Challenges in Semileptonic B Decays
Hotel Barolo -- Ristorante Brezza
Two of the elements of the Cabibbo-Kobayasha-Maskawa quark mixing matrix, |Vub| and |Vcb|, are extracted from semileptonic B decays. The experimental results, analysed in the light of the most recent theoretical calculations, remain puzzling, because — for |Vub| and |Vcb| — the exclusive and exclusive determinations are in tension. Furthermore, measurements in the tau channels at Belle, Babar, and LHCb show discrepancies with the Standard Model predictions, pointing to a possible violation of lepton flavour universality. LHCb and Belle-II have the potential to resolve the issue in the next few years.
This workshop follows two previous workshops held at MITP (2015 and 2018) , sharing with them the goal to develop a medium-term strategy of analyses and calculations aimed at solving the puzzles. We plan to have lattice and continuum theorists working together with experimentalists to discuss how to reshape the semileptonic analyses in view of the much higher expected luminosities and searching for ways to systematically validate the theoretical predictions in both exclusive and inclusive B decays.
In this workshop, scheduled originially for the spring of 2020 and now for spring 2022, we will focus on the expanding prospects of semileptonic decays at LHCb, on the implications of the first Belle-II data, on the possible violation of lepton universality, recent progress in lattice QCD, as well as the role played by QED radiative corrections.
The workshop will be held at Hotel Barolo, situated in the beautiful village of Barolo, surrounded by the amazing vineyard landscape of Piedmont Langhe-Roero and Monferrato, a UNESCO world heritage cultural site.