28th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting

Room A (Hokkaido University)

Room A

Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University Kita 8, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0808 Japan +81-11-716-2111
Alberto Ribon (CERN), Marc Verderi (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

We are really pleased to hold the 28th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting in Hokkaido University !

The meeting (Monday through Friday) will be run in parallel of the medical tutorial (Tuesday through Thursday). They will share a common Technical Forum on Thursday. The Collaboration meeting format is oherwise pretty standard; the agenda content will be evolved during the coming weeks. This page itself will provide news on the meeting organization.

Please note this is a closed Geant4 meeting, reserved to Geant4 members or to people having received an explicit invitation by the Collaboration. 

Any questions or requests should be addressed to g4cm2023[at]ml.post.kek.jp (please replace "[at]" by "@", this is to minimize spams).


Zoom Meeting ID
Marc Verderi
Useful links
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Zoom URL
Zoom Meeting ID
Marc Verderi
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL