International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy (PWA 12 / ATHOS 7)

Jonas Rademacker, Konstantinos Petridis, Patricia Magalhaes, Paras Naik (University of Bristol (GB)), Daniel O'Hanlon (University of Bristol (GB)), Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Bristol (GB))

The International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy, PWA12/ATHOS7, is a joint meeting combining the 12th International Workshop on Pion-Nucleon Partial Wave Analysis and the Interpretation of Baryon Resonances and the 7th Workshop on Amplitude Analysis Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together experimental and theoretical groups working in hadron spectroscopy. The emphasis of the workshop is on methods and tools for data analysis, addressing issues that are common in the study of baryons, mesons and the new hadrons. 

This "hybrid" workshop is taking place at Engineers' House (Bristol, England, UK) and online. 
Additional information for those who can participate in Bristol may be found here: 
Local Participation Info

Full registration details for the workshop may be found here: Registration

Topics - Conveners

  1.  Heavy mesons, Baryons and exotics spectroscopy -
        Feng-Kun Guo, César Fernández Ramírez, Sebastian Neubert
  2.  PWA for Baryons -
        Volker Burkert, Ulrike Thoma 

  3.  Tools and for PWA and Amplitude analysis (merged with 4) -
        Emilie Passemar, Anton Poluektov  

  4.  Models for PWA and Amplitude analysis (merged with 3) - 
        Adam Szczepaniak + LOC  

  5.  Light mesons spectroscopy -
        Boris Grube, Raquel Molina    

  6.  Amplitude Analysis for input for others -
        Mikhail Mikhasenko + LOC     

  7.  Tools for amplitude analysis  -  

The main Zoom room for the workshop can be found here: Main Zoom Room
There is a separate Zoom room for parallel discussions, here:
 Discussion Zoom Room

Please make certain that your time zone appears in the upper right hand corner of this page, in order to insure the global synchronization of the workshop. The default time zone is Europe/London (British Summer Time = GMT+1).

This workshop was postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Previous editions of this workshop were held at Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2019), IHEP, Beijing (2018), George Washington University (2017) and University of Bonn (2015).


Zoom Meeting ID
Jonas Rademacker
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 1
      Speakers: Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol (GB)), Patricia Magalhaes (University of Bristol (GB))
    • Topic 2
      Convener: Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 2
        Sequential single pion production explaining the di-Baryon "$d^*(2380)$" peak
        Speakers: Raquel Molina Peralta (The George Washington University), Raquel Molina Peralta
      • 3
        Amplitude analysis of $\Lambda_{c}\to pK\pi$
        Speaker: Daniele Marangotto (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
    • Topics 3 & 4
      Convener: Paras Naik (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 4
        Reach on the partial wave analysis tools with auto differential
        Speaker: Hao Cai (Wuhan University (CN))
      • 5
        Hybrid to standard bottomonium transitions
        Speaker: Jaume Tarrus (IFAE)
    • Coffee
    • Topic 1
      Convener: Patricia Magalhaes (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 6
        The $\Omega_c$ and $\Omega_b$ puzzle
        Speaker: Elena Santopinto (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))

        The Ω𝑐 and Ω𝑏 puzzle

      • 7
        Analysis of Zc
        Speakers: Dr Pablo Garcia Ortega (University of Salamanca), Pablo Garcia Ortega
      • 8
        Tetraquarks: successes, challenges and new avenues
        Speaker: Angelo Esposito (Princeton Institute for Advanced Study)
      • 9
        Pentaquark Photoproduction
        Speaker: Astrid Hiller Blin (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
    • Lunch
    • Topics 3 & 4
      Convener: Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana University)
      • 10
        "Three-body dynamics of the $a_1(1260)$ resonance from lattice QCD"
        Speaker: Maxim Mai (The George Washington University)
      • 11
        PWA of $\eta' \rightarrow \eta \pi \pi$ decay in connection with BESIII and A2 recent measurements and GlueX expected result
        Speakers: Sergi Gonzalez-Solis (Indiana University), Sergi Gonzalez-Solis
    • Discussion: How should the PDG record amplitude analysis?
      Conveners: Christoph Hanhart (IAS/IKP Forschungszentrum Jülich), Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol (GB)), Paras Naik (University of Bristol (GB)), Sebastian Neubert (University of Bonn (DE)), Timothy David Evans
    • Wine reception
    • Topic 1
      Convener: Sebastian Neubert (University of Bonn (DE))
    • Coffee
    • Topic 6
      Convener: Mikhail Mikhasenko (Excellence Cluster ORIGINS)
    • Lunch
    • Topic 5
      Convener: Emilie Passemar
      • 19
        Light-meson spectroscopy at BESIII
        Speakers: Marc Pelizaeus (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany), Marc Pelizäus
      • 20
        GlueX: New results and future prospects
        Speaker: Malte Albrecht (Indiana University)
      • 21
        a0(980)-f0(980) mixing in chi_c1 decays
        Speakers: Melahat Bayar (Kocaeli University), Dr Melahat Bayar (Kocaeli University)
      • 22
        Speakers: Gilberto Colangelo (Universität Bern), Gilberto Colangelo
    • Coffee
    • Discussion: $(g-2)_{\mu}$ and Big Picture
      Conveners: Daniel Mohler (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung), Kalman Szabo (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), Mark Lancaster (University of Manchester), Raquel Molina Peralta, Thomas Blum
    • Topic 2
      Convener: Boris Grube (Technische Universitat Munchen)
      • 23
        Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12
        Speaker: Annalisa D'Angelo (Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata & INFN Roma Tor Vergata)
      • 24
        Baryon spectroscopy results within the Jülich-Bonn dynamical coupled channel approach
        Speaker: Deborah Rönchen (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
      • 25
        Strange baryon resonance results based on the Bonn-Gatchina-PWA
        Speaker: Andrey Sarantsev (HISKP)
      • 26
        Amplitude and truncated partial-wave analyses combined: A single-channel method for extracting photoproduction multipoles directly from measured data
        Speaker: Alfred Švarc
    • Coffee
    • Topics 3 & 4
      Convener: Anton Poluektov (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)
    • Lunch
    • Social afternoon
      • 32
        Free Time

