Using IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and Quantum Computer Hardware, we have successfully employed the Quantum Support Vector Machine Method (QSVM) for a ttH (H to two photons), Higgs production in association with a top quark pair analysis at the LHC.
We will present our experiences and results of a study on LHC high energy physics data analysis with IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and IBM...
We explore the potential astrophysical signatures of dark matter
(DM) annihilations in ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) considering two of the richest known galaxy clusters within 100 million light-years, nominally, Virgo and Fornax. Fornax UCD3 is the most luminous UCD and M59 UCD3 is the most massive UCD. With the detection of a 3.5 million solar mass black hole (BH) in Fornax UCD3, we...
In this talk, I will describe the updated status of global analyses to neutrino oscillation data in the three-flavor framework, with an emphasis on the recent hints in favor of normal mass ordering and maximal CP violation. I will focus on the current knowledge of the oscillation parameters as well as on the improvements that can be expected in the near future.
Transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions obtained from the Parton Branching (PB) method are combined with next-to-leading-order (NLO) calculations of jet production to obtain predictions for LHC jet final states. In addition, a new initial state Parton Shower, which is based on the TMD distributions, and final state Parton Showers are included together with hadronization. We...
W and Z bosons are clean probes of the initial-state effects in hadronic collisions, being formed in the hard scatterings taking place in the initial stages, and being insensitive to the presence of any strongly-interacting medium. This is especially true at the LHC energies, where having a clear picture of the initial state is mandatory to properly interpret the later stages characterising...
As the search for dark matter continues down to lower and lower masses, the kinematics of sub-GeV dark
matter scattering require moving beyond the approximation of free-particle scattering. I will describe two inelastic
channels relevant for sub-GeV dark matter detection which necessarily involve the condensed matter properties of
common detector materials: the Migdal effect in liquid...
During Run 1 and 2 of the LHC, the LHCb experiment has collected large samples of beauty-hadron decays corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9/fb at pp centre-of-mass energy of 7, 8 and 13 TeV. Very rare decays are discussed, with an emphasis on Flavour-Changing Neutral-Current processes of the type $B^0_{(s)} \to l^+ l^-$. Anomalies in the branching fractions of these decays are also...
R-parity violating (RPV) SUSY models evade the stringent limits from missing-energy-based searches, and remain excellent candidates for low-scale SUSY. ATLAS has completed several dedicated searches for RPV signatures in Run 2, the most recent of which will be shown in this talk.
We present a measurement of the shape of the transverse momentum distribution for W boson in the $W \to e\nu$ decay channel using 4.3 fb$^{-1}$ of $ p\bar p$ data at $\sqrt s=$1.96 TeV. The results are compared to QCD predictions both at reconstructed and particle level. We also present a measurement of the shape of the Z boson rapidity using $Z/\gamma^{*} \to\mu^+\mu^- $ events produced in...
The LHC machine is planning an upgrade program which will smoothly bring the luminosity to about $5-7.5\times10^{34}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$, to possibly reach an integrated luminosity of $3000-4000\;$fb$^{-1}$ over about a decade. This High Luminosity LHC scenario, HL-LHC, starting in 2027, will require an upgrade program of the LHC detectors known as Phase-2 upgrade. The current CMS Outer Tracker,...
The International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) is a network of scientists, science educators and communication specialists working across the globe in informal science education and outreach for particle physics. The primary methodology adopted by IPPOG requires the direct involvement of scientists active in current research with education and communication specialists, in order to...
Observation Run 3 (O3) is the longest period of data taking for the two Advanced LIGO detectors and the Advanced Virgo detector to date. From April 1st, 2019 to April 30th, 2020, the instruments accumulated 12 months of data, with a 1-month commissioning break in October 2019. In this talk, I will review the performance of the three detectors both separately and within the global network of...
For the HL-LHC upgrade the current ATLAS Inner Detector is replaced by an all-silicon system. The Pixel Detector will consist of 5 barrel layers and a number of rings, resulting in about 14 m2 of instrumented area. Due to the huge non-ionizing fluence (1e16 neq/cm2) and ionizing dose (5 MGy), the two innermost layers, instrumented with 3D pixel sensors (L0) and 100μm thin planar sensors (L1)...
We present a quantitative, direct comparison of constraints on sterile neutrinos derived from neutrino oscillation experiments and from Planck data, interpreted assuming standard cosmological evolution. We extend a $1+1$ model, which is used to compare exclusions contours at the 95% CL derived from Planck data to those from $\nu_{e}$-disappearance measurements, to a $3+1$ model. This allows us...
Though collider searches are constraining supersymmetric parameter space, generic model independent bounds on sneutrinos remain very low. We calculate new model independent lower bounds on general supersymmetric scenarios with sneutrino LSP and NLSPs. By recasting ATLAS LHC exotic searches in mono boson channels, we place an upper bound on the cross section on $pp \rightarrow \tilde{\nu}...
Measurements of jet production are sensitive to the strong coupling constant, high order perturbative calculations and parton distribution functions. In this talk, we present the most recent ATLAS measurements of jet production at 13 TeV. Depending on the availability of the results, we may show measurements of jet and multijet production as well as measurements sensitive to the strong...
Recent CMS results are reported either for the observation of the B0s to mu+mu- decay and for the search of the B0 to mu+mu- decay by adding the 2016 13TeV data to the Run-I data and for the search of the tau to 3 muons decay, with 2016 13 TeV data, by considering tau leptons coming both from Ds and W decays.
To answer many questions still open in the field of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays, the Pierre Auger Collaboration started a significant upgrade of the Observatory, called AugerPrime.
The main goal of the upgrade is to improve the mass composition sensitivity of the surface detector on a shower-to-shower basis, in order to explore the cosmic ray composition at energies above 10$^{19}$eV. At...
Until recently, the International Masterclasses (IMC) in Particle Physics have been based on hands-on analysis of data from the four big LHC experiments. During the last years there has been a spectacular broadening in the physics scope of particle physics masterclasses, now including measurements with Belle II data, with data from neutrino experiments and a newly proposed masterclass on...
Beginning from a basic neural-network architecture, we test the potential benefits offered by a range of advanced techniques for machine learning and deep learning in the context of a typical classification problem encountered in the domain of high-energy physics, using a well-studied dataset: the 2014 Higgs ML Kaggle dataset. The advantages are evaluated in terms of both performance metrics...
Vector meson photo-production in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions is sensitive to nuclear parton distribution functions, and probe models of vector meson production in nuclear interactions with strong electromagnetic fields. In pPb collisions, measurements of the Z production in the forward (pPb) and backward (Pbp) configurations are sensitive to the nPDFs in different kinematic domains, such...
Light dark matter interacting in a crystal or fluid must scatter off a
collective excitation (phonon) rather than off individual nuclei. I will
set up the appropriate low energy effective theory and show how to
calculate the dark matter scattering rate for various dark matter models
and target materials.
The study of astrophysics context of massive theory leads to the black hole heat engine may be regarded as a possible energy source of the high energy astrophysical phenomena. Therefore, a black hole engine may be regarded as a possible source of power gamma rays and ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. Propose of this research was study to heat engine provided by black holes in presence of cyclic...
Latest results on W boson measurements are presented using collision data collected by CMS. Multi-differential production cross sections, charge asymmetry, polarization measurements will be discussed, and new other results.
The heavy flavour production and decays are studied with the ATLAS detector, mainly through final states containing muons. This talk will summarise recent results from ATLAS, including measurements on Bc mesons decaying in different final states and of Ds cross-sections. The latest results on the studies of rare processes are also presented. Particular attention will be given to Flavour...
We present some highlights on the complementarity of the Higgs and SUSY searches at the LHC, using the 8 and 13 TeV results. In particular, we discuss the constraints that can be obtained on the MSSM parameters by the determination of the Higgs boson mass and couplings. In addition, we investigate the interplay with heavy Higgs searches, and evaluate how higher LHC luminosities and a future...
Measurements of jet production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC are crucial for precise tests of QCD, improving the understanding of the proton structure and are important tool for searches for physics beyond the standard model. We present recent measurements of double-differential cross section of jet production at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with 2016 data and compare them to...
After a brief review of the status of neutrino oscillation
experiments I discuss some recent results on flavor extensions of the
standard model and their possible implications for dark matter.
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is currently preparing for a major upgrade of the Inner Tracking for the Phase-II LHC operation (known as HL-LHC), scheduled to start in 2026. In order to achieve the integrated luminosity of 4000 fb-1, the instantaneous luminosity is expected to reach unprecedented values, resulting in about 200 proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch...
The “muon-to-electron conversion” (Mu2e) experiment at Fermilab will search for the Charged Lepton Flavour Violating neutrino-less coherent conversion /mu^-N(A,Z) -> e-N(A,Z) of a negative muon into an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus. The observation of such physics process would be the unambiguous evidence of the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model. The Mu2e detector...
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt is a Germany-wide outreach program comprising 30 universities and research labs. About 150 researchers are involved, bringing cutting edge science into the classroom. 3500 high school students each year take the opportunity to work with original data from HEP experiments in special masterclasses or to study cosmic particles with detectors. On advanced levels, motivated...
One of the key issues of the search for the $K_L\to \pi^0\nu\bar{\nu}$ decay mode is to suppress the backgrounds to the signature with only two photons from the $\pi^0$ in the final state. We use an electromagnetic calorimeter and hermetic veto counters in the KOTO experiment at J-PARC. The calorimeter is made of 50 cm-long undoped CsI crystals stacked in a 1.9 m-diameter cylinder. Each...
Precise modeling of neutrino (and electron) interactions on nuclear targets is essential for neutrino oscillations experiments. The modeling the energy of final state leptons and nucleons in quasielastic scattering on bound nucleons requires knowledge of both the removal energy of the bound nucleon as well as the Coulomb and nuclear optical potentials for the final state nucleon in the...
Presence of non-holomorphic soft SUSY breaking terms is known to be a possibility in the popular setup of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). It has been shown that such a scenario known as Non-Holomorphic Supersymmetric Standard Model (NHSSM) could remain ‘natural’ (i.e., not fine-tuned) even in the presence of a rather heavy higgsino-like LSP. In a first study of such a...
We present the study of $B_{s}$ decays using 121.4 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected at $\Upsilon(5S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider. We search for $B_{s}\to \eta^{\prime} \eta$ and $B_{s}\to \eta^{\prime} K^{0}_{S}$, which are suppressed in the standard model (SM) and can receive contribution of physics beyond the SM. We also report the...
The detector currently under construction is designed to run throughout Run 3 and 4, after which a further major Upgrade will be implemented to enable the LHCb Upgrade II physics goals. The Upgrade II detector is designed to run at instantaneous luminosities of 2 × $10^{34}cm^{-2}s^{-1}$, an order of magnitude above Upgrade I, and accumulate a sample of more than 300 fb-1. At this intensity,...
The LHCb detector at the LHC offers unique coverage of forward rapidities, allowing the experiment to play an important role in measurements of Standard Model processes at the LHC. Measurements of W, Z, top and jet production at LHCb will be presented, and future prospects will be discussed.
If there are light axions in nature they will very probably leave a cosmic background, just like neutrinos. In this work we complete the study of thermal axion production above the QCD Phase Transition (QCDPT) by including the scatterings of the axion with the longitudinal components of the W and Z bosons. We study the predictions for pa4ticular QCD axion scenarios, like the KSVZ and the...
While ALICE is currently undergoing major upgrades which will come online for LHC Run 3 (starting in 2021), further projects are already on their way. ALICE is developing thinned wafer-sized monolithic active pixel sensors to replace the inner tracking layers in the Long Shutdown 3 (starting in 2025). This resulting detector will have an unprecedentedly low material budget, and consequently...
The muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab seeks to confirm or deny the ~3.5 $\sigma$ discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, $a_{\mu}$, and its experimental value. The experiment measures $a_\mu$ directly from the ratio of the muon precession frequency in a uniform storage ring magnetic field to the Larmor frequency of free protons in the same field....
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international project for neutrino physics and proton-decay searches, currently in the design and planning stages. Once built, DUNE will consist of two detectors exposed to the world’s most intense neutrino beam. The near detector will record neutrino interactions near the beginning of the beamline, at Fermilab. The other, much larger,...
There are expectations for achieving new measurements of the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CENNS) by
using electron antineutrinos from reactor experiments and through muon (electron) neutrinos from spallation neutrino
sources (SNS). The first scenario takes into account very low energy neutrinos while the second one includes
relatively higher energy neutrinos. These...
Cosmic rays are a unique tool for introducing high-school students to particle physics concepts and methods; their detection and study, with a variety of cosmic ray experiments in schools, is an excellent way to acquaint them with the world of scientific research, motivate and inspire them. Cosmic-ray experiments in schools, using a variety of detector types and sizes, exist in many...
The associated production of vector bosons V (W, Z or gamma) and jets originating from heavy-flavour (c or b) quarks is a large background source in measurements of other standard model processes, Higgs boson studies, and many searches for physics beyond the SM. The study of events with a vector boson accompanied by heavy-flavour jets is crucial to refine the theoretical calculations in...
Results from RHIC for Au-Au and from LHC for Pb-Pb collisions are compiled in terms of $R_{AA}$, $R_{CP}$ and ratio of the $p_T$ spectra, normalized with the corresponding $dN_{ch}/d\eta$, for each centrality to the most peripheral one ($R^N_{CP}$). The studies are focused on the $p_T$ range in the region of maximum suppression evidenced in the experiment. The $R_{CP}$ for 4 GeV/c < $p_T$ <...
In this contribution, the latest heavy-flavour results on the pp
and p--Pb data samples collected during the LHC Run 2 with ALICE at several center-of-mass energies will be presented.
A comprehensive study of the multiplicity dependent open heavy-flavour hadron production and quarkonium self-normalised yields in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV will be shown. Such measurements constitute...
The success of the CMS physics program at the HL-LHC requires maintaining sufficiently low trigger thresholds to select processes at the electroweak scale. With an average expected 200 pileup interactions, critical to achieve this goal while maintaining manageable trigger rates is in the inclusion of tracking information in the Level-1 (L1) trigger. A 40 MHz silicon-based track trigger on the...
The muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab measures the anomalous magnetic moment, $a_\mu$, with improved precision compared to the previous experiment at Brookhaven National Lab.
The greater than 3 standard deviations difference between Standard Model prediction and the previous BNL, $a_\mu$, measurement hints at the possibility of new physics. Positive polarized muons are circulated in the storage...
We explore the possibility that dark matter interactions with Standard Model particles are dominated by interactions with neutrinos. We examine whether it is possible to construct such a scenario in a gauge invariant manner. We first study the coupling of dark matter to the full lepton doublet and confirm that this generally leads to the dark matter phenomenology being dominated by...
LHCb is playing a crucial role in the study of rare and forbidden decays of charm hadrons, which might reveal effects beyond the Standard Model. We present the latest searches for, and measurements using, rare charm decay processes with two leptons in the final state.
Super-Kamiokande is a 50 kton water Cherenkov detector in Japan. One of the main physics goals is to test Grand Unified Theory by searching for proton decay. The $p\to e^+\pi^0$ and $p\to \mu^+\pi^0$ decay modes are the most prospective because they are predicted in many theories, and because of their unique event topologies, signal and atmospheric neutrino background events that can be...
The ALPIDE MAPS chip used in the ALICE silicon tracker upgrade, represents the state of the art for pixel-based tracking with silicon.
We investigated the possibility to use the ALPIDE chip in space applications using a setup derived from the ALICE Outer Barrel HIC.
We first addressed the issue of the power consumption and we will report on a special setup that provides a relevant power...
Neutrino decay modifies neutrino propagation in a unique way; not only is there flavor changing as there is in neutrino oscillations, there is also energy transport from initial to final neutrinos. The most sensitive direct probe of neutrino decay is currently IceCube which can measure the energy and flavor of neutrinos traveling over extragalactic distances. For the first time we calculate...
In this talk, we present the latest result on radiative and rare/forbidden decays for D mesons at the BESIII experiment based on 2.92 fb-1 and 3.19 fb-1 data taken at the center-of-mass energy 3.773 4.178 GeV with the BESIII detector, respectively. Based the data at 4.178 GeV, a search for the rare radiative leptonic decay Ds->gamma e+ nu is performed for the first time with negative result...
Many models of dark matter and hidden sectors predict new particles with masses below the electroweak scale. Low-energy electron-positron colliders such as BABAR are ideally suited to discover these hidden-sector particles. We present several recent BABAR searches for low-mass hidden- sector particles, including new searches for prompt and long-lived leptonically decaying hidden scalars...
We will present upper limits on the production of heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) decaying to muon-pion pairs using data collected with the MicroBooNE liquid-argon time projection chamber (TPC) operating at Fermilab. This search is the first of its kind performed in a liquid-argon TPC and the first beyond the Standard Model result obtained with the MicroBooNE detector. We use data collected in...
The CMS experiment has been designed with a two-level trigger system: the Level 1 Trigger, implemented on custom-designed electronics, and the High Level Trigger, a streamlined version of the CMS oeconstruction software running on a computer farm. During its “Phase 2” the LHC will reach a luminosity of 7X10^34 cm-2 sec-1 with a pileup of 200 collisions, integrating more than 3000 fb-1 over the...
We present the results for PbPb collisions at 2.76 TeV LHC energy from a parton shower integrated with a hydrodynamic evolution. The initial hard (jet) partons are produced along with soft partons in the initial state EPOS approach. The EPOS initial state typically contains multiple hard scatterings in each event. The soft partons melt into a thermalized medium, which is described with a 3...
In high-energy physics experiments, the sensitivity of selection-based analyses critically depends on which observable quantities are taken into consideration and which ones are discarded as considered least important. In this process, scientists are usually guided by their cultural background and by literature.
Yet simple and powerful, this approach may be sub-optimal when machine learning...
NNLO predictions for jet production in Deep Inelastic Scattering have recently become available. These are used to extend the QCD HERAPDF2.0Jets fits, that were made to extract PDFs from inclusive HERA data and HERA jet data, from NLO to NNLO. In addition new jet data sets have become available since the publication of ERAPDF2.0 and these are also considered. A simultaneous fit to these data...
We do not know why there are three fermion families in the Standard Model (SM), nor can we explain the observed pattern of fermion masses and mixing angles. Standard grand unified theories based on the SU(5) and SO(10) groups fail to shed light on this issue, since they also contain three copies of fermion representations of an enlarged gauge group.
However, it does not need to be so. In...
We describe a novel method of generating magnetic fields in cosmic string wakes from neutrino currents. We show that neutrino currents act as a cross-perturbation across the cosmic string wake. This cross perturbation along with the high Reynolds number generates a magnetic field in the wake of the cosmic string. The neutrino current is generated by the neutrinos rotating around the Abelian...
The High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) is foreseen to increase the instantaneous luminosity by a factor of five to seven times the LHC nominal design value. The resulting, unprecedented requirements for background monitoring and luminosity measurement create the need for new high-precision instrumentation at CMS, using radiation hard detector technologies. This contribution presents...
We report the observation of the rare charm decay $D^0\to K^-\pi^+e^+e^-$, a search for nine lepton-number-violating and three lepton-flavor-violating neutral charm decays of the type $D^0\to h^- h^{'-} \ell^+ \ell^{'+}$, and $D^0\to h^- h^{'+} \ell^+ \ell^{'-}$, and a search for seven lepton-number-violating decays of the type $D^{0}\rightarrow X^{0} e^{\pm} \mu^{\mp}$, where $h$ and...
The Virtual Visit service run by the ATLAS Collaboration has been provided since 2010. The ATLAS Collaboration has used this popular and effective method to bring the excitement of scientific exploration and discovery into classrooms and other public places around the world. The programme, which uses a combination of video conferencing, webcasts, and video recording to communicate with remote...
Latest results on inclusive top quark pair and single top quark production cross sections are presented using collision data collected by CMS. The single top quark analyses investigate separately the production of top quarks via t-channel exchange, via associated production with a W boson (tW), and via the s-channel.
MicroBooNE is a 100-ton scale liquid-argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) neutrino experiment located on the Booster neutrino beamline at Fermilab. The experiment first started collecting neutrino data in October 2015. The detector, the first in the short-baseline neutrino program at Fermilab, is the longest operating LArTPC to date and plays an important role in a phased program towards the...
Many extensions of the Standard Model include the possibility of light new particles, such as axions or dark matter candidates. These scenarios can be probed using the large data sets collected by $B$-factories, complementing measurements performed at the LHC.
We report on a search for an Axion-like particle (ALP), $a$, produced in the Flavor-Changing Neutral-Current decay $B\to K a$, with...
Searches for free neutrons converting to anti-neutrons (|ΔB|=2) and/or sterile neutrons (|ΔB|=1) play a distinctive and complementary role in the worldwide program of baryon number violation searches. These searches provide an important test of a global symmetry that must be violated to create a baryon asymmetry in the universe, and offer a unique portal to a dark sector through these feeble...
At HEP experiments, processing billions of records of structured numerical data can be a bottleneck in the analysis pipeline. This step is typically more complex than current query languages allow, such that numerical codes are used. As highly parallel computing architectures are increasingly important in the computing ecosystem, it may be useful to consider how accelerators such as GPUs can...
The High Luminosity upgrade of Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will increase LHC Luminosity by an order of magnitude increasing the density of particles on the detector by an order of magnitude. For protecting the inner detectors of experiments and for monitoring the delivered luminosity, a radiation hard beam monitor is being developed. We are developing a set of detectors based on...
Fragmentation (or in general, hadronization) is the transition from a colored and energetic parton to a colorless hadron is a rich and dynamical process in QCD quantified by the fragmentation function. Fast moving hadrons (or jets) are produced by the fragmentation of colored quarks or gluons that are produced during hard collisions at short distances. The determination of a characteristic...
MINERvA at FNAL is an experiment dedicated to the study of neutrino-nucleus interaction physics. Its goal is to provide constraints on nuclear effects that are crucial for present and future neutrino oscillation measurements, and to illustrate the interplay between hadronic and nuclear physics at the few-GeV regime. As the analysis of the Low-Energy data---the beam flux peaks at about 3 GeV...
The single-phase liquid argon TPC at CERN (ProtoDUNE-SP) is an engineering prototype for the first module of the DUNE far detector. This prototype which has dimensions of a cube of about 10m edge, provide full validation of the use of the membrane tank technology for large dimension cryostats. Furthermore, the very high performance of the protoDUNE-SP TPC with more than 500 days of continuous...
Advances in information and communications technologies (ICTs) have given rise to innovative uses of web-based video tools for global communication, enhancing the impact of large research facilities, including their outreach and education programmes. As an example, the CMS Virtual Visits programme launched by the CMS collaborations at CERN, uses videoconferencing to communicate with schools...
The azimuthal decorrelation angle between the leading jet and scattered lepton in deep inelastic scattering is studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The data was taken in the HERA II data-taking period and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 330 pb${}^{−1}$. Azimuthal angular decorrelation has been proposed to study the
$Q^2$ dependence of the evolution of the transverse momentum...
The ANTARES neutrino telescope and other experiments are searching for more detailed information on the previously observed shifted high-energy neutrinos from the gamma-ray bursts travelling through interstellar space. Many theoretical models have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, based on assuming the Lorentz-invariance violation. In this talk I shall show that the dispersion...
Comprehensive measurements of differential cross-sections of top-quark-antiquark pair-production are presented. The measurements are performed in the electron-muon, the lepton+jets and the all-hadronic channels. The latter two allow for reconstruction of the top-quark and top-quark-pair kinematic distributions. In the electron-muon channel, kinematic properties of the two leptons are measured...
The MINERvA experiment completed its physics run using the 6-GeV,on-axis NuMI ME beam at Fermilab. The experiment received a total of 12E20 protons on target in both neutrino and antineutrino mode running. This allows MINERvA a new level of statistical precision in neutrino interaction measurements with the ability to measure multi-dimensional differential cross sections. In order to make...
The present Level-1 Muon Trigger System of the ATLAS experiment will be upgraded for the HL-LHC to the Level-0 (L0) Muon Trigger with increased trigger latency of 10 ms and output rate of 1 MHz. The longer buffers in the front-end allow for more complex processing of the data, maintaining a high trigger efficiency even at highest event rates. For this purpose, the Sector Logic (SL) boards...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider
is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory.
The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and
the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more
than its predecessor. During 2018, the machine has completed a...
The single-phase liquid argon prototype at CERN (ProtoDUNE-SP) is designed to act as a testbed and prototype for the elements of the first far detector module of DUNE. ProtoDUNE-SP collected data in the H4-VLE beamline at CERN in the autumn of 2018 and accumulated 4M particles (electrons, muons, pion, kaons and protons) ranging from 0.3 to 7 GeV/c and a large number of cosmic ray events since...
The purpose of the KOTO experiment, being conducted at J-PARC (Ibaraki Japan), is to search for New Physics
via the rare decay $K_L\rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$ using the high intensity $K_L$ beam provided by
the 30~GeV proton synchrotron.
The $K_L\rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$ decay is suppressed in the standard model, and
its observation may reveal hints of new physics.
For many HEP experiments the experimental area is difficult to access for visitors. That makes engaging the public difficult. This is true both for educational purposes and for outreach and media events. The use of the latest technologies in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and 360 degree visualization helps the experiments in getting the public closer to their research. By...
Precision measurements of the production cross-sections of W/Z boson at LHC provide important tests of perturbative QCD and information about the parton distribution functions for quarks within the proton. In this talk, we present fiducial and differential cross sections for inclusive W+, W− and Z boson production using data collected by the ATLAS experiment at center-of-mass energies of 2.76...
MicroBooNE is a liquid argon time projection chamber in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab. The large event rate and 3 mm wire spacing of the detector provide high-statistics, precise-resolution imaging of neutrino interactions leading to low-threshold, high-efficiency event reconstruction with full angular coverage. As such, MicroBooNE is an ideal place to probe neutrino-argon interactions...
The accumulation of positive ions in a LArTPC located on the surface can distort the electric field and the reconstructed particle trajectories. It is critical to understand and correct for the space charge effects in order to achieve the desired spatial and calorimetric resolutions in the LArTPC. This talks will present the measurement of space charge effects using cosmic ray muons in ProtoDUNE-SP.
We present precision high statistics measurements of primary cosmic rays protons, Helium, Carbon and Oxygen and the secondary cosmic rays Lithium, Beryllium and Boron measured by Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on ISS in the rigidity range from 2 GV to 3 TV.
These measurements are based on more than one billion nuclei collected by AMS during first 7 years of operation from May 2011 to May 2018....
Jets are an important tool to study the hot, dense matter produced in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC. They are produced at the early stages of the collisions and are expected to be modified as they propagate through the hot and dense medium. This leads to energy loss as well as modification of the jet structure. This talk presents the latest jet measurements from Run 2 heavy-ion collisions data...
We report on developments targeting a boost in the utilization of parallel computing architectures in HEP reconstruction, particularly for LHC experiments and for neutrino experiments using Liquid Argon Time-Projection Chamber (LArTPC) detectors. Key algorithms in the reconstruction workflows of HEP experiments were identified and redesigned: charged particle track reconstruction for CMS, and...
Differential measurements of top quark pair and single top quark production cross sections are presented using data collected by CMS. The cross sections are measured as a function of various kinematic observables of the top quarks and the jets and leptons of the event final state. The results are confronted with precise theory calculations.
The talk presents the first measurement of Neutral Current (NC) $\pi^0$ production on argon in a sub-GeV neutrino beam with the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) detector. The analysis qualifies data to Monte Carlo agreement in several reconstructed kinematic variables, and investigates contributions from coherent and non-coherent NC $\pi^0$ production processes...
One may use amplitude-based resummation in QED X QCD to achieve IR-improvement of unintegrable singularites in the infrared regime to arbitrary precision in principle. We illustrate such improvement in specific examples in precision LHC/FCC physics.
Many new physics models, e.g., compositeness, extra dimensions, extended Higgs sectors, supersymmetric theories, and dark sector extensions, are expected to manifest themselves in the final states with leptons and photons. This talk presents searches in CMS for new phenomena in the final states that include leptons and photons, focusing on the recent results obtained using the full Run-II...
The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed to provide a 15 ps timing resolution for charged particles, resulting in K/pi (p/K) particle identification up to 10 (15) GeV/c momentum over a 10 m flight path. Cherenkov photons, produced in a quartz plate of 10 mm thickness, are focused onto an array of micro-channel plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMTs) which measure the photon arrival times and...
Visualisation plays an important cognitive role in understanding and learning different facilities and processes in high energy physics experiments. It can synthesise Augmented Reality and Virtual Environment to create Mixed Reality Applications with detector descriptions and high-level interactions like gesture or touch controls, easy and minimalistic UI and Lego-like interactions with...
The single-phase liquid argon prototype at CERN (ProtoDUNE-SP) acts as a validation of the design for the DUNE single-phase far detector. With a total mass of 770 tons, it is the largest monolithic liquid argon single-phase time projection chamber in the world. ProtoDUNE-SP collected test-beam in autumn of 2018 and has been collecting cosmic and special calibration data since the end of 2018....
The increase of the particle flux (pile-up) at the HL-LHC with luminosities of L ≃ 7.5 × 10^34 cm−2s−1 will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector reconstruction and trigger performance. The end-cap and forward region where the liquid Argon calorimeter has coarser granularity and the inner tracker has poorer longitudinal vertex position resolution will be particularly affected. A High...
MicroBooNE is the first phase of Fermilab's Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) programme.
This talk outlays the first characterisation of electron neutrinos in a muon neutrino beam with the LArTPC detector technology. The Booster Neutrino Beam has an energy peaking around 1 GeV and an electron content of approximately 0.5%. The analysis investigates...
Dual phase noble liquid Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) offer a
competitive and scalable way to search for dark matter directly via
elastically scattering off of detector target nuclei and electrons.
The Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration (GADMC) is undertaking an
ambitious global program from the extraction and purification of
Underground Argon (UAr), depleted in 39Ar which reduces...
