaseous detectors. It acts as a “preamplifier” with a sufficient gain. However, its gain fluctuates because of avalanche statistics, thereby degrading the energy resolution for monochromatic X-rays. For large Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) the azimuthal...
Robert Theinert
(TU Dortmund)
17/02/2016, 09:50
The COBRA collaboration aims to search for the neutrinoless double beta-decay of $^{116}$Cd. For this purpose, it operates a demonstrator setup with 64 CdZnTe detectors, each with a volume of 1cm$^3$, at the LNGS underground laboratory in Italy.
Double beta-decays are associated with half-lifes of more than 10$^{25}$ years. To be sensitive to those half-lifes, a high detection efficiency and...
Lucio Pancheri
(University of Trento and TIFPA)
17/02/2016, 10:15
In this paper, we present the proof-of-concept implementation and preliminary evaluation of a new type of silicon sensor based on Geiger-mode avalanche detectors. The proposed device, formed by two vertically-aligned pixelated detectors, exploits the coincidence between two simultaneous avalanche events to discriminate between particle-triggered detections and dark counts. This approach offers...
Riccardo Paramatti
(INFN - Rome I)
17/02/2016, 10:15
The High-Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (HL-LHC) poses stringent requirements on
calorimeter performance in terms of resolution, pileup resilience and radiation hardness. A tungsten-${CeF_{3}}$
sampling calorimeter is a possible option for the upgrade of current LHC detectors and for future HEP experiments.
A prototype of the calorimeter has been built and exposed...
Andrey Sokolov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
17/02/2016, 10:15
Two-phase Cryogenic Avalanche Detectors (CRADs) with THGEM multipliers have become an emerging potential technique for rare-event experiments. In this work the current status of the two-phase CRAD prototype in Ar, with electroluminescence (EL) gap and combined THGEM/GAPD-matrix multiplier, is described. The low threshold and high energy resolution of the detector is provided by the EL gap,...
Construction and Test of New Precision Drift-Tube Chambers for ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Upgrades
Hubert Kroha
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
17/02/2016, 11:30
The Monitored Drift Tube (MDT) chambers of the ATLAS muon spectrometer demonstrated that they provide very precise and robust tracking over large areas. Goals of ATLAS muon detector upgrades are to increase the acceptance for precision muon momentum measurement and triggering and to improve the rate capability of the muon chambers in the high-background regions when the LHC luminosity...
Carlos Garcia Argos
17/02/2016, 11:30
While the LHC at CERN, where the ATLAS and CMS experiments have discovered the Higgs Boson in 2012, is ramping up luminosity, upgrades to the LHC and experiments are planned.
The major upgrade is foreseen for 2024, with a roughly tenfold increase in luminosity, resulting in corresponding increases in particle rates and radiation doses.
In ATLAS the entire Inner Detector will be replaced...
Albert Lehmann
(Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
17/02/2016, 11:30
Microchannel plate (MCP) PMTs are very attractive photon sensors for low light level applications in B-fields. However, until recently the main drawback of MCP-PMTs was their aging behaviour which manifests itself in a limited lifetime due to a rapidly decreasing quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode (PC) as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increases. In the latest models of PHOTONIS,...
Luka Santelj
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
17/02/2016, 11:55
For the Belle II spectrometer a proximity focusing RICH counter with an aerogel radiator (ARICH) will be employed as a PID system in the forward endcap region of the spectrometer. The main challenge during ARICH R&D was a reliable multichannel sensor for single photons that operates in the high magnetic field of the spectrometer (1.5 T) and withstands the radiation levels expected at the...
Hajime Nishiguchi
17/02/2016, 11:55
The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for a lepton-flavour violating process of muon to electron conversion in a muonic atom, μ-e conversion, with a branching-ratio sensitivity of better than $10^{-16}$, 4 orders of magnitude better than the present limit, in order to explore the parameter region predicted by most of well-motivated theoretical models beyond the Standard Model. The need...
Giacomo Sguazzoni
17/02/2016, 11:55
The LHC machine is planning an upgrade program which will smoothly bring the luminosity up to or above 5*10^34/cm2/s sometimes after 2024, to possibly reach an integrated luminosity of 3000/fb at the end of that decade. In this ultimate scenario, called Phase-2, when LHC will reach the High Luminosity (HL-LHC) phase, CMS will need a completely new Tracker detector, in order to fully exploit...
Kiseki Nakamura
(Kyoto University)
17/02/2016, 12:20
Observation of neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) is of essential importance to reveal the nature of neutrino, such as mass hierarchy, absolute mass and especially its Majorana property. In order to search for $0\nu\beta\beta$, we, AXEL project, are developing a time projection chamber filled with high pressure Xenon gas. The detector can potentially achieve high energy...
Axel Konig
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
17/02/2016, 12:20
The LHC will reach its nominal luminosity soon which will be further increased by a factor of five to seven during the third Long Shutdown (LS3) around 2024. This significant increase in luminosity along with the increasing radiation damage requires a complete renewal of the CMS Outer Tracker, the Tracker Phase-2 Upgrade, during the LS3. Two types of modules named PS- and 2S-module, both...
Raphael Krause
(RWTH Aachen University)
18/02/2016, 09:00
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays induce extensive air showers in the
Earth's atmosphere. Within the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina,
the Auger Engineering Radio Array has been built to measure MHz radio
emission of these showers in addition to established techniques based on
fluorescence emission and particle detection on ground. An area of
around 17km² has been instrumented by 153...
Jochen Kaminski
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
18/02/2016, 09:00
The GridPix detectors are an interesting new technology which combine a highly
granular readout structure implemented by the pixelized Timepix ASIC with a
Micromegas mesh. The mesh is produced by photolithographic processing
techniques and each mesh hole is aligned with one readout pixel. This allows for
detecting single primary electrons with high detection efficiency. Both energy
Paola La Rocca
(Universita e INFN, Catania (IT))
18/02/2016, 09:25
P.La Rocca for the EEE Collaboration
The EEE (Extreme Energy Events) Project is an experiment for the detection of cosmic ray muons by means of a sparse array of telescopes, each made of three Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers, distributed over all the Italian territory. The main scientific goals of the Project are the investigation of the properties of the local muon flux, the detection of...
Fabian Kuger
(Bayerische Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))
18/02/2016, 09:25
Resistive Micromegas (Micro MEsh Gaseous Structure) detectors have
proven along the years to be a reliable high rate capable detector technology
characterised by an excellent spatial resolution. The ATLAS collaboration
has chosen the resistive Micromegas technology (mainly
for tracking), along with the small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC,
mainly for triggering), for the phase-1 upgrade of...
Caterina Vernieri
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
18/02/2016, 09:25
The CMS experiment will build a third generation Pixel detector for the HL-LHC. The foreseen integrated luminosity of 3000 1/fb together with the high particle rates demands sensors with higher granularity and a sensor design with limited dead area surrounding the active Pixel array. This contribution will cover the recent development of pixelated sensors with the regular 100 um pitch and with...
Maximilien Chefdeville
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
18/02/2016, 09:50
Fast evacuation of avalanche ions in Micromegas makes these detectors capable of withstanding very high rates with no loss of gain. But this intrinsic high-rate capability is often compromised by sporadic sparking which introduces dead time and is potentially harmful for the readout. Resistive electrode designs, by limiting spark current and keeping voltage drop locally, provide an effective...