        Time to Explore Bristol! (and/or lay on the sun loungers in the lunch area)

        You will be "on your own" during this time [though there may be subgroups with common interests]. Some tourist information is being attached here.

        If spending your free time at Engineers' House (a shame, but people may have to work), you should reserve at least 45 minutes to get from Engineers' House to the boat landing by foot [more details below].

      • 33
        Boat trip: Bristol's Floating Harbour

        Start Location: City Centre (Bristol City Centre Landing, Cascade Steps), 18:00 BST
        Finish Location: Wapping Wharf, 19:00 BST

        Please note: You will need to find your own way to the Boat Tour boarding point. Make sure you arrive there on time (18:00 local time), as we do not want to leave without you!

        If coming from Engineers' House, you should reserve at least 45 minutes to get to the boat landing by foot.

      • 34
        Dinner at The Olive Shed

        "A fantastic feasting menu" (attached)

        Please let us know ASAP if you have any allergies or dietary requirements that we should be aware of.
        (You may do this when you pay the in-Bristol supplement, or contact us at

    • Topic 6
      Convener: Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 35
        $B\to DDX$ for flavour anomalies - theory
        Speakers: Meril Reboud (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Meril Reboud
      • 36
        $B\to DDX$ for flavour anomalies - experiment
        Speaker: Jake Lewis Amey (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 37
        CPV in B baryon decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Anton Poluektov (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)
    • Lunch
    • Topic 5
      Convener: Cesar Fernandez Ramirez (Syracuse University (US))
      • 38
        The energy-dependent of $\pi^+\pi^+ \pi^+$ scattering amplitude from QCD
        Speaker: Maxwell Hansen (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 39
        Pole determination from dispersive data analysis of the kappa resonance
        Speaker: Mr Arkaitz Rodas Bilbao (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
      • 40
        Light meson spectroscopy at COMPASS
        Speaker: Stefan Wallner (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
      • 41
        Decays of an exotic 1-+ hybrid meson resonance in QCD
        Speakers: Jozef Dudek, Jozef Dudek, Jozef Dudek
    • Coffee
    • Topics 3 & 4
      Convener: Daniel O'Hanlon (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 42
        The Role of Deck-like Processes and Central Production in the $\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+$ Final-State at COMPASS
        Speaker: Florian Markus Kaspar (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
    • Topic 1
      Convener: Feng-Kun Guo (Insitute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 43
        Heavy quarkonium at Belle II + DsDs1 from Belle
        Speakers: Sen Jia, Sen Jia (Beihang University)
      • 44
        Charm meson decays: spectroscopy and strong phase distribution
        Speaker: Yu Zhang
      • 45
        Speaker: Liping He (Ohio State University)
      • 46
        LHCb: Exotic hadrons
        Speaker: Nicole Skidmore (University of Bonn (DE))
    • Lunch
    • Topic 7
      Convener: Konstantinos Petridis (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 47
        Introduction to Intelligence Processing Units
        Speaker: Dr Alex Titterton (Graphcore)
      • 48
        Conference photo
        Speaker: Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 49
        Analysis using IPUs
        Speaker: Daniel O'Hanlon (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 50
        TensorFlow-based fitters
        Speaker: Abhijit Mathad (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
    • Closing
      • 51
        Closing remarks & location of next meeting
        Speakers: Curtis Meyer (Carnegie Mellon University), Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol (GB))
    • Coffee: END