The LHeC and the FCC-eh are the cleanest, high resolution microscopes that the world can build in the nearer future. Through a combination of neutral and charged currents and heavy quark tagging, they will unfold the parton structure of the proton with full flavour decomposition and unprecedented precision. In this talk we will present the most recent studies on the determination of proton...
Many extensions to the standard model predict new particles and phenomena that may produce unique and unconventional signatures at the LHC. This talk presents results from searches that look for such unconventional signatures using novel reconstruction techniques in CMS with the full Run-II data-set collected at the LHC
The large scalar neutrino detectors (JUNO, HyperK), need the 20 inch area PMTs as the photo-detection device for their large photocathode coverage and less electronic channels. In 2009, the researchers at IHEP have conceived a new concept of large area PMTs, of which the small MCP units replace the bulky Dynode chain. After several years R&D, the 20 inch MCP-PMT was successfully produced. This...
We present a study of the impact of the expansion of deconfined medium on single-gluon emission spectra and the jet suppression factor ($𝑄_{𝐴𝐴}$) within the BDMPS-Z formalism. These quantities are calculated for three types of media (static medium, exponentially decaying medium and Bjorken expanding medium). The distribution of medium-induced gluons and the jet $𝑄_{𝐴𝐴}$ are calculated using...
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider is expected to have a 10 times higher readout rate than the current state, significantly increasing the computational load required. It is then essential to explore new hardware paradigms. In this work we consider the Optical Processing Units (OPU) from [LightOn][1], which compute random matrix multiplications on large datasets in an analog, fast and...
Four years after the deployment of the ATLAS public website using the Drupal 7 content management system, the ATLAS Education & Outreach group is in the process of migrating to the new CERN Drupal 8 infrastructure. We present lessons learned from the development, usage and evolution of the original web site, and how the choice of technology helped to shape and reinforce our communication...
The MIP Timing Detector (MTD) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is designed to provide precision timing information (with resolution of ~40 ps per layer) for charged particles, with hermetic coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of |η|=3. This upgrade will reduce the effects of pileup expected under the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) running conditions and brings new and unique capabilities to the...
The SoLid collaboration operates since 2018 a 1.6 ton neutrino detector near the Belgian BR2 reactor, with as a main goal the search for observation of the oscillation of electron anti-neutrinos to previously undetected flavor states.
The highly segmented SoLid detector employs a novel compound scintillation technology based on PVT scintillator in combination with a LiFZnS screens containing...
One of the largest systematic uncertainties affecting neutrino oscillation measurement comes from present limited knowledge of (anti-)neutrino-nucleus interactions. Neutrino scattering understanding is crucial for the interpretation of neutrino oscillation since it affects background estimation and neutrino energy reconstruction. Thus, precise (anti-)neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements...
Several theories of physics beyond the standard model predict new phenomena and interactions involving photons. This talk covers searches for new physics performed using data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC, which target final states consisting of photons.
Collisions of ultra-relativistic heavy ions are used to create strongly interacting matter in the regime of high-energy densities and temperatures. Under these conditions color confinement of quarks and gluons in hadrons breaks down and a new state of matter called Quark-Gluon Plasma is formed. Properties of this medium can be inferred based on observed modifications of produced jets. ...
The constituents of dark matter are still unknown, and the viable possibilities span a very large mass range. Specific scenarios for the origin of dark matter sharpen the focus on a narrower range of masses: the natural scenario where dark matter originates from thermal contact with familiar matter in the early Universe requires the DM mass to lie within about an MeV to 100 TeV. Considerable...
The T2K experiment probes the masses and mixing of neutrinos through measurements of neutrino oscillations. A beam of muon neutrinos or muon antineutrinos is generated at the J-PARC proton accelerator on the east coast of Japan, and the beam’s composition is measured 295 km away in the Super-Kamiokande detector. The transition of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos to other flavors and the...
Neon, Magnesium, Silicon, and Sulfur nuclei in cosmic rays are thought to be mainly of primary origin, they are mainly produced and accelerated in astrophysical sources. We report the latest precise measurements of the Ne, Mg, Si, and S individual spectra in the rigidity range from 2 GV to 3 TV by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer based on the data collected during its first 7 years of...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive Phase II upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). A new timing detector in CMS will measure minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with a time resolution of ~30-40 ps and hermetic coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of |η|=3. The precision...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model predict new phenomena which decay to jets. These are of particular interest at the LHC since new phenomena produced in parton collisions are likely to produce final states with (at least) two partons. This talk presents the latest 13 TeV ATLAS results, covering exclusive searches for dijet resonances along with searches for dijet events produced in...
We describe the program KKMC-hh, which calculates Z boson processes in hadronic collisions using coherent exclusive exponentiation (CEEX) with exact second-order photonic corrections at next-to-leading log and first-order weak vertex corrections, including initial and final state photonic radiation and initial-final interference. We describe current applications to precision forward-backward...
The sPHENIX experiment is the successor the PHENIX experiment at RHIC and is optimized to study heavy flavor and jets arising from heavy ion collisions. The detector utilizes advanced technologies such as a monolithic active pixel vertex detector while also repurposing technologies originally from other high energy experiments such as BaBar, ATLAS and ALICE. In this talk we will show the...
Novel CMS results in searches for “old" and new quarkonium-like states will be discussed.
We consider the extension of the CMW soft-gluon effective coupling in the context of soft-gluon resummation for QCD hard-scattering observables beyond the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We present two proposals of a soft-gluon effective coupling that extend the CMW coupling to all perturbative orders. Although both effective couplings are well-defined in the physical four-dimensional...
We present results of searches for massive vector-like top and bottom quark partners using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Single and pair production of vector-like quarks are studied, with decays into a variety of final states, containing top and bottom quarks, electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons. We search...
The CMS high-granularity endcap calorimeter (HGCAL) is a challenging detector that brings together tracking and calorimetry, silicon and scintillators, as well as linear collider detector concepts, to meet the harsh radiation and pileup environment of the High Luminosity LHC Phase (Phase 2) in the forward region and exploit challenging signatures such as VBF/VBS production. The HGCAL features...
In view of the J-PARC program of upgrades of the beam intensity, the T2K collaboration is preparing towards an increase of the exposure aimed at establishing leptonic CP violation at 3 $\sigma$ level for a significant fraction of the possible $\delta_{CP}$ values. To reach this goal, an upgrade of the T2K near detector ND280 will be installed at J-PARC in 2021, with the aim of reducing the...
I am going to report on recent study, at a qualitative level, production of jet pairs in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions within a framework combining High Energy Factorisation (HEF) and in-medium propagation of jet particles that takes into account stochastic transverse forces as well as medium-induced radiation. We find that the resulting di-jet observables feature the behaviour...
The ALICE detector at the LHC is undergoing major upgrades during the Long Shutdown 2 (2019/20). A new Inner Tracking System (ITS) is being installed and the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) has been equipped with new GEM-based read-out chambers. Together with the new front-end-electronics they will enable us to read out the TPC continuously and record the full minimum-bias interaction rate of 50...
The presence of a non-baryonic dark matter (DM) component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If dark matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model it would be produced at the LHC, escaping the detector and leaving a large missing transverse momentum as their signature. The ATLAS detector has developed a broad programme to directly search for...
Analysis of anisotropy of the arrival directions of galactic protons, electrons and positrons has been performed with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. These results allow to differentiate between point-like and diffuse sources of cosmic rays for the explanation of the observed excess of high energy positrons. The AMS results on the dipole anisotropy are...
Understanding the internal structure of the proton — that is, how it is built from its fundamental constituents, quarks and gluons — is one of the great challenges of modern high-energy physics. The three-dimensional distribution of quarks and gluons is encoded in terms of the so called generalized parton distributions (GPDs), and the most promising access to these functions is via the...
Ratios of isospin amplitudes in hadron decays are a useful probe of the interplay between weak and strong interactions, and allow searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. We present results on isospin amplitudes in b-baryon decays using proton-proton collision LHCb data collected at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV.
The study of the associated production of vector bosons and jets constitutes an excellent testbench to check numerous QCD predictions. Total and differential cross sections of vector bosons produced in association with jets have been studied in pp collisions at 7, 8 and 13 TeV center-of-mass energies. Differential distributions as function of a broad range of kinematical observables are...
Many extensions to the Standard Model predicts new particles decaying into two bosons (W, Z, photon, or Higgs bosons) making these important signatures in the search for new physics. Searches for such diboson resonances have been performed in different final states and new jet substructure techniques to disentangle the hadronic decay products in highly boosted configuration are being used....
The NOvA experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that uses the NuMI beam from Fermilab to detect both electron and muon flavored neutrinos in a Near Detector, located at Fermilab, and a Far Detector, located at Ash River, Minnesota. NOvA's primary physics goals include precision measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters, such as $\theta_{23}$ and the atmospheric...
To maintain and improve physics performance under the harsher conditions of the high luminosity LHC phase from 2026, the CMS collaboration has designed a novel endcap calorimeter that uses silicon sensors to achieve radiation tolerance, with the additional benefit of a very high readout granularity. In regions characterised by lower radiation levels, small scintillator tiles with individual...
As part of the preparations for the LHC Run 3 and 4, the ALICE experiment at CERN is making a thorough upgrade of the setup. In particular, all ALICE subsystems have to cope with the increased interaction rate of 50 kHz in Pb-Pb and up to 1 MHz in pp collisions. Comparing with Run 2, this is up to two orders of magnitude more collisions. The solution for the majority of ALICE detectors is to...
We review recent CMS results on hard probes of heavy ion collisions, including jet and electroweak boson production.
New CMS measurements of the Y(1S) pair production cross section at 13TeV and of the production of Y(nS) mesons in association with an electroweak boson will be discussed.
Many new physics models, e.g., compositeness, extra dimensions, extended Higgs sectors, supersymmetric theories, and dark sector extensions, are expected to manifest themselves in the final states with hadronic jets. This talk presents searches in CMS for new phenomena in the final states that include jets, focusing on the recent results obtained using the full Run-II data-set collected at the LHC.
The luminosity delivered to the experiments by the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to be at least five times the original design, exceeding the value of 5 × 10^34 cm^−2 s^−1. The detectors will therefore undergo critical upgrades to sustain the higher particle fluxes and improve the tracking and triggering performance. In the current CMS muon system, different...
The LHCb experiment is a flavour physics detector, designed to study decays of b and c hadrons for measurements of CP violation and rare decays. Its performance is based on precision tracking and particle-identification systems. In order to accomplish its wide program of physics measurements, the LHCb collaboration has developed in the past years a set of algorithms for reconstruction of the...
Cosmic Rays (CR) inside the Heliosphere are subject to the effects of the Solar Modulation, resulting from their interaction with the solar wind and with the interplanetary magnetic field. These effects are strongly related to the solar activity and lead to a temporal variation of the cosmic ray intensity near Earth for rigidities up to few tens of GV. Previous AMS results on proton and helium...
We discuss the improvements that the ILC can make in precision electroweak observables based on studies with the ILD detector concept. These include observables from WW production and radiative return to the Z at a centre of mass energy of 250 GeV, and from a dedicated stage of running at the Z pole. These improvements take advantage of the ILC capabilities for polarized electron and positron...
We analyse the high precision HERA $F_2$ data in the low-$x$, $x<0,01$, and very-low-$x$, $x<0.001$, regions using $\lambda$-fits. $\lambda$ is a measure of the rate of rise of $F_2$ defined by $F_2 \propto (1/x)^{\lambda}$. We show that $\lambda$ determined in these two regions, at various $Q^2$ values, is systematically smaller in the very-low-$x$ region as compared to the low-$x$...
In this talk, I will present the results of a recent search for fractionally charged particles using a data sample of proton-proton collisions provided by the CERN Large Hadron Collider in 2018. This search was carried out with a prototype scintillator-based detector, which allows the first sensitivity to particles with charges ≤0.1e at a hadron collider. The existence of new particles with...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded in several phases to significantly expand its physics program, and these upgrades present major challenges to the operations of the CMS cathode-strip-chamber muon system. After the current long shutdown from 2018-2020 (LS2) the accelerator luminosity will be increased to 2 − 3 10^34cm{−2}s{−1}, exceeding the design value of 10^{34}cm^{−2}s^{−1},...
The LHCb experiment at the LHC is designed to capture decays of b- and c-hadrons for the study of CP violation and rare decays. It has already had a transformative impact in the field of flavour physics as well as making many general purpose physics measurements in the forward region. At the end of Run-II, many of the LHCb measurements will remain statistically dominated. For this reason the...
I will present a new class of jet/event substructure observable called collinear drop and its use in the search for novel signatures of jet modifications and medium responses. It is demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations generated with Jewel how underlying jet-medium interactions can be systematically examined using collinear-drop observables. Studies using LEP open data and applications...
BESIII has collected data samples corresponding to luminosities of 2.93 fb-1 and 3.19 fb-1 at center-of-mass energies of 3.773 and 4.178 GeV, respectively. The data set collected at 3.773 GeV contains quantum-correlated D0D0bar pairs that allow access to the phase differences between amplitudes. We report the measurements of strong phase differences in D0 decays, including KS/L pi+ pi-, which...
The universal law of gravitation has undergone stringent tests for many decades over a significant range of length scales, from atomic to planetary. Of particular interest is the short distance regime, where modifications to Newtonian gravity may arise from axion-like particles or extra dimensions. We have constructed an ultra-sensitive force sensor based on optically-levitated microspheres...
The ICARUS collaboration employed the 760-ton T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratories studying neutrino oscillations with the CNGS neutrino beam from CERN, and searching for atmospheric neutrino interactions. ICARUS performed a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous $\nu_e$ appearance in the CNGS beam, which contributed to the constraints on...
We present a new determination of Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distributions obtained with the Parton Branching (PB) method at LO, NLO and NNLO. The PB TMDs are extracted from fits to precision DIS data using DGLAP splitting functions at leading and higher order. We extract both the collinear part and the transverse momentum dependent part of the parton densities.
In addition...
The ATLAS monitored drift tube (MDT) chambers are the main component of the precision tracking system in the ATLAS muon spectrometer. The MDT system is capable of measuring the sagitta of muon tracks to an accuracy of 60 μm, which corresponds to a momentum accuracy of about 10% at pT=1 TeV. To cope with large amount of data and high event rate expected from the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)...
The LHCb experiment is a detector at the LHC designed to capture decays of b- and c-hadrons for the study of CP violation and rare decays. At the end of Run-II, many of the LHCb measurements remain statistically dominated. For this reason the experiment is currently being transformed, in the Upgrade I programme, to run at higher luminosity from Run III onwards. The trigger scheme will be...
Using the full data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^{+} e^{-}$ collider, we report the first measurement of charm-mixing $y_{CP}$ in $D^{0}$ decays to the CP-odd final state $K_{S}^{0} \omega$. We present a Dalitz-plot analysis of the three-body decay $D^{0}\to K^{-} \pi^{+} \eta$. Along with these, we present other results related to charm physics at Belle.
MicroBooNE is a neutrino experiment based at Fermilab that utilizes a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) located on-axis in the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab. One of the experiment’s main goals is to search for excess low-energy electromagnetic-like events as seen by the MiniBooNE experiment, located just downstream of MicroBooNE in the BNB. This talk will...
The vertex detector at Belle II has four outer layers of silicon strip detectors (SVD) and two inner pixel layers (PXD) at a distance of 14 and 22 mm to the interaction point. The PXD is based on DEPFET technology, which combines signal generation and first amplification in a single device and allows for the construction of a very light-weight device. The material budget of a single layer...
New CMS measurements of prompt D*+, D+ and D0 production cross sections at 13TeV are presented together with novel studies of the production of excited Bc states carried out with full Run-II data.
A phenomenological study of the isolated photon production in high energy pp and pA collisions at RHIC and LHC energies is performed. Using the color dipole approach we investigate the productioncross section differential in the transverse momentum of the photon considering three different phenomenological models for the universal dipole cross section. We also present the...
The electronics of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) DT (Drift Tubes) chambers will need to be replaced for the HL-LHC (High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider) operation due to the increase of occupancy and trigger rates in the detector, which cannot be sustained by present system. A system is being designed that will forward asynchronously the totality of the chambers signals to the control...
Many physics analyses using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the LHC require accurate, high resolution electron and photon energy measurements. Excellent energy resolution is crucial for studies of Higgs boson decays with electromagnetic particles in the final state, as well as searches for very high mass resonances decaying to energetic photons or electrons. The CMS electromagnetic...
The effect of neutrino quantum decoherence has attracted a growing interest during the last 15 years. Most of already performed corresponding studies deal with searches of neutrino quantum decoherence in terrestrial reactor and solar neutrino experiments (see, for example, [1]). The forthcoming new large volume neutrino detectors (e.g. JUNO, DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande), will provide a new...
Measurements of the four-lepton invariant mass spectrum are made with the ATLAS detector, using proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV delivered by the Large Hadron Collider. The measurement is done selecting events that contain two same-flavour opposite-sign lepton pairs. The four-lepton mass exhibits a rich structure, with different mass regions dominated by single Z production, Higgs...
Low emittance muon beams are central to the development of facilities such as a Neutrino Factory or a Muon Collider. The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) was designed to demonstrate and study the cooling of muon beams. Several million individual muon tracks have been recorded passing through a liquid hydrogen or a lithium hydride absorber. Beam sampling routines were...
A search for decays of the Higgs boson in the final state with two leptons (electrons or muons) and a photon produced in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector is presented. Estimates of Higgs boson signal and background contributions are performed for the three-body invariant mass distribution of the di-lepton plus photon system. Background estimates and...
New resonances decaying into pairs of quarks or gluons appear in a variety of new physics models from simple gauge extensions of the standard model to Grand Unified Theories. The dijet final state at high transverse momentum can probe the highest energies reached in a collider experiment. This corresponds to the largest reach in mass for the production of new particles. Some BSM particles may...
We consider a version of Left-Right Symmetric Model in which the scalar sector consists of a Higgs bidoublet ($\Phi$) with $B-L=0$, Higgs doublets ($H_{L,R}$) with $B-L=1$ and a charged scalar ($\delta^+$) with $B-L=2$ leading to radiatively generated Majorana masses for neutrinos and thereby, leads to new physics contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu \beta \beta$). We show...
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal), as a substantial part of the hadronic calorimeter system of the ATLAS detector, records energy deposits and jointly with other calorimeters reconstructs hadrons, jets, tau-particles and missing transverse energy. It also assists in muon identification. The TileCal is the hadronic sampling calorimeter, which is constructed out of alternating iron absorber...
High-statistics, precision measurements by AMS of the daily cosmic-ray electron fluxes from May 2011 to December 2018 are presented. Detailed comparison of these fluxes with the daily fluxes of other cosmic rays measured by AMS results in several new and surprising observations.
Highly brilliant muon beams for a muon collider can be made from the bombardment of protons against a target producing pions, which subsequently decay into muons. Such a muon beam occupies a large phase-space volume and must be cooled to achieve luminosities suitable for a muon collider. The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) has demonstrated transverse ionization cooling. A muon...
With the rapidly increasing proton-proton collision data-set recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, one gains access to Higgs bosons produced with ever higher transverse momenta. Measurements in this phase space are well motivated by a vast variety of BSM models which predict effects that scale with the square of the involved energy scale. The associated production of a Higgs boson H...
This poster presents a search for pair-produced scalar leptoquarks decaying to leptons and hadronic top quarks using 139 fb-1 of data recorded by the ATLAS detector at √s = 13 TeV. As well as being predicted by various extensions of the Standard Model to describe the similarity between the quark and lepton sectors, leptoquarks provide a promising explanation for anomalies observed in both the...
In the CMS endcap region, muon reconstruction in the Level-1 (L1) trigger is not straightforward because of the non-uniform magnetic field, high pile-up and punch-through interactions. However, the new muon detectors and the upgraded trigger processing capabilities proposed for the Phase-2 upgrade will allow the implementation of novel techniques that successfully address these challenges. For...
The flavour-changing neutral currents of the rare decays $B^{0}_s \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-$ provide a favourable environment to observe new physics. The study of these decays, using the data collected by the ATLAS detector, is presented. Their branching ratios are measured relative to the reference decay mode $B^{+/-} \rightarrow J/\psi K^{+/-}$, which is abundant and has a well-measured...
We study the new physics contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) in a TeV scale left-right model with spontaneous D-parity breaking mechanism where the values of the $SU(2)_L$ and $SU(2)_R$ gauge couplings, $g_L$ and $g_R$ are unequal. Neutrino mass is generated in the model via gauge extended inverse seesaw mechanism. We embed the model in a non-supersymmetric...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. This sampling device uses steel plates as absorber and scintillating tiles as active medium and its response is calibrated to electromagnetic scale by means of several dedicated calibration systems.
The accurate time calibration is important for the energy reconstruction,...
Analysis details concerning the new CMS measurement of CP Violation in
B0s to J/psi phi decay with 2017 and 2018 13TeV data will be presented.
The High-Luminosity LHC will open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the standard model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. Such precision measurements and searches require information-rich datasets with a statistical power that matches the high-luminosity provided by the Phase-2 upgrade of the...
Compositeness models are a popular explanation for the observed three generations of standard model (SM) particles. One consequence of compositeness would be the observation of excited leptons, such as excited electrons, e, or excited muons, mu. At the LHC such particles could be produced in pp collisions under the assumption that leptons are composite objects. Produced excited leptons are...
The observation of neutrino oscillations indicates that lepton flavour violation (LFV) occurs in nature and that lepton flavour is not an exact symmetry. However, no observation has been made in the charged sector, which would be a clear indication of physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). There are BSM models which predict LFV decays of the Higgs boson into a pair of leptons with different...
Emittance reduction of muon beams is an important requirement in the design of a next-generation Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider. Ionization cooling has been proposed to meet this requirement, whereby beam emittance is reduced by passing a beam through absorbing material. Tight focussing is required in both horizontal planes, which is achieved in many designs using solenoid focussing....
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector under construction in China,which is designed to primarily determine the neutrino Mass Hierarchy(MH) by detecting reactor anti-neutrinos via inverse beta decay.JUNO energy response is strongly position-dependant due to the detector structure and dimension.The energy resolution should be <3%/ (the...
A global fit to current $b\rightarrow s\,l^+\,l^-$ data suggest several new physics solutions. Considering only one operator at a time and new physics in the muon sector, it has been shown that the new physics scenarios (I) $C_9^{\rm NP}<0$, (II) $C_{9}^{\rm NP} = -C_{10}^{\rm NP}$, (III) $C_9^{\rm NP} = -C_9^{\rm 'NP}$ can account for all data in this sector. In order to discriminate...
Accuracy and latency are crucial to the trigger system in high luminosity particle physics experiments. We investigate the usage of deep neural networks (DNN) to improve the accuracy of the muon track segment reconstruction process at the trigger level. Track segments, made by hits within a detector module, are the initial partial reconstructed objects which are the typical building blocks for...
Ultraperipheral lead-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV produce such very large photon fluxes that the fundamental, and very rare, quantum-mechanical process of Light-by-light (LbyL) scattering can be observed. The studies of LbyL scattering in ultraperipheral PbPb collisions data collected during the 2015 and 2018 LHC runs will be presented, using samples corresponding to...
Inflation as the intersection of cosmology and high energy physics will be studied in this manuscript. Among many inflationary models we consider the one with a logarithmic scale factor, called logamediate inflation. On the other hand, the idea of extra dimensions in cosmology is closely related to high energy physics and here, we are interested in studying the logamediate inflationary...
The High-Luminosity LHC will open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the Standard Model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment is planning to replace entirely its trigger and data acquisition system to achieve this ambitious physics program. Efficiently...
The study of the associated production of W and Z bosons is performed in proton-proton collisions using data collected by the CMS experiment. WZ production is one of the dominant multiboson production processes at the LHC energies. Thus, a good understanding of this process improves our understanding of the Standard Model. Inclusive cross section measurements and differential cross section...
A class of relativistic solutions for compact cold objects with strange quark matter in a pseudo-spheroidal space-time is presented here. Considering strange matter equation of state namely, $p = \frac{1}{3}(\rho-4B)$, where $\rho$, $p$ and $B$ are energy density, pressure and MIT Bag parameter respectively, stellar models are obtained. Stellar models are explored where the Bag parameter...
We present improved determinations of |Vus| with tau decays relying on the HFLAV tau branching fractions global fit results. Precision improvements come from using recent resuts from BaBar and recent evaluations with lattice of the electromagnetic (e.m.) and strong isospin-breaking corrections to the π+→μ+ν[γ] and K+→μ+ν[γ] leptonic decay rates. A third determination of |Vus| has been added to...
The very forward region of a detector at future e+e- collider is the one of the most challenging regions to instrument. A luminometer – compact calorimeter dedicated for precision measurement of the integrated luminosity at a permille level or better is needed. Here we review a feasibility of such precision at CEPC, considering detector mechanical precision and beam-related requirements. We...
Luminosity measurements in ATLAS are provided primarily by LUCID detector, but rely on other detectors for determining the systematics associated with this measurement. The Tile Calorimeter, the central hadronic calorimeter at the ATLAS experiment, plays an especially important role because the Tile luminosity measurement is independent of pileup, a feature shared with the Track counting...
The Model Unspecific Search in CMS (MUSiC) analysis searches for anomalies in data that can be probed for new physics phenomena based purely on the comparison of the recorded data to the expectation according to the standard model (SM), obtained from simulations. Events selected with at least one lepton are classified into several hundred event classes based on their final state topology,...
Searching for the cosmological origin, constituents and the interactions of dark matter
has been a great challenge to the fundamental science today. With the motivation of connecting dark matter phenomenology with neutrino, we have chosen inverse seesaw ISS (2,3) framework which is the extension of the standard model by the addition of two right handed neutrinos and three sterile fermions....
The measurement of the top-quark anomalous electromagnetic couplings is one of the most
important goals of the top-quark physics program in the present and future collider experiments.
This would provide direct information on the non-standard interactions of the top-quark. We study
a top-quark pair production scenario at the Future Circular Hadron-Electron Collider (FCC-he)
through $e^-p...
The CMS experiment has greatly benefited from the utilization of the particle-flow (PF) algorithm for the offline reconstruction of the data. The Phase II upgrade of the CMS detector for the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) includes the introduction of tracking in the Level-1 trigger, thus offering the possibility of developing a simplified PF algorithm in the Level-1 trigger. We...
We discuss the CP-violating effects at partonic level arising due to anomalous Wtb vertices at the Large Hadron Collider in the semileptonic decay modes of the top-quark for the ttbar events at the LHC. Limits on these anomalous couplings are also discussed for the 13 TeV LHC energy run. The improvements over these estimates for the forthcoming HL-LHC with 14 and 27 TeV and FCC-hh with 100...
Since the detection of neutrinos emitted by the supernova SN 1987A, no neutrinos from other supernovae have been observed to date.
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) will be capable of measuring the neutrino burst from a galactic supernova explosion. High statistics, a low detection threshold and an excellent energy resolution will strongly constrain the details of the...
Data Analysis Methods from High Energy Particle Physics (HEP) have applications well beyond fundamental research or the obvious industrial use cases. We would like to present the results of two project together with the UNICEF hosted End Violence Against Children (EVAC) Global Partnership and the Terre des Hommes (TdH) Innovation Prize project ChildHub. We used HEP data analysis inspired...
Organic liquid scintillator (LS) is a common choice for detectors precisely measuring energy of electron antineutrinos. Accurate knowledge of the relation between scintillation light response and the energy deposited by a particle is essential for determination of the antineutrino energy. The response is not exactly linear. Deviation from the LS linearity is the subject of the presented...
The precise measurement of the luminosity is one of the key requirements for every ATLAS analysis at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Particularly in high precision experiments, the uncertainty on the luminosity can be one of the main limitations. Therefore, its reduction is the prime goal of the ATLAS luminosity program, requiring a precise understanding of the contributing factors....
We present an analysis of a neutrino flux evolution in an extreme astrophysical environment peculiar to supernovae accounting for effects of an arbitrarily moving media and a strong magnetic field. For neutrinos propagating inside a supernova the resonances in the flavour and spin-flavour oscillations engendered by the neutrino magnetic moment interaction with a magnetic field and weak...
A search for lepton flavour violating (LFV) decays of the Higgs boson to a muon and a tau, denoted as $\mu\tau$ and an electron and a tau, denoted as $e\tau$ will be presented. A dataset of $137 fb^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS detector in Run II, at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=13TeV$ is being used to perform the search. The dominant background contributions...
A long standing discrepancy between the results of exclusive and inclusive measurements of the CKM matrix element |Vub| exists. The charmless semileptonic decay B → πlν̄ is one of the most accessible and powerful channels for determining |Vub| in exclusive modes at e+ e− B-factories. Using data from the Belle II experiment, a new precision measurement of |Vub| becomes possible. In preparation...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations as well as the Environmental, Social and corporate Governance (ESGs) are central factors in measuring the sustainability and societal impact of an action or an investment. Following research on sustainable investment with the Global Humanitarian Lab (GHL) we are analysing partnerships and collaborations between United Nations...
During Run 2, LHC delivered instantaneous luminosities of $\approx 10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s}=13\; {\rm TeV}$. This permitted monitoring of the luminosity over a time granularity as short as $60\;{\rm s}$, using the counts of $Z\rightarrow \ell \ell$ events reconstructed by selecting two, well-idenfitied high $p_T$ electrons or muons in the invariant mass range of $66 < m_{\ell...
We develop the approach to the problem of neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field introduced in [1] and extend it to the case of three neutrino generations. The theoretical framework suitable for computation of the Dirac neutrino spin, flavour and spin-flavour oscillations probabilities in a magnetic field is given. The closed analytic expressions for the probabilities of oscillations are...
Several gravitational-wave (GW) events have been observed by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors. Providing a connection between neutrino emission and GW bursts is obviously important for understanding the underlying physical processes associated with GW creation. The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is designed for measuring the neutrino mixing angle theta13 using reactor antineutrinos...
