CALOR 2018

Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union (University of Oregon)

Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union

University of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon USA
Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))

CALOR 2018 will be hosted by the University of Oregon, Eugene on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, Oregon on May 21-25, 2018.

This is the 18th in the series of calorimetry conferences which have brought together experts on calorimetry and applications for nearly 30 years.

CALOR 2018 web page:

  • Alexandre Zabi
  • Amanda Lynn Steinhebel
  • Amina Zghiche
  • Ana Henriques
  • Andrea Rodriguez Perez
  • Andrew White
  • Anna Zaborowska
  • Badder Marzocchi
  • c dudley
  • Catherine Schiber
  • Chendi Shen
  • Chris Potter
  • Claudia Brizzolari
  • Clement Camincher
  • Craig Wiglesworth
  • Cristián Peña
  • Edouard Kistenev
  • Eric Torrence
  • Eugenio Berti
  • Fabrizio Scuri
  • Federico De Guio
  • Francesca Nessi-Tedaldi
  • Frank Simon
  • Gabriele Piperno
  • Geng-Yuan Jeng
  • Gerald Eigen
  • Ian Michael Snyder
  • Irakli Keshelashvili
  • Jason Barkeloo
  • Jay Lawhorn
  • Jim Brau
  • Joaquin Gonzalez
  • Johan Sebastian Bonilla
  • Jonas Rembser
  • kwame appiah
  • Liyuan Zhang
  • Lorenzo Pezzotti
  • Luca Morescalchi
  • Lukas Nies
  • Maral Alyari
  • Markus Moritz
  • Martin Breidenbach
  • Michael William Phipps
  • Michele Faucci Giannelli
  • Michele Selvaggi
  • Miguel Arratia
  • Nicu Istrate
  • Nobuhiro Shimizu
  • Nural Akchurin
  • Oleksandr Viazlo
  • Oliver Suranyi
  • Pawel Klimek
  • Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva
  • Pietro Cortese
  • Rainer W. Novotny
  • Randy Ruchti
  • Raymond Frey
  • Ren-Yuan Zhu
  • Richard Wigmans
  • Rute Pedro
  • Samuel David Jones
  • Sehwook Lee
  • Shankar Bhattarai
  • Simone Pigazzini
  • Stephanie Majewski
  • Sven Menke
  • Tanmay Mudholkar
  • Tao HU
  • Teresa Barillari
  • Thomas Held
  • Thomas Strebler
  • Timothy Robert Andeen
  • Usha Mallik
  • Valery Dormenev
  • Vincenzo Ciriolo
  • Xinchou LOU
  • Yuji Enari
  • Yunlong Zhang
  • Yuri Davydov
  • zhanwen zhu
  • Zhenbin Wu