Francisca Munoz Sanchez
(University of Manchester (GB))
18/02/2016, 09:50
ATLAS will replace the entire tracking system for operation at the HL-LHC. This will include a significantly larger pixel detector of approximately 8 m2. It is critical to reduce the mass of the pixel modules and this requires thinning both the sensor and readout to about 150 micrometers each. The bump yield in thin module assembly using solder based bump bonding can be problematic due to...
Elena Vannuccini
(INFN Florence)
18/02/2016, 10:15
The direct observation of high-energy cosmic rays, up to the PeV region, will increasingly rely on a highly performing calorimetry apparatus, and the physics performance will be primarily determined by the geometrical acceptance and the energy resolution of the deployed calorimeter. Thus, it is extremely important to optimize its geometrical design, granularity, and absorption depth, with...
Eran Erdal
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
18/02/2016, 10:15
We present a new noble-liquid detection concept and experimental results in LXe, based on the bubble-assisted Liquid Hole Multiplier (LHM). In this “local dual-phase detection element”, a gas bubble is supported underneath a micro-pattern electrode (THGEM, GEM etc.) immersed inside the liquid. Ionization electrons and scintillation-induced photoelectrons (PE) extracted from a CsI photocathode,...
Mathieu Perrin-Terrin
18/02/2016, 10:15
The GigaTracker is an hybrid silicon pixel detector built for the NA62 experiment aiming at measuring the branching fraction of the ultra-rare kaon decay $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ at the CERN SPS. The detector has to track particles in a beam with a flux reaching 1.3 MHz/mm$^2$ and provide single-hit timing with 200ps RMS resolution for a total material budget of less than 1.5$X_0$. The...
Felix Caspar Bachmair
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
18/02/2016, 11:30
Results from prototypes of a novel detector using chemical vapor deposited
diamond and resistive electrodes in the bulk forming a 3D diamond device
will be presented. The electrodes of the device were fabricated with laser
assisted phase change of diamond into a combination of diamond-like-carbon,
amorphous carbon and graphite. The connections to the electrodes of the 3D
device were made...
Nicola Neri
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
18/02/2016, 11:30
The retina experiment aims at developing a fast track finding system prototype for the high-luminosity LHC, capable to operate at 40 MHz event rate with hundreds of track per event. According to simulations this is technologically achievable by using the artificial retina algorithm, a massive parallel fast tracking algorithm, implemented in last generation commercial FPGAs. The artificial...
Oliver Kortner
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
18/02/2016, 11:30
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will increase the sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment to low-rate high-energy
physics processes. In order to cope with the 10 times higher instantaneous luminosity compared to the LHC, the trigger system of
ATLAS needs to be upgraded. The ATLAS experiment plans to
increase the maximum rate capability of the first two trigger levels...
Giovanni Bencivenni
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
18/02/2016, 11:55
In this work we present the advances performed on the micro-Resistive WELL ($\mu$-RWELL) detector technology. The $\mu$-RWELL is a compact spark-protected single amplification stage Micro-Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD). The detector amplification stage, realized with a structure very similar to a GEM foil, is embedded through a resistive layer in the readout board. A cathode electrode, defining...
Walter Hopkins
(University of Oregon (US))
18/02/2016, 11:55
The upgrade of the LHC will provide 7 times greater instantaneous and total luminosities than assumed in the original design of the ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) Calorimeters. Radiation tolerance criteria and an improved trigger system with higher acceptance rate and longer latency require an upgrade of the LAr readout electronics. In the first upgrade phase in 2019-2020, a trigger readout with up...
Jean-Marie BROM
(IPHC - Strasbourg (France))
18/02/2016, 11:55
(On behlaf of the ANR 12-BS05-0014 "MONODIAM-HE)
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond has been used extensively in beam conditions monitors as the innermost detectors in the highest radiation areas of BaBar, Belle, CDF and now all LHC experiments. Diamonds are considered as an alternate sensor for use very close to the interaction region of the HL-LHC, where the most extreme radiation...
Ilaria Vai
(Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))
18/02/2016, 12:20
Micropattern gaseous detectors (MPGD) underwent significant upgrades in recent years, introducing resistive materials to build compact spark-protected devices. Exploiting this technology further, various features such as space and time resolution, rate capability, sensitive area, operational stability and radiation hardness can be improved. This contribution introduces a new type of MPGD,...
Gianluca Aglieri Rinella
18/02/2016, 12:20
The ALPIDE chip is a CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor being
developed for the Upgrade of the Inner
Tracking System (ITS) of the ALICE experiment at CERN Large Hadron
ALICE is the first experiment at LHC implementing a large detector
with MAPS technology.
The ALPIDE chip is implemented with a 180~nm CMOS Imaging Process and
fabricated on substrates with a high-resistivity...
Luis Alejandro Perez Perez
18/02/2016, 14:00
The use of CMOS Pixel Sensors (CPS) for high resolution, low material, vertex detectors has been validated with the 2014 and 2015 physics runs of the
STAR-PXL detector at RHIC/BNL. This opens the door to the use of CPS for inner tracking devices, with 10-100 times larger sensitive area, which require
therefore a sensor design privileging power saving, response uniformity and robustness....
Achim Gütlein
(Austrian Academy of Sciences)
18/02/2016, 14:00
Many astrophysical observations can be explained by the existence of cold dark matter. Although nowadays its contribution to the energy density of the universe is known precisely, its particle nature remains still unknown. Clarifying the nature and origin of dark matter is one of the big challenges for modern particle physics.
Direct dark matter searches aim at the observation of dark...
Kestutis Kanisauskas
(University of Glasgow (GB))
18/02/2016, 14:25
CMOS active pixel sensors are currently being investigated for a potential application in the high-energy physics experiments. The integration of the CMOS circuitry in the sensing substrate will offer substantial reduction in the material budget and manufacturing costs. Additionally, having the pre-amplifier and discriminator built-in, could eliminate the need for bump-bonding for pixel...
Claudia Tomei
(INFN - Roma)
18/02/2016, 14:25
SABRE (Sodium-iodide with Active Background REjection) is a NaI(Tl) experiment designed to search for Dark Matter through the annual modulation signature. A DM signal on an Earth-based detector is expected to modulate yearly due to the change of the Earth's speed relative to the galactic halo reference frame. The long standing result from the DAMA/LIBRA experiment at the Gran Sasso National...
Niloufar Alipour Tehrani
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
18/02/2016, 14:50
The physics aims at a future multi-TeV CLIC linear e+e- collider impose high precision requirements on the vertex detector. The detector also has to match the experimental conditions, such as the time structure of the collisions and the presence of beam-induced backgrounds. The principal challenges are: a point resolution of 3 micron, 10 ns time stamping capabilities, ultra-low mass (0.2% X0...
Chiara Casella
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
18/02/2016, 14:50
SAFIR (Small Animal Fast Insert for mRi) is a non conventional preclinical PET detector, currently under development, to be used inside the bore of a 7T MRI scanner. The goal is simultaneous PET/MR imaging of small animals, with time granularities of the order of a few seconds, for fast and dynamic quantitative analysis of different biological processes (e.g. oxygen brain perfusion) at...
Mitsuhiro Kimura
(Nagoya University)
18/02/2016, 14:50
Directional dark matter search experiment enable us to reveal the presence of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). A promising detector of directional measurement is a fine-grained nuclear emulsion consisting of fine silver bromide crystals with 20 nm or 40 nm size. A critical issue for the success of the emulsion dark matter search experiment is to discriminate the nuclear recoil...