The Mu3e experiment is a novel experiment to search for the lepton flavour violating (LFV) decay $\mu^{+}\rightarrow e^{+}e^{+}e^{-}$, with an ultimate sensitivity to a branching ratio of one in 2 $\times 10^{15}$ in phase I and one in $10^{16}$ muon decays for phase II, at 90 $\%$ CL. This would be an improvement in sensitivity by four orders of magnitude compared to previous searches by the...
It is believed that the running (for instance, COHERENT) and forthcoming terrestrial neutrino experiments will be sensitive to the neutrino charge radius [1] that is one of the neutrino fundamental electromagnetic characteristics [2] predicted [3] to be non-zero even in the Standard Model. In this work we derive the neutrino evolution equation accounting for charge radii for the case of the...
With the continued down scaling of devices and structure changed to 3-dimensional, new engineering processes are in great demand. Microwave surfatron plasma is considered new plasma source because it enables very low-temperature deposition and good quality due to its low electron temperature and higher plasma density. For adopting surfatron plasma source to new vacuum chamber, it is essential...
A project of the OLVE-HERO space detector is proposed for CR measurement in the range ${10}^{12}$-${10}^{16}$ eV and will include a large ionization-neutron 3D calorimeter with a high granularity and geometric factor of ~16 ${m}^{2}٠sr$. The 3D structure of the calorimeter will allow registering CR particles coming from different directions. As the main OLVE-HERO...
The Scotogenic model is a minimal extension of Standard Model by three neutral singlet fermions($N_{k}$) and an inert scalar doublet($\eta$) which are $Z_{2}$ odd.Considering this model,we choose the lightest neutral scalar($\eta_{0}$) as the DM candidate with its mass lying in the intermediate mass range,i.e $M_{W}$ < $M_{DM}$ $\leq $550 GeV to show relic abundance and the lightest of $N_{k}$...
The LHeC and the FCC-eh offer fascinating, unique possibilities for discovering BSM physics in DIS, both due to their large centre-of-mass energies and high luminosities. In this talk we will review most recent studies as presented in the 2020 LHeC White Paper. We will show the prospects for observing extensions of the Higgs sectors both with charged and neutral scalars, anomalous Higgs...
CMS wishes to enable anyone to feel and interact with the gigantism of high energy experiments. For this purpose, we develop a light application downloadable on most smartphone that can render 3D and 360° immersive impression.
Thanks to existing developments of 3D representation of CMS (iSpy, CMS sketchup, 3D drawing of CMS cavern), we are already able to provide an application on specific...
The LHeC and the FCC-eh will open a new realm in our understanding of nuclear structure and the dynamics in processes involving nuclei, in an unexplored kinematic domain. In this talk we will review the most recent studies as shown in the update of the 2012 LHeC CDR to be delivered in March 2020. We will discuss the determination of nuclear parton densities in the framework of global fits and...
Phenomenologically relevant electroweak precision pseudo-observables related to the Z-boson physics are discussed in the context of strong experimental demands of future e+e- colliders.
The recent completion of two-loop Z-boson results is summarized and a prospect for the 3-loop SM calculation of the Z-boson decay pseudo-observables is given.
A simple, efficient, safe to use but also affordable fast neutron spectroscopy system is of paramount importance for many scientific and industrial communities. 3He based detectors provide a solution that fulfils most of the requirements but its high demand in combination with its scarcity created a worldwide shortage and efforts are focused on finding an alternative solution. A number of...
One of the main challenges for the LIGO-Virgo Observation Run 3 (O3), 12 months of data taking plus a 1-month commissioning break between April 2019 and April 2020 – was to deliver reliable and timely public alerts to a large community of astronomers looking for counterparts of the gravitational-wave candidate signals. In this talk, I will describe the way such public alerts have been...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for a future electron-positron collider operating at centre-of-mass energies of up to 3 TeV. CLIC would be built and operated in a staged approach with three centre-of-mass energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV, and 3 TeV. This presentation focusses on unique opportunities at the multi-TeV stages in the area of Higgs...
Exclusive semileptonic b-hadron decays are under good theoretical control, which allows for precise determinations of the CKM matrix elements Vcb and Vub. The large production of Bs mesons at the LHC allows LHCb to provide complementary information with respect to the B-factories in this sector. The latest LHCb results on CKM matrix element determination and related measurements are presented.
The production of multiple weak vector bosons at the LHC constitutes a stringent test of the electroweak sector and provide a model-independent means to search for new physics at the TeV scale. In this talk, we present the latest results from the ATLAS experiment for multi-boson production in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV. The measurements exploit both the leptonic and hadronic decays...
Right-handed neutrinos with MeV to GeV mass are very promising candidates for dark matter (DM). Not only can they solve the missing satellite puzzle, the cusp-core problem of inner DM density profiles, and the too-big-to fail problem, i.e. that the unobserved satellites are too big to not have visible stars, but they can also account for the Standard Model (SM) neutrino masses at one loop. We...
The SHiP Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator with the aim of searching for light, long-lived exotic particles of Hidden Sector models. The SHiP experiment incorporates a muon shield based on magnetic sweeping and two complementary apparatuses. The detector immediately downstream of the muon shield is...
Detectors based on Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond have been used successfully in beam conditions monitors in the highest radiation areas of the LHC. Future experiments at CERN will to accumulate an order of magnitude larger fluence. As a result, an enormous effort is underway to identify detector materials that will operate after fluences of >10^{16}/cm^2.
Diamond is one candidate...
The CMS experiment at the LHC is equipped with a high granularity lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) offering an excellent energy resolution. The ECAL was crucial in the discovery and subsequent characterization of the Higgs boson, particularly in the two photon and two Z boson decay channels. The LHC has reached an unprecedented luminosity during Run 2 (2016-2018),...
In October 2017, IFIC (joint center of CSIC and the University of Valencia) launched the Office of Young Researchers, Gender and Diversity (Jóvenes Investigadores, Género y Diversidad, JIGD). The main objective of this pioneering initiative is to try to eliminate the discrimination or harassment that may take place in the Institute, ensuring equal opportunities for all its members and favoring...
Elastic scattering is usually described by the $t$-channel exchange of a $C$-even state (the “Pomeron”) that contributes equally to the $pp$ and $p\bar{p}$ cross sections. QCD also predicts the exchange of a sub-dominant $C$-odd state (the “Odderon”) that has opposite sign in the $pp$ and $p\bar{p}$ amplitudes and that QCD describes as a three-gluon state at leading order. At TeV energies...
Beam optics control in the HL-LHC will present significant challenges, relating to the extremely low-$\beta^*$ in the two main experiments: ATLAS and CMS. The luminosity delivered to the experiments during the first several hours of HL-LHC fills will be kept constant via $\beta^*$-levelling. Such an extensive optimisation will require the commissioning of a large number of optical...
Liquid argon (LAr) sampling calorimeters are employed by ATLAS for all electromagnetic calorimetry in the pseudo-rapidity region |η| < 3.2, and for hadronic and forward calorimetry in the region from |η| = 1.5 to |η| = 4.9. In the first LHC run a total luminosity of 27 fb−1 has been collected at center-of-mass energies of 7-8 TeV. After detector consolidation during a long shutdown, Run-2...
As nuclear and high energy facilities around the world are upgraded and move to higher and higher intensities, the detectors in use at these facilities must become more radiation tolerant. Diamond is a material in use at many facilities due to its inherent radiation tolerance and ease of use. We present the results of recent radiation tolerance measurements of the highest quality...
A key ingredient to searches for new physics in the flavor sector are precise theoretical predictions derived from the Standard Model. Due to its large mass and long lifetime processes involving $b$ quarks are of particular interest. Focusing at the nonperturbative QCD contributions, we carry out lattice QCD simulations with the focus on semileptonic $B_{(s)}$ decays. We present results on our...
The E989 Muon $g-2$ Experiment at Fermilab aims to measure the muon magnetic anomaly, $a_\mu$, more precisely than the previous experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory. There stands a greater than 3 standard deviations discrepancy between the Brookhaven measurement of $a_\mu$ and the theoretical value predicted using the Standard Model. The Fermilab experiment seeks to either resolve or...
The ENUBET experiment (*) aims at demonstrating the feasibility of a ``monitored'' neutrino beam, in which the absolute normalization of the neutrino flux produced by a narrow band meson beam can be constrained at the 1% level. The electron neutrino component is determined by monitoring large-angle positrons from Ke3 decays in a 40 m long instrumented decay tunnel (tagger). The measurement of...
The most important pillar in the physics case of future electron-positron colliders in high energy physics is the measurement of the Higgs boson, with its main goal to precisely measure the its properties and to probe potential of associated new physics. All next generation electron positron facilities in high energy physics will make use of the Higgstrahlung Higgs production channel. The...
Nowadays, detector display software applications are playing an important role in particle physics experiments. There is a wide range of different requirements for the application, starting from Outreach's virtual reality and education, to representation of physical events for the analysis. Another important requirement, coming from users, is an easy way to access applications, which means no...
During Run 2, the simulation of physics events at LHCb has taken about 80% of the distributed computing resources available to the experiment. The large increase in luminosity and trigger rates with the upgraded detector in Run 3 will require much larger simulated samples to match the increase of collected data. About 50% of the overall CPU time in the simulation of physics events is spent in...
Following the successful initial phase of the Gamma Factory (GF)
R&D studies—showing that atomic beams can be efficiently produced
and accelerated in the CERN rings up to the top LHC energy—the GF
collaboration proposes, as the next R&D phase, a Proof-of-Principle (PoP)
experiment to study collisions of the laser photons with
partially stripped ions at the SPS. Following the...
We present the comprehensive study of shadowing in deep-inelastic scattering off nuclei in kinematical regions accessible by future experiments at electron-ion colliders.
The calculations of shadowing are performed within the color dipole formalism using a rigorous Green function technique. This allows incorporating naturally the effects of quantum coherence and color transparency, which are...
The CMS collaboration, one of the largest collaborations in high-energy physics, formed a Diversity Office (DO) under a mandate from its collaboration board in 2017. We present here the efforts of the CMS DO in fulfilling its mandate to improve diversity and inclusion (D&I) within the CMS Collaboration. These efforts include tracking and analyzing statistics about CMS demographics,...
Sterile neutrinos with mass in the eV-scale and large mixings
of order θ_0 ≃ 0.1 could explain some anomalies found in
short-baseline neutrino oscillation data. We consider
a neutrino portal scenario in which eV-scale sterile neutrinos
have self-interactions via a new gauge vector boson φ. Their
production in the early Universe via mixing with active
neutrinos can be suppressed by the...
We present the search for heavy triboson production, specifically targeting the production of WWW, WWZ, WZZ and ZZZ processes in multileptonic final states with 137 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected by the CMS detector during Run II of the LHC at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV. An event selection consisting of identically charged dileptons and trileptons is constructed to primarily study the WWW process, while...
We discuss the possibility to use the $pp \to pp \phi$ and $pp \to pp \phi \phi$ reactions in identifying the odderon exchange. So far there is no unambiguous experimental evidence for the odderon, the charge conjugation C = -1 counterpart of the C = +1 pomeron, introduced on theoretical grounds in [1]. Last year results of the TOTEM collaboration [2] suggest that the odderon exchange can be...
We present the design and preliminary tests of a resistive plate device built with techniques developed for micro-pattern gaseous detectors.
It consists in two equal electrode plates made of FR4 substrate with 250 Cu readout strips. A 50 $\mu$m insulating foil, carrying resistive lines, is glued on top of the substrate. Both the Cu and the resistive strips have a pitch of 400 $\mu$m and...
Precision measurements of $V_{ub}$ and $V_{cb}$ play a central role in precision tests of the CKM sector of the Standard Model and complement direct measurements of CP violation of B meson decays. In this talk, we present first studies for measuring $V_{ub}$ and $V_{cb}$ with semileptonic decays using collision events recorded at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance by the Belle II experiment. Belle...
Hadron production measurements are crucial for helping long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments constrain their beam flux uncertainties. These uncertainties represent a leading systematic uncertainty on measured neutrino oscillation parameters. At the NA61/SHINE experiment on CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron, interactions of charged hadrons with various materials relevant to neutrino...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a sampling hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment, with steel as absorber and plastic scintillators as active medium. The scintillators are read-out by the wavelength shifting fibres coupled to the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The analogue signals from the PMTs are amplified, shaped, digitized by sampling the signal every 25...
A wide range of gas mixtures is used for the operation of different gaseous detectors at the CERN LHC experiments. Some gases, as C2H2F4, CF4, C4F10 and SF6, are greenhouse gases (GHG) with high global warming potential and therefore subject to a phase down policy affecting the market with price increase and reduced availability.
The reduction of GHG emissions is an objective of paramount...
We present an overview of the phenomenological implications of the theory of resummed quantum gravity. We discuss its prediction for the cosmological constant in the context of the Planck scale cosmology of Bonanno and Reuter, its relationship to Weinberg's asymptotic safety idea, and its relationship to Weinberg's soft graviton resummation theorem. We also discuss constraints and consistency...
Exclusive and diffractive physics measurements are important for better understanding of the non-perturbative regime of QCD. Recent results of the CMS and TOTEM experiments are presented in this talk. The total and differential cross sections of central exclusive pi+pi- production are measured at 5.02 and 13 TeV in the pT(pi) > 0.2 GeV and |eta(pi)| < 2.4 kinematic region. The invariant mass...
In Nov 2018, CEPC CDR was cpmpleted and released publicly. In May 2019 CEPC strategy
plan was submitted to European high energy physics strategy meeting fo rdiscussion.Since the formal enetring into the CEPC accelerator TDR phase, many progresses have been made in optimization designs, hardware R&D, industrialization, such as high efficiency klystron, SC accelerator system, magnets, vacuum...
Future linear e+e- colliders aim for extremely high precision measurements.
To achieve this, not only excellent detectors and well controlled machine conditions
are needed, but also the best possible estimate of backgrounds. To avoid that lacking
channels and too low statistics becomes a major source of systematic errors
in data-MC comparisons, all SM channels with the potential to yield...
There are some universally acknowledged problems in school sciences. Across the developed countries worldwide, young people are not interested in studying STEM-subjects. Whether that is because of perceived lack of personal relevance, disconnect from the actual fields of study, "sanitized" school practices or other factors is up to debate, but it is eminently clear that as educators we have to...
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are gaseous ionisation detectors that are employed by the Level-1 muon trigger system in the barrel region of the ATLAS muon spectrometer. The Level-1 muon trigger system selects muon candidates that are produced in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Muon candidates are associated by the Level-1 system with the correct LHC bunch...
Micromegas are among the most promising micro pattern gaseous detector (MPGD) technologies for applications in high energy physics (HEP). Micromegas are very versatile. They can be used for precision tracking and trigger, in particle flow calorimetry sampling, as anode planes for RICH detectors or for time projection chambers.
Driven mainly by future upgrades of existing experiments at...
The precision measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon presently exhibits a 3.5σ discrepancy with the Standard Model (SM) prediction. In the next few years this measurement will reach an even higher precision at Fermilab and J-PARC. While the QED and electroweak contributions to the muon g-2 can be determined very precisely, the leading hadronic (HLO) correction is affected by...
We present results on the first full 4-dimensional angular analysis of the $B -> D^* l \nu$ and $B -> D l \nu$ decays, using the $e^+e^-$ collision dataset collected by the $BABAR$ experiment at the $\Upsilon(4S)$resonance. One $B$ meson from the $\Upsilon(4S)\to B\bar{B}$ decay is fully reconstructed in a hadronic decay mode which constrains the kinematics and provides a precise...
Considering the relatively large value of the last measured neutrino mixing angle θ13, the way is now open to observe for the first time a possible CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measured value of θ13 also privileges the 2nd oscillation maximum for the discovery of CP violation instead of the usually used 1st oscillation maximum. The sensitivity at this 2nd oscillation maximum is...
z-Scaling of inclusive spectra as a manifestation of self-similarity and fractality of hadron interactions is illustrated. The scaling for negative particle production in Au+Au collisions from BES-I at RHIC is demonstrated. The scaling variable z depends on momentum fractions of colliding objects carried by the interacting constituents and momentum fractions of the scattered and recoil...
So far light-by-light scattering ($\gamma \gamma \to \gamma \gamma$) was not accessible for experiments because the corresponding cross section is rather low. Measurements of diphotons in ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) of lead-lead have been reported recently by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. Our theoretical results based on equivalent photon approximation in the impact parameter space...
Carbon nanostructures offer exciting new possibilities in the detection of light dark matter. A dark matter particle with mass between 1 MeV and 1 GeV scattering off an electron in the Carbon lattice would transfer sufficient energy to eject the electron from the surface. In aligned Carbon nanotubes the ejected electron travels along the tube axis without being reabsorbed, and exits the carbon...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), a 40-kton fiducial mass underground liquid argon time projection chamber experiment, will be sensitive to the electron-neutrino-flavor component of the burst of neutrinos expected from the next Galactic core-collapse supernova. Such an observation will bring unique insight into the astrophysics of core collapse as well as into the properties of...
Creating pathways to accelerate gender parity, and inviting more women and girls to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) continues to be a challenge in today’s world. Large international collaborations are an obvious place where diverse groups work together, embracing differences and celebrating their richness. Therefore, it’s critical that they take steps to combat...
The electron-ion collider, EIC, has been been identified as the top priority new construction project in the latest NSAC long range plan in the US and is was very favorably reviewed by the National Academy of sciences. Recently, it received critical decision 0 (mission need) status by the DOE and Brookhaven National Lab was chosen as the site to host the EIC. The EIC will collide intense beams...
ATLAS is the first LHC collaboration releasing data recorded at 13 TeV centre-of- mass energy. Billions of real events that correspond to proton-proton collisions recorded in 2016 are accompanied by several orders of magnitude more events of simulated samples of Standard Model processes and New Physics hypothetical processes. We intend to show the development of this open educational project...
Mass-split composite Higgs models naturally accommodate the experimental observation of a light 125 GeV Higgs boson and predict a large scale separation to other heavier resonances. We explore the SU(3) gauge system with four light (massless) and six heavy (massive) flavors by performing numerical simulations. Since the underlying system with degenerate and massless ten flavors is infrared...
FASER, the Forward Search Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is an experiment aiming to search for light, weakly-interacting new particles. The particle detector will be located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point. In addition to searches for new particles, we proposed a new detector (FASER$\nu$) to study neutrinos at the highest man-made energies and got approval by...
In 2019-2020, the first of the CMS gas electron multiplier (GEM) systems, GE1/1, was installed into the CMS muon endcaps, to be fully operational by Run 3. This represents the first of three major GEM-based additions into CMS, to be followed in future runs by GE2/1 and the very forward muon tagger ME0. R&D for these two future systems is currently well under way, with a focus on eliminating...
The observed muon anomalous magnetic moment deviates from the Standard
Model (SM) predictions. There are two scalar leptoquarks with simultaneous cou-
plings to the quark-muon pairs of both chiralities that can singly explain this discrepancy. We discuss an alternative mechanism that calls for mixing of two scalar leptoquarks of the same electric charge through the interaction with the Higgs...
The expected increase in simultaneous collisions creates a challenge for accurate particle track reconstruction in High Luminosity LHC experiments. Similar challenges can be seen in non-HEP trajectory reconstruction use-cases, where tracking and track evaluation algorithms are used. High occupancy, track density, complexity and fast growth therefore exponentially increase the demand of...
The alignment of the CMS muon detector is critical to maintaining accurate position determination of muon hits, thereby affecting momentum resolution and the sensitivity of physics analyses involving muons in the final state. Muon track data from both the muon system and the inner tracker is used to perform a multidimensional fit on the misalignment degrees of freedom. Several new capabilities...
Flavour physics represents a unique test bench for the Standard Model (SM). New analyses performed at the LHC experiments are now providing unprecedented insights into CKM metrology and new results for rare decays. The CKM picture can provide very precise SM predictions through global analyses.
We present here the results of the latest global SM analysis performed by the UTfit collaboration...
Upgrading the SuperKEKB e+e- collider with a polarized e- beam is under consideration as it enables a new program of precision electroweak and other physics at 10.6 GeV, thereby opening exciting new windows in search of new physics. Measurements of left-right asymmetries ($A_{LR}$) of e+e- transitions to pairs of muons, c- and b-quarks would yield substantial improvements to the determinations...
Recent studies show that initial state fluctuations have important contributions to the collective medium form on small collisions systems at LHC energies. In general fluctuations of the initial state should play an important role for small collision systems since in general, their effects increase as the system size reduces. In this work, we present a study of the contribution of the initial...
Higgs production cross sections at LHeC (FCC-eh) energies are as large as (larger than) those at future $Z-H$ $e^+e^-$ colliders. This provides alternative and complementary ways to obtain very precise measurements of the Higgs couplings, primarily from luminous, charged current DIS. Recent results for LHeC and FCC-eh, as contained in the 2020 LHeC White paper, are shown and their combination...
New sources of CP violation, beyond the known sources in the standard model (SM), are required to explain the baryon asymmetry of the universe. Measurement of a non-zero permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of fundamental particles, such as in an electron or a neutron, or nuclei or atoms can help us gain a handle on the sources of CP violation, both in SM and beyond. Multiple mechanisms...
Our immediate familiar natural world as well as the universe beyond, are "quantum-entangled" from the microscopic to the macroscopic scale, from the "inner" to the "outer" dimensions. This fundamental "quantum entanglement" can be harnessed to sense and probe extremely "weak" processes in nature around us, to create novel materials and to probe and sense signals left over from the very "early"...
The largest phase-1 upgrade project for the ATLAS Muon System is the replacement of the present first station in the forward regions with the New Small Wheels (NSWs). The NSWs consist of two detector technologies: Micromegas (MM) and small-strip Thin-Gap Chamber (sTGC). The sTGC chambers will be used as both trigger and precision tracking muon detectors in the high background environment of...
The physics program proposed by circular and linear e+e− colliders at the electroweak and TeV scale exhibits considerable complementarity. This could be exploited on a world-wide scale if both a large circular and a linear infrastructures were available. A possible implementation of such a complementary program is shown.
With the upgraded beam luminosity in LHC run-3, the detector technology for the
innermost end-cap muon station (Small Wheel) of the ATLAS detector needs to be upgraded. The new technology should be able to meet the demands of better position resolution, high efficiency, fast response at the expected high background rate. The detectors for precision tracking and triggering at the New Small...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline experiment. The DUNE far detectors are based on liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) technology. The large DUNE far detector single-phase (ProtoDUNE-SP) and dual-phase (ProtoDUNE-DP) LArTPC prototypes at CERN have taken beam and cosmic data in 2018-2020. In this talk, we will discuss the design and the...
The ALICE Collaboration at the LHC is made up of around 1900 people from 39 countries. This talk will discuss the composition of the Collaboration in terms of gender, geography, and career status. The distribution of responsibilities among various demographic groups will also be presented, and the time evolution of these statistics will be explored.
We investigate the prospects for discovering a top quark decaying into
one light Higgs boson ($h^0$) along with a charm quark
in top quark pair production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
and future hadron colliders.
A general two Higgs doublet model is adopted to study the signature
of flavor changing neutral Higgs (FCNH) interactions with $t \to c h^0$,
followed by $h^0...
The NEWS-G collaboration is searching for light dark matter candidates using a spherical proportional counter. Access to the mass range from 0.1 to 10 GeV is enabled by the combination of low energy threshold, light gaseous targets (H, Ne), and highly radio-pure construction. The current status of the experiment will be presented, along with the first NEWS-G results obtained with SEDINE, a 60...
We are interested in probing CP Violation (CPV) in photon-photon interactions. Such interactions, effectively described by operators of the form $FFF\tilde{F}$, have yet to be directly constrained experimentally, and could point to new sources of CPV beyond the Standard Model (SM). One possible mediator of CP-violating photon-photon interactions could be the relaxion, which is theoretically...
The WADAPT consortium (Wireless Allowing Data and Power Transfer) was created to study wireless (multi-gigabit) data transfer for high energy physics applications (LoI, CERN-LHCC-2017-002; LHCC-I- 028. - 2017). New millimeter frequency-band radio technologies allow fast signal transfer and efficient partitioning of detectors in topological regions of interest. Large bandwidths are available:...
Recent hints of lepton-universality violation in b->clnu and anomalies observed in b->sll transitions could imply the existence of lepton-flavour violating B decays. The LHCb experiment is well suited to search for these decays thanks to its large acceptance and trigger efficiency, as well as its excellent invariant mass resolution and particle identification capabilities. Recent results on...
The large dataset collected during Runs I and II of the LHC has opened new possibilities to study singly heavy b-hadron states and broaden knowledge of their spectroscopy and production. Recent results on searches for new excited b-hadron states, and studies of b-hadron production, will be presented.
The electromagnetic moments of the tau lepton are highly sensitive to new physics but are challenging to measure due to the short tau lifetime. Given observed tensions for other lepton generations it is crucial to pin down the moments of the tau. We propose a strategy using heavy ion collisions at the LHC as an intense source of photon collisions in order to surpass 15 year old lepton collider...
To exploit properly the precision physics program at the FCC-ee, the theoretical precision tag on the respective luminosity will need to be improved from the 0.054 % (0.061%) results at LEP to 0.01%, where the former (latter) LEP result has (does not have) the pairs correction. We present an overview of the roads one may take to reach the required 0.01 % precision tag at the FCC-ee and we...
The electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron is a strong probe of CP violation beyond the Standard Model. In particular, its value could reveal information on baryogenesis. We report the latest result from the nEDM collaboration, which operates an experiment to measure the neutron EDM at the Paul Scherrer Institute using Ramsey’s method of separated oscillating magnetic fields with...
The nuSTORM facility will provide $\nu_e$ and $\nu_\mu$ beams from the decay of low energy muons confined within a storage ring. The instrumentation of the ring, combined with the excellent knowledge of muon decay, will make it possible to determine the neutrino flux at the %-level or better. The neutrino and anti-neutrino event rates are such that the nuSTORM facility serving a suite of...
The minimal realistic SO(10) model with adjoint representation causing GUT symmetry breaking is appealing candidate for realistic Grand Unified Theory. Moreover, the model allows one to make significant improvement in the proton lifetime error estimates due to the suppression of the potential gravitational effects influencing the GUT scale physics. We tackled the comprehensive numerical study...
The magnetic field around the Earth traps electrons and protons of energy 0.1-100 MeV. The dynamics of these particles is influenced by solar activity and the impact of intense geomagnetic storms on communication systems and infrastructures is widely recognised. So far, space weather models have been mostly based on data from electromagnetic probes, plasma probes and low-energy particle...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will be capable of observing the burst of neutrinos from a nearby core-collapse supernova. The detector will furthermore have the excellent capability for determination of the direction of the supernova via reconstruction of anisotropic interactions in its liquid argon time projection chambers.
This talk will describe studies of DUNE's...
Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) is a very clean probe of New Physics since it is forbidden in the Standard Model (SM). The observation of neutrino oscillation implies nonzero LFV rates, which however are highly suppressed by the smallness of neutrino masses. This makes LFV an appealing target of experimental searches, as its observation would unambiguously point to New Physics.
The low-energy effective field theory for electroweak interactions -the so called Higgs Effective Field Theory (HEFT)- is studied in this talk. It embeds the Standard Model as a particular limit and parametrizes new physics deviations. We discuss some experimental resonant diboson searches and four-fermion operators analyses that seem to push the new physics scale well over the TeV. On the...
Many physics measurements made by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC require a precise measurement of the integrated luminosity of the data sample. This talk will describe the ATLAS luminosity measurement for the full Run-2 dataset, including the absolute calibration of the luminosity scale using the van der Meer scan technique in dedicated LHC running, the extrapolation of this calibration to...
We present measurements of absolute branching fractions of the two-body decays of $B$ mesons $B \to K + X_{cc}$, where $X_{cc}$ is a charmonium state, by using a data set corresponding to about 470 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the $BABAR$ detector at the PEP-II $e^+e^-$ collider. For events in which one $B$ is fully reconstructed, the charmonium spectrum can be observed in an unbiased way by...
The remarkably large integrated luminosity collected by the ATLAS detector at the highest proton-proton collision energy provided by LHC allows to probe the presence on new physics that might break well established symmetries or enhance extremely rare processes in the SM. Two such significant examples are lepton universality and Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC). Recent measurements...
Since 2013, the University of Michigan has hosted a semester-long research program for undergraduate students at CERN. The students are selected from a diverse mix of small and large universities across the USA and are embedded as CERN Users in active research programs on experiments at the laboratory. The program is modeled on the highly successful NSF-funded Research Experience for...
Embracing diversity in all its facets is key to doing good science. Building a career in physics is not just about doing your office work. It also includes cooperation with colleagues, networking, travelling to research conferences and collaboration meetings. The LGBTQ community faces concerns, extra burdens and impediments which make it difficult to explore the Universe without limits and...
The DARWIN (DARk matter WImp search with liquid xenoN) experiment will be the ultimate ultra-low background underground detector for direct Dark Matter (DM) search. Its primary goal is to access the parameter space between the XENONnT maximal sensitivity and the so called “neutrino floor”, where neutrino interactions with the target become an irreducible background for direct dark matter...
We present our calculation [1] of electromagnetic effects, induced by the spectator charge on Feynman-$x_F$ distributions of charged pions in peripheral $Pb+Pb$ collisions at CERN SPS energies, including realistic initial space-time-momentum conditions for pion emission. The calculation is performed in the framework of the fire-streak model, adopted to the production of both $\pi^-$ and...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will use large liquid argon (LAr) detector consisting of four modules, each with a fiducial mass of 10 ktons of LAr. One of the technology options for the far detector modules is a liquid-argon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) working in Dual-Phase mode. In a Dual-Phase TPC, ionisation charge deposited in the liquid argon volume is drifted towards...
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) aims to measure the neutron abundance in the final state of neutrino-nucleus interactions. This measurement will have a direct impact on our understanding of neutrino interactions and could lead to a reduction of systematic uncertainties and improvements in signal-background discrimination for future neutrino detectors. The ANNIE...
In the Standard Model, the three charged leptons are identical copies of each other, aside from differences in mass. Experimental tests of this principle in semileptonic decays of b-hadrons are highly sensitive to New Physics particles which couple differently among the leptonic families. This talk reports the most recent lepton universality tests in semileptonic b->c transitions at LHCb.
We evaluate axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD models that have been shown to reproduce well recent experimental and theoretical results for the pion transition form factor. Comparing with L3 data on f1→γγ∗ we find remarkable agreement regarding the shape of single-virtual form factors, while deviating, in the double-virtual case, from a simple dipole model used previously...
The efficient and precise reconstruction of charged particle tracks is crucial for the overall performance of the CMS experiment. During the LHC Run 2, significant upgrades were made to the track reconstruction algorithms, both to accommodate the high pileup environment and the installation of an upgraded pixel detector in 2017. Performance measurements of the track reconstruction both in...
The latest measurements of excited charm and charm-strange mesons in amplitude analyses of beauty mesons decaying to open charm final states at LHCb are reported. The spectroscopy results include first observations of new excited charm states and precise measurements of their masses, widths and quantum numbers. These results additionally provide tests of the predictions from lattice QCD and HQET.
We present new calculations of the differential decay rates for
$H\to \ell^+\ell^- \gamma$ with $\ell=e$ or $\mu$ in the Standard
Model. The branching fractions and forward-backward asymmetries, defined
in terms of the flight direction of the photon relative to the
lepton momenta, depend on the cuts on energies and invariant masses
of the final state particles.
The value of fundamental science, such as at the LHC, may be taken for granted by many engaged in this research. However, public awareness of the importance of both fundamental and applied science in their lives cannot be for granted. It has been alarming even in such countries as the United States, where science and technology have been strong historically, that new efforts are required to...
Searches for new resonances whose decays contain top quarks and/or b-quarks cover a wide range of beyond the Standard Model (SM) physics, such as generic heavy vector resonances or vector like quarks. These searches offer great potential to reduce SM backgrounds but also significant challenges in reconstructing and identifying the decay products as well as modelling the remaining background....
The next supernova in the Milky Way will be a bonanza for astrophysics and fundamental physics. However, since local supernovae are exceedingly rare it will be crucial to capture all possible information in a coordinated multi-messenger effort. The observation of a prompt neutrino burst, expected to occur up to 12 hours before the detection of optical emission, would provide a unique early...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international collaboration focused on studying neutrino oscillation over a long baseline (1300 km). DUNE will make use of a near detector and O(GeV) neutrino beam originating at Fermilab in Batavia, IL, and a far detector operating 1.5 km underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. The near and far...
The MuTe is a hybrid muon telescope used for density imaging of volcanos by means of measurements of the atmospheric muon flux attenuation depending on the amount of rock crossed at different angles. The detector will be placed at one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Colombia, the Cerro Machin volcano, located in the South-West of Colombia. MuTe hodoscope reconstructs 3841 different...
ArgoNeuT has produced the first fully-automated reconstruction and selection of GeV-scale electron neutrinos scattering on argon, extracting a $\nu_e + \overline{\nu}_e$ total cross section. This talk will describe those results, emphasizing the novel electromagnetic shower classification tools developed for identifying GeV-scale $\nu_e$-like interactions among complex backgrounds and the...
The top-quark mass is an important fundamental parameter of the Standard Model, since higher-order corrections involving top quarks have a large impact due to the high value of the top-quark mass. A new measurement of the top-quark mass is presented. The analysis is based on top-quark-antiquark pair events in which a soft muon is reconstructed which originates in a large fraction of the cases...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is one of the two multi-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and has a broad physics program. Many aspects of this program depend on our ability to trigger, reconstruction and identify events with final state electrons, positrons, and photons with the CMS detector with excellent efficiency and high resolution.
In this talk we...
The DUNE long-baseline neutrino oscillation collaboration consists of over 180 institutions from 33 countries. The experiment is in preparation now with the commissioning of the first 10kT fiducial volume Liquid Argon TPC expected over the period 2025-2028 and a long data-taking run with 4 modules expected from 2029 and beyond.
An active prototyping program is already in place with a...
During COVID-19 pandemic, the science community has turned all the efforts
in helping: HEP laboratories have transformed into ventilators and mask
manufacturers, computing data centers have invested their resources to
understand the virus behind COVID-19 better, etc...
However, on the other side of the coin, there are new daily life
challenges faced by researchers. In this talk we will...
The DarkSide-50 direct-detection dark matter experiment is a
dual-phase argon time projection chamber operating at Laboratori
Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) of INFN. It is sensitive to WIMPs with
masses above 50 GeV/$c^2$ by exploiting the exceptional pulse shape
discrimination of the scintillation signal in LAr and to lower masses
WIMPs by an analysis that uses solely the ionisation...
Starting from the observation of X(3872) in 2003, tens of new structures located in the charmonium energy region above the open-charm threshold have been observed. They carry exotic properties comparing to the conventional charmonium states, and are called as charmonium-like or XYZ states. Utilizing about 17 fb^-1 electron positron collision data samples accumulated at center of mass energies...
The OCRA (Outreach Cosmic Ray Activities) INFN program includes public engagement events related to astroparticle physics and in particular it coordinates the twenty INFN Units that participated in the 2019 edition of the International Cosmic Day (ICD), an astroparticle physics outreach event organized by DESY. The ICD is dedicated to high school students from all over the world, who engage in...
Muon colliders have the potential to carry the search for new phenomena to energies well beyond the reach of the LHC in the same or smaller footprint. Muon beams may be created through the decay of pions produced in the interaction of a proton beam with a target. To produce a high-brightness beam from such a source requires that the beam be cooled. Ionization cooling is the novel technique by...
One of the most important experimental programs that will address some of the open questions in neutrino physics is the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). It will be the first mega-science project on the US sole, which involves more than 1000 physicists. It will perform measurements of the CP violation in the leptonic sector, the neutrino mass hierarchy and on the θ23 octant. The...
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs) are currently being extensively used for neutrino physics due to their excellent capabilities in performing particle identification, and precise 3D and calorimetric energy reconstruction. The Liquid Argon In A Test Beam (LArIAT) experiment ran from 2015 to 2017 at Fermilab's Test Beam Facility where it was exposed to a known beam of charged...
We present an overview of searches for new physics with top and bottom quarks in the final state, using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The results cover non-SUSY based extensions of the SM, including heavy gauge bosons or excited third generation quarks. Decay channels to vector-like top partner quarks, such as...
We present the methods and performance of jet and missing transverse momentum reconstruction in CMS. The latest reconstruction and calibration procedures for Run2 data are summarized and an outlook to the new techniques foreseen (online and offline) for Run3 is given. Among the most critical new event reconstruction techniques developed by CMS for LHC Run 2 and Run 3 are pileup mitigation...
Recently, the Belle Collaboration has updated the analysis of the cross sections for the processes $e^+ e^- \to \Upsilon(nS)\, \pi^+ \pi^-$ ($n = 1,\, 2,\, 3$) in the $e^+ e^-$ center-of-mass energy range from 10.52 to 11.02 GeV. A new structure, called here $Y_b (10750)$, with the mass $M (Y_b) = (10752.7 \pm 5.9^{+0.7}_{-1.1})$ MeV and the Breit-Wigner width $\Gamma (Y_b) = (35.5^{+17.6...
After a brief review of how to describe the π electrons of Dirac materials and topóligical defects, such as disclinations and dislocations, we propose a scenario where the effects of dislocations, in bidimensional Dirac materials, can be described, at low energies, by a vertex proportional to the totally antisymmetric component of the torsion generated by such dislocations. It is suggested...
Quantum tomography reconstructs higher dimensional features of quantum mechanical
systems from lower dimensional experimental information. The method is practical and directly processes experimental data while bypassing field-theoretic formalism. Quantum tomography can probe entanglement while avoiding model assumptions such as factorization. We review recent work applying quantum tomography...
Measurements of top quark properties using data collected by the CMS experiment are presented. Among them, the latest results on top mass and its running, top Yukawa coupling, the top sector of the CKM matrix, ttbar forward backward asymmetry, as well as other new results will be discussed.
The `Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications', LhARA, is conceived as a novel, uniquely flexible facility dedicated to the study of radiobiology. The technologies that will be demonstrated in LhARA have the potential to allow particle-beam therapy to be delivered in a completely new regime, combining a variety of ion species in a single treatment fraction and exploiting...
In a transparent bottom-up process, involving a significant part of the HEP community, CERN has defined a strategic R&D programme to address the primary technological challenges of the next generation experiments.
The results of this new R&D programme will be building blocks, demonstrators and prototypes, which will form the basis for possible new experiments and experiment upgrades beyond...
We report on a precision measurement of the ratio $R_{\tau\mu} = BF(\Upsilon(3S)\to\tau^+\tau^-)/BF(\Upsilon(3S)\to\mu^+\mu^-)$ using data collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II $e^+e^-$ collider. The measurement is based on a 28 ${\mathrm{fb^{-1}}}$ data sample collected at a center-of-mass energy of 10.355 ${\mathrm{GeV}}/c^2$ which corresponds to a sample 122 million...
The upper bounds that the LHC measurements searching for heavy resonances beyond the Standard model set on the resonance production cross sections are not universal. They depend on various characteristics of the resonance under consideration, and their validity is also limited by the assumptions and approximations applied to their calculations. The bounds are typically used to derive the mass...
A precise understanding of the Equation of State of dense objects like neutron stars is limited by the knowledge about hyperon interactions and the precision of the models describing the latter. Recently, the ALICE Collaboration has demonstrated that two-particle correlation measurements, which are sensitive to the source of particle emission and to the interaction of the particle pair, can...
Less than five years have passed since the first detection of a gravitational-wave signal, on September 14th, 2015. Yet, the status of the field has changed drastically, with a growing number of detections made by a global network of ground-based interferometric detectors with unprecedented sensitivities and high duty cycles. A truly new window onto the Universe, symbolized by multi-messenger...
In the framework of the European Strategy Update on Particle Physics, the working group appointed to review the Muon Colliders has become the de facto seed of an on-going international effort. A muon collider, if demonstrated to be feasible, is a unique discovery machine and the best tool to fully study the Higgs potential, since it can offer collisions of point-like particles at very high...
The recently deployed DeepTau algorithm for the discrimination of taus from light flavor quark or gluon induced jets, electrons, or muons is an ideal example for the exploitation of modern deep learning neural network techniques. With the current algorithm a suppression of miss-identification rates by factors of two and more have been achieved for the same identification efficiency for taus as...
The Standard Model predicts several rare Higgs boson decay channels, which have not yet been observed, but that could be enhanced in theories beyond the Standard Model. Among these are decays to light leptons, e.g. H→mumu. In addition, theories beyond the Standard Model may predict lepton-flavor violating decays of the Higgs boson. Results for these searches based on full Run-2 dataset...
A Muon Collider represents a possible option for the next generation of high-energy collider machines.
Among the technological challenges in the realization of such a machine, the mitigation of the beam-induced background is one of the most critical issues for the detectors.
At the desired luminosity the muons decay rate is very high, beam decay products and subsequent particles from...
We review recent CMS results on diffractive and exclusive processes in heavy ion collisions, including photon-induced processes in ultra-peripheral collisions.
The computational, storage, and network requirements of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment, from Run 1 at LHC to the future Run 4 at High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), have scaled by at least an order of magnitude. Computing in CMS plays a significant role, from the first steps of data processing to the last stage of delivering analyzed data to physicists. In this talk, we...
The SuperCDMS collaboration has recently published results from two prototype detectors with thresholds below 20 eV, setting world-leading limits on dark matter nuclear recoils down to 90 MeV/$c^2$ in dark matter mass, and confirming the previous world-leading limits on electron-recoil dark matter down to ~500 keV/$c^2$ with improved resolution. Results from these prototype detectors have...
The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) can be extended to include non-holomorphic trilinear soft supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking interactions that may have distinct signatures. We consider non-vanishing off-diagonal entries of the coupling matrices associated with holomorphic (of MSSM) and non-holomorphic trilinear terms corresponding to sleptons with elements $A^l_{ij}$ and $A^{\prime...
The CMS experiment makes use of a large variety of algorithms to identify the origin of particle jets measured in the detector. Through the study of jet substructure properties, jets originating from quarks, gluons, W/ Z/Higgs bosons, top quarks and pileup interactions are discriminated. We present new techniques based on machine learning approaches developed for LHC Run 2 and Run 3 that...
Electromagnetic form factors serve to explore the intrinsic structure of nucleons and their strangeness partners. With electron scattering at low energies the electromagnetic moments and radii of nucleons can be deduced. The corresponding experiments for hyperons are limited because of their unstable nature. Only for one process this turns to an advantage: the decay of the neutral Sigma...
A Muon Collider represents a very interesting possibility for a future machine to explore the energy frontier in particle physics.
However, to reach the needed luminosity, beam intensities of the order of 10^9-11 muons per bunch are needed. In this context, the beam Induced Background must be taken into account for its effects on the magnets and on the detector.
Several optimisations can be...
The most recent results of the searches for rare standard model Higgs boson decays by the CMS collaboration will be presented. Searches for Higgs bosons decaying to invisible particles will also be covered.
The discovery of neutrino oscillations implies that neutrinos are massive particles, which in turn requires new physics beyond the Standard Model. Over the past two decades the study of neutrino oscillations within the PMNS paradigm has produced measurements of all three mixing angles and both mass-splittings. Neutrino oscillation also provides a mechanism to violate the CP symmetry which...
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will be built to address fundamental questions
which include the origin of the nucleon spin, space and momentum distribution
of partons inside nucleons, interaction of jets in nuclear medium and the dynamics
of the gluon density at high energies.
In this talk we present an overview of the Interaction Region (IR) design for the EIC.
The design takes into...
Proton Computed Tomography (pCT) makes it possible to render 3D images of the human body like traditional x-ray Computed Tomography (CT), with the advantage of a much lesser dose delivered to the patient (1% to 10% respect to a traditional CT) and a far more accurate tissue density discrimination (i.e. the capability to map the different dE/dx stopping power of different tissues). The...
Mu2e experiment aims to find charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) by measuring the monochromatic electrons from $\mu^{-}N \rightarrow e^- N$ conversion with an unprecedented single event sensitivity of $3 \times10^{-17}$. When completed the experiment will improve the current limit by 10$^4$ and make a previously unexplored phase space available for the search for beyond the standard model...
Jet reconstruction, identification and classification is of prime interest in an hadronic environment such as the LHC. Algorithms were developed in order to separate jets emerging from the decay of charm and bottom quarks, and to identify large jets produced from the decays of heavy resonances. In Run 2, such algorithms have benefited from the use of increasingly complex deep neural network...
Many extensions of the standard model, including theories of Higgs-portal, gauge-portal , dark matter, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetry predict new particles with long lifetimes, such that the position of their decay is measurably displaced from their production vertex. This talk presents latest results from searches for long-lived particles in CMS using the full Run-II data-set collected at the LHC.
We discuss the main features of the scalar sector of a class of BSM models with enlarged gauge symmetry, the so called 331 Models. The theoretical constraints on the scalar potential such as unitarity, perturbativity and boundedness-from-below, are presented, together with the analytical exact digitalization of the scalar sector. The phenomenology of exotic scenarios predicted by the 331...
We investigate the exclusive photoproduction of $J/\psi$-mesons in ultraperipheral
heavy ion collisions in the color dipole approach.
We first test a number of dipole cross sections fitted to inclusive $F_2$-data against the total cross section of exclusive $J/\psi$-production on the free nucleon.
We then use the color-dipole formulation of Glauber-Gribov theory to calculate
Dark matter search results and a detailed background model for DEAP-3600 will be presented. DEAP-3600 is searching for dark matter interactions with a liquid argon target, shielded from cosmic rays by over 2 km of rock at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Canada. The spherical detector consists of 3.3 tonnes of liquid argon in a large ultralow-background acrylic cryostat instrumented with 255 photomultiplier...
Cosmic Rays (CR) impinging on the terrestrial atmosphere provide a viable opportunity to study new physics in hadron-nucleus collisions at energies covering many orders of magnitude, including a regime well beyond LHC energies.
The flux of primary CR is well studied and can be used to estimate event rates for a given type of new physics scenario. As a step to estimate the potential for new...
Exotics decays of the Higgs boson provide a unique window for the discovery of new physics, as the Higgs may couple to hidden-sector states that do not interact under the Standard Model gauge transformations. Models predicting exotic Higgs decays to pseudoscalars can explain the galactic center gamma-ray excess, if the additional pseudoscalar acts as the dark matter mediator. This talk...
The neutrino oscillation measurement program of Hyper-K requires unprecedented accuracy for the modeling of neutrino fluxes and neutrino-nucleus interaction cross sections. The Hyper-K experiment will include a suite of near detectors to control systematic uncertainties on neutrino flux and interaction models. In this talk we will describe the baseline Hyper-K near detector suite, which...
The Mu2e experiment, currently under construction at Fermilab, will search for coherent neutrinoless muon to electron conversion, extending the sensitivity of searches for charged lepton flavor violation by four orders of magnitude in 3-5 years of data-taking. This improved sensitivity is made possible by using a pulsed beam structure that is optimized for reducing prompt backgrounds when...
The SiD Detector is one of two validated detector designs for the future International Linear Collider. SiD features a compact, cost-constrained design for precision Higgs and other measurements, and sensitivity to a wide range of possible new phenomena. A robust silicon vertex and tracking system, combined with a 5 Tesla central solenoidal field, provides excellent momentum resolution. The...
The tree-level determination of the CKM angle gamma is a standard candle measurement of CP violation in the Standard Model. The latest LHCb results from time-integrated measurements of CP violation using beauty to open charm decays are presented. These include updates to previous Run 1 measurements using the full LHCb Run 1+2 data sample and the latest LHCb gamma combination.
The first LHCb upgrade will take data at an instantaneous luminosity of 2E33cm^{-2}s^{-1} starting in 2021. Due to the high rate of beauty and charm signals LHCb has chosen as its baseline to read out the entire detector into a software trigger running at the LHC collision frequency of 30MHz. This High Level Trigger will enable unprecedented flexibility for trigger selections. In this talk we...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict unique signatures which are difficult to reconstruct and for which estimating the background rates is also a challenge. These signature include fractionally charged, highly ionizing and a wide range of proposed long-lived particles. These striking signatures are explored with the ATLAS detector using 13 TeV pp data, covering displaced...
We derive the light-front wave function (LFWF)
representation of the $\gamma^* \gamma^* \to \eta_c(1S)\,,\eta_c(2S)$
transition form factor $F(Q_1^2, Q_2^2)$ for two virtual photons
in the initial state. For the LFWF, we use different models
obtained from the solution of the Schr\"odinger equation for
a variety of $c \bar c$ potentials. We compare our results to
the BaBar experimental...
RAADsat (Rapid Acquisition Atmospheric Detector) is a three unit Cubesat mission that will be launched in the first quarter of 2021 and deployed from the International Space Station. The mission will target Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes (TGF), sudden bursts of gamma-ray radiation occurring on sub-millisecond timescales, and triggered by lightning or thunderstorms. RAADsat is sensitive to...
The PTOLEMY project aims at accomplishing the Conceptual Design of a
detector capable to detect Cosmological relic neutrinos.
The idea is based an a novel idea where neutrinos of vanishing kinetic energy can be detected by means of a target of unstable atoms. In particular the Tritium was chosen for favourable values of cross section and lifetime.
The project is supported by an...
Most recent CMS results on searches for Higgs boson decays not expected in the standard model, such as lepton-flavour-violating decays and decays to pairs of new light scalar or pseudoscalar particles, will be presented. Searches for decays with mesons in the final states, expected in the standard model but with extremely small branching ratios, will also be covered.
Bent crystals are a powerful mean for ultrarelativistic particles steering, achieving deflection equivalent to hundreds-tesla magnetic dipole in compact and zero-energy consumption devices. Currently, bent crystals are a candidate for the upgrade of LHC ion collimation. Novel experimental setups are being proposed, especially in the field of spin precession. Indeed, the unparallel steering...
We consider the possibility that the
IceCube's 6-year high-energy starting events (HESE) data
may be better explained by a combination of neutrino fluxes
from dark matter decay and an isotropic astrophysical power-law
than purely by the latter. We find that the combined two-component
flux qualitatively improves the fit to the observed data over
a purely astrophysical one, and...
We discuss a 2+1 dimensional model holographically realized as the boundary theory of a four-dimensional gravity model in Anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. The result is achieved through suitable boundary conditions for the D=4 fields, and an effective model for massive spin-1/2 fields on a curved background is obtained.
The (unconventional) supersymmetry of the boundary model allows to...
The latest time-dependent CP violation measurements using beauty to open charm decays from LHCb are presented. These decays provide sensitivity to important CKM parameters such as the angles beta and gamma from the unitarity triangle. Measurements include the latest results from new decay channels, analysed for the first time, including data from both LHCb Run 1 and Run 2.
In the beginning of 2021, the upgraded LHCb experiment will use a triggerless readout system collecting data at an event rate of 30 MHz. During the first stage of High-Level Trigger (HLT1), a sub-set of the full offline track reconstruction for charged particles is run to select particles of interest based on single or two-track selections. After this first stage, the event rate is reduced by...
Top quark production can probe physics beyond the SM in different ways. The Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework allows searching for BSM effects in a model independent way. CMS experiment is pioneering EFT measurements that move towards using full potential of the data in the most global way possible. Searches for flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNC) and anomalous top quark interactions...
Studies on the production of light- and heavy-flavour baryons are of prominent importance to investigate hadronization mechanisms at the LHC, in particular through the study of the evolution of the baryon-over-meson production ratio as a function of the transverse momentum. Measurements performed in pp and p-Pb collisions at the LHC have revealed unexpected features, qualitatively similar to...
In this talk I will review the possibilities for the PTOLEMY experiment to study neutrino physics under different points of view. The main scope of the experiment is to obtain the first direct detection of the cosmic neutrino background, which however is an extremely challenging task. I will discuss how the experimental energy resolution and the amount of tritium inside the detector affect the...
The MicroBooNE experiment consists of a 50 m^3 active volume liquid argon time projection chamber (TPC) that sits 470 m from an 8 GeV proton beam on a beryllium target, and 690 m from a 120 GeV proton-on-graphite fixed target. These high-intensity beams may be creating a large flux of neutral long-lived particles (LLPs) with masses in the few-hundred MeV range, that are decay products of kaons...
In the Standard Model, the branching ratio for Higgs boson decays to invisible final states is very small, but it can be significantly enhanced in extensions of the Standard Model. This talk presents searches for Higgs boson decays to invisible final states with the full run 2 data.
In the Standard Model of particle physics, CP violation arises due to a single complex phase in the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing matrix. Precise measurements of the CKM parameters therefore constrain the Standard Model, and may reveal new physics effects. The measurement of the time–dependent decay rates of B0s—>J/psi phi provides a theoretically clean method for extracting...
Proton and x-ray irradiation are essential procedure required to characterize the effects of TID and displacement damage designing silicon sensors for charged particle.
A The experimental area of a new new medical facility located in Trento (Italy) allow to perform irradiation on silicon pixel sensors, SiPM, and experimental electronic devices using protons with energy in the range of 70-230...
The Belle II detector was completed with the installation of a silicon vertex detector
that covers most of the solid angle around the interaction region. In 2019 Physics Run
before summer shutdown, 5.15 /fb of data were collected at a center of mass energy
corresponding to the mass of the Y(4S).
We present the measurement of the L1 and high-level trigger efficiencies at Belle II
using the...
The electromagnetic field of a fast charged particle, described as a flux of quasi-real photons whose intensity is proportional to its squared electric charge, provides copious photonuclear interactions in the case of lead ions circulating in the LHC. If the impact parameter of the colliding ions is larger than the sum of their radii, photon-induced processes dominate the interaction rate via...
We present and develop a general dispersive framework allowing to construct representations of the amplitudes for the processes Pπ→ππ, P=K,η, valid at the two-loop level in the low-energy expansion. The construction proceeds through a two-step iteration, starting from the tree-level amplitudes and their S and P partial-wave projections. The one-loop amplitudes are obtained for all possible...
A new CMS measurement of CP Violation in B0s to J/psi phi decay with 2017 and 2018 13TeV data will be presented.
Recent CMS measurements of Higgs boson properties in hadronic final states will be presented.
Over the last years, various efforts were made for interpreting measurements of top-quark observables in the context of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). In this talk, we point out aspects for enhancing fits constraining Wilson coefficients of dimension-six operators that should be considered when aiming towards a global fit of SMEFT coefficients in the top-quark sector.
The Inner Detector (ID) trigger plays an essential role in the ATLAS trigger system, enabling the high purity reconstruction of physics objects - electron, tau, muon, bjet candidates etc..., providing access to regions of the phase space populated by these objects which span a wide range of kinematic regimes. These are essential for the core physics programme at ATLAS: Standard Model...
Borexino is a 280-ton liquid scintillator detector located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), Italy and is one of the two detectors that has measured geoneutrinos so far. The unprecedented radio-purity of the scintillator, the shielding with higly purified water, and the placement of the detector at a 3800 m w.e. depth have resulted in very low background levels and has made...
The magnetic monopole-antimonopole pair production, and their bound state, are estimated for colliders, focusing mainly in ALICE. The calculation is based on Dirac´s theory and considers photon fusion and Drell-Yan, using the mass range from 300 GeV up to 3 TeV. The number of expected events is given considering LHC energies and luminosity. In case of pp collisions, the higher contribution to...
While the $\omega$ and $\eta'$ mesons are composed out of the lightest quarks, they are among the heaviest vector and pseudoscalar mesons, respectively, without having net strangeness. As such, they serve as ideal laboratory to test and constrain perturbative quantum chromodynamics in a regime where it is difficult to constrain the fragmentation of the lightest quarks into the different...
Measurements of mixing-induced and direct CP violation in charmless 2-body B decays provide stringent tests of the Standard Model. In addition to new phases that may enter the mixing loop, charmless B decays have an additional opportunity for unknown particles to induce deviations from the Standard Model expectation due to the sizeable contribution to these decays from penguin topologies. We...
The ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger (L1Calo) is a hardware-based system that identifies events containing calorimeter-based physics objects, including electrons, photons, taus, jets, and missing transverse energy. In preparation for Run 3, when the LHC is expected to run at higher energy and instantaneous luminosity, L1Calo is currently implementing a significant programme of planned...
Testing the couplings of the Higgs boson to fermions is an important part to understand the origin of fermion masses. The talk presents cross section measurements in Higgs boson decays to two b quarks, as well as interpretations of the measurements. It also presents a search for Higgs boson decays to two c quarks. Both analyses are based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.
We present new results of the DANSS experiment on searches for sterile neutrinos. They are based on more than 3 million of inverse beta decay events collected at 3 distances from the reactor core of the 3.1 GW Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant in Russia. This data sample is more than 3 times larger than the data sample in the previous DANSS publication. In addition to the most robust analysis based...
The unprecedented collision energy of the LHC has opened up a new a new discovery frontier, where a theory underlying the Standard Model may yet be revealed. Now that the Higgs boson - the last piece of the Standard model puzzle - has apparently been discovered, the search for such new phenomena has assumed a key importance. However, the LHC has been running for several years and no signals...
Short and long-distance dynamics along with a sizeable effective weak phase caused by the interference between tree and penguin topologies in charmless 3-body B decays leads to a rich structure of CP violation as a function of the phase space. We present the latest studies with charmless B -> 3h decays at LHCb, including CP asymmetries and branching fractions.
At the Large Hadron Collider, many important searches for new particles and Standard Model measurements probe final states with hadronic jets and missing transverse momentum. Such events are also fundamental for precision calibration. Trigger selection of hadronic events is a extremely challenging due to immense backgrounds. This presentation summarises the implementation of hadronic triggers...
Current models of antineutrino production in nuclear reactors predict absolute detection rates and energy spectra at odds with the existing body of direct reactor antineutrino measurements. These discrepancies are indicative of a misunderstanding of neutrino production in nuclear reactor cores and/or the neutrino oscillation involving a sterile neutrino. New short-baseline reactor...
Recent measurements in high-multiplicity pp and p-A collisions have revealed that these small collision systems exhibit collective-like behaviour, formerly thought to be achievable only in heavy-ion collisions. To understand the origins of these unexpected phenomena, event shape observables can be exploited, as they serve as a powerful tool to disentangle soft and hard contributions to...
The violation of CP symmetry is now very well established in the meson sector. However, CP violation has yet to be observed in the baryonic sector. Charmless b-baryon decays represent a promising opportunity in this respect since their amplitudes receive contributions from a b -> u tree diagram carrying the sizeable phase gamma. We present the most recent measurements of charmless b-baryon...
Athena is the software framework used in the ATLAS experiment throughout the data processing path, from the software trigger system through offline event reconstruction to physics analysis. The shift from high-power single-core CPUs to multi-core systems in the computing market means that the throughput capabilities of the framework have become limited by the available memory per process. For...
In this paper we determine a new set of transverse momentum dependence of unpolarized fragmentation function (TMD FF) in single inclusive hadron production in electron-positron annihilation (SIA) process. In this analysis, we use the most recent TMD production cross sections of charged pions, kaons and protons/antiprotons measured in inclusive e+e- collisions by Belle Collaboration. These...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR (MJD) experiment is searching for neutrinoless double beta (0$\nu\beta\beta$) decay of $^{76}$Ge with an array of high-purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors, taking data since 2015 on the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, USA. The DEMONSTRATOR has achieved an energy resolution of 2.53 keV FWHM at the 0$\nu\beta\beta$...
Magnetic and electric dipole moments of fundamental particles are powerful probes for physics within and beyond the Standard Model. These have not been experimentally accessible to date for the case of short-lived particles, due to the difficulties imposed by their short lifetimes.
In the recent years, direct measurements of electromagnetic dipole moments of heavy baryons and ultimately the...
To meet new TDAQ buffering requirements and withstand the high expected radiation doses at the high-luminosity LHC, the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter readout electronics will be upgraded. The triangular calorimeter signals are amplified and shaped by analogue electronics over a dynamic range of 16 bits, with low noise and excellent linearity. Developments of low-power preamplifiers and...
Dielectrons and dimuons are a powerful probe of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, since they do not interact strongly and are emitted during all stages of the collisions.
At low invariant mass, the dilepton spectrum is sensitive to in-medium modification of the $\rho$ meson spectral function and to effects related to the chiral symmetry...
Belle II is an international collaboration that has over 1000 members
from institutions in 26 countries. In 2018 Belle II created two posts
of diversity officers, to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion
issues, promote an inclusive atmosphere within the collaboration,
provide a safe and confidential point to contact for collaborators to
report any issues, particularly those related...
Rare b->sll decays are Flavour-Changing Neutral-Current processes that are forbidden at the lowest perturbative order in the Standard Model (SM). As a consequence, new particles in SM extensions may affect the branching fractions of these decays and their angular distributions. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of these decays due to its high trigger efficiency, as well as...
In the talk I am going to report on recent results obtained within QCD kt-factorization i.e. formalizm that at high energies accounts for transverse momentum dependence of both parton densities and coefficient functions. In particular I am will present results for complete parton shower description of production of di-jets at LHC. This relies on application of hard matrix elements that depend...
The most recent measurements of Higgs boson properties in the H->WW and H->ZZ channels at CMS will be presented.
The SuperKEKB electron-positron collider has been commissioned at KEK to study a new physics in the B-meson decays. In order to accomplish this purpose, the luminosity of 40 times of the highest luminosity record at KEKB, 8 x 10$^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ is necessary. We have applied a novel “nano-beam scheme” to squeeze the beta function at the interaction point (IP) down to 1 mm in the...
The xenon-based multi-ton-scale dark matter detectors XENON1T and XENONnT, are the latest in the XENON experiment series at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. XENON1T which operated from 2016 to 2018 was the largest liquid-xenon time projection chamber to date. With a fiducial mass of 1.3 ton and a ton year exposure, its data allowed us to place the most stringent limits on...
The hard scattering process in which two top-quark-antiquark pairs are produced is also called four-top-quarks production and is predicted to have a small cross-section of 12 fb in the standard model. This very rare process has not been observed yet. The background is mainly given by top-quark-antiquark production in association with heavy flavor jets. In this presentation, two analyses are...
MURMUR is a new passing-through-wall neutron experiment installed near the BR2 nuclear reactor at the Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK.CEN, Mol, Belgium) and designed to search neutron interbrane transitions in the context of braneworld scenarios. In such scenarios, our Universe could be a 3-brane embedded in a multidimensional Universe, called the bulk, which could contain many other...
Leptoquarks are hypothetical color-triplet bosons, which carry both baryon and lepton quantum numbers and have fractional electric charge. They are predicted by many extensions of the standard model, such as theories invoking grand unification, technicolor, or compositeness. Third-generation scalar LQs have recently received considerable theoretical interest, as their existence can explain the...
Fermionic dark matter (DM) with attractive self-interaction is possible to form black holes (BH) inside the Gyr-old neutron stars (NS). Therefore by observing such NS corresponding to their adjacent DM environments can place bounds on DM properties, eg. DM-baryon cross section $\sigma_{\chi b}$, DM mass $m_\chi$, dark coupling $\alpha_\chi$ and mediator mass $m_\phi$. In case of isospin...
The production of prompt isolated photons at hadron colliders provides stringent tests of perturbative QCD and can be used to evaluate the probability density functions of partons in the proton. In this talk, we present the latest measurements of prompt photon production using proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at √s=13 TeV. This includes the measurement of isolated...
This talk presents the latest results of reactor antineutrino flux and spectrum measurement at Daya Bay. The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment uses an array of eight underground detectors to study antineutrinos from six reactor cores at different baselines. Four antineutrino detectors in the two near experimental halls are used for the measurements. The reactor antineutrino flux measurement...
New CMS results in the measurement of observables sensitive to New Physics by exploiting b --> s l+ l- transitions with Run-II data will be discussed.
Timepix3 detectors are the latest member of the Medipix/Timepix family of hybrid pixel detectors developed at CERN. These detectors feature a segmented detector (256 x 256 pixels, pixel-pitch of 55 µm) flip-chip bump-bonded to the readout ASIC. In each pixel, Time-over-Threshold and Time-of-Arrival are measured simultaneously, while keeping a counting mode capability. The per-pixel dead time...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a sampling hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment, with steel as absorber and plastic scintillators as active medium. The High-Luminosity phase of LHC, delivering five times the LHC nominal instantaneous luminosity, is expected to begin in 2026. TileCal will require new electronics to meet the requirements of a 1 MHz trigger,...
Recent measurements of Higgs boson properties in the diphoton channel from CMS will be presented.
The Large Hadron-electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN is the project to upgrade the HL-LHC to study electron-proton/nucleus collisions with centre-of-mass energies in the TeV regime and luminosities ${\cal O}(10^{34})$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. It implies the construction of an energy recovery linac in racetrack configuration to provide an intense 50 GeV electron beam to collide with the HL-LHC hadron...
In LHC Run 3, ALICE will increase the data taking rate significantly to read out 50 kHz minimum bias Pb-Pb collisions. Such a large increase poses challenges for online and offline reconstruction as well as for data compression. Compared to Run 2, the online farm will process 50 times more events per second and achieve a higher data compression factor. To address this challenge ALICE will...
Leptoquarks (LQ) are predicted by many new physics theories to describe the similarities between the lepton and quark sectors of the Standard Model and offer an attractive potential explanation for the lepton flavour anomalies observed at flavour factories. The ATLAS experiment has a broad program of direct searches for leptoquarks produced either in pairs or singly, coupling to the first-,...
We calculate cross sections for di-lepton photoproduction in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions from low (SPS) to high (LHC) energy.
We study the invariant-mass distributions of dileptons produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at very low pair transverse momenta, $P_T < 0.15$ GeV. Specifically, we investigate the interplay of thermal radiation with initial photon annihilation...
The recent excess of electron recoil events in XENON1T can be interpreted as the absorption of bosonic dark matter particles in the keV range such as axion-like particles or dark photons. The same particles could also be producted in astrophysical systems such as horizontal branch stars or white dwarfs and account for the anomalous cooling rates observed in these systems. In my talk I will...
(Does not include EFT interpretation and any FCNC) A comprehensive set of measurements of top quark pair production in association with light-flavored and b-jets is presented. The status of the search for four top quark production, to which the LHC experiments are starting to be sensitive, and that has important BSM re-interpretations, is also reported.
Humanitarian and social challenges from the United Nations, Red Cross and Non Governmental Organisations meet HEP expertise at CERN for impactful innovation. THE Port association at CERN combines physicists and engineers working on HEP topics in their day job with researchers, refugees, entrepreneurs, artists, designers, humanitarian workers and other creative minds. In 60-hour hackathons they...
The LHCb Collaboration is planning an Upgrade II, a flavour physics experiment for the high luminosity era. This will be installed in LS4 (2030) and targets an instantaneous luminosity of 1.5 x10^34 cm-2 s-1, and an integrated luminosity of at least 300fb-1. Consolidation of the current experiment will also be introduced in LS3 (2025). Physics goals include probing new physics scenarios in...
In 2012, the Daya Bay experiment made the first statistically significant observation of a non-zero neutrino oscillation parameter $\theta_{13}$ based on neutron capture on gadolinium (nGd). Later on, the experiment provided another independent measurement with neutron capture on hydrogen (nH). Since the beginning of data taking, the experiment has accumulated nearly 4 million reactor neutrino...
Rare b-hadron decays are sensitive probes of New Physics through the study of branching fractions, angular observables, CP asymmetries. Moreover, the LHCb experiment has the opportunity to study the rare decays of heavy b-quark hadrons such as Bc mesons or Lambda_b baryons, which cannot be explored at the B factories. Recent results from the LHCb experiment are presented and their...
LHCb is one of the four main experiments operating at the LHC and it is dedicated to measurements of CP violation and to the search for new physics beyond Standard Model in the rare decays of hadrons containing heavy quarks. Particle identifcation information (PID) at LHCb is provided by two Ring Imaging Cherenkov systems, RICH1 and RICH2.The two LHCb RICH detectors operated at the luminosity...
With the pp collision dataset collected at 13 TeV, detailed measurements of Higgs boson properties can be performed. This talk presents measurements of differential cross sections in Higgs boson decays to two photons or to four leptons. Furthermore, the measurement of the Higgs boson mass and constraints on the width are presented.
In order to simultaneously account for both $R_{D^{(\ast)}}$ and
$R_{K^{(\ast)}}$ anomalies in $B$-decays, we consider an extension
of the Standard Model by a single vector leptoquark field, and study
how one can achieve the required lepton flavour non-universality,
starting from a priori universal gauge couplings. While the unitary
quark-lepton mixing induced by $SU(2)_L$...
The rapid economic growth is building new trends in careers. Almost every domain, including high-energy physics, needs people with strong capabilities in programming. In this evolving environment, it is highly desirable that young people are equipped with computational thinking (CT) skills, such as problem-solving and logical thinking, as well as the ability to develop software applications...
Studies Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) will become more and more
important in the near future with a rapidly increasing amount of data from
different experiments around the world. The full study of BSM models is
in general an extremely time-consuming task involving long and difficult
computations. It is in practice not possible to do exhaustive
predictions in these models by hand, in...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) collaboration has presented a project implementation plan for construction of a 380 GeV e+e- linear collider 'Higgs and top factory' that is upgradable in stages to 3 TeV. The CLIC concept is based on high-gradient normal-conducting accelerating structures operating at X-band (12 GHz) frequency. We present the CLIC accelerator concept and the latest status of...
The Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation (RENO) started data-taking from August 2011 and has successfully measured the smallest neutrino mixing angle θ_13 by observing the disappearance of reactor electron antineutrinos. Electron antineutrinos from the six reactors at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in Korea are detected and compared by the two identical near-and-far detectors. RENO has...
In the recent years, several measurements of $B$-decays with flavor changing neutral currents, i.e.
$b\to s$ transitions hint at deviations from the Standard Model (SM) predictions.These decays are
forbidden at tree-level in the SM and can only proceed via suppressed loop level diagrams. Rare
decays of $B$ mesons are an ideal probe to search for phenomena beyond the SM, since...
The Time of Propagation (TOP) detector is a novel particle
identification system developed for the barrel region of the Belle II
detector at the SuperKEKB collider at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. Cherenkov
photons generated by charged particles traversing its quartz radiator
are captured due to total internal reflection. The Cherenkov emission
angle is then reconstructed from the propagation...
We present a model for generating space-time coordinates in the Monte Carlo event generator Herwig 7, and perform colour reconnection by minimizing a boost-invariant distance measure of the system. We compare the model to a series of soft physics observables. We find reasonable agreement with the data, suggesting that pp-collider colour reconnection may be able to be applied in larger systems.
During the High-Luminosity Phase 2 of LHC, scheduled to start in 2026, the ATLAS detector is expected to collect more than 3 $\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ of data at an instantaneous luminosity reaching up to 7.5×$10^{34}$ $\mathrm{cm}^{−2}.\mathrm{s}^{−1}$, corresponding to about 200 inelastic proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing. In order to cope with the large radiation doses and to maintain...
Bound states of a heavy quark-antiquark-pair, quarkonia, are unique model systems to probe the deconfinement property of strongly interacting matter created in heavy-ion collisions. At the LHC, a unique comprehensive and precise set of measurements is available for the heavy bottom-antibottom vector states, which is a complementary probe to the lighter charmonium system thanks to its heavier...
The ATLAS Collaboration consists of more than 5000 members, from about 100 different countries. This study presents data showing aspects of the regional, age and gender demographics of the collaboration, including the time evolution over the lifetime of the experiment. In particular the relative fraction of women is discussed, including their share of contributions, recognition and positions...
\title{The SENSEI Experiment: An Ultrasensitive Search for Sub-GeV Dark Matter}
\author{Mariano Cababie,\ for the SENSEI Collaboration}
\date{July 30 - August 5, 2020}
(Does not include EFT interpretation of ttV and any FCNC) A comprehensive set of measurements of top quark pair production in association with EWK bosons (W, Z or ɣ) is presented. Inclusive and differential measurements are shown using the data collected by CMS.
Recent measurements from the CMS collaboration on Higgs boson fiducial and differential cross sections will be presented.
High-precision HERA data corresponding to a luminosity of around 1 fb$^{-1}$ have been used in the framework of $eeqq$ contact interactions (CI) to set limits on possible high-energy contributions beyond the Standard Model to electron--quark scattering. Measurements of the inclusive deep inelastic cross sections in neutral and charged current $ep$ scattering were considered. The analysis of...
Educational games and activities have proven benefits for achieving learning objectives. They motivate competition, provide immediate rewards for success, and encourage collaborative, problem-based learning - all while framed as a fun activity, rather than laborious task. An overview of ATLAS educational games is given, including: “Making a Splash”, a water-balloon game teaching the physics of...
The Penetrating particle ANalyzer is an instrument designed to operate in space to precisely measure and monitor the flux, composition, and direction of highly penetrating particles of energy ranging from 100 MeV/n to 20 GeV/n filling the current observational gap in this energy interval.
The detector design is based on a modular magnetic spectrometer of small size and reduced power...
We report the first direct measurement of the dead-cone effect at colliders, using iterative jet declustering techniques in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV. The iterative declustering is applied to the angular ordered C/A tree of jets associated with D$^{0}$ mesons. Following the D$^{0}$ branch in the splitting history the corresponding Lund plane diagram is constructed, which enables...
During the last period, reactor neutrino experiments have played an increasing role in understanding neutrino oscillations, in particular with the precise measurement of the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$. However, following a reevaluation in 2011 of reactor antineutrino fluxes, a discrepancy between measured and expected fluxes, known as the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (RAA), was observed and...
We will first review the amplitudes of single Galileon theories with focus on the soft theorems. Both tree-level and one-loop level amplitudes will be studied. Generalization of multiflavour extension will be briefly discussed.
Linear e+e- colliders uniquely offer the opportunity to study collisions with longitudinally polarized electron and positron beams. In recent studies of precision tests of the Standard Model at the International Linear Collider, it has been seen that this capability can play an unexpectedly important role. This comes, first, from the ability of polarization asymmetries to access essential...
Light dark sector particles, especially bosons if coupled to the inflaton can be copiously produced during the (p)reheating epoch courtesy to Bose enhancement. In many particle physics scenarios such light particles are often invoked to resolve tensions with cosmological bounds from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Large Scale Structure (LSS). We will...
Radiative, rare, b-hadron decays are sensitive probes of New Physics through the study of branching fractions, angular observables, CP asymmetries and measurements of the polarisation of the photon emitted in the decay. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of these decays due to its high trigger efficiency, as well as excellent tracking and particle identification...
The ATLAS Forward Proton detectors consists of four horizontal precision trackers, two stations located at 210 m on each side of the ATLAS interaction region. We describe the relative alignment of the four tracker planes in each station and the relative alignment of the stations in each arm. The absolute alignment is done with exclusive di-lepton events and cross-checked with data from survey...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international project aiming at neutrino physics and astrophysics and a search for phenomena predicted by theories beyond the standard model. The excellent imaging capability of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology, particle tracking and identification utilized in the Far Detector allow the experiment to achieve high...
With the pp collision dataset collected at 13 TeV, detailed measurements of Higgs boson properties can be performed. This talk presents measurements of Higgs boson properties using Higgs boson decays to two photons, two Z bosons, and two W bosons, including production mode cross sections and simplified template cross sections.
The $\Upsilon$ states are a clean probe of the properties of quark-gluon plasma, which can be created in heavy-ion collisions. Each of the $\Upsilon$ states dissociates at a different temperature in the plasma due to Debye-like screening of color charges. In order to understand the Cold Nuclear Matter effects, the $\Upsilon$ production has to be studied in small colliding systems such as p+Au...
Searches for, and measurements of exotic states are studied with the ATLAS detector. The latest results from ATLAS on studies of pentaquark structures in the decays of heavy flavour are presented.
In addition, recent results from heavy flavour spectroscopy are reported.
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) has been proposed as a Higgs/Z0 (flavor) factory, which would allow precision measurements of the Higgs boson properties, as well as of W±/Z0 bosons. The baseline design of CEPC vertex system consists of three concentric double-sided pixel layers, to reach the unprecedented impact parameter resolution. Driven by physics studies and experimental...
It is a common belief that the last missing piece of the Standard Model of particles physics was found with the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. However, there remains a major prediction of quantum tunnelling processes mediated by instanton solutions in the Yang-Mills theory, that is still untested in the Standard Model. The direct experimental observation of...
Recent reactor neutrino experiments have shown anomalous results in both the reactor flux and spectrum measurements. Compared the measurements, Reactor neutrino flux shows a 6% deficit while reactor netrino spectrum illustrates a bump-like structure at around 5 MeV region. In this talk we will employ the methods of both theoretical model prediction and global neutrino data analysis to expore...
The Time-of-Flight (ToF) detectors of the ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) system are designed to measure the primary vertex z-position of the pp -> pXp processes by comparing the arrival times measured in the ToF of the two intact protons in the final state.
We present the results obtained from a performance study of the AFP ToF detector operation in 2017. A time resolutions of individual...
The unprecedentedly large integrated luminosity accumulated by the ATLAS detector at the highest proton-proton collision energy provided by LHC allows the study of rare SM processes. The associated production of top quarks with neutral bosons is such an example: it directly probes top-quark couplings to photons and Z bosons and tests for deviations from the standard model.
In LHC Run 3, the upgraded ALICE detector will record 50kHz Pb-Pb collisions using continuous readout. The resulting stream of raw data at ~3.5TB/s - a fiftyfold increase over Run 2 - must be processed with a set of lossy and lossless compression and data reduction techniques to decrease the data rate to storage to ~100GB/s without affecting the physics. This contribution focuses on lossless...
Meson factories are powerful drivers of diverse physics programs and play a major role in particle physics at the intensity frontiers.
Currently PSI delivers the most intense continuous muon beam in the world up to few 10E8 μ+/s. The High Intensity Muon Beam (HiMB) project at PSI aims at developing new muon beam lines able to deliver up to 10E10 μ+/s, with a huge impact for low energy...
The observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe composes a serious challenge to our understanding of nature. BNV/LNV decay has been searched in many experiments to understand this large-scale observed fact. In the case of e+e- collision, few experiments are performed. Here we proposed to search BNV and LNV with the world largest J/psi data sets in e+e- c. The BNV and LNV channel...
Recent advancements in Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) demonstrated the ability to survive in radiation environments characterized by TID levels up to many thousands of Grays, that increases their appeal as sensors for high-energy physics detectors. The most recent example in such application is the new ALICE Inner Tracking System, entirely instrumented with CMOS MAPS, that covers an...
In 2017 LHCb made the first observation of the doubly-charged, doubly-charmed baryon Xicc++. This has prompted significant experimental and theoretical work to predict and measure the properties of the new baryon, and search for other doubly-charmed baryons Xicc+ and Omegacc+. Here we present several searches for, and studies of, these new states. We also present several measurements using...
The most recent CMS results on Higgs boson measurements in final states with tau leptons will be presented.
Understanding dark matter, how it was produced in the early universe,
what its nature is and where it is located in the cosmos is one of the
fundamental physics problems of our century.
The large community working on dark matter is active and diversified,
and includes particle physics theorists and astrophysicists with a wide range of interests, as well as particle physics...
To help boost the number of women entering physics careers, the well-established program International Masterclasses is holding special events on the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science (Feb 11). Girls aged 15-19 participate in a Masterclass under the supervision of female facilitators, who serve as role models. Particle Physics Masterclasses, organized by the International...
The PPS (Precision Proton Spectrometer) detector system consists of silicon tracking stations as well as timing detectors to measure both the position and direction of protons and their time-of-flight with high precision. They are located at around 200 m from the interaction point in the very forward region on both sides of the CMS experiment. PPS is built to study Central Exclusive Production...
Among the many possible probes to study the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a high energy-density medium formed in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, heavy quarks are particularly interesting as they are expected to be produced in the initial stages of the collisions, by hard partonic scatterings, and to experience the full evolution of the medium. In particular, charmonia (bound c$\overline{\rm c}$...
COMPASS is a multipurpose high energy physics experiment located at the M2 beamline of the SPS at CERN. In 2016 and 2017 COMPASS collaboration performed measurements of lepton-induced hard exclusive reactions using 160 GeV positively and negatively charged muon beams scattering of a liquid hydrogen target. The Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) and Hard Exclusive Meson Production (HEMP)...
The J-PARC neutrino beamline produces a high intensity neutrino beam using 30 GeV protons from the J-PARC Main Ring (MR) accelerator for the T2K long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The MR accelerator and neutrino beamline achieved 515kW stable operation during the most recent run. MR upgrades toward 1.3 MW beam power are being planned for further running of the T2K and future...
Neutron-Anti-neutron ($n$-$\bar{n}$) oscillation is a baryon number violating process that requires physics beyond the Standard model. Future experiments at ESS and DUNE aim to either discover $n$-$\bar{n}$ oscillation or to put more stringent constraints on the oscillation time. We study the impact of such a discovery on different baryogenesis scenarios in an effective field theory...
Recent CMS results concerning the observation of a Lambda_b rare decay and of four excited Lambda_b baryons, by using 13TeV data, are presented.
The upgrade of tracking detectors for experiments at the HL-LHC and future colliders requires the development of novel radiation hard silicon sensors. We target the replacement of hybrid pixel detectors with Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) that are radiation hard monolithic CMOS sensors. We designed, manufactured and tested DMAPS in the TowerJazz 180nm CMOS imaging technology...
We study a bottom-up construction of effective field theories of spin-0 and spin-1 massless particles using the infrared structure of scattering amplitudes. We try to employ previously discovered two distinct probes of soft kinematics: multiple chiral soft limits for vectors and enhanced single soft limits for scalars.
Testing the couplings of the Higgs boson to leptons is important to understand the origin of lepton masses. This talk presents measurements of Higgs boson production in Higgs boson decays to two tau leptons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV, as well as studies of the CP-nature of the HVV coupling in H→tautau decays.
The experimental area of the Trento Proton Therapy Center (Italy) is a experimental area devoted to research on particle physics sensors and biophysics. In this area particle physics sensors can be tested with a proton beam with a energy range between 70 and 130 MeV.
This area is also specially suitable for education initiatives addressed to both students or general public because in this...
The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector, consisting of four barrel layers at 33, 50.5, 88.5, and 122.5 mm from the geometric center of the ATLAS detector and a total of six disk layers, three at each end of the barrel region. It has undergone significant hardware and readout upgrades to meet the...
Today, the situation in direct dark matter detection is controversial: The DAMA/LIBRA experiment observes an annual modulation signal at high confidence. Furthermore, this signal is perfectly compatible in terms of period and phase with the expectation for a galactic halo of dark matter particles which interact in their NaI target crystals. However, in the so-called standard scenario on dark...
The Belle II experiment at SuperKEKB, an asymmetric e+e- collider, aims at a total integrated luminosity of 50 ab-1, to pursue a rich program of Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model physics. In its first year of operation, approximately 10 fb-1 were collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance, with about 100 fb-1 expected by the end of 2020. This results in a sizeable sample of tau pairs,...
The gluon-gluon fusion for $\eta_c$ and $\chi_c$ quarkonium production
is known to be the dominant mechanism [1,2]. In contrast the mechanism of light $f_2(1270)$ tensor meson production is not known. We calculate inclusive cross section for $f_2(1270)$ tensor meson production for gluon-gluon fusion in the $k_t$-factorization approach using different unintegrated gluon distributions from the...
Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) are appealing candidates for dark matter in the universe but are severely constrained by theoretical and observational constraints. I will focus on the Hawking evaporation limits extended to Kerr Black Holes. These results have been obtained with a new code entitled BlackHawk that I will briefly present. In particular, I will review the isotropic extragalactic...
LHCb is a collaboration of over 1300 members from 83 institutions based in 19 countries, and representing many more nationalities. We aim to work together on experimental high energy physics, and to do so in the best and most collaborative conditions. The Early Career, Gender & Diversity (ECGD) office exists to support this goal, and in particular has a mandate to support early-career...
Photon-induced processes in proton-proton interactions have become recently very topical. The large energy at the LHC, when combined with relatively large luminosity at run II, allows to start the exploration of such processes.
We discuss production of $W^+ W^-$ pairs and $t \bar t$ quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions induced by two-photon fusion including, for a first time,...
We present LHCb results on production of quarkonia and of open-heavy-flavour hadrons in proton-lead collisions, using data collected at sqrt(s_NN) = 5 and 8.16 TeV. Measurements are performed in the forward pseudorapidity region (2<eta<5), covering both forward (pPb configuration) and backward (Pbp configuration) rapidities. Measurements for charmonium states include prompt and from-b-decay...
Neutrinos have played a key role in astrophysics, from the characterization of nuclear fusion processes in the Sun to the observation of supernova SN1987A and multiple extragalactic events. The Super-Kamiokande experiment has played a major part in past in these astrophysical studies by investigating low energy O(10) MeV neutrinos and currently exhibits the best sensitivity to the diffuse...
Silicon pixel detectors are at the core of the current and planned upgrade of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As the closest detector component to the interaction point, these detectors will be subjected to a significant amount of radiation over their lifetime: prior to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the innermost layers will receive a fluence of 1-5 10^15 1 MeV...
Recent CMS measurements of ttH and tH associated production in multiple final states will be presented.
The latest results of beauty meson decays to final states with charmonium resonances from LHCb are presented. This includes measurements of time-dependent CP violation parameters and branching fractions.
In this talk we present various measurements sensitive to non-perturbative physics performed using data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Inclusive single diffractive dissociation (pp->pX) is studied using data collected by the ATLAS forward spectrometer spectrometers, while charged particles from the dissociative system (X) are reconstructed and measured using the ATLAS inner...
The LHCb detector at the LHC offers unique coverage of forward rapidities. The detector also has a flexible trigger that enables low-mass states to be recorded with high efficiency, and a precision vertex detector that enables excellent separation of primary interactions from secondary decays. This allows LHCb to make significant (and world-leading) contributions in these regions of phase...
Since 1984 the Italian groups of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), collaborating with the DOE laboratory of Fermilab (US) have been running a two-month summer training program for Italian university students. While in the first year the program involved only four physics students of the University of Pisa, in the following years it was extended to engineering students. This...
We consider specific examples of ${\cal N} = 2$ supersymmetric quantum mechanical models and list out all the novel symmetries. In each case, we show the existence of two sets of discrete symmetries that correspond to the Hodge duality operator of differential geometry. Thus, we are able to provide a proof of the conjecture which endorses the existence of more than one discrete symmetry...
Hard-scatter processes in hadronic collisions are often significantly contaminated by background contributions from pileup in proton-proton collisions or underlying event in heavy-ion collisions. It is crucial to mitigate this background since it has a significant impact on hadronic jet reconstruction and on the ability to identify the substructures of hadronically decaying boosted...
Super-Kamiokande (SK) is a 50 kton water Cherenkov detector
located approximately 1 km beneath mount Ikenoyama, Gifu, Japan. While
SK can reconstruct charged particle tracks over a wide energy range, the
detection efficiency of neutrons is very low. Achieving efficient
neutron tagging is useful in all analyses, from the observation of the
diffuse supernova neutrino background for the...
Scalar fields are widely used in cosmology, in particular to emulate dark energy, for example in quintessence models, or to explain dark matter, in particular within the fuzzy dark matter model. In addition many scenarios involving primordial scalar fields which could have driven inflation or baryogenesis are currently under scrutiny. Here we study the impact of such scalar fields on Big-Bang...
Early career researchers in particle physics face a unique set of challenges. Newcomers to any experiment face steep learning curves, particularly with the familiarisation of software and internal standard procedure. The junior rank typical of early career researchers can also mean less agency or influence within a larger collaboration, and job insecurity brings further additional challenges,...
The PICO collaboration uses bubble chambers to search for dark matter, with world-leading sensitivity to spin-dependent (SD) WIMP-proton couplings via direct detection. The bubble chambers are operated in a moderately superheated state, providing excellent rejection of the dominant gamma background, and are located in the deep underground facility SNOLAB in Canada. The PICO-60 detector has set...
The KOTO experiment searches for the rare kaon decay $K_L^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$. Because of the small theoretical uncertainty in the Standard Model, it is sensitive to the new physics. In order to collect the signal events, pipeline readout is developed to enable two-level trigger decisions. The first level requires energy sum in the calorimeter and the absence of signal in other...
The positions of the nearly twenty-thousands silicon sensors of the CMS central tracking system must be determined with a precision better than their intrinsic resolution in order to provide an optimal reconstruction of charged particle trajectories. The procedure, referred as the alignment, includes also the adjustment of the orientations and the determination of the deviation from flatness...
The latest studies of beauty-meson decays to open-charm final states from LHCb are presented. Several branching fraction measurements using Run 1 and Run 2 data samples are shown, including first observations. These decay modes will provide important inputs to other analyses and to studies of spectroscopy.
We report on the measurement of the Central Exclusive Production of charged particle pairs $h^{+}h^{-}$ ($h = \pi, K, p$) with the STAR detector at RHIC in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$ GeV. The charged particle pairs produced in the reaction $pp\to p^\prime+h^{+}h^{-}+p^\prime$ are reconstructed from the tracks in the central detector and identified using the specific energy...
In this talk LUXE (Laser Und XFEL Experiment) is discussed. It is an experiment that aims to use the high-quality and high-energy electron beam of the European XFEL and a powerful laser. The scientific objective of the experiment is to study quantum electrodynamics processes in the regime of strong fields. High-energy electrons, accelerated by the European XFEL linear accelerator, and...
I shall present scientific/epistemological, as well as practical arguments in favor of a facility where to explore, with analogs, otherwise unreachable territories of the theoretical landscapes.
In this facility, theorists (both of the HEP-TH and of the COND-MAT types) should sit next to experimentalists (mostly of the COND-MAT type). I shall call this facility HELIOS, an evocative name for...
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is a next generation underground large water Cherenkov detector. The detector is filled with ultra-pure water and surrounded with newly developed photo sensors. In total, it will provide the fiducial volume of 0.19 Mt, which is 8 times larger than preceding experiment Super-Kamiokande. The energies, positions, directions and types of charged particles produced by...
Spreading interest in physics among high-school students is crucial for course and career choices. When investigating interest in science, previous studies focused on four aspects: interesting contents (e.g. mechanics), contexts (e.g. biological), tasks (e.g. conduct an experiment), and learning environments (e.g. Science Centre).
Overall, researchers agree that when trying to arouse...
The Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) is a specially crafted microporous plate with millions of independent channels, which have secondary electron emission capability. The MCP could be used as the electronic multiplier amplifier in the PMTs. There are two types of MCP Photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT), large-area electrostatic focusing PMTs (LPMT) and small size proximity focusing PMTs (FPMT)...
Silicon trackers are used extensively in high energy physics experiments. e.g. in ATLAS and CMS experiments at LHC, Belle II experiment at KeK. A common feature in these tracking systems is that they have multiple layers of silicon detectors. As charged particles pass through the silicon sensors, ionization gives rise to signal in individual channels of each detector. Hits in multiple layers...
The last decade of hadron spectroscopy has unveiled a wealth of states that do not have the properties expected of particles composed of 2 or 3 valence quarks. Among the most intriguing of these exotics is the X(3872), which various models attempt to describe as a hadronic molecule, a compact tetraquark, an unexpected charmonium state, or their mixtures. Heavy-ion collisions, as well as...
With large branching fractions and controllable theoretical uncertainties, semileptonic B decays are excellent tools for measuring B hadron properties as well as testing QCD calculations. The large samples of Bs mesons and b-baryons uniquely available at LHCb extend the experimental reach into this sector, allowing differential decay rates of these hadrons to be probed for the first time. The...
We calculate distributions of different vector mesons in purely exclusive (pp → ppV) and semiexclusive (pp → pXV) processes with the electromagnetic dissociation of a proton. The cross section for exclusive production depends on wave function of the vector mesons and unintegrated gluon distribution function. We show results for rapidity and transverse momentum of vector mesons distributions....
The CMS experiment heavily relies on CMSWEB cluster to host critical services for its operational needs. The cluster is deployed on virtual machines (VMs) from the CERN Openstack cloud and is manually maintained by operator and developers. The release cycle is composed of several steps, from building RPMs, their deployment, validation and coordination tests. To enhance the sustainability of...
Floating strip Micromegas detectors are highest-rate capable particle detectors with excellent spatial and time resolution, allowing single particle tracking with fluxes up to at least 7 MHz/cm$^2$ by collecting the amplified ionization charge on copper anode strips kept at a slightly floating electrical potential. The charge signal is decoupled by two layers of readout strips in x and y,...
We describe electroweak monopoles within the Born-Infeld extension of $𝑆𝑈(2)\times 𝑈(1)$ electroweak theory. We argue for topological stability of these monopoles and computed their mass in terms of the Born-Infeld mass parameters. We then propose a new mechanism for electroweak baryogenesis which takes advantage of the following salient features of the electroweak monopoles: (i) monopoles...
We argue that the search for vector dark boson through $e^+e^-\to Z^{\prime}\gamma$ can determine the Lorentz structure of $Z^{\prime}l^+l^-$ couplings with the detection of leptonic decays $Z^{\prime}\to l^+l^-$. We assume a general framework that the vector dark boson interacts with ordinary fermions through vector and axial-vector couplings. As a consequence of Ward-Takahashi identity,...
Precision luminosity calibration is critical to determine fundamental parameters of the standard model and to constrain or to discover beyond-the-standard-model phenomena at LHC. The luminosity determination at the LHC interaction point 5 with the CMS detector, using proton-proton collisions at 13 and 5.02 TeV during Run 2 of the LHC (2015–2018), is reported. The absolute luminosity scale is...
The Advanced Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE) is an accelerator R&D experiment at CERN using, for the first time, a high-energy proton bunch to drive wakefields in plasma and accelerating electrons to the GeV energy scale. The principle of the AWAKE experiment is described. We show experimental results of the seeded self-modulation process of the long 400 GeV SPS proton bunch, transforming the...
Semileptonic $B$ meson decays allow to determine the magnitudes of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements $|V_{cb}|$ and $|V_{ub}|$. $B$ decays with a heavy $\tau$ lepton in the final state constitute a powerful probe for physics beyond the standard model as well as a test for lepton flavour universality. Finally, $B$ decays with leptonic final states enable us to search for lepton...
The measurement of Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair is essential to understand the top-quark couplings to the Higgs boson. This talk presents the analyses using Higgs boson decays to bbbar pairs, to two Z bosons, to other multi-lepton final states, and to a pair of photons, using pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.
In this talk, I will address the possibility that the nature of dark matter is associated with neutrino mass generation.
Focusing on an extension of the Standard Model where the light neutrino masses are generated radiatively, we study the properties of a dark matter candidate which is made stable by the same symmetry responsible for the radiative origin of neutrino masses. Also, the model...
New results on the production of light nuclei, including deuterons, tritons, $^3$He, $^4$He and the corresponding anti-nuclei in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 2.76 TeV and $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV will be presented and compared with theoretical predictions to provide insight into their production mechanisms in heavy-ion collisions.
Furthermore, new measurements...
The nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the most relevant open problems both in cosmology and particle physics. Many different experimental techniques have been developed to detect Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) as dark matter candidates via their scattering with detector atoms. The NEWSdm experiment, located in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy, is based on a novel...
Michael R. Foley (, Melvin Aviles, Satya Butler, Till Cremer, Camden D. Ertley, Cole J. Hamel, Alexey V. Lyashenko Michael J. Minot, Mark A. Popecki, Michael E. Stochaj, Travis W. Rivera, Incom, Inc, Charlton, MA, USA; Evan J. Angelico, Henry J. Frisch, Andrey Elagin, Eric Spieglan, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA; Bernhard W. Adams, Dragonfly Devices, Naperville,...
We present VegasFlow, a new software for fast evaluation of high dimensional integrals based on Monte Carlo integration using dataflow graphs.
The growing complexity of calculations and simulations in many areas of science have been accompanied by advances in the computational tools which have helped their developments.
VegasFlow enables developers to delegate all complicated aspects...
The SuperKEKB electron-positron collider at the KEK laboratory in Japan aims to achieve a maximum luminosity 50x higher than its predecessors KEKB and PEPII, positioning the Belle II experiment at the forefront of searches for non-standard-model physics in the next decade. High collision intensity implies high beam-induced radiation, which can damage essential Belle II sub-detectors and...
Laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) allows producing a few GeV electron beams in a plasma channel with a length of few cm with unique parameters such as bunch length of a few fsec and the bunch charge up to 100 pC. With the constant improvement of the electron beam parameters, in particular, the energy spread and the emittance of the electron beam, LWFA can to be considered as a candidate for...
In the context of the Equivalence Teorem we compute the one-loop contribution of
top and bottom quarks to the would-be Nambu-Goldstone bosons elastic scattering.
We pay attention to the renormalization and unitariry of the amplitude and provide
examples of the applications to the LHC physics.
An ultra-low mass Tracking Chamber with Particle Identification capabilities is proposed for a future e+e- collider.
Details about the construction parameters of the drift chamber including both the inspection of new material for the wires , of new techniques for soldiering the wires, the development of
an improved schema for the drift cell and the choice of a gas mixture are described. The...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model predict new phenomena, such as Z’, W’ bosons or heavy neutrinos, in final states with isolated, high-pt leptons (e/mu/nu). Searches for new physics with such signatures, produced either resonantly or non-resonantly, are performed using the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The recent 13 TeV pp results will be reported.
The physics of charmless B decays is an essential portion of the Belle II program.
The expected large yields of charmless B decays will enable significant advancements in the
understanding of quark dynamics, including a world-leading determination of the CKM phase
alpha/phi_2, a conclusive understanding of the so-called K-pi CP-puzzle, and a deeper insight into
phenomenological models of...
We review recent CMS results on heavy flavour hadron production, including quarkonia, in heavy ion collisions, as well as particle correlations.
The PandaX experiment uses liquid xenon as the target material to perform the dark matter direct detection at China Jinping Underground Laboratory. In 2019, the PandaX-II experiment with 580 kg liquid xenon in the sensitive volume finished the data-taking and the total exposure is around 140 ton-day. Currently, the PandaX collaboration is planing for the next generation multi-ton liquid xenon...
The ELIMAIA (ELI Multidisciplinary Applications of laser-Ion Acceleration) beamline has been recently installed at ELI-Beamlines in the Czech Republic. The main goal of ELIMAIA is to offer short ion bunches accelerated by lasers with high repetition rate to users from different fields (physics, biology, material science, medicine, chemistry, archaeology) and, at the same time, to demonstrate...
The JHU generator framework includes an event generator of anomalous HVV and Hff interactions of the Higgs boson in production and decay and a MELA library for matrix element analysis. This framework allows constraints on dimension-six operators of an effective field theory from a joint analysis of on-shell and off-shell production of the Higgs boson and of triple and quartic gauge boson...
DUNE is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that will take data in a wideband neutrino beam at Fermilab in the latter half of the 2020s. The experiment is planning to build a very capable near detector to facilitate the high precision extraction of oscillation parameters. Part of the mission of the near detector is to acquire powerful data sets that can be used to constrain the...
Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) detectors are widely used thanks to their excellent time resolution and low production cost. At the CERN LHC experiments, the large RPC systems are operated in avalanche mode thanks to a Freon-based gas mixture containing C2H2F4 and SF6, both greenhouse gases with a very high global warming potential (GWP). The search of new environmentally friendly gas mixtures...
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge $SU(3)_f$ quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with scale $\Lambda$. Anomaly freedom demands addition of three right-handed neutrinos $\nu^f_{R}$. The QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for fermion self-energies $\Sigma_f(p^2)$ spontaneously generates:
(I) three Majorana masses $M_{fR}$ of $\nu^f_{R}$ of order $\Lambda$; (II) three...
We show how the $Z$ boson polarization can be used to study the $ZH$ production at future $e^+e^-$ colliders and at the LHC. We calculate the 8 independent polarization parameters of the spin-1 $Z$ boson which are sensitive to anomalous gauge-Higgs couplings, using $Z$ spin density matrix. By constructing angular asymmetries from the $Z$ boson decay leptons, which are related to the...
Measurements that exploit electroweak boson scattering and electroweak boson fusion (VBF) processes have become increasingly common at the Large Hadron Collider in the last few years. All of these measurements and searches rely on accurate theoretical modelling of the VBF and VBS production mechanisms. The production of single vector-boson production via weak boson fusion provides a standard...
Measuring lepton angular distributions of Drell-Yan process provides a powerful tool to explore the reaction mechanisms and the parton distributions of colliding hadrons. For example, the Lam-Tung relation has been proposed as a benchmark of the pQCD effect in Drell-Yan process. Violations of Lam-Tung relation were observed in the measurements of fixed-target experiments as well as...
The Charm sector provides a unique environment for the searches of Physics Beyond the Standard
Model. Recent observation of CP violation in the D0 decays by the LHCb collaboration has renewed
this interest and calls for confirmation in other channels and by other experiments. As we will discuss in
this talk, Belle II will play a crucial role in measuring CP violation in many decay channels,...
The spectral shape of the secondary isotopes in cosmic rays is completely determined by the source spectrum of the parent elements and by the propagation process. In particular, 3He in cosmic rays is believed to result from the interaction of primary 4He with the interstellar medium, providing a powerful tool to constrain the parameters of the galactic cosmic rays propagation models. Precise...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. With this data set, Belle II will be able to measure...
Scintillating crystal calorimeters provide unparalleled resolution in measuring the energy of electromagnetic particles. Recent experiments performed at CERN and DESY beamlines by the AXIAL/ELIOT collaboration demonstrated a significant reduction in the radiation length inside PbWO$_4$, the material used for the CMS ECAL, observed when the incident particle trajectory is aligned with a crystal...
The smallness of neutrino masses, which together with neutrino oscillations could be pointing to physics beyond the standard model, can be naturally accommodated by the so-called “seesaw” mechanism, in which new Heavy Neutral majorana Leptons (HNL) are postulated. A model providing HNLs that incorporates the seesaw mechanism, while also providing a DM candidate and giving a possible...
The most recent CMS results on Higgs boson properties from the combination of different final states will be presented, including the Higgs boson mass, couplings, and interpretations in the context of effective field theories extending the standard model.
Open heavy flavours are effective probes of the hot and dense matter, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Due to the very short time scale characterising their production, they experience the whole evolution of the system. In particular, measurements of open heavy-flavour production in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC energies, including nuclear...
To make the best possible use of existing and proposed collider experiments, the precise measurement and understanding of machine induced backgrounds as well as forward collision products coupled back into the accelerator is crucial. Conventional detector simulations do not include the whole accelerator with thousands of magnets, nor does the numerical integration used to track through...
Results on the Drell-Yan differential and inclusive cross section measurements. Forward-Backward asymmetry and Angular Coefficients are also discussed. Both electron and muon channels are covered.
Positive signatures in direct searches of WIMP dark matter are so far derived from Annual Modulation (AM) studies. We present the analysis and results of AM search [1] with data from a 1-kg p-type point-contact germanium detector of the CDEX experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory [2]. The allowed regions due to DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT AM-data are probed and excluded. These...
The Belle II experiment aims to collect 50 ab$^{-1}$ of e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ collision data at the SuperKEKB collider in Japan. The first collisions with the full Belle II detector were recorded in Spring 2019. Excellent performance of the innermost pixel vertex detector (PXD) is crucial for many high profile B-decay measurements, namely those which rely heavily on precise knowledge of decay...
The polyester poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate) (PEN) is an attractive candidate as a low-background material for future rare event physics experiments. The polyester exhibits ideal mechanical, electrical, and scintillation properties permitting its use not only as an active shield but also a structural component. Recent formulations have been developed which greatly improve optical clarity,...
The unique design of the LHCb detector, with a flexible trigger and a precision vertex detector, enables competitive or even world-best limits on the production of long-lived particles, particularly for low mass states and for states that have a short lifetime. Searches have been performed at LHCb in fully hadronic and semileptonic final states.
The quantum field theoretical description of coherence in the oscillations of particles, especially neutrinos, is a standing problem in particle physics. In this talk, several inconsistencies of the standard approach to particle oscillations will be explained, and how they are resolved in a process-independent manner, by a novel approach inspired by the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of...
The KATRIN experiment aims to measure the effective electron antineutrino mass
with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/$c^2$ using a gaseous tritium source combined with
the MAC-E filter technique. This direct neutrino mass measurement,
based on the kinematics of the tritium beta-decay, provides a model-independent
way of approaching the neutrino mass scale.
In this talk an overview of the KATRIN...
Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distributions obtained from the Parton Branching (PB) method are combined with next-to-leading-order (NLO) calculations of Drell-Yan (DY) production. We apply the MC@NLO method for the hard process calculation and matching with the PB TMDs.
We compute predictions for the transverse momentum of Z bosons and Drell-Yan (DY) production. The theoretical...
The average lifetime of cosmic rays in the Galaxy related with their confinement within the Galactic propagation halo, is a very important parameter to understand comic-ray propagation processes and the cosmic-ray origin. The measurement of the 10Be/9Be secondary isotopes ratio, as 10Be has half-life of 1.39 million years, can be used to constrain the propagation lifetime. The 6Li/7Li ratio,...
The results of the most recent searches for anomalous Higgs boson couplings at CMS will be presented, including probes for CP violation in the Higgs boson interactions.
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) has been proposed for Higgs and electroweak measurements with unprecedented precision. To achieve the required performance precision, it is critical to understand, characterize and then mitigate the beam backgrounds that are critical for the machine and detector design and operation.
In this talk, we will present the latest studies of the beam...
In spring 2019 the fully equipped Belle II experiment started data taking at the energy of the Y(4S) resonance. The new vertex detector (VXD) consists of two inner layers of DEPFET pixels (PXD) and four layers of double-sided silicon strip detectors (SVD). It plays a crucial role in recording high-quality data in the new high-luminosity environment of the SuperKEKB collider, characterized by...
At RHIC energies, charm quarks are primarily produced at early stages of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, in hard partonic scatterings. This makes them an excellent probe of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) since they experience the whole evolution of the hot and dense medium. STAR is able to study the production of charm quarks and their interaction with the QGP through direct...
Many heavy-flavour measurements involve studies or searches for decays of hadrons into final states with neutral particles that are difficult or impossible to reconstruct with collider detectors, such as neutrinos, neutrons, $K^0_L$ mesons, or various dark-matter candidates. These decays are difficult to deal with, especially in the hadronic environment, such as at LHCb.
We propose a novel...
Extensions of the Standard Model that include vector-like quarks commonly also include additional particles that may mediate new production or decay modes. Using as example the Minimal Linear Sigma Model, that reduces to the minimal SO(5)/SO(4) Composite Higgs Model in a specific limit, we consider the phenomenology of vector-like quarks when a scalar singlet (s) is present. This new particle...
The DarkSide-50 dark matter search experiment demonstrated that argon derived from deep underground sources can be highly reduced in 39Ar, and since then the demand for this commodity has risen. Several fundamental physics experiments require argon reduced in 39Ar as well as 42Ar, as well as other rising needs in other scientific fields (e.g., age-dating). With the expanded needs come the...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay that has been able to reach the one-ton scale. The detector, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, consists of an array of 988 TeO$_{2}$ crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. Following the...
In 2015 and 2018 the COMPASS experiment at CERN measured muon pair production reactions using 190 GeV π− beam impinging on a transversely polarised NH3 and unpolarised nuclear (Al, W) targets. The main focus was given to the study of the dimuons produced in the Drell-Yan and J/psi production channels. Apart from the absolute cross-section measurements for the both processes, COMPASS studies...
The most precise measurements of Higgs boson cross sections, using the framework of simplified template cross sections, are obtained from a combination of the measurements performed in the different Higgs boson decay channels. This talk presents the combined measurements, as well as their interpretation.
The scattering of electroweak bosons tests the gauge structure of the Standard Model and is sensitive to anomalous quartic weak boson self interactions. In this talk, we present the latest results on weak-boson scattering from the ATLAS experiment using proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV. This will include the first observation of ZZ production, evidence for Z$\gamma$ production via...
In the LHCb Upgrade there will be four layers of tracking provided using silicon strips located after the Vertex Locator and in the fringe field in front of the analysis magnet, allowing for a fast determination of track momentum, essential for the software only trigger. We will discuss the design, including novel features such as embedded pitch adaptors and top-side HV bias, as well as...
Present data sample of 8 fb$^{-1}$ collected by KLOE and KLOE-2 experiments at the upgraded DA$\Phi$NE collider of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati corresponds to the largest sample ever collected at the $\phi$(1020) meson peak at an $e^+e^-$ collider - $2.4\times10^{10}$ $\phi$-mesons produced.
The lepton charge asymmetry measured in $K_S$ semileptonic decays with 1.7 fb$^{−1}$ of...
A convincing observation of neutrino-less double beta decay (0𝜈DBD) relies on the possibility of operating high energy-resolution detectors in background-free conditions.
Scintillating cryogenic calorimeters are one of the most promising tools to fulfill the requirements for a next-generation experiment. Several steps have been taken to demonstrate the maturity of this technique, starting...
Deuterons represent about 1% of the charge 1 nuclei in the cosmic rays flux. They are produced in the large part by spallation reactions of primary cosmic 4He nuclei on the interstellar medium, and represent a very sensitive tool to verify and constrain CR propagation models in the galaxy. Given the smaller cross section for 4He->D with respect C->B the deuteron flux provides additional...
A summary of searches for heavy resonances with masses exceeding 1 TeV decaying into pairs or triplets of bosons is presented, performed on data produced by LHC pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV and collected with the CMS detector during 2016, 2017, and 2018. The common feature of these analyses is the boosted topology, namely the decay products of the considered bosons (both electroweak W,...
In hadronic collisions, beauty quarks are produced in hard scattering processes with large momentum transfer. Their production provides a very important test of perturbative QCD calculations in pp collisions. Measurements in p-Pb collisions are crucial to investigate the effects of cold nuclear matter on their production. In heavy-ion collisions, the measurement of beauty hadron production is...
The Full Event Interpretation (FEI) is an exclusive tagging algorithm, that was developed for the Belle II experiment. By employing multivariate classifiers the FEI can identify and reconstruct semileptonic and hadronic B meson decay cascades with high efficiency. In this talk the status and performance of the FEI using recorded Belle II collision data is presented. Calibration studies of the...
Taking into account the mass gap between the Standard Model (SM) and possible new particles, the use of effective field theories is appropriate. We adopt here the non-linear realization of the electroweak symmetry breaking: the electroweak effective theory (EWET), also known as Higgs effective field theory (HEFT) or electroweak chiral Lagrangian (EWChL). At higher energies we assume a...
In 2019 the LHCb experiment published the first observation of CP violation in charmed particles, using decay channels D0->pi+pi- and D0->K+K-. Further measurements in different decay modes are essential in order to understand whether this effect can be explained by the Standard Model, or if new sources of CPV are needed. Here we present the latest searches for direct CP violation in several...
The only known practical way to probe the Majorana nature of neutrinos experimentally is via the discovery of the neutrinoless double beta decay. During the last years the GERDA (GERmanium Detector Array) experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN, Italy, remains one of the leaders in this field. In GERDA the Ge detectors, enriched in $^{76}$Ge, are directly immersed in...
Results on measurements involving jet substructure and boosted jets at CMS are reviewed here.
We present the measurement of the Belle II track reconstruction efficiency and Monte
Carlo efficiency correction factors using τ-pair events, in which one τ lepton decays
leptonically ( τ → lνν , l = e, μ) while the other decays hadronically into three charged
pions ( τ → 3πν + nπ0). These measurements are performed using the e+e-
collision data recorded during the early Phase III of data taking.
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay could cast light on one critical piece missing in our knowledge i.e. the nature of the neutrino mass. Its observation is indeed the most sensitive experimental way to prove that neutrino is a Majorana particle. The observation of such a potentially rare process demands a detector with an excellent energy resolution, an extremely low radioactivity...
First results are presented on the use of a new machine-learning based unfolding technique, OmniFold, applied to archival hadronic e+e- collisions using 730 pb^-1 of data collected at 91 GeV with the ALEPH detector at LEP. With the archived data and unfolding procedure, multiple classic hadronic event-shape variables are measured in a fully unbinned and multi-differential manner. Of particular...
The Belle II detector was completed with the installation of a silicon vertex detector
that covers most of the solid angle around the interaction region. In 2019 Physics Run
before summer shutdown, 5.15 /fb of data were collected at a center of mass energy
corresponding to the mass of the Y(4S). We utilize this dataset to characterize the
performance of the detector about tracking of...
The CKM angle $\gamma$ is the least well known of the angles of the unitarity triangle and the only one that is accessible with tree-level decays in a theoretically clean way. The key method to measure $\gamma$ is through the interference between $B^+\to D^0 K^+$ and $B^+ \to \bar D^0 K^+$ decays which occurs if the final state of the charm-meson decay is accessible to both the $D^0$ and $\bar...
PEN is an industrial polyester plastic which has become interesting for the physics community as a new type of plastic scintillator. PEN scintillates in the blue regime, which is ideal for most photosensor devices. In addition, PEN has excellent mechanical properties and very good radiopurity has been achieved. Thus, it is an ideal candidate for active structural components in low-background...
Studying the QCD matter produced under extreme condition of temperature and density called Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is among the important goal of heavy-ion collision experiments. QGP is a state where quarks and gluons are free to move inside a nuclear volume rather than only in nucleonic volume. Transition from hadronic state to QGP occur at the phase boundary where the critical temperature...
We argue that quantum electrodynamics combined with quantum gravity results in a new source of CP violation, anomalous non-conservation of chiral charge and quantisation of electric charge. Further phenomenological and cosmological implications of this observation are briefly discussed within the standard model of particle physics and cosmology
Electroweak production of supersymmetric particles becomes relevant whenever strongly coupled SUSY is present only at relatively high masses. Due to the strict constraints in squark and gluino properties obtained at the LHC experiments, low mass sleptons and/or gauginos could dominate SUSY production at LHC. A search for supersymmetric particles in multileptonic final states using data...
The first stage of the FCC (Future Circular Collider) is a high-luminosity electron-positron collider (FCC-ee) with centre-of-mass energy ranging from 88 to 365 GeV, to study with high precision the Z, W, Higgs and top particles. A cornerstone of the physics program lays in ppm measurements of the W and Z masses and widths, as well as forward-backward asymmetries. To this effect the...
Having the second highest branching ratio, the decay of the Higgs boson into two W bosons is one of the most promising channels to study the CP properties of the Higgs boson, couplings of Higgs to the other particles as well as inclusive and differential cross-section measurements. It is the only analysis sensitive to the forward Higgs production with pseudorapidities of the Higgs boson above...
Cosmic muon data accumulated by the NOvA neutrino detector, located 100m underground at Fermilab, allows for study of geological and man-made structures directly contributing to the overburden of the detector. We present results of a muon radiographic analysis of the cosmic ray data, obtained without subtracting the surface muon flux (free sky data). Instead, we use the internal geometrical...
The Standard Model as a very successful theory of electroweak interactions postulates the basic assumption about the pure „V(ector)-A(xial vector)“ character of the interaction. Nevertheless, even after more than half a century of development of the model and experimental testing of its fundamental ingredients, experimental data still rule out the existence of other types of weak interactions...
The next-generation neutrino experiment, DUNE, will utilize a high-intensity neutrino beam produced to measure electron-neutrino appearance and muon-neutrino disappearance with its 40 kilotons (fiducial mass) liquid argon far detector. Liquid argon purity is crucial to use liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPC) in DUNE's large detectors. A purity monitor is a miniature TPC that...
The ATLAS tracking system will be replaced by an all-silicon detector for the HL-LHC upgrade around 2025. The innermost five layers of the detector system will be pixel detector layers which will be most challenging in terms of radiation hardness, data rate and readout speed. A serial power scheme will be used for the pixel layers to reduce the radiation length and power consumption in cables....
We present exact solutions to the electroweak Cho-Maison magnetic monopole in a family of effective extensions of Standard Model that have a Bogomol’nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. We find that the lower bound to the mass of the magnetic monopole is $M \geq 2\pi v/ g \approx 2.37\,\,\mathrm{TeV}$. We argue that this bound holds universally, not just in theories with a BPS limit.
Single top quark production is the subleading production process of top quarks at the LHC after the top quark pair production. The latest differential measurements of single top quark production cross sections are presented using data collected by the CMS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The cross sections are measured as a function of various kinematic observables of the top...
At FCC-ee, beamstrahlung is pushed at its limits to maximize the luminosity, which causes a large beam energy spread, from 60 MeV at the Z pole to 350 MeV at the top energies, and therefore a centre-of-mass energy spread from 90 to 500 MeV. Because the pertaining biases to the measurements of ΓZ and αQED are two-to-three orders of magnitude larger than their target precisions, the...
The movable temperature profiler is a 7m vertical array of 22 sensors which measure cryogenic temperatures with a precision of a few mK. This precision is necessary to monitor the efficiency of recirculation and purification of liquid argon inside large liquid argon based neutrino detectors. Liquid argon temperature impacts electron (signal) drift velocity, liquid argon flow, purity...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is one of the main experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Many aspects of its broad physics program rely on our ability to trigger, reconstruct and identify events with muons in a wide range of momenta, from a few GeV to the TeV scale. We study the performance of muon identification and isolation in CMS in pp collision data at 13 TeV recorded...
A. J. Silenko 1,2,3, P. Zhang 4, L. Zou 2
1 JINR, Dubna, Russia; 2 IMP CAS, Lanzhou, China; 3 INP BSU, Minsk, Belarus; 4 SPA SYSU, Zhuhai, China
An importance of twisted (vortex) particles in heavy-ion collisions is analyzed. Free twisted photons and electrons can possess giant intrinsic orbital angular momenta. Twisted photons have a nonzero effective mass [1] and are spatially...
We will discuss the sensitivity of the $\gamma \gamma \to \tau^+ \tau^-$ process in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions on the anomalous magnetic moment of $\tau$ lepton ($a_{\tau}$) at LHC energies. We derive the corresponding cross sections by folding the elementary cross section with the heavy-ion photon fluxes and considering semi-leptonic decays of both $\tau$ leptons in the fiducial volume...
The dominant electroweak production mechanism for single top quarks is the $t$-channel and, it features a tWq vertex, where q stands for b, s, or d quarks, both in production and in decay. For this reason its cross section and branching fractions are sensitive to the strength of the electroweak coupling, making it a suitable channel for direct measurements of the magnitude of...
The Daya Bay, MINOS and MINOS+ experiments have searched for sterile neutrino mixing using electron antineutrino and muon (anti)neutrino disappearance, respectively, within a minimally extended four-neutrino scenario. They have recently combined their results, together with those from the Bugey-3 reactor neutrino experiment, to set the most stringent limits to date on the $\theta_{\mu e}$...
The non-diagonal correlator of vector and tensor fermionic currents is considered as the concrete example of the two-point one-loop amplitudes modified by a constant homogeneous magnetic field. The crossed-field limit of this correlator is found. The tensor current is a fermionic part of the Pauli Lagrangian relevant for the electromagnetic interaction of fermions through the anomalous...
The realisation of the top energy electron-hadron colliders at CERN requires the development of the energy recovering technique in multipass mode and for large currents ${\cal O}(10)$ mA in the SRF cavities. For this purpose, a technology development facility, PERLE, is under design to be built at ICLab Orsay, for which a Technical Design Report will be presented this year. Besides having the...
The muon system of the ATLAS Experiment will be upgraded in 2021 with Micromegas detectors covering an active area of about 1280 m2, being the largest system based on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD) ever built so far. The key element of the detectors are the anode boards which carry the readout strips, the resistive protection layer and the insulating pillars supporting the mesh. In...
The latest CMS results on the Higgs boson decays to a W boson pair are presented. The focus of the poster are the inclusive and differential cross section measurements performed using the full Run2 data collected by the CMS detector at LHC, as well as the constraints on the Higgs boson couplings to fermions and vector bosons arising from the simultaneous measurement of different production mechanisms.
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is currently preparing for the High- Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). In order to achieve the integrated luminosity of 4000 fb-1, the instantaneous luminosity is expected to reach unprecedented values. The radiation damage at the full integrated luminosity implies integrated hadron fluencies over 2x10^16 neq/cm2 requiring a replacement of the entire...
Phase transitions are of wide interest to be sure; whether it's in superconductors or the early universe: Beyond the Standard Model scenarios like Baryogenesis cry out for a strong first-order phase transition. So a precise description of phase transitions is vital.
Phase transitions are, in field theory, studied with numerical methods (lattice) and perturbative calculations (the effective...
The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment is the first experiment that measured a nonzero value for the $\theta_{13}$ neutrino mixing angle in 2012. Antineutrinos from six 2.9 $\text{GW}_{\text{th}}$ reactors are detected in eight functionally identical antineutrino detectors deployed in two near (flux-weighted baseline 470 m and 576 m) and one far (1648 m) underground experimental halls. The...
The upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is required to probe the physics beyond Standard Model. After the ongoing long shutdown (LS2) and eventually after LS3 in 2026, the accelerator luminosity will be increased up to 7 times as compared to designed luminosity value i.e. 1034 cm-2s-1. To meet the requirements of higher rates environment of HL-LHC...
The ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER) is a planned small-scale experiment designed to search for light and weakly-interacting particles at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The FASER detector will be located along the beam collision axis, 480 m downstream from the ATLAS interaction point (IP), in an unused service tunnel. A full Geant4 model of the LHC accelerator as well as the surrounding...
Charm quarks are an excellent probe of the quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions as they are produced at very early stages of such collisions and subsequently experience the whole evolution of the system. At the STAR experiment, charm quark production can be measured by direct topological reconstruction of open-charm hadrons thanks to the exceptional spatial resolution of the...
The ATLAS upgrade for HL-LHC operations includes an entirely new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). The silicon strip region comprises 165 m2 of instrumented area, made possible by mass production of silicon strip sensors. This area is covered in a nearly hermetic way. Slim edge technology is used to minimize inefficiency gaps between adjacent devices. Multiple shapes with curved edges are...
Vector like quarks (VLQs) are hypothetical spin-1/2 particles of the fourth generation that have left- and right-handed components. They are postulated to solve the hierarchy problem and stabilize the Higgs mass, while escaping constraints on the Higgs cross section measurement. The poster will present of the current status of the search for VLQs (T`) decaying to a top quark and a Higgs boson...
The planned upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS) aims at improving the capabilities of ALICE
in terms of read-out rate as well as track pointing resolution and track finding efficiency, especially for particles
with low transverse momenta. The new ITS will be a low material budget detector with high granularity and read-out speed. It comprises seven concentric layers of...
We consider two mechanisms for the light clusters production: the coalescence model and the thermal static model. The first one postulates that light nuclei are formed only at late times of the fireball evolution by recombination of protons and neutrons with close positions and velocities on the kinetic freeze-out surface. On the other hand, the thermal model assumes that there is a perfect...
After the discovery of a Higgs boson, the measurements of its properties are at the forefront of research. The determination of the associated production of a Higgs boson and a pair of top quarks is of particular importance as the ttH Yukawa coupling is large and can probe for physics beyond the Standard Model. The analysis is based on data taken by the ATLAS experiment recorded from 13 TeV...
A measurement of the production cross section for high transverse momentum top quark pairs is reported. The data set was collected during 2016 with the CMS detector at the LHC from pp collisions at 13 TeV, and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb-1. The measurement uses events where either both top quark candidates decay hadronically and are reconstructed as large-radius jets...
Hybrid semiconductor pixel detectors Timepix and Timepix3 provide quantum sensitivity, per-pixel spectrometry, noiseless detection and particle tracking in wide field-of-view. Array architectures enhance the resolving power and angular resolution. Miniaturized arrays are developed for deployment on board spacecraft in space. Low-power radiation monitors for telecommunication satellites in GEO....
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) Beamlines is a laser driven accelerator facility located in the outskirts of the city of Prague. With its state-of-the-art lasers, it will carry out an ambitious and diverse research program. Activities at ELI Beamlines can be broken down in complementary areas of scientific interest: development and testing of novel technologies for multi-PW laser...
The discovery of neutrino oscillations implies they have non-null masses much smaller than charged leptons. This is difficult to accommodate in a natural way through a pure Standard Model Yukawa coupling to the Higgs field. Type-III SeeSaw mechanism is a proposed beyond the SM model, introducing at least two new triplets of fermionic fields with zero hypercharge in the adjoint representation...
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is designed to measure the smallest neutrino mixing angle theta13 and it has 8 functionally identical antineutrino detectors (AD), 4 located at two near sites and 4 in the far hall. Due to the high power of the Daya Bay reactors and over 100-t target mass, Daya Bay has collected unprecedented amount of statistics of reactor antineutrino events at...
Silicon vertex detector is located in center of Belle II detector to provide precise measurement of vertex position decayed particles. It is composed by the DEPFET pixel and DSSD strip sensors. This poster will present experiences with determination, validation and monitoring alignment parameters of vertex detector.
Fluctuations of the proton number are measured in ulrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions as a proxy for the fluctuations of the number of baryons. In grand-canonical ensemble, the moments of the baryon number distribution are related to the derivatives of the logarithm of the partition function. In realistic situation corresponding to the measurements, the fluctuations are also determined by...
After running ten years, the inner drift chamber of the Beijing spectrometer III (BESIII) is suffering from the aging problems that lead to a performance degradation. As one of the prototype schemes of the BESIII inner chamber upgrade, a MAPS (monolithic active pixel sensor) detector prototype is under developed. The mass production and quality verification of the pixel detector ladders with...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), currently under construction in the south of China, will be the largest Liquid Scintillator (LS) detector in the world. JUNO is a multipurpose neutrino experiment designed to determine neutrino mass hierarchy, precisely measure oscillation parameters, and study solar neutrinos, supernova neutrinos, geo-neutrinos and atmosphere neutrinos....
The poster will describe the U-120M cyclotron facility at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and parameters of the provided beams.
The facility is extensively used for tests of radiation hardness of various electronic components for high-enegy physics including silicon sensors and FPGAs. The poster will present a dedicated setup that is used for these irradiation...
The production of the Higgs boson in association with a pair of top quarks is studied in final states with multiple leptons using proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment a $\sqrt s$ = 13 TeV centre-of-mass energy, during the Run 2 of the LHC. Machine learning and matrix element techniques are used to enhance the sensitivity of the analysis by discriminating signal and...
Quarkonia are an important probe into studying the properties of quark-gluon plasma. Proton-proton collisions serve as an essential baseline for studying the effects of quarkonia in proton-nucleon and nucleon-nucleon collisions. This poster presents the main characteristics of Upsilon mesons from Monte Carlo generation of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 500$ GeV. Monte...
The JUNO experiment is under construction in China. Its main goal is to determine the neutrino mass ordering via the precise measurement of the energy spectrum of anti-neutrinos from nuclear reactors 53 km away.
For JUNO's measurements, it is essential to suppress and control the background rate that mimic the signal from anti-neutrinos in the Central Detector (CD). The backgrounds that are...
JUNO is a multipurpose experiment under construction in China. In addition to 18,000 20-inch large photomultipliers (LPMTs) serving as the primary light-detection device, the JUNO central detector will be instrumented with 25,600 custom-made 3-inch small photomultipliers (SPMTs) to boost the physics potential of the experiment. The SPMTs will mostly operate in the photon-counting and will help...
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is collecting unprecedented amounts of proton–proton collision data. The ATLAS Collaboration analyses these data, seeking to give answers to questions that have puzzled particle physicists for many decades now. In this process, the Standard Model is being precisely measured and searches for new physics are performed in sophisticated and clever...
I will discuss the possibility of looking for sub-MeV dark matter using superfluid helium-4, employing in particular the recently developed relativistic effective theory for the superfluid phonon to describe the response of the detector to the passing dark matter. Being formulated in a quantum field theory language, this approach is particularly suitable for a particle physics problem. I will...
The exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon density has gained strong interest in recent years. Among the reasons for that are the observation of multi-messenger signals emitted by binary neutron star mergers and the quest for the existence of a first order phase transition to a deconfined and/or chirally restored phase another one. HADES is a second-generation...
The International Large Detector (ILD) is a detector designed primarily for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider with an initial center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV, extendable to 1 TeV. The ILD concept is based on particle flow for overall event reconstruction, which requests outstanding detector capabilities including superb tracking, very...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory is a 20 kton multi-purpose liquid scintillator detector currently being built in a dedicated underground laboratory in China, expected to start data taking in 2022.
JUNO's primary physics goal is the determination of the neutrino mass ordering, with an expected significance of 3-4 sigma in about six years of data taking, by measuring the...
Neutron monitors are recognized as a key tool for studying the time variations of galactic cosmic rays, especially with regard to solar effects. Cosmic-ray detectors inside the atmosphere do not record cosmic ray particles directly. The so-called primary cosmic rays interact with nuclei in the atmosphere to produce secondary daughter products. Neutron monitors record predominantly the...
Muon reconstruction and identification play a fundamental role in many analyses of central importance in the LHC run-2 Physics programme. The algorithms and the criteria used in ATLAS for the reconstruction and identification of muons with transverse momentum from a few GeV to the TeV scale will be presented. Their performance is measured in data based on the decays of Z and J/ψ to pair of...
Muonium is the bound state of a positive muon and an electron. Muonium Spectroscopy Experiment Using Microwave (MuSEUM) collaboration has been performing precise spectroscopy of the ground state muonium hyperfine structure (MuHFS) with high-intensity pulsed muon beam at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). Our goal is a ten-fold improvement in precision of MuHFS compared to the...
With the help of the generalized Wolfenstein parametrization of quark flavor mixing and CP violation, we calculate fine differences between the twin $b$-flavored unitarity triangles defined by $V^{*}_{ub} V^{}_{ud} + V^{*}_{cb} V^{}_{cd} + V^{*}_{tb} V^{}_{td} = 0$ and $V^{*}_{ud} V^{}_{td} + V^{*}_{us} V^{}_{ts} + V^{*}_{ub} V^{}_{tb} = 0$ in the complex plane. We find that apexes of the...
Data from the LHC at 7, 8, and 13 TeV have so far yielded no evidence for new particles beyond the 125 GeV Higgs boson; in particular, there have been no signs of SUSY. However, the complementary nature of physics with e+e- collisions still offers many interesting scenarios in which SUSY can be discovered at the ILC. These scenarios take advantage of the capability of e+e- collisions to...
A next-generation neutrino telescope, the Kilometer Cube Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT), is currently under deployment in the Mediterranean Sea. Its low energy configuration ORCA (Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) is optimised for the detection of atmospheric neutrinos with energies above ∼1 GeV. The main research target of the ORCA detector is the measurement of the neutrino mass...
The CMS detector at the LHC has recorded events from proton-proton collisions, with muon momenta reaching up to 1.8 TeV in the collected dimuon samples. These high-momentum muons allow direct access to new regimes in physics beyond the standard model. Because the physics and reconstruction of these muons are different from those of their lower-momentum counterparts, this talk presents for the...
The physics programmes at the LHeC and the FCC-eh require a large acceptance detector with high resolution tracking and calorimetry plus forward and backward detectors. Based on the 2012 design and considering the development of detector technology and as well new physics demands, especially from Higgs and BSM physics, a detector upgrade for the LHeC as contained in the 2020 LHeC White Paper...
The large data sample accumulated by the Belle experiment at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^{+} e^{-}$ collider provides a unique opportunity to perform studies related to hadron spectroscopy utilising various production mechanisms. We report a search for $X(3872)$ in the two-photon process $e^{+} e^{-}\to e^{\pm} e^{\mp} J/\psi \pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ and a study of $\chi_{c2}(1P)\to J/\psi \gamma$...
Correlation femtoscopy has become a standard technique for measuring and probing the space-time evolution of heavy-ion collisions. Usually, two-particle correlation functions are fitted to a Gaussian form. However, the real shape of the correlation function is often strongly non-Gaussian and better described by a Lévy-stable distribution. A Lévy index much below 2 has recently been observed...
The chiral nature of the top quark couplings can be modified by new physics. Hence, the polarization of top quarks serves as a promising window for exploring the existence and nature of new physics. Detecting the polarization of boosted top quark jets in colliders is quite challenging, and several studies have already explored different kinematic variables for this purpose. In my talk I will...
The characteristics of an extensive air shower derive from both the mass of the primary ultra-high-energy cosmic ray that seeds its development and the properties of the hadronic interactions that feed it. With its hybrid detector design, the Pierre Auger Observatory measures both the longitudinal development of showers in the atmosphere and the lateral distribution of particles arriving at...
The axion is a hypothetical particle associated with the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the U(1) symmetry, proposed by Pecci and Quinn to resolve the Charge-Parity problem in quantum chromodynamics. For invisible axions, cosmological and astrophysical observations impose the lower and upper limits on axion mass of μeV and meV respectively. The axion in such mass range could be a promising...
Future circular electron-positron colliders have received much attention due to the extreme luminosity reachable at energies ranging from the Z pole to the top pair production threshold. An impressive and varied physics program is provided by these machines, but at the same time, they pose very specific detector issues, whose solutions differ in general from those adopted for linear e+e-...
Lepton flavor violating decay of muon is one of the best probes for physics beyond the Standard Model (bSM). A golden channel, $\mu \to e \gamma$, will be searched by the MEG II experiment. MEG II aims to search $\mu \to e \gamma$ with ten times better branching ratio sensitivity than MEG, $6 \times 10^{-14}$ (90% C.L.). Many well motivated bSM theories predict sizable branching ratio of this...
The CMS Collaboration has been developing a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector in the endcap regions of the CMS muon system to maintain the high level of performance achieved during Run 2 in the challenging environment of the High Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC). The GEM chambers at endcap station 1 (GE1/1) have been installed in the second long shutdown. The technical and operational...
Paleo-detectors are a proposed experimental technique in which one would search for traces of recoiling nuclei in ancient minerals. Natural minerals on Earth are as old as $\mathcal{O}(1)\,$Gyr and, in many minerals, the damage tracks left by recoiling nuclei are also preserved for time scales long compared to $1\,$Gyr once created. Thus, even reading out relatively small target samples of...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial
upgrade of the B factory facility at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. The experiment began full operation in early 2019 and aims to record a factor of 50 times
more data than its predecessor. Belle II is uniquely capable of studying the so-called "XYZ"
particles: heavy exotic hadrons consisting of more than...
I will present the prospect of Yukawa production of a light boson which can exist in an extended Higgs sector. A particularly interesting case is the light pseudoscalar in Type-X two Higgs doublet model which can explain the anomalous magnetic moment of muon at large $\tan\beta$. Considering ILC "Higgs factory" with CM Energy of 250 GeV, we show that the available parameter space can be fully...
The spherical proportional counter is a novel gaseous detector, with many applications, including dark matter searches and neutron spectroscopy.
A simulation framework has been developed, which combines the strengths of the Geant4 and Garfield++ toolkits. The framework allows the properties of spherical proportional counters to be studied in detail, providing insights for detector R&D,...
The ALICE Collaboration uses a multitude of methods to reach out to the public. Visits of the experiment, both underground during LHC shutdown and of the new ALICE exhibition, are among the most important outreach activities. During the CERN Open Days in September 2019, 4600 persons visited the ALICE cavern and part of the LHC tunnel; in addition, a variety of activities were organized at LHC...
FASER is an approved small and inexpensive experiment designed to search for light, weakly-interacting particles during Run 3 of the LHC. Such particles may be produced in large numbers along the beam collision axis, travel for hundreds of meters without interacting, and then decay to standard model particles. To search for such events, FASER will be located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS IP in...
Large size multi-gap resistive strips Micromegas have been chosen together with the small-strips TGC (sTGC) to be mounted on the New Small Wheel (NSW) upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer. The NSW is the most ambitious and challenging upgrade of the ATLAS experiment for LHC-Phase1 (the current long shutdown) and will exploit its full capabilities after the Phase2 upgrade of LHC when the...
The physics aims at the proposed future CLIC high-energy linear e+e- collider pose challenging demands on the performance of the detector system. In particular, the vertex and tracking detectors have to combine a spatial resolution of a few micrometres and a low material budget with a few nanoseconds time-stamping accuracy. For the vertex detector, fine pitch sensors, dedicated 65nm readout...
As is well-known, there exist totally three CP-violating phases in the leptonic sector if three ordinary neutrinos are massive Majorana particles. In this talk, we raise the question whether the number of sufficient and necessary conditions for CP conservation in the leptonic sector with massive Majorana neutrinos is three or four. An intuitive answer to this question would be three, which is...
The precise knowledge of the size of the source producing primary hadrons and resonances in pp collisions at the LHC can be employed to study the onset of collective phenomena in such systems. Indeed, the multiplicity and transverse momentum dependence of the pion and kaon source sizes, extracted by the femtoscopy analysis, was often interpreted as due to collective effects in heavy-ion...
Multi-messenger astrophysics has emerged over the past decade as a distinct discipline, providing unique insights into the properties of high-energy phenomena in the Universe. The Pierre Auger Observatory, located in Malargüe, Argentina, is the world’s largest cosmic ray detector and is sensitive to photons, neutrinos and hadrons at ultra-high energies. Using its data, stringent limits on...
Both heavy quarkonium and double heavy hadrons, such as Bc mesons, provide rich material for testing effective theories of the strong interaction via production, decay, and spectroscopy studies. This talk presents recent progress in these areas, based on analyses of the full dataset collected during runs I and II of the LHC.
For many top quark measurements, it is essential to reconstruct the top quark from its decay products. For example, the top quark pair production process in the all-jets final state has six jets initiated from daughter partons and additional jets from initial/final state radiation. Due to the many possible permutations, it is very hard to assign jets to partons. We use a deep neural network...
Starting from precision measurements at an e+e− Higgs factory, it is possible to extract the Higgs boson couplings using a general fit to the parameters of Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). To understand the precisions that are possible, and to evaluate the role of each measurement offered by various Higgs factory proposals, it is important to understand the dependence of each...
A novel approach to science communication is presented, using cake to explain particle physics ideas to engage new audiences. This talk will present a public engagement strategy where baking has been used to engage the general public, in events such as the CERN Open Days in 2019, and using online platforms such as social media. This innovative approach using the juxtaposition of cake and...
Muon-electron conversion in a nuclear field ($\mu^- + A \rightarrow e^- + A$) is a charged-lepton flavor violation (CLFV) process. It is possible that CLFV signals are present just under the current experimental limits.
DeeMe project aims to perform an experimental search for muon-electron conversion by utilizing muonic atoms copiously produced in a primary proton target. If muon-electron...
The FCAL collaboration is preparing large-scale prototypes of special calorimeters to be used in the very forward region at a future electron-positron collider for a precise and fast luminosity measurement and beam-tuning. LumiCal is designed as a silicon-tungsten sandwich calorimeter with very thin sensor planes to keep the Moliere radius small, facilitating such the measurement of electron...
We continue our discussions [1-3] of neutrino electromagnetic properties and give a short introduction to the derivation of the general structure of the electromagnetic form factors of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos. Then we consider experimental constraints on neutrino magnetic and electric dipole moments, electric millicharge, charge radii and anapole moments from the terrestrial laboratory...
The ATLAS upgrade for the HL-LHC phase involves the construction of two New Small Wheel (NSW) for addressing the high rate expected at high rapidity, up to 20 kHz/cm2. The wheels will be equipped with two different technologies, small-strips Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) and Micromegas (MM), with both tracking and triggering capabilities. About 70% of the MM chambers for the first wheel have been...
The SHiP Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator with the aim of searching for light, long-lived exotic particles of Hidden Sector models. The SHiP experiment incorporates a muon shield based on magnetic sweeping and two complementary apparatuses. The detector immediately downstream of the muon shield is...
Muon collisions at multi-TeV center-of-mass energies are ideal for studying the Higgs-boson properties.
The number of produced Higgs bosons will allow to measure its couplings to fermions and bosons with an unprecedented precision. At $\sqrt{s}$ of the order of or greater than 10 TeV the double (triple) Higgs-boson production rate will be sufficiently high to directly measure the parameters...
The physics reach and feasibility of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) with centre of mass energies up to 100 TeV and unprecedented luminosity has delivered a Conceptual Design Report early 2019. The new energy regime opens the opportunity for the discovery of physics beyond the standard model. Proton-proton collisions at 100 TeV will produce very high energetic particle showers in the...
Observation of neutral long-lived particle (LLP) can be the first sign for physics beyond the Standard Model at the LHC. These particles are invisible until they decay into detectable Standard Model particles some macroscopic distance away from the collision. Their existence is theoretically well motivated and can provide explanations to known unexplained phenomena such as Dark Matter, the...
The LHC at CERN plans to have a series of upgrades to increase its instantaneous luminosity to 7.5×1034 cm−2s−1. The luminosity increase drastically impacts the ATLAS trigger and readout data rates. The inner-most station of the ATLAS muon spectrometer, the so-called Small Wheels, will be replaced with a New Small Wheel (NSW) system, consisting of Micromegas (MM) and sTGC detectors, which is...
As the increasing of neutrino energy or matter density, the neutrino oscillation in matter may undergo "vacuum-dominated", "resonance" and "matter-dominated" three different stages successively. Neutrinos endure very different matter effects, and therefore present very different oscillation behaviors in these three different cases. In this talk, we focus on the less discussed matter-dominated...
Tensor Networks are mathematical representations that have been invented to investigate quantum many-body systems on classical computers.
Recently it has been shown that quantum-inspired Tensor Networks can be applied to solve machine learning tasks.
Due to their quantum nature, Tensor Networks allow to easily compute quantities like correlations and entropy in order to gain insight into the...
Quark-lepton SU(4) symmetry is an appealing paradigm, a step towards grand unification. It has been identified decades ago that the minimal potentially realistic models with the quark-lepton symmetry have the $SU(4) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$ gauge structure and naturally contain both gauge and scalar leptoquarks. Such models have been thoroughly studied by several authors.
In recent years,...
The diffractive electroproduction of the $S$-wave heavy quarkonia (V) is an efficient tool for studies the structure of $V\rightarrow Q\bar Q$ transition. The most of existing studies in the literature are based on the unjustified assumption about a similar structure of both $\gamma^*\to Q\bar Q$ and $V\to Q\bar Q$ vertices, typically adopted in the light-front frame. The photon-like $V\to...
The next generation of collider detectors will make full use of Particle Flow algorithms, requiring high precision tracking and full imaging calorimeters. The latter, thanks to granularity improvements by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude compared to existing devices, have been developed during the past 15 years by the CALICE collaboration and are now reaching maturity. The state-of-the-art status...
Axions emerge naturally from the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism which addresses the absence of CP violation in QCD; they also turn out to be a good cold dark matter (CDM) candidate. If PQ symmetry breaking had occurred after inflation, the axion mass is likely to range from $\sim26 ~\mu$eV to $\sim1$ meV, which is yet to be explored experimentally.
We present a novel dielectric haloscope...
We evaluate the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux at high energies using
three different frameworks for calculating the heavy quark production cross
in QCD: NLO perturbative QCD, kT factorization including low-x resummation,
and the dipole model including parton saturation. We use QCD parameters, the
value for the charm quark mass and the range for the factorization
and renormalization...
The most recent results from the CMS collaboration on the searches for additional Higgs bosons will be presented, including both neutral and charged Higgs bosons.
One of the important goals of the proposed future e+e- collider experiments is the search for the dark matter particles using different experimental approaches. The most general search approach is based on the mono-photon signature, which is expected when production of the invisible final state is accompanied by a hard photon from initial state radiation. Analysis of the energy spectrum...
In view of the ongoing series of LHC luminosity upgrades, the New Small Wheels (NSW) will replace the present innermost stations of the ATLAS endcap Muon spectrometer with new detector assemblies. The aim of the NSW is to maintain the same level of efficiency and momentum resolution of the present detector in the expected higher background level and to keep an acceptable muon trigger rate...
Two-particle azimuthal correlations have been measured in neutral current deep inelastic $ep$ scattering with virtuality $Q^2 > 5$ GeV$^2$ at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=318$ GeV recorded with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The correlations of charged particles have been measured in the range of laboratory pseudorapidity $-1.5 < \eta < 2$ and transverse momentum $0.1 < p_T < 5$ GeV and...
The coupling of the electroweak gauge bosons of the Standard Model (SM) to leptons is flavour universal. Extensions of the SM do not necessarily have this property. Rare decays of heavy flavour are suppressed in the SM and new particles may give sizeable contributions to these processes, therefore, their precise study allows for sensitive tests of lepton flavour universality. Of particular...
Prototypes of electromagnetic and hadronic imaging calorimeters developed and operated by the CALICE collaboration provide an unprecedented wealth of highly granular data of hadronic showers for a variety of active sensor elements and different absorber materials. In this presentation, we discuss detailed measurements of the spatial and the time structure of hadronic showers to characterise...
One of the major open questions in particle physics is the issue of the neutrino mass ordering (NMO). The current data of the two long-baseline experiments NOνA and T2K, interpreted in the standard 3-flavor scenario, provide a $\sim$ 2.4$\sigma$ indication in favor of the normal neutrino mass ordering. We show that such an indication is completely washed out if one assumes the existence of...
In many supersymmetric scenarios, heavy Beyond Standard Model particles would decay to multiple massive Standard Model bosons or top quarks. The subsequent decays of these Standard Model particles into leptons and/or jets may then occur with significant branching ratios and can populate the events recorded by the ATLAS detector. This talk presents ATLAS searches for coloured superparticles...
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson with the mass of about 125 GeV much effort has been spent looking for further scalars, which are motivated in many scenarios. Here we report on searches for new neutral heavy Higgs bosons decaying to pairs of third generation fermions: tau leptons or b quarks. These searches are based on full Run 2 data of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.
Scientific developments have seen reality dissolved into smaller and
smaller invisible particles that the physicist has to make
visible. This journey, from something hidden to something revealed, is
mirrored by the artist attempting to express thoughts and emotions
through the manipulation of materials in visual arts, or the movements
of the human body in dance. This -- potentially...
Hadronic signatures are critical to the ATLAS physics program and many Standard Model measurements and searches for new physics are dominated by the uncertainties on the jet energy scale and resolution or the jet mass scale and resolution. The procedure of calibrating jets in ATLAS using both simulation and in situ techniques will be presented for both anti-kt R = 0.4 and R = 1.0 jets. The...
The electro-weak couplings of the top and bottom quarks are sensitive probes of new physics. Especially the former were very poorly constrained until recently. We derive limits on the relevant Wilson coefficients of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory using ATLAS and CMS data on associated top quark production, single top-quark production and top decay, and LEP data on the Zbb vertex....
The lepton flavor universality violation has been reported in the various flavor ratios such as $R_K$, $R_{K^*}$, and $P_{5}^{\prime}$ in $B\, \to\, K^{(*)}\, \mu^+ \,\mu^-$ decays. In this context, we perform an angular analysis of the four-body differential decay of $B_s\, \to\, f_{2}^{\prime}\,(1525)\,(\to K^+\,K^-)\,\mu^+ \,\mu^-$ in a model independent effective field theory formalism and...
The hypertriton is a bound state of proton, neutron and lambda. Studying it provides insights about the strong interaction between the lambda and ordinary nucleons. In particular, the hypertriton is an extremely loosely bound object, with a lambda separation energy E$_{\Lambda}$ of 150 $\pm$ 8 keV. One way to investigate the hypertriton's internal structure, and thus hyperon-nucleon...
Searches in CMS for dark matter particles, mediators, and dark sector extensions will be presented. Various final states, topologies , and kinematic variables are explored utilizing the full Run-II data-set collected at the LHC.
With the explosion of the number of distributed applications, a new dynamic server environment emerged grouping servers into clusters, utilization of which depends on the current demand for the application. To provide reliable and smooth services it is crucial to detect and fix possible erratic behavior of individual servers in these clusters. Use of standard techniques for this purpose...
The proposed circular electroweak factories offer extraordinary statistics of Z decays (5 10^12 at the FCC-ee). This offers a number of great physics opportunities, but presents a number of novel detector challenges. We will review the questions related to the new domain of precision required for the EW observables, the huge b and tau physics program and the search for rare events.
We discuss perturbative expansions for the solar oscillation parameters in terms of the matter potential relevant for MBL experiments. These expansions, up to second order in the matter potential, while simple, allow one to calculate the electron antineutrino survival probability to a precision much better than needed for the JUNO experiment. We also quantitatively explain the shift caused by...
The identification of jets originating from heavy-flavour quarks (b, c) is central to the LHC physics program. High-performance flavour tagging is necessary both in precise Standard Model measurements and in searches for new physics. To achieve this, distinct characteristics of heavy-flavour decays are exploited, such as the presence of secondary vertices and displaced particles. This requires...
Latest result from searches for resonances decaying into pairs of Higgs bosons at CMS will be presented, both in resolved and in boosted topologies.
“Cultural Collisions” is a cross-disciplinary science and art engagement and networking program with special emphasis on educational methodologies. It is designed to trigger curiosity, creativity, and foster critical thinking in school students to help them overcome the scientific and technological challenges of the 21st century.
The Cultural Collisions format has been implemented and tested...
The world’s larges sample of 4.48108 psi(2S) events provides good opportunities for the study of chi_cJ, eta_c, and h_c decays via its radiative transition. Using this data sample, a lot of progress on chi_cJ and h_c decays has been made. New results, including the observation of OZI suppressed decays chi_cJ -> phi omega, measurements of chi_cJ-> phi phi eta, observation of chi_cJ -> 4 Ks...
