7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:00 AM
Dynamical fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Prof.
Claude Andre Pruneau
(Wayne State University (US))
8:30 AM
Disoriented Isospin Condensates as source of anomalous kaon correlations at LHC
Mayank Singh
(University of Minnesota)
9:00 AM
Baryon number dynamics in heavy ion collisions
David Frenklakh
(Stony Brook University)
9:30 AM
Probing strongly interacting matter with clusters
Elena Bratkovskaya
(GSI, Darmstadt)
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Jets at STAR
Isaac Mooney
11:00 AM
Measurements of identified particle spectra in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV by the STAR experiment
Rongrong Ma
11:30 AM
Scaling properties of φ-meson and charged hadron production at PHENIX
Vassu Doomra
(Stony Brook University)
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:00 AM
Overview of JETSCAPE
Abhijit Majumder
(Wayne State University)
8:30 AM
Holographic transport coefficients and jet energy loss for the hot and dense quark-gluon plasma.
Joaquin Grefa
9:00 AM
Sequentially Charming Chemical Freeze-out in Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC Energies
Fernando Antonio Flor
(Yale University (US))
9:30 AM
Hints of Entanglement Suppression in Hyperon-Nucleon Scattering
Ian Low
10:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
10:30 AM
Measurement of jet cross-section and substructure in p+p collisions 200 GeV with the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
Alexandre Lebedev
(Iowa State University (US))
11:00 AM
Probing the parton shower and hadronization with novel jet substructure measurements in 200 GeV pp collisions at STAR
Youqi Song
11:30 AM
Jet Quenching Dependence on Angularities and Flavor at RHIC
Sevil Salur
(Rutgers State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:00 AM
Are high energy pp collisions really elementary collisions? Results from EPOS4HQ
Joerg Aichelin
8:30 AM
Triple-differential yields from heavy-ion collisions through reaction-plane deblurring
Pawel Danielewicz
(Michigan State University)
9:00 AM
Construction and Physics of the Event Plane Detectors at RHIC
Tristan Protzman
(Lehigh University)
9:30 AM
sPHENIX Forward Detectors and Physics
Ejiro Naomi Umaka
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
10:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
10:30 AM
Jet performance studies of sPHENIX with early data and simulation
Benjamin Kimelman
(Vanderbilt University)
11:00 AM
Exploring the Feasibility of Imaging Atomic Nuclei at the Electron-Ion Collider
- Dr
Niseem Magdy Abdelrahman
(The University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
11:30 AM
Outreach with the EIC
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
(Vanderbilt University)
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:00 AM
Recent Developments on Theory of matter at High Baryon Density
Larry McLerran
8:30 AM
Heavy ion collisions from 62.4 AGeV down to 4 AGeV in the EPOS4 framework
9:00 AM
Finite density QCD equation of state and lattice-based T’-expansion (Ising-TExS)
Micheal Kahangirwe
9:30 AM
4D-TExS: A new 4D lattice QCD equation of state with extended density coverag
- Dr
Johannès Jahan
(University of Houston - Department of Physics)
10:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
10:30 AM
The sign problem of dense cool nuclear matter and real-time simulations
Semeon Valgushev
(Iowa State University)
11:00 AM
Unveiling Complexities in the Phase Diagram through the Deconfinement Potential and Vector Meson Analysis in the Chiral Mean-Field Model
Rajesh Kumar
11:30 AM
Status of the MUSES collaboration
Claudia Ratti
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:00 AM
ALICE Computing
Irakli Chakaberia
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
8:30 AM
Recents progress in quarkonia dynamics with open quantum systems
Pol-Bernard GOSSIAUX
9:00 AM
Recent open HF results from ALICE
Deepa Thomas
(University of Texas at Austin (US))
9:30 AM
Study of heavy-flavor jet fragmentation using angular correlations with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
Amanda Flores
(University of Texas at Austin (US))
10:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
10:30 AM
LHCb Overview
John Matthew Durham
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
11:00 AM
Hadronization at LHCb
Julie Lane Marie Berkey
(Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))
11:30 AM
Exploring Strong Interactions in Three-Hadron Systems at the LHC
Bhawani Singh
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
6:30 PM
--- Reception ---
12:00 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:30 PM
Disentangling centrality bias and final-state effects in the production of neutral pions using direct photons in d+Au collisions at 200 GeV
Daniel Firak
6:00 PM
Diffractive Vector Meson photoproduction at RHIC and at the future EIC
Zhoudunming Tu
6:30 PM
Tracing the baryon number carrier through photon induced processes from STAR
Prithwish Tribedy
(Brookhaven National Lab)
7:00 PM
A photon runs through it
- Prof.
James Brandenburg
(Ohio State University)
8:00 PM
--- Workshop welcome dinner ---
12:00 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:30 PM
Imaging the QGP with Energy Correlators
Ian Moult
6:00 PM
Probing the short-distance structure of QGP with EEC
- Dr
Xin-Nian Wang
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
6:30 PM
Experimental determination of energy-energy correlators in heavy ion collisions
Jussi Viinikainen
(Vanderbilt University (US))
7:00 PM
Probing jet substructure with energy correlators in pp collisions at 13 TeV with ALICE
Ananya Rai
(Yale University (US))
12:00 PM
The 2023 Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Science from the Heavy Ion Perspective
Lijuan Ruan
12:30 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:30 PM
Understanding parton evolution in matter from renormalization group analysis
- Dr
Ivan Vitev
6:00 PM
Electromagnetic probes in heavy-ion collisions: progress and open questions
Jean-Francois Paquet
(Vanderbilt University)
6:30 PM
Directed flow splitting and EM field effects
Aihong Tang
7:00 PM
Non-prompt direct-photon production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV
- Dr
Deepali Sharma
(Georgia State University)
12:00 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:30 PM
Overview of HADES experimental results
Maria Stefaniak
6:00 PM
Extraction of QGP speed of sound with CMS
Wei Li
(Rice University (US))
6:30 PM
Transverve moment correlations and fluctuations from 3.0 GeV fixed-target collisions at STAR
Rutik Manikandhan
(University of Houston)
7:00 PM
Azimuthally sensitive femtoscopy with RHIC Beam Energy Scan II data from STAR
Eugenia Khyzhniak
12:00 PM
--- Afternoon break ---
5:30 PM
Revisiting the computation of transient hydrodynamic transport coefficients with hadron-resonance gas and thermal-mass quasiparticle models
Gabriel Soares Rocha
6:00 PM
Overview of PHENIX spin results
Ralf Seidl
6:30 PM
Path-length dependence of jet quenching at the LHC & RHIC
Anne Marie Sickles
(Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))
7:00 PM
QGP Signatures - Then and Now
John William Harris
(Yale University (US))
8:00 PM
--- Concluding workshop dinner ---