Elena Solfaroli Camillocci
18/02/2016, 15:15
The radio-guided surgery (RGS) represents a very useful surgical adjunct to intraoperatively detect millimetric tumor residues, enabling a radical resection. The main innovation of the RGS exploiting beta- emitters is the lower target-to-background ratio compared to the established technique using gamma or beta+ radiation, that allows the extension of the RGS to further clinical cases. For...
Attila Dobi
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
18/02/2016, 15:15
The LZ is a second generation dark matter experiment. It is a follow-on to the LUX detector, which is currently the most sensitive WIMP direct detection experiment. The central LZ detector will contain 7 tonnes of active, liquid xenon. Further, LZ is predicted to observe dozens of solar $\rm ^8B$ neutrino interactions via coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering. Along with being extremely...
Dirk Wiedner
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
18/02/2016, 15:15
Mu3e is a novel experiment searching for charged lepton flavor violation in the rare decay mu->eee. Decay vertex position, decay time and particle momenta have to be precisely measured in order to reject both combinatorial and physics background. A silicon pixel tracker based on 50 um thin high voltage monolithic active pixel sensors (HV-MAPS) in a 1T magnetic field will deliver precise vertex...
Cinzia Da Via
(University of Manchester (GB))
18/02/2016, 16:30
We will present the first characterization of a low mass, vertically integrated modular system optimized for the demanding thermal environments expected in the innermost layers of LHC experiments after the PH2 upgraded luminosity. The system is composed by a stack of three silicon layers for a total thickness of less than 1mm. From the top a radiation hard, 230 micron thick 3D silicon sensor...
Jean-Laurent Dournaux
(GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, PSL Research University, Université Paris Diderot)
18/02/2016, 16:30
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project aims to build the next generation ground-based Very High Energy instrument. It will be devoted to the observation of gamma rays over a wide band of energy, from 20 GeV to 300 TeV. Two sites are foreseen, one in the northern and the other in the southern hemisphere, allowing the viewing of the whole sky. The southern hemisphere array will consist of...
Mara Bruzzi
(INFN Firenze and University of Florence (IT))
18/02/2016, 16:30
Proton Computed Tomography (pCT) is a new imaging method with a potential
for increasing accuracy of treatment planning and patient positioning in hadron therapy.
A pCT system based on a silicon tracker and a YAG:Ce calorimeter has been developed
within the PRIMA/RDH/IRPT INFN CSN5 collaboration.
The pCT prototype has been tested under 62MeV and 180MeV proton beams at...
Silvia Muraro
(INFN Sezione di Milano, Milano, Italy)
18/02/2016, 16:55
Hadron therapy is a technique for cancer treatment that exploits ion beams (mostly protons and carbons). A critical issue is the accuracy that is achievable when monitoring the dose released by the beam to the tumor and to the surrounding tissues. We present the design of a tracking device, developed in the framework of the INSIDE project, capable of monitoring, in real time, the longitudinal...
Yasuo Arai
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
18/02/2016, 16:55
A monolithic detector using Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology is one of promising technologies for future pixel detectors in various kinds of applications. It fabricates both sensors and readout circuits in a semiconductor process. It is also known that the technology is immune to Single Event Effect (SEE).
Remaining issues in the SOI pixel technology are radiation tolerance for Total...
Laura Cardani
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
18/02/2016, 16:55
When we apply an AC current to a superconductor, the Cooper pairs oscillate and acquire kinetic inductance, that can be measured by inserting the superconductor in a LC circuit with high merit factor.
Interactions in the superconductor can break the Cooper pairs, causing sizable variations in the kinetic inductance and, thus, in the response of the LC circuit.
The continuous monitoring of...
Marco Ramilli
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
18/02/2016, 17:20
MÖNCH is a hybrid silicon pixel detector based on charge integration and with analog readout, featuring a pixel size of 25x25 μm2. Several prototypes have been commissioned, aimed at experimenting different solutions to optimize the detector performances for high and low flux applications at synchrotrons and X-FELs.
With an ENC of the order of 35 electrons RMS, MÖNCH is competitive with...
Ankit Gaur
(University of Delhi)
18/02/2016, 17:20
Resistive plate chamber (RPC) detectors are known for their excellent timing and good spatial resolution, which make them favourable candidates for the tracking and triggering in many high energy physics experiments. The Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) detector at India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) is one such experiment, which will use RPCs as an active detector element. The ICAL experiment is...
Serena Mattiazzo
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
18/02/2016, 17:20
In recent years the use of energetic protons and carbon ions (hadrons) for cancer radiation treatment has exponentially grown in importance. Its effectiveness is anyway still limited by the necessity to rely on X-rays CT data to plan the dose delivery, which leads to aiming errors. Many groups are therefore trying to realize a proton CT (pCT) to overcome this limitation.
The iMPACT project...
Aya Kisihimoto
(Waseda University)
18/02/2016, 17:45
Recently, the Compton camera that can conduct measurements across a wide range of energy (from a few hundred kiloelectronvolts to a few megaelectronvolts) has been studied in the medical imaging field such as nuclear medicine and ion beam therapy. We have earlier developed a small, lightweight scintillator-based handheld Compton camera for environmental surveys. Although the handheld Compton...
Gerhard Lutz
(PNSensor GmbH)
18/02/2016, 17:45
The DEPFET detector-amplifier structure possesses several unique properties which make it extremely useful as readout element in semiconductor detectors and in particular as building block of semiconductor pixel detectors. Variations of DEPFETs can be tuned to specific requirements as to be sensitive only in predetermined time intervals, to measure signal charge with sub-electron precision,...
Luca Gironi
(Universita` e INFN di Milano Bicocca)
18/02/2016, 17:45
FLARES is an innovative project in the field of rare events searches, such as the search for the neutrinoless double beta decay. It aims to demonstrate the high potentiality of a technique that combines ultra-pure scintillating crystals to arrays of high performance silicon drift detectors (SDD), used to read their light. By optically coupling the two devices and working at temperatures of...
Hongbo Zhu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
19/02/2016, 09:50
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) has been proposed by the Chinese High Energy Physics Community to operate as a Higgs Factory, which would allow precision measurements of the properties of the recently discovered Higgs boson. The CEPC detector, with similar performance requirements to the ILC detectors but without power-pulsing, needs to provide significantly improved precision...
Satoru Yamashita
(ICEPP, The University of Tokyo)
19/02/2016, 11:20
The International Linear Collider (ILC) has been designed
to lead the new era ushered in by the discovery of the Higgs boson.
It requires a world-wide collaboration in physics case studies, advanced R&Ds on the accelerator and
detector technologies, as well as government-level international agreements.
Instruments with advanced technologies are developed and the physics reach
Dimitra Tsionou
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
19/02/2016, 11:45
The International Large Detector (ILD) is one of two detector concepts at the ILC.
It relies on highly granular calorimetry and a high precision tracking system.
The tracking system consists of a Silicon vertex detector, forward tracking disks
and a large volume Time Projection Chamber (TPC), which will be read out with micro-pattern gas detectors (MPGD).
Within the framework of the LCTPC...
19/02/2016, 12:10
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose neutrino-oscillation experiment designed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy as a primary physics goal, by detecting reactor antineutrinos from two power plants at 53-km distance. The detector is placed at 1800-m.w.e deep underground and consists on a 20 kiloton liquid scintillator volume contained in a 35m-diameter...