Precision measurements of cosmic ray positrons are presented up to 1 TeV based on 1.9 million positrons collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. The positron flux exhibits complex energy dependence. Its distinctive properties are: (a) a significant excess starting from 25.2 GeV compared to the lower-energy, power-law trend; (b) a sharp drop-off above 284...
We present the development and performance of compact Scintillating Fiber (SciFi) detectors read out with Si-PMs for tracking and timing to be used at very high particle rates. The compact size, fast response, and insensitivity to magnetic fields make these detectors suitable for a variety of applications. Different scintillating fiber materials have been evaluated to achieve the best...
The neutrino mixing matrix is characterized by singular values and contractions. The method of unitary dilation is introduced to extend 3-dimensional mixing matrices to a full unitary matrix. The minimal dimension of such an extension is not arbitrary but depends on singular values. It means that singular values encode information about the number of additional neutrinos. Taking this into...
We present updated results for a global fit of dimension six operators in the top quark sector of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory using experimental data from the Tevatron and the LHC at 7, 8 and 13 TeV center-of-mass energy. We include all contributions from dimension six operators up to and including $\Lambda^{-4}$ in the effective field theory expansion and study the effects of...
Many searches for physics beyond the Standard Model make use of large radius jets to reconstruct hadronically decaying electroweak bosons or top quarks with high transverse momenta. Algorithms have been developed in ATLAS that take advantage of the different radiation pattern within the large radius jet depending on the initiating particle to efficiently reject quark- or gluon-initiated jets...
CRESST-III is a cryogenic dark matter experiment operated at the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy. The primary research interest is the search for dark matter in the sub-GeV/$c^{2}$ mass region. Dark matter particles are detected by measuring the nuclear recoil energy from the elastic scatter with the dark matter particle. The experimental challenge for reaching such a low mass region is to...
The newest results for classic searches for the pair-production of supersymmetric top partners in final states with and without leptons with the CMS detector are presented. The analysis strategies are developed to cover different scenarios of heavy stop particles as well as those with stop mass close to the SM top particles. The results are based on proton-proton collisions recorded at sqrt(s)...
A bottom-up approach has been adopted to identify a flavour model that agrees with present experimental measurements. The charged fermion mass hierarchies suggest that only the top Yukawa term should be present at the renormalisable level. The flavour symmetry of the Lagrangian including the fermionic kinetic terms and only the top Yukawa is then a combination of U(2) and U(3) factors. ...
We study the dependence of neutral current (NC) neutrino-induced π0/photon production (νμ+A→νμ+1π0/γ+X) on the atomic number of the target nucleus, A, at 4-momentum transfers relevant to the MiniBooNE experiment: Δ resonance mass region. Our conclusion is based on experimental data for photon-nucleus interactions from the A2 collaboration at the Mainz MAMI accelerator. We work in the...
A team based around CERN in Geneva has organised public engagement and education activities at a variety of non-scientific venues. The core team now brands itself the Big Bang Collective, and local partners are engaged in each case, bringing in local knowledge and expertise. The principle recurring festivals that have been targeted are the WOMAD Festival (Charlton Park, UK, since 2016), joined...
The fluxes and flux ratios of charged elementary particles in cosmic rays are presented in the absolute rigidity range from 1 up to 2000 GV. In the absolute rigidity range ∼60 to ∼500 GV, the antiproton, proton, and positron fluxes are found to have nearly identical rigidity dependence and the electron flux exhibits different rigidity dependence. Below 60 GV, the antiproton-to-proton,...
In this talk, we will present an overview of the LHCb trigger during Runs I and II, including real-time calibration of the detector, and detail plans for the trigger to be used during Run III of the experiment. For Run III data-taking, the level-0 hardware trigger used in the previous runs has been removed, requiring the first stage of the software trigger to process events at the LHC...
Charged lepton flavour violating processes are unobservable in the standard model, but they are predicted to be enhanced in several new physics extensions. We present a search for electron-muon flavour violation in $\Upsilon(3{\mathrm{S}})$ and $\Upsilon(2{\mathrm{S}})$ decays to the $e^{\pm}\mu^{\mp}$ final state. The search was conducted using data samples consisting of 118 million...
We present new results on contributions of the QCD condensates to the two-point and the three-point Green functions of chiral currents, calculated within the means of the operator product expansion (OPE). Further, for the Green functions of the odd-intrinsic parity sector of QCD, we show up-to-date knowledge of behavior of the matching between the calculations performed in the resonance chiral...
We extend and improve a previous calculation of electroweak top-pair
production at the LHC via Z' bosons to NLO QCD in POWHEG. In particular,
we add the effects of t-channel W and W' exchange and allow for
flavour--non-diagonal Z' and W' couplings. The calculation is matched to
parton showers in the POWHEG BOX framework. As an application, we
present numerical results for a model...
The ATLAS experiment at CERN uses more than 150 sites in the WLCG to process and analyze data recorded by the LHC. The grid workflow system PanDA routinely utilizes more than 400 thousand CPU cores of those sites. The data management system Rucio manages about half an exabyte of detector and simulation data distributed among these sites. With the ever-improving performance of the LHC, more...
Hyper-Kamiokande is a large water Cherenkov detector in Japan to
explore various neutrino physics and discover a nucleon decay. Its
construction started in 2020 and the mass production of a large
aperture photo-detector is planned from the end of 2020. We developed
a photomultiplier tube (PMT) with a 50 cm diameter, R12860 by
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. and installed over a hundred of them...
From Kepler to Einstein, Dirac and Weinberg (to name a few), most physicists believed that the ultimate explanation of the Universe must possess beauty. For some of them, beauty of the physical laws was as important as truth. Over the last few years, however, we hear more from dissenting voices fueled by the no new physics results at the LHC, which claim that we have been led astray by...
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC can record about 1 kHz of physics collisions, out of an LHC design bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz. To achieve a high selection efficiency for rare physics events (such as beyond the Standard Model physics) while reducing the significant background rate, a two-level trigger system is used. The event selection is based on physics signatures, such as the presence of...
Within the framework of the Standard Model effective field theory, with operators up to dimension 6, we perform a model-independent analysis of the lepton-flavour-violating processes involving tau leptons. Namely, we study $\ell$-$\tau$ conversion in nuclei and hadronic tau decays. Based on available experimental limits, we establish bounds on the Wilson coefficients of the operators...
The most recent results of the searches for non-resonant di-Higgs production at CMS will be presented.
Two vector resonances with a mass near 2.2 GeV/$c^2$ are presently known: the $\phi(2170)$ observed in several production processes, but seen to decay only to $\phi(2170)\to\phi(1020)f_0(980)$, and the not well established $\rho(2150)$. Recently the BES-III experiment observed a clear interference pattern in the same energy region in $e^+e^-\to K^+K^-$, interpreted as a resonance with a mass...
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is the next generation large volume water Cherenkov detector to be built in Japan. The fiducial volume will be approximately 8 times larger than its precursor Super-Kamiokande.
Its broad physics program includes nucleon decay, neutrinos from astronomical and accelerator neutrinos, with the main focus to determine the leptonic CP violation.
In order to detect the...
Since the classic searches have not given any strong indication for new physics, more and more supersymmetry searches target the more difficult scenarios. This talk focuses on searches looking for signatures of stealth supersymmetry as well as those searches focusing on the scenarios with compressed mass spectra that require using dedicated tools. The results are based on proton-proton...
The measurement of low-energy cosmic anti-deuterons may reveal the existence of exotic processes such as dark-matter annihilation, since the production rate of these ions through ordinary secondary processes is very low. However, the lack of experimental data at low energies, where both the anti-nuclei production and inelastic cross sections are very poorly known, prevents precise predictions...
In the presence of the large initial angular momentum occurring in non-central heavy-ion collisions, vector mesons can be produced in a polarized state. This might be either due to spin-orbital-angular-momentum interaction or by hadronization from polarized quarks. Experimentally, vector meson polarization is measured from the angular distribution of the decay daughters with respect to a...
Flavor transitions in supernova neutrinos are yet to be determined. We present a method to probe whether or not the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effects occur as SN neutrinos propagate outward from the SN core by investigating time evolutions of neutrino event rates for different flavors in different kinds of detectors. As the MSW effect occurs, the $\nu_e$ flux swaps with the $\nu_x$ flux,...
The LHCb experiment is being upgraded for data taking in 2021 and subsequent years. The offline computing model is undergoing several changes that are needed in order to cope with the much higher data volumes originating from the detector and the associated demands of simulated samples of ever-increasing size. This contribution presents the evolution of the data processing model, followed by a...
The CMS experiment selects events with a two-level trigger system, the Level-1 (L1) trigger and the High Level trigger (HLT). The HLT reduces the rate from 100 kHz to about 1 kHz and has access to the full detector readout and runs a streamlined version of the offline event reconstruction. In Run 2 the peak instantaneous luminosity reached values above 2X 10^34 cm-2 sec-1, posing a challenge...
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate
at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric e+e− collider. The design luminosity of the machine
is 8 × 1035 cm−2s−1 and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab−1 of data, a factor
of 50 more than its predecessor. From February to July 2018, the machine has completed a
commissioning run and main operation of...
For e+e- collision between 2 and 3 GeV, excited states of rho, omega and phi could be produced directly, some of them are not fully studied yet, especially several resonances around 2GeV like rho(2000), rho(2150) and \phi(2170). Theorists explain phi(2170) as a traditional s s-bar state, s s-bar g hybrid, tetraquark state, Lambda Lambda-bar bound state, and phi KK resonance state, and predict...
The latest results on production of Higgs boson pairs at 13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment are reported, including a combination of six different decay modes. Results include bbtautau, bbbb, bbgamgam, bbWW, WWWW and WWgamgam final states, and they are interpreted both in terms of sensitivity to the SM and as limits on kappa_lambda, a scaling of the triple-Higgs interaction strength.
We discuss how to calculate cross sections as well as rapidity, transverse momentum and energy distributions of $\nu_{\tau}$ and ${\overline \nu}_{\tau}$ produced from the direct $D_s^{\pm} \to \nu_{\tau}/{\overline \nu}_{\tau}$ and chain $D_s^{\pm} \to \tau^+/\tau^- \to \nu_{\tau}/{\overline \nu}_{\tau}$ decays in $p\!+^{96}\!\mathrm{Mo}$ scattering with proton beam $E_{\mathrm{lab}}$ = 400...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino oscillation experiment with a 53 km distance from reactors and a 700m overburden, currently under construction in southern China. The primary goal is to measure the neutrino mass hierarchy with better than 3$\sigma$ after 6 years of data taking. Therefore 20 kton high transparency liquid scintillator, high coverage (75%) of...
The data acquisition system of Belle II is designed for a sustained first-level trigger rate of up to 30 kHz at the design luminosity of the SuperKEKB collider. The raw data read out from the subdetector frontends is delivered in realtime into an online High Level Trigger (HLT) farm, consisting of up to 20 computing nodes housing around 5000 processing cores. The HLT then reconstructs the...
The CMS experiment requires vast amounts of computational power in order to generate, process and analyze the data coming from proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, as well as Monte Carlo simulations. CMS computing needs have been mostly satisfied up to now by the supporting Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), a joint collaboration of more than a hundred computing centers...
Hadronic resonances with different lifetimes are very useful to probe the hadronic phase of heavy-ion collisions. Due to their relatively short lifetimes compared to the duration of the hadronic phase, resonances are good candidates to investigate the interplay between particle re-scattering and regeneration in the hadronic phase. In addition, having different masses, quantum numbers and quark...
Anti-nuclei are considered to be one of the most promising probes in the indirect search of dark matter annihilation in space. However, in light of the recent results on the production of light anti-nuclei in pp collisions at the LHC, an abundant production of light (anti-)nuclei is also expected from Standard Model collisions of primary cosmic rays with the interstellar medium. Hence further...
We discuss the four-fold angular distribution for the semileptonic decay $\bar{B}\to D_2^*(\to D \pi)\,\ell \bar{\nu}$ where $D_2^*$(2460) is a tensor meson. We start with the most general beyond the Standard Model (SM) dimension-six effective Hamiltonian which comprises (axial)vector, (pseudo)scalar and tensor operators for both quark and lepton currents, and it also includes the right-handed...
The most precise measurements of Higgs boson single and double Higgs production cross sections are obtained from a combination of measurements performed in different Higgs boson production and decay channels. While double Higgs production can be used to directly constrain the Higgs boson self-coupling, the latter can be also constrained by exploiting higher-order electroweak corrections to...
Updated results for electroweak production of SUSY particles at the LHC Run-II are given with NLO+NLL (next-to-leading-order plus next-to-leading-logarithmic) accuracy, consistently computed with novel PDFs with resummation-improved matrix elements.
A factorisation method is applied to exploit the smaller PDF uncertainty of the global PDF sets and to avoid complications arising in the...
Baikal-GVD is a cubic-kilometer scale underwater neutrino detector being constructed in lake Baikal. It is designed to detect astrophysical neutrino of energies from few TeV to 100 PeV. Deployment started in spring 2015 and in 2019 telescope was operating 5 clusters each consisting of 8 strings holding 288 optical modules spanning from 750 m to 1250 m depths underwater. In the first phase of...
DUNE is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that will take data in a wideband neutrino beam at Fermilab in the latter half of the 2020s. The experiment is planning to build a very capable near detector to facilitate the high precision extraction of oscillation parameters. Part of the mission of the near detector is to acquire powerful data sets that can be used to constrain the...
One of the main goals of the future $e^+e^-$ colliders is to measure the top-quark mass and width in a scan of the pair production threshold. Yet, the shape of the threshold cross section depends also on other model parameters as the top Yukawa coupling and the strong coupling constant. We study the expected precision of the top-quark mass determination from the threshold scan at CLIC, ILC...
The current state of knowledge of the order parameters, the quark condensate and the pseudoscalar decay constant in the chiral limit, will be reviewed, based on available phenomenological fits and lattice QCD calculations. It will be argued that while the theory is pretty well understood in the two flavour case, there is still a gap in the knowledge of the characteristics of the QCD vacuum in...
ATLAS electron and photon triggers covering transverse energies from 5 GeV to several TeV are essential to record signals for a wide variety of physics: from Standard Model processes to searches for new phenomena. During Run 3 (2021-2024) main triggers used for those physics studies will be a single-electron trigger with ET threshold around 25 GeV and a diphoton trigger with thresholds at 25...
Recent measurements of $R_D$-$R_{D^*}$ by Belle collaboration are in agreement with the Standard Model predictions. After inclusion of these measurements, the tension between global average and the SM prediction has reduced to $3.1\sigma$. Assuming the new physics Wilson coefficients to be complex, we do a global fit to present $b\rightarrow c\,\tau\,\bar{\nu}$ data. We find that there are...
Fiducial production cross-section measurements of Standard Model processes, in principle, provide constraints on new physics scenarios via a comparison of the predicted Standard Model cross-section and the observed cross-section. This approach received significant attention in recent years, both from direct constraints on specific models and the interpretation of measurements in the view of...
Neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering provides a unique laboratory to study the quantum mechanical coherency effects in electroweak interactions. We present an analytical formulation [1] to quantify the coherency effects, relate this to nuclear form factors and experimental cross-section ratios, and characterize how its energy dependence leads to complementary among measurements at various...
Hyper-Kamiokande, scheduled to begin construction as soon as 2020, is a next generation underground water Cherenkov detector, based on the highly successful Super-Kamiokande experiment. It will serve as a far detector, 295~km away, of a long baseline neutrino experiment for the upgraded J-PARC beam in Japan. It will also be a detector capable of observing --- far beyond the sensitivity of the...
Geometry and dynamics of the particle-emitting source in heavy-ion collisions can be inferred via femtoscopy method. Two-particle correlations at small relative momentum exploit Quantum Statistics (QS) and the Final State Interactions (FSI) which allow one to study the space-time characteristics of the source of the order of 10^{−15} m and 10^{−23} s. The RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) program...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (“pileup”) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. Prospects for measurements of the properties of the...
Axions are a natural consequence of the Peccei-Quinn mechanism, the most compelling solution to the strong-CP problem. Similar axion-like particles (ALPs) also appear in a number of possible extensions of the Standard Model, notably in string theories. Both axions and ALPs are very well motivated candidates for Dark Matter, and in addition, they would be copiously produced at the sun’s core. A...
The Run 2 ATLAS trigger system is comprised of two levels: a hardware level (L1) and a software higher level trigger (HLT). Between late 2018 and early 2021, the ATLAS trigger system is undergoing upgrades. Two major sets of upgrades to the ATLAS level 1 trigger system will be the increase in read-out granularity in the LAr detectors ("supercells") and the addition of new Feature EXtractors...
The lepton flavour universality predicted by the Standard Model is challenged by various measurements of b-hadron decays involving tau and light leptons. The Belle II experiment started recording first collision data in Spring 2019 and offers a unique laboratory to study lepton flavour universality in leptonic and semileptonic decays of B mesons at high precision. In this talk, we report the...
The process ee->qq with qq=cc,bb,tt plays a central role in the physics programs of high energy electron-positron colliders. Polarised beams as available at the international collider ILC are an essential input for the complete measurement of the helicity amplitudes that govern the production cross section. Heavy quarks are likely messengers to new physics and at the same time they are ideal...
We investigate the possibility of lepton number violation (LNV) manifesting in the rare kaon decay $K\to\pi\nu\nu$, its consequences for radiative neutrino mass generation and the washout of lepton asymmetry in high-scale leptogenesis scenarios. We perform the analysis in a model-independent framework, the Standard model effective field theory (SMEFT), and connect it to a possible minimal UV...
The apparent absence of superpartners at the LHC suggests that complex decays may be obscuring hints of their existence. To maximize sensitivity in the large datasets available from Run 2 of the LHC, searches for supersymmetric particles have adopted progressively more advanced analysis strategies. This presentation features several analyses that have been carried out by the ATLAS...
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR), of energy >10 EeV, arrive at the Earth regularly, but their sources, acceleration mechanisms, propagation through the universe, and particle composition remain mysteries. In addition, their interactions with the atmosphere show an unexpectedly high muon flux compared to simulations.
To address these issues, the Pierre Auger Observatory, a hybrid 3000...
Recent result on $e^+e^-$ annihilation to hadrons below 2 GeV obtained at the
SND experiment at the VEPP-2000 collider are presented. In particular,
we discuss measurements of the $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-$, $e^+e^-\to n\bar{n}$,
$e^+e^-\to \eta\pi^0\gamma$ cross sections, and a search for the rare process
$e^+e^-\to f_1(1285)$.
The large dataset of about 3 ab-1 that will be collected at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will be used to measure Higgs boson processes in detail. Studies based on current analyses have been carried out to understand the expected precision and limitations of these measurements. The large dataset will also allow for better sensitivity to di-Higgs processes and the Higgs boson self coupling....
In high-energy physics experiments, online selection is crucial to select interesting collisions from the large data volume. ATLAS b-jet triggers are designed to identify heavy-flavour content in real-time and provide the only option to efficiently record events with fully hadronic final states containing b-jets. In doing so, two different, but related, challenges are faced. The physics goal...
ATLAS measurements of flow harmonics ($v_n$) and their fluctuations in Pb+Pb and Xe+Xe collisions covering a wide range of transverse momenta, pseudorapidity and collision centrality are presented. The measurements are performed using data from Xe+Xe collisions at 5.44 TeV and Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 and 5.02 TeV. The $v_{n}$ are measured up to $n=6$ using the two-particle correlations,...
In this talk I will elaborate on two of the most intriguing puzzles of the Universe, viz. the dark puzzle and the flavour anomaly puzzle, and try to correlate them by considering an extension of the Inert Higgs doublet model with SU(2)_L singlet vector like fermions. This model is capable of addressing some interesting anomalous results in b → sll decays (like R(K), R(K*)) and in muon (g − 2)...
GRAND is a newly proposed series of radio arrays with a combined area of 200,000 km2, to be deployed in mountainous areas. Its primary goal is to measure cosmic ultra-high-energy tau-neutrinos (E>1 EeV), through the interaction of this neutrino in rock and the decay of the tau-lepton in the atmosphere. This decay creates an air shower, whose properties can be inferred from the radio signal it...
In this talk, we will talk about the application of Deep Learning models as a discriminant step to improve sensitivity at searches for new physics. Of particular interest, we will focus on the transferability of Deep Learning models, where a neural network trained to isolate a specific signal can still provide sensitivity when deriving upper limits on a different process. This is expanded to...
Models of radiative Majorana neutrino masses require new scalars and/or fermions to induce lepton number violating interactions. We show that these new particles also generate observable neutrino nonstandard interactions (NSI) with the matter. We classify radiative models as type-I or II, with type-I models containing at least one Standard Model (SM) particle inside the loop diagram generating...
The ANTARES detector is the first Cherenkov neutrino telescope realised in the Mediterranean sea. It is continuously taking data since 2007, with the primary aim to detect astrophysical neutrinos in the TeV-PeV range. A very good angular resolution in all flavour neutrino interaction channels, together with the depth of the abyssal site (2500 m below the sea level) led to an ...
The KLOE-2 data-taking at the e+e- DAPHNE collider in Frascati has been completed by achieving an integrated luminosity of more than 5 fb-1 at the phi peak. KLOE-2 is an updated version of KLOE experiment with new detectors and an extended physics program, including light mesons investigations at unprecedented statistics. The KLOE/KLOE-2 data sample corresponds to more than 3x10^8 eta meson...
The Higgs trilinear coupling provides a unique opportunity to study the structure of the Higgs sector and probe indirect signs of BSM Physics – even if new states are somehow hidden. In models with extended Higgs sectors, large deviations in the Higgs trilinear coupling can appear at one loop because of non-decoupling effects in the radiative corrections from the additional scalar states. It...
The LHeC and the FCC-eh offer unique prospects for the measurement of EW parameters and top properties in energy frontier, luminous ep scattering. In this talk we will revisit the determination of $Z$, $W$ and top mass through inclusive measurements, showing the latest results as contained in the 2020 LHeC White Paper. Next, we will show the possibilities for the determination of the vector...
Muon triggers are essential for studying a variety of physics processes in the ATLAS experiment, including both standard model measurements and searches for new physics. The ATLAS muon trigger consists of a hardware based system (Level 1), as well as a software based reconstruction (High Level Trigger). The muon triggers have been optimised during Run 2 to provide a high efficiency while...
An attractive solution to the problem of B-anomalies is to combine two O(1 TeV) scalar leptoquarks in a coherent renormalizable scenario. We show that the combination of S3 and R2 leptoquarks provide such a framework that satisfies all of the low energy and high energy experimental constraints. Similarly, one can combine S1 and S3 leptoquarks but with more Yukawa couplings. The advantage of...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international project aiming at neutrino physics and astrophysics and a search for phenomena predicted by theories beyond the standard model (BSM). The excellent imaging capability of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology, particle tracking and identification utilized in the Far Detector, as well as the Far Detector size...
The surface detection of gamma-ray showers has the advantage of a very high duty cycle and wide field-of-view observations across the sky in comparison to Cherenkov telescopes. The scientific potential of a wide-field gamma-ray observatory has already been demonstrated by the experiments HAWC, ARGO and LHAASO in the Northern hemisphere. The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) will...
Based on the large samples of Jpsi and Psi(2S) events accumulated at the BESIII detector, the recent results on baryon spectroscopy will be presented. Most recently, the 10 billion J/psi events is available at BESIII experiment, the perspectives on the baryon spectroscopy at BESIII will also be discussed
Collisions of relativistic heavy ions at the LHC are carried out to understand the fundamental properties of one of the extreme phases of QCD matter, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Anisotropic flow is one of the most sensitive probes to study the QGP transport properties, such as the shear viscosity over entropy density ratio (η/s), the value of which was found to be close to a universal lower...
The LHC is expected to increase its centre-of-mass energy to 14 TeV and to keep longer time with an instantaneous luminosity of about 2.0x10^34 cm^-2s^-1 for Run-3 scheduled from 2021 to 2024. In order to cope with the high event rate, upgrades of the ATLAS trigger system are required. The level-1 endcap muon trigger system identifies muons with high transverse momentum by combining data from...
The Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion at high-energy hadron colliders, such as the LHC, is vital in deciphering the Higgs potential and in pinning down the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. We carry out the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO) QCD calculations in the infinite top-quark mass limit. Such corrections are indispensable in stabilising the perturbative...
Current lattice determinations of the hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment a_mu have uncertainties of a few percent. This translates into an overall error on the Standard Model prediction of a_mu which is one order of magnitude larger than the expected final uncertainty from the ongoing E989 experiment. The bottleneck is the large statistical error in the Monte Carlo...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is a next-generation neutrino oscillation experiment that will search for CP-violation. A key component of this analysis is separating neutral-current backgrounds from the charged-current electron neutrino signal interactions. The wide-band neutrino beam produces highly detailed and complex final state event topologies in the liquid argon time...
The Belle II DAQ system was completely overhauled as part of the detector upgrade from Belle. The raw detector event data is sent from the custom detector frontends through optical links to unified off-detector readout modules (COPPERs). The raw data of up to nine COPPERs is bundled in one readout server each, which forwards the data through a fully connected event builder switch to the High...
DUNE is a next-generation neutrino experiment designed to make precision measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters, discover potential neutrino CP violation, observe neutrinos produced in supernovas, and search for physics beyond the standard model. DUNE uses liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) technology in its 40-kt far detector. LArTPC offers an excellent spatial resolution,...
Studies of the production of light-flavour hadrons in different collision systems are of prominent importance to investigate the hadronisation process. In the recent past, the ALICE Collaboration has presented results from pp, p-A and A-A collisions, exploiting its detector's excellent tracking and PID capabilities down to low transverse momentum. Pions, kaons, protons and (multi-)strange...
The Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) service is critical in several key aspects of the data analysis for the CMS detector. From the Online world, for real-time detector monitoring, to the detailed checks and fine-grained data analysis in Offline, in order to provide the best possible data quality for Physics analyses. Besides, the DQM software is extensively used to validate reconstruction...
Dark matter is mysterious because it doesn't interact with light. How remarkable it would be if we made it in the lab by colliding light. Electromagnetic fields surrounding protons at the LHC source the world's highest energy beam of photons. Interestingly, the photon-photon collision rate is sufficiently high for pair production of new heavy states such as supersymmetric particles decaying to...
Within the context of a $U(1)_{B-L}$ model, we develop and present novel analytical formulas to assess the effects of the anomalous magnetic moment and electric dipole moment of the tau-neutrino on the stellar energy loss rates through some common physical process of pair-annihilation $e^+e^- \to (\gamma, Z, Z') \to \nu \bar\nu$. Our results show that the stellar energy loss rates strongly...
In this presentation, we review a measurement of the CP quantum number of the Higgs boson in its decay to tau leptons via an analysis of the angular correlation between the tau decay planes. The theory behind this analysis and an explanation of some of the methods used for this measurement can be found in [1] and [2].
The analysis targets the full Run 2 data set of proton-proton collisions...
The LEGEND (Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless ββ Decay) Collaboration will begin the construction of its initial phase, LEGEND-200, using the recently-decommissioned GERDA infrastructure, with a final 1000-kg installation (LEGEND-1000) planned. A simulation study of the neutron background is underway, using a custom simulation module based on Geant4. So far, the primary...
The observation of neutrino oscillations by the atmospheric, solar, accelerator, and reactor neutrino experiments substantiate that neutrinos are not massless particles. In 1978, L. Wolfenstein predicted that even massless neutrinos can change their flavor through flavor- changing neutral current (NC) interactions, also called non-standard interactions (NSI). The Standard Model of particle...
We shall report the measurement of the central exclusive production process $pp \ \rightarrow \ pXp$ in proton-proton collisions at RHIC with the STAR detector at $\sqrt{\mathrm{s}} = 510$ GeV. At this energy, this process is dominated by a Double Pomeron Exchange mechanism. The tracks of centrally produced system $X$ were reconstructed in the central detector of STAR, the Time Projection...
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is one of the four main detectors at CERN LHC. In order to exploit the increased luminosity and interaction rate during the upcoming LHC Run 3 and 4, ALICE is now implementing a significant upgrade of its detectors and systems.
The minimum latency interaction trigger, luminosity monitoring, precision collision time, and determination of centrality and...
The discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs-boson and no other (under TeV) new resonance yet at the Large Hadron Collider poses a major challenge for the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). We present our search with the assistance of information theory and the prior experimental data, to find out the “finely-tuned” CMSSM under the aforesaid circumstances along with the dark-matter experiment.
SoLid is a short baseline anti-neutrino experiment that is positioned at the BR2 Nuclear Reactor in Mol, Belgium. The aim of the experiment is to search for short baseline neutrino oscillations and spectral anomalies by detecting electron anti-neutrinos, which are produced in the reactor core, through inverse beta decay (IBD).
One of the most important background signals in the IBD selection...
Event plane determination with the new ALICE FIT detector
The Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) [1] is one of the new detectors being constructed for the upgrade of the ALICE experiment at CERN. FIT is a thoroughly modernized design, combining the functionality of four detectors used by ALICE during the LHC Run 2: the T0, V0, AD and FMD. During the upcoming LHC Run 3 and 4, in addition to the...
Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distributions obtained within the Parton Branching (PB) approach offer a wide spectrum of applications to describe processes in pp as well as in ep interactions. We give an overview of the PB TMD distributions and show examples of applications of the PB TMD distributions to describe Drell-Yan processes, boosted W/Z production as well as jet production...
Cosmological and astrophysical observation point to the existence of an exotic type of matter known as Dark Matter (DM) that accounts for about 80% of the mass of the Universe. If DM is realized in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) it could be produced at the LHC pp collider. At colliders, mono-X final states are considered golden channels, for which DM particles are...
The possibility of observation of the s-channel production e+e- -> H(125) and thus measure the Higgs coupling to the electron at FCC-ee will be reviewed. To this effect, FCC-ee combines three unique properties: i) a high luminosity at sqrt(s) = 125 GeV, ii) the possibility of monochromatization of the center-of-mass using opposite sign horizontal dispersion at the IR, and iii) the possibility...
NOvA is a two detector long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment using Fermilab’s 