Franco Frasconi
(Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))
19/02/2016, 14:00
In the last two decades there has been a growing interest around the possibility to detect on Earth Gravitational Waves emitted by astrophysical sources. One hundred years after Einstein’s presentation to the scientific community of the theory of General Relativity, predicting their existence as a perturbation of space-time traveling through the Universe at the speed of light, a network of...
Alexander Hahn
(Max Planck Institute for Physics (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), Munich, Germany)
19/02/2016, 15:15
The MAGIC collaboration operates two 17m diameter Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) on the Canary Island of La Palma. Each of the two telescopes is currently equipped with 1039 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). Due to the advances in the development of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs), they are becoming a widely used alternative to PMTs in many research fields including gamma-ray...
Construction and tests of an in-beam PET-like detector for hadrontherapy beam ballistic control.
Gerard Montarou
(Universite Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand II)
19/02/2016, 16:20
We present the electronics, the construction and the first results obtained with a detector, called LAPD for Large Area Pixelized Detector. The LAPD is dedicated to the beam ballistic control in the context of hadrontherapy, using in-beam and real time detection of secondary particles emitted during the irradiation of the patient. These particles could be high energy photons ($\gamma $...
Jean-Baptiste Mosset
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
Scintillating Detectors
In this contribution, we will present the design of a 16-channel module for a 1D position-sensitive detection of thermal neutrons and measurements performed at the spallation neutron source at PSI. This module could constitute a building block for large detectors in neutron scattering experiments. Its sensitive volume consists of 16 individual ZnS:6LiF bars optically isolated from each other...
Luigi Gaioni
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Next generation pixel chips at the High-Luminosity (HL) LHC will be exposed to extremely high levels of radiation and particle rates. In the so-called Phase II upgrade, ATLAS and CMS will need a completely new tracker detector, complying with the very demanding operating conditions and the delivered luminosity (up to 5 × 10$^{34}$cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$ in the next decade).
This work is concerned...
Abigail Alexandra O'Rourke
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
Gaseous Detectors
Custom ultrasonic instruments have been developed for simultaneous monitoring of binary gas mixture and flow in the ATLAS Inner Detector. Sound transit times are measured in opposite directions in flowing gas. Flow rate and sound velocity are respectively calculated from their difference and average. Gas composition is evaluated in real-time by comparison with a sound velocity/composition...
Azar Sadigov
(National Nuclear Research Centre of MCHT),
Farid Ahmadov
(Institute of Radiation problems)
This paper presents the results of a study of the new micropixel avalanche phototransistor (MAPT) on the basis of silicon. MAPT is a modification of well-known silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) and differs from them in that each photosensitive pixel MAPT operating in Geiger mode further comprises an individual transistor operating in binary mode. This provides high amplitude of single...
Michael Milde
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
Continuous monitoring of the radiation background is a key requirement in many applications. Traditional detectors can either measure the total radiation dose omnidirectionally (dosimeters), or determine the incoming particles’ characteristics within a narrow field of view (spectrometers). Instantaneous measurements of anisotropic fluxes thus require several detectors, resulting in bulky...
Gianluca Giavitto
Astroparticle Detectors
The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is an array of five imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACT) located in Namibia. Four of them started operations in 2003 and their cameras are currently undergoing an extensive upgrade, with the goals of reducing the system failure rate, reducing the dead time of the cameras and improving the overall performance of the array. The upgraded...
Hidetoshi Otono
(Kyushu University (JP))
According to the PDG, the neutron lifetime is reported as $880.3\pm1.1~\rm{s}$ in 2015. Although the neutron lifetime is a crucial parameter for the unitarity in the CKM matrix, there is a 1% discrepancy, i.e., $8.4\pm2.2$ s, between two methods: counting surviving ultra-cold neutrons after storing ($879.6\pm0.8~\rm{s}$) and counting trapped protons from the neutron decay...
Fabio Longhitano
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Scintillating Detectors
A particle radiography device, designed and developed with the aim of achieving real-time data acquisition and large detection areas, is presented. The prototype is composed by a residual range detector and a tracker. The residual range, consisting of a stack of sixty ribbons of 500 micron square BCF12 scintillating fibers (Sci-Fi), has a sensitive area of about 9 × 9 sqcm and a range of 3 cm...
Alexander Deisting
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
Gaseous Detectors
To better understand the performance of different gas mixtures in gaseous detectors it is crucial to know the ion drift velocity $v_{\textrm{Drift}}$ in these gases. E.g. ions moving through the gas volume can create space charges and hence field distortions inside the detector. Knowing $v_{\textrm{Drift}}$ (or the ion mobility $\mu$) as function of the electrical field allows to simulate and...
Yi Wang
(Tsinghua University)
Gaseous Detectors
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment, constructed at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, has decided to use the MRPC technology to build its Time-Of-Flight (TOF) wall. Tsinghua University is a group member of CBM-TOF and is doing research on low-resistivity glass and high rate MRPC. The volume resistivity of our glass is on the order of 1010 Ωcm. High...
Diego Gonzalez Diaz
(Uludag University (TR))
Gaseous Detectors
We will survey the properties of optical gaseous TPCs, discussing the present sensitivity limits and prospects for calorimetry and tracking. Primary and secondary scintillation in both pure noble gases and mixtures will be discussed in detail, and a new set of systematic data for few relevant mixtures will be presented, taken with the help of a recently commissioned general-purpose optical TPC...
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
Semiconductor Detectors
Transient Current Techniques (TCT) based on laser-induced photo-currents produced by Single Photon Absorption (SPA) processes have been extensively used during the last two decades as a powerful tool to study many of the properties relevant to operation of semiconductor detectors.
Very recently, an innovative Transient Current Technique was introduced where the free charge carriers are...
Bartosz Mindur
(AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
Gaseous Detectors
The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is the outermost of the three inner detector tracking subsystems and consists of ~300000 thin-walled drift tubes (“straw tubes”) that are 4 mm in diameter. The TRT system provides ~30 space points with ~130 micron resolution for charged tracks with |η| < 2 and pT > 0.5 GeV/c. The TRT also provides electron identification capability by detecting...
Simone Pigazzini
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
Gaseous Detectors
IMCP is an R&D project aimed at the exploitation of secondary emission of electrons from the surface of micro-channel plates (MCP) for fast timing of showers in high rate environments.
The usage of MCPs in "ionisation'' mode has long been proposed and is used extensively in ion time-of-flight mass spectrometers. What has not been investigated in depth is their use to detect the ionizing...
Andrii Nagai
(The Laboratory of the Linear Accelerator (LAL))
This work presents a model describing the IV characteristics of SiPM detectors allowing to easily determine important physics parameters like breakdown voltage $V_{BD}$ and triggering probability $P_{Geiger}$. The proposed model provides a good description of experimental data taken with SiPM at different temperatures ($-35^0C$ to $+35^0C$) over a very wide range of currents, from $10^{-11}$A...
Lubomir Pentchev
(Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA)
Gaseous Detectors
We report on detailed studies of the performance of a 12,500-channel
drift chamber system with both cathode and wire readout
operational in HallD in Jefferson Lab (Virginia,USA).
The GlueX experiment uses tagged polarized photon beams from the recently upgraded 12GeV
Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility to search for hybrid
mesons with exotic quantum numbers, as predicted by...
Domenico Della Volpe
(Universitè de Genève)
Astroparticle Detectors
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), the next generation very high energy gamma rays observatory, will consist of three types of telescopes: large (LST), medium (MST) and small (SST) size telescopes. The SSTs are dedicated to the observation of gamma-rays with energy between a few TeV and few hundreds of TeV.
The SST array is foreseen to have 70 telescopes of different designs.
Ahmadi Mostafa
(University of Liverpool)
Semiconductor Detectors
The Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (ALPHA) experiment at CERN is designed to carry out detailed studies of the properties of neutral antihydrogen atoms. A comparison of the properties of hydrogen and antihydrogen allows a sensitive probe of fundamental symmetries in Nature. Recent achievements have paved the way for precision measurements. Experiments are performed through the adaption...
Marco Musich
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
Determination of alignment and calibration constants plays one of the central role in the operation of the CMS experiment. Prompt and accurate alignment and calibration of the CMS components are crucial to achieve optimal performance of the detector and to allow the CMS physics program to reach its goals. Sophisticated algorithms and workflows are developed and routinely employed to align and...
Julia Casanueva Diaz
Astroparticle Detectors
The most promising gravitational waves (GW) detectors to date are kilometric Michelson interferometers with additional recycling Fabry-Perot cavities to enhance their sensitivity, and all the mirrors suspended. The second generation aims for the first direct detection of GW, and in order to do so, a sensitivity improvement of one order of magnitude is foreseen (~$10^{-19}$ m rms). Several...
Claudio Savarese
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
DarkSide-20k is an innovative experiment whose scientific purpose is the direct detection of dark matter in the form of WIMPs. Its design allows to reach a sensitivity of 9x10^(-48) cm^2 of WIMP-nucleon spin-independent cross section for particles with a mass of 1 TeV/c^2. The detector will be a two-phase (liquid-gas) Argon Time Projection Chamber. To detect Argon scintillation light DS-20k...
Dmitry Fraimovitch
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
Semiconductor Detectors
The diamond crystals have several attractive properties for detector applications. The very wide bandgap enables high temperature operation with low leakage currents; the high carrier mobilities should enable fast and efficient charge collection; the material can be used for a combined conversion-detection of fast neutron (through 12C(n,α0)9 reaction creating a...
Zhongquan Zhang
(Shandong University)
Astroparticle Detectors
Large High Altitude Air Shower Observation (LHAASO) is a proposed cosmic ray experiment which will be built in Daocheng, Sichuan Province of China, 4400m in altitude. One square kilometer detector array (KM2A) is focused on the exploring for origin of cosmic ray and studying on the `knee` physics, etc, which consists of 5242 electromagnetic particle detectors (EDs) and 1146 muon detectors...
Kevin Phelan
(Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics)
The ASPE!CT project (Adaptable Spectrometer Enabled by Cryogenic Technology) is developing a commercially viable, cryogenic platform addressed to a wide range of cryogenic sensors. The cryogen-free, adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator is specially designed for use with cryogenic detectors at sub-Kelvin temperatures. The project pushes the technology into the realm of reliable, compact,...
Shun Ono
(Osaka University)
Semiconductor Detectors
We are developing an SOI pixel sensor optimized for vertexing at the ILC (International Linear Collider) experiment. The SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) monolithic pixel detector is realized by standard CMOS circuits fabricated on a fully depleted sensor layer. The circuit and sensor layers are insulated by SiO$_2$ layer called buried oxide (BOX). The sensor layer is thinned to 50 $\mu$m for...
Shunsuke Kurosawa
(Tohoku Universtiy)
Scintillating Detectors
Recently, we have developed novel crystals such as Ce:GAGG and Ce:La-GPS, and up to now, we succeeded in growth of 2-inch-diameter bulk crystal. Here, Ce:La-GPS has a good light output of over 35,000 photons/MeV, good energy resolution of ~ 5% at 662 keV (FWHM) and no hygroscopic nature. As the next step, we have assembled a scintillation array camera with La-GPS pixel scintillators, and this...
Ayaki Takeda
(Kyoto University)
Astroparticle Detectors
We have been developing monolithic active pixel detectors, named “XRPIX” based on the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) pixel technology, for future X-ray astronomy satellite missions. Our objective is to replace X-ray Charge Coupled Devices (CCD), which are now standard detectors in the field. The XRPIX series offers good time resolution (~1 µs), fast readout time (~10 µs), and a wide energy range...
Sei Yoshida
(Osaka University)
Astroparticle Detectors
The observation of neutrino-less double beta decay (0nbb) would be one of the most realistic way to prove the Majorana nature of the neutrino and lepton number violation. CANDLES studies 48Ca double beta decay using CaF2 scintillator. The main advantage of 48Ca is that it has the highest Q-value (4.3 MeV) among all the isotope candidates for 0nbb. In principle, it enables us to measure signals...
Alex Metcalfe
(Brunel University London)
Semiconductor Detectors
Single crystal CVD diamond has many desirable properties compared to current, well developed, detector materials; exceptional radiation hardness and physical hardness, chemical inertness, Low Z (close to human tissue, good for dosimetry), wide bandgap (High temperature operation with lower noise, solar blind), intrinsic pathway to fast neutron detection through 12C(n,α)9Be reaction. However...
Satoshi Ishizawa
(Department of Physics, Yamagata University)
Gaseous Detectors
A new glass capillary plate (CP) has been developed for a hole-type micropattern gas detector (MPGD). The developed CP has a funnel structure (funnel-CP) fabricated by utilizing a special manufacturing process for a standard CP. The open to surface area ratio is 83% for the funnel-CP. The higher ratio is expected to improve the collection efficiency of primary electrons created by the...
Lev Shekhtman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
Semiconductor Detectors
In situ imaging of explosions allows to study material properties under very high pressures and temperatures. Synchrotron radiation (SR) is a powerful tool for such studies because of its unique time structure. New beam line at the VEPP-4M storage ring will allow to get X-Ray flux from each bunch close to 10$^6$ photons/channel where channel area is 0.05x0.5 mm$^2$ and average beam energy is...
Minami Kuramoto
(Yamagata University)
Medical Applications
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is an effective method of cancer diagnostics.
One of the major approaches to improve the spatial resolution is the time-of-flight technique (TOF),where the initial position of back-to-back $\gamma$-rays is constrained by the differences in arrival time. Better time resolution could achieved with faster scintillators due to less time jitter. Hence, we focused...
valentina arosio
(Università degli Studi dell'Insubria)
Medical Applications
Functional imaging is the state of the art in cancer diagnostics, monitoring of therapy effects and cancer drug development. Position Emission Tomography (PET), notably when combined with Computed Tomography (CT), has a recognized superiority over conventional imaging modalities. Cost and complexity are issues worth being considered as limiting factors in the adoption of PET technology.
Lutz Feld
(RWTH Aachen University)
The CMS pixel detector will be exchanged during the technical stop 2016/2017. To allow the new pixel detector to be powered with the legacy cable plant and power supplies, a novel powering scheme based on DC-DC conversion is employed. After the successful conclusion of an extensive development and prototyping phase, mass production of 1800 DC-DC converters as well as motherboards and other...
Stefan Brunner
(TU Delft)
Medical Applications
High time resolution is becoming increasingly important for many applications in nuclear medicine (e.g., Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography, TOF-PET) and high energy and nuclear physics applications (e.g., Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy, PALS). Present commercial TOF-PET systems based on inorganic scintillators provide coincidence resolving times (CRT) in the order of 325 ps – 400...
Kenji Shimazoe
(The University of Tokyo)
Scintillating Detectors
Europium doped Strontium Iodide (SrI2(Eu)) is a promising scintillation detector for use in radiation detection because of its high light output (80000 -110000 photons per MeV), excellent energy resolution around 3 % and low background radiation. These good characteristics make it promising for the gamma-ray imaging in the environmental applications as an alternative of Sodium Iodide...
Akihiro Koyama
(The University of Tokyo)
Medical Applications
This study shows the one solution to detect radioactive biomarker at laparoscopic surgery by using single Compton camera probe and position sensor.
We designed prototype imaging-probe including radiation detectors and optical markers. Position sensor (POLARIS) measure spatial coordinates of detector positions by tracking attached optical markers. And Compton...
Fedor M. Baryshnikov
(National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow, Russia)
Semiconductor Detectors
Radiation damage-resistant semiconductor detectors are needed in experiments on measurements of cross-sections of nuclear reactions in the interactions of heavy ions with energies close to the Coulomb barrier for astrophysical applications. The low yield of such nuclear reactions is accompanied by enormous Rutherford scattering cross-sections that can quickly lead to failure of the...
Calliope-louisa Sotiropoulou
(Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))
In this paper we present an innovative and high performance embedded system for real-time pattern matching. This system is based on the evolution of hardware and algorithms developed for the field of High Energy Physics (HEP) and more specifically for the execution of extremely fast pattern matching for tracking of particles produced by proton-proton collisions in hadron collider experiments....
Maxime Gouzevitch
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
Gaseous Detectors
To improve the muon trigger efficiency of the high eta region of the CMS experiment and to cope with the expected luminosity increase in the second phase of the LHC, new RPC detectors using low-resistivity materials are proposed to equip part of the high-eta region. Several beam tests at DESY and CERN have shown that new detectors using low resistivity glass (of less than 1010 Ω.cm) could...
Davide Pinci
(Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
Gaseous Detectors
GEM-based detectors have had a noticeable development in last years and have successfully
been employed in different fields from High Energy Phisics to imaging applications.
Light production associated to the electron multiplication allows to perform an
optical readout of these devices. The big progress achieved in CMOS-based photosensors make possible to
develop a high...
Pradeep Sarin
(Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India)
Semiconductor Detectors
Synthetic diamond is well suited in particle detector applications for its high radiation tolerance and fast carrier mobility. It is possible to operate a diamond detector at high temperature expected in extremely harsh radiation environments like future high luminosity beams and reactors. Therefore it is necessary to characterize and understand its electronic properties at high temperature....
Steven Alexander Murphy
(University of Manchester (GB))
Semiconductor Detectors
A technique for electrode production within diamond using a femtosecond laser system is described. Diagnosis tests to quantify the stress, the diamond to graphite ratio, and the resistivity of these electrodes are discussed. A 3D electronic grade single crystal diamond detector produced using this technique is shown, and the electrodes have a resistivity of O($\Omega cm$). An improvement to...
Soldi Dario
(Turin University - INFN)
The NA62 experiment is designed to measure the (ultra)rare decay $K^+ \rightarrow \pi \nu\bar{\nu}$ branching ratio with a precision of ~10% at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS).The L0 Trigger Processor (L0TP) is the lowest level system of the trigger chain. It is hardware implemented using programmable logic. The architecture of the L0TP is completely new for an high energy physics...
Veronica Regazzoni
(University of Trento)
In this work, we present the linearity characterization of the ultra-high density SiPM technology (RGB UHD), recently developed at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). This technology features a very small cell pitch ranging from 7.5 to 12.5 µm giving a cell density from 20530 to 7400 cells/mm2. The high SPAD density is very important to improve the linearity of the SiPM in applications such as...
Donato Di Ferdinando
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
Shashlik calorimeters are particular types of sampling calorimeters where the stack of alternating slices of absorber and scintillating material is crossed by wavelength shifting fibers (WLS) perpendicularly to the absorber and scintillator tiles. Characterized by low cost and good performances, shashlik calorimeters are usually not suited for longitudinal segmentation since the fibers are...
Dominic Gaisbauer
(TU Muenchen)
PENeLOPE is a neutron lifetime measurement experiment at the Forschungsreaktor Muenchen II aiming to achieve a precision of 0.1 seconds. The detector for PENeLOPE consists of about 1250 Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) with an total active area of 1225 cm^2. The detector and electronics will be operated at the high electrostatic potential of -30 kV, the magnetic field of 0.6 T. This includes...
Jona Bortfeldt
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
Gaseous Detectors
Floating strip Micromegas are high-accuracy and discharge insensitive gaseous detectors, able to track single particles at fluxes of 7MHz/cm$^2$ with 100$\mu$m resolution. We developed low-material-budget detectors with one-dimensional strip readout, suitable for tracking at highest particle rates as encountered in medical ion transmission radiography or inner tracker applications. Recently we...
Philippe Gros
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Gaseous Detectors
Current gamma-ray telescopes based on photon conversion to electron-positron pair, such as Fermi, use tungsten converters. They suffer of limited angular resolution at low energies, and their sensitivity drops below 1 GeV. The low multiple scattering in a gaseous detector gives access to higher angular resolution in the MeV-GeV range, and to the linear polarisation of the photons through the...
Measurement of gamma-ray production from neutron capture on Gadolinium for neutrino experiments
Takatomi Yano
(Kobe University)
Astroparticle Detectors
Gadolinium-157 is the nucleus, which has the largest thermal neutron capture cross-section. Gadolinium-155 also has the large cross-section. These neutron capture reactions provide the gamma-ray cascade with the total energy of about 8 MeV. This reaction is recently applied for several neutrino experiments, e.g. reactor neutrino experiments and Gd doped large water Cherenkov detector...
Francisca Muñoz Sánchez
(University of Manchester)
Semiconductor Detectors
Large Hadron Collider experiments face new challenges in Run-2 conditions due to the increased beam energy, the interest for searches of new physics signals with higher jet p$_T$ and the consequent longer decay length of heavy hadrons. In this new scenario, the capability of the innermost pixel sensors to distinguish tracks in very dense environment becomes crucial for efficient tracking and...
Serena Marta Valle
(Università degli Studi & INFN Sezione di Milano)
Scintillating Detectors
During Particle Therapy treatments the patient irradiation produce, among different types of secondary radiation, an abundant flux of neutrons that can release a significant dose far away from the tumor region. A precise measurement of their flux, energy and angle distributions is eagerly needed in order to improve the Treatment Planning Systems software and to properly take into account the...
Erwin Jericha
(TU Wien, Atominstitut)
This presentation is related to neutron detection in the context of the polarized neutron optics technique of spatial magnetic spin resonance. By this technique neutron beams may be tailored in their spectral distribution and temporal structure. We have performed experiments with very cold neutrons at the high-flux research reactor of the Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble to demonstrate the...
giovanni paternoster
In this contribution we will present our new design and production of Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors fabricated at FBK, Trento, Italy. LGAD detectors are becoming increasingly popular as they combine the benefits of traditional silicon detectors with those of APDs, specifically low noise and large signals. LGAD are also particularly well suited for the design of Ultra-Fast Silicon detectors,...
Themistoklis Williams
(LAL, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France)
Semiconductor Detectors
For the first time, a diamond sensor was operated for the characterisation of a high average-intensity $\gamma$-ray beam.
Data was collected for $\gamma$-beam energies between 2 and 7 MeV, at the HI$\gamma$S
facility of TUNL.
The nanosecond-fast resolution of diamond detectors is exploited to distinguish bunches of $\gamma$-rays 16.8 ns apart.
It allows a precise direct determination of...
Natascha Savic
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
Semiconductor Detectors
The ATLAS experiment will undergo around the years 2023-2025 a major upgrade of the tracker system in view of the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC).
Thin planar pixel modules are promising candidates to instrument the new pixel system, thanks to the reduced contribution to the material budget and their high charge collection efficiency after irradiation. The performance of 100-200 um...
Jared Sturdy
(Wayne State University (US))
Gaseous Detectors
We report on the status of the project to install large-area triple-foil gas electron multiplier (GEM) detectors in the end-cap muon system of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the LHC operating at the high luminosity planned after the current period of data-taking (run 2). In the pseudo-rapidity region 1.6 < eta < 2.4, the GEM detectors will suppress the rate of background...
Daniela Calvo
(INFN Torino (IT))
Semiconductor Detectors
The fixed target experiment PANDA will use cooled antiprotons that will be available at FAIR in Darmstadt. Its innermost tracker is the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD), specially designed to ensure the secondary vertex resolution for the discrimination of short-lived charmonium states. Hybrid epitaxial silicon pixels and double sided silicon microstrips will equip four barrels surrounding the...
Anastasios Belias
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
The experiment PANDA, Antiproton Annihilation at Darmstadt, is designed to measure reactions induced by high intensity antiproton beams up to 15 GeV/c, at the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), under construction at GSI, Darmstadt.
Being a fixed target experiment PANDA features a Target Spectrometer (TS) surrounding the interaction point and a Forward Spectrometer (FS) for the...
Ourania Sidiropoulou
(Bayerische Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))
Gaseous Detectors
Resistive bulk-micromegas chambers produced at the CERN have been installed at the new CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) in order to study the ageing effects on the chambers performance and evaluate the detector behaviour under high irradiation.
The chambers have an active area of 10 x 10 cm2, strip pitch of 400 μm, amplification gap of 128μm, and the possibility to adjust the width...
Vladislav Oleynikov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Scintillating Detectors
The current situation with international terrorism and drug smuggling generated a need for mass screening of the peoples for a detection of the illegal items hidden in the clothes or inside of a human body. At present time, the single way to do it effectively is a radiographic inspection. Due to the need of examination of a lot of healthy people the system should operate at the lowest...
Paul Philipp Gadow
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
Gaseous Detectors
Small-diameter muon drift tube (sMDT) chambers are a cost-effective technology for high-precision muon tracking and trigger at the high background rates expected at future colliders. Chambers of this type are under construction for upgrades of the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector at high LHC luminosities. Several chambers have already been installed for LHC run II. The chamber design...
Johannes Grossmann
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Semiconductor Detectors
he high luminosity upgrade of the LHC is targeted to deliver 2500 fb-1 at a luminosity of 5x10E34 cm-2s-1. Higher granularity, 140 collisions per bunch crossing and existing bandwidth limitations require a reduction of the amount of data at module level. New modules have binary readout, on-chip pT-discrimination and capabilities to provide track finding data at 40 MHz. The CMS collaboration...
Alexander Akindinov
(ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
Gaseous Detectors
Important scopes of many modern HEP and HI experiments are the start time and reaction plane determination. Our work is concentrating on development of the CBM experiment Beam Fragmentation T0 Counter (BFTC). This detector will be located at the forward region around beam pipe and the particle fluxes are expected to be as high as 2.0x10$^5$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. Hit rate and occupancy limit cell...
Ulf Stolzenberg
(Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Semiconductor Detectors
The construction of low mass vertex detectors is of high interest for next generation collider experiments like Belle II. Test beam experiments with multi GeV particle beams and high resolution tracking telescopes provide an opportunity to obtain precise 2D images of the radiation length $X$/$X_0$ of thin planar targets like detector modules. The method developed to measure the radiation...
Nicola Casali
Astroparticle Detectors
CUPID is a proposed future ton-scale bolometric neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu$DBD) experiment to probe the Majorana nature of neutrinos and discover Lepton Number Violation in the so-called inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass. In order to achieve this sensitivity improvement with respect to the current bolometric experiments, the source mass must be increased and the...
Alessandro Bravar
(University of Geneva)
Scintillating Detectors
We present the development and performance of compact scintillating fiber detectors read out with silicon photomultipliers for tracking and timing to be used with different particles (electrons, protons, heavy ions) at very high particle rates (in execss of a MHz per SciFi readout channel). The compact size, fast response, and insensitivity to magnetic fields make these detectors suitable for...
Daniela Bassignana
(D+T Microelectronica, IMB-CNM (CSIC))
Semiconductor Detectors
Silicon PIN-type radiation detectors with high resistive substrate were simulated, designed and fabricated for nuclear physics applications. The main design considerations of the Si PIN-type radiation detector were a low leakage current and thin incident window of the p+ and n+ layers. Two technologies have been used to fabricate thin and thick substrates (from 200 µm to 1mm).
The first...
Bianca Baldassarri
Semiconductor Detectors
Radiation damage in silicon detectors results into three main changes of the detector performance: a variation of the effective doping concentration, an increase in the leakage current, and a decrease in the charge collection efficiency. These effects are the measurable consequences of the creation of defects in the silicon lattice, which act as either sources or sinks of charge carriers....
Giulio Tiziano Forcolin
(University of Manchester)
Semiconductor Detectors
3D Diamond detectors present an interesting prospect for future Particle Physics experiments. They have been studied in detail at beam tests with 120 GeV protons and 4 MeV protons. To understand the observations that have been made, simulations have been carried out using Sentaurus TCAD in order to understand the movement of charge carriers within the sample, as well as the effects of charge...
Daniela Simone
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
In the last years many efforts in developing new technology related to Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) have been done. These photosensors consist of an array of identical Avalanche Photodiodes operating in Geiger mode and connected in parallel to a single output.The Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics is involved in a R&D program in order to develop a SiPM-based camera that will be part of...
OBARA shuhei
(Tohoku University)
Astroparticle Detectors
KamLAND-Zen is an experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay search with xenon 136 based on large liquid scintillator detector KamLAND. In order to reduce the cosmogenic isotopes and environmental radio-activities (Uranium, Thorium Potassium), KamLAND-Zen set 16.5m$^{3}$ xenon loaded scintillator in 25 $\mu$m thickness and 3.16 m diameter nylon balloon.
First phase of the experiment...
Manfred Valentan
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Semiconductor Detectors
This contribution describes the measurement procedures and data analysis of AC-coupled double-sided silicon microstrip sensors with polysilicon resistor biasing.
The most thorough test of a strip sensor is an electrical measurement of all strips of the sensor; the measured observables include e.g. the strip's current and the capacitance. These measurements are performed to find defective...
Timofey Maltsev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Gaseous Detectors
Spatial resolution of GEM based tracking detectors is simulated and measured. The simulation includes GEANT4 based transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting of atomic relaxation processes including emission of fluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing, including accounting of diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, distribution of signals on readout...
Antonio Verdugo De Osa
(Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)
Astroparticle Detectors
Evidences of a contamination of the physics data with an instrumental background arising from light signals produced inside the photomultipliers assembly have been reported by several experiments over the past years. In some cases the instrumental background has been described as a fast (≈ 10 ns) flash of light or, in other cases, as train ( ≈ 1 µs) of pulses similar to the glowing in gas....
Veta Ghenescu
(ISS - Institute of Space Science (RO))
The FCAL collaboration is preparing large scale prototypes of special calorimeters to be used in the very forward region at a future linear electron positron collider for a precise and fast luminosity measurement and beam-tuning. These calorimeters are designed as sensor-tungsten calorimeters with very thin sensor planes to keep the Moliere radius small and dedicated FE electronics to match...
Pavel Povinec
(Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia)
Astroparticle Detectors
The SuperNEMO experiment is dedicated to the search for neutrinoless double beta-decay which would imply, if observed, violation of the lepton number conservation, could give unique information on the neutrino mass hierarchy, and state if neutrinos are Majorana particles, confirming thus the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model. The SuperNEMO experiment builds upon the design and...
Ali Harb
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Semiconductor Detectors
For the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), a major upgrade is foreseen for the CMS experiment. In its Phase II, the accelerator will achieve luminosities up to ~5 x 10e34 cm-2s-1. To cope with the increased rates and occupancies, CMS replaces the current tracker with an entirely new system which is able to withstand the increased radiation corresponding to ~3000 fb-1 of integrated luminosity and...
Alexander Barniakov
(Novosibirsk State University (RU))
MCP based devices are promising candidates for fast timing measurements in high energy physics experiments with high magnetic fields. Experimental setup based on superconductive solenoid with 120mm bore was created in BINP. Influence of the strong magnetic fields up to 4.5T on the MCP photomultiplier parameters was studied. Several types of photodetectors produced in Novosibirsk were tested....
Richard Thalmeier
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
The Belle II Experiment at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba, Japan, will explore the asymmetry between matter and antimatter and search for new physics beyond the standard model.
172 double-sided silicon microstrip sensors are arranged cylindrically in four layers around the Belle-II collision point to be part of a system, called the silicon vertex detector...
Christian Pauly
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
Gaseous Detectors
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion research (FAIR) in Darmstadt will investigate the QCD phase diagram in the region of highest net-baryon density in fixed target heavy ion collisions up to ~10 AGeV beam energy, starting in 2022. In its electron configuration the CBM detector concept includes a large Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector...
Maxime Guilbaud
(Rice University (US))
The LHC RUN2 which has just started marks the beginning of a new era. It is expected that the integrated luminosity delivered by LHC will increase markedly and this will open new opportunities for discoveries as well as for precision measurements. The increased luminosity presents a challenge for the CMS Level-1 trigger system which is being upgraded to cope with the new LHC environment which...
Mirko Berretti
Semiconductor Detectors
This contribution describes the upgrade project of the TOTEM Collaboration to measure the time of flight (TOF) of leading protons in the vertical Roman Pots (RPs). The aim of the upgrade is to improve the ability of the experiment to tag and select Central Diffractive (CD) processes. The installation of a TOF detector inside the RP will allow to determine the position of the vertex where the...
Vasilij Kushpil
(NPI CAS, Rez, Czech Republic)
We will present recent results on the investigation of changes in the KETEK, ZECOTEK, HAMAMATSU and SENSL SiPM properties after irradiation by the 0 - 35 MeV neutrons. The typical neutron fluence was about 10^12 n/cm^2. The changes of the internal structure of the irradiated SiPMs was studied by the measuring of the C-V and C-F characteristics. The spectral distribution of the noise...
Danilo Bonanno
(INFN Catania Italy)
Astroparticle Detectors
P.La Rocca for the Muon Portal Collaboration
Cosmic ray tomography is a technique which exploits the scattering of cosmic muons to perform non-destructive inspection of high-Z materials without the use of artificial radiation. A muon tomography detection system can be used as portal monitor at border crossing points for detecting illegal targeted objects.
The Muon Portal Project is a joint...
Yuya Makino
(Nagoya University (JP))
Scintillating Detectors
The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment is motivated to understand the hadronic interaction relevant to the cosmic-ray air shower development.
LHCf is the only experiment which measure $\gamma$ and $\pi^{0}$ spectra in the very forward region ($\eta$>8.4), so called "zero-degree" region, at the LHC.
The LHCf detectors were compact sampling and imaging calorimeter installed in the...
Shikma Bressler
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
Gaseous Detectors
The RPWELL detector is a single-sided THGEM (copper clad on one side only) coupled to the readout electrode through a sheet of large bulk resistivity. In the last two years, laboratory and accelerator studies were performed in various single-element, RPWELL prototypes with a large variety of Ne- and Ar-based gas mixtures; these have demonstrated its large dynamic range (from single electrons...
Nikolay Budnev
(Irkutsk State University)
Astroparticle Detectors
The TAIGA observatory addresses ground-based gamma-ray astronomy at energies from a few TeV to several PeV, as well as cosmic ray physics from 100 TeV to several EeV. TAIGA will be located in the Tunka valley, ~50 km West from Lake Baikal. The different detectors of the TAIGA will be grouped in 6 arrays to measure Cherenkov and radio emission as well as electron and muon components of...
Oleg Gress
Astroparticle Detectors
The new TAIGA-HiSCORE non-imaging Cherenkov array aims to detect air showers induced
by gamma rays above 30 TeV and to study cosmic ray above 100 TeV. TAIGA-HiSCORE
represents an array of wide field of view (0.6 sr) integrating air Cherenkov detector stations,
placed of 100 m from each other. They cover an area of initially ~ 0.25 km2 (array prototype) to ~
5 km2 at the final phase of the...
Hazem Yousef
(Diamond Light Source)
Time resolved experiments are becoming more and more important in research carried out at synchrotrons. Timepix3 is a "data driven" ASIC that place a time stamp for every event. The resolution of the time stamp is 1.5625 ns. It enables accessing the nanosecond regime potentially revolutionizing time resolved experiments at synchrotron facilities. The Timepix3 ASIC flip chip bonded to a 300 µm...
Dmitriy ILYIN
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI), St. Petersburg State University)
The gas-filled detector of ultra cold neutrons (UCN) has been constructed for the spectrometer of the neutron lifetime measurements (PF2/MAM, ILL, France). It is intended for UCN flux monitoring in measurement cycles.
The detector consists of six proportional counters which are grouped into two independent counting channels and placed in the single gas volume. The entrance window (Ø 290 mm)...
Matthew Spoor
(University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))
The Tile Calorimeter is the hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. It is a sampling calorimeter consisting of alternating thin steel plates and scintillating tiles. Wavelength shifting fibers coupled to the tiles collect the produced light and are read out by photomultiplier tubes. An analog sum of the processed signal of several...
Dinyar Rabady
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
To continue triggering with the current performance in the LHC’s Run-2 the Level-1 Trigger of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment will have to undergo a significant upgrade. One part of this upgrade is the reorganisation of the muon trigger path from a subsystem-centric view in which hits in the Drift Tubes (DT), the Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC), and the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) were...
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
Semiconductor Detectors
The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment (CBM) is one of the core experiments of the future FAIR facility at Darmstadt/Germany. The fixed-target experiment will explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter in the regime of high net baryon densities with numerous probes, among them open charm. The Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) will contribute to the secondary vertex determination on...
Stefaan Tavernier
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))
Medical Applications
SiPMs allow a dramatically improvement of PET performance because SiPMs are intrinsically faster than PMTs and because SiPMs can easily be subdivided in an large number of small independent photodetector pixels. The good timing performance of SiPMs will result in better effective sensitivity. The small and independent photodetector pixels allow using one-to-one coupling between a SiPM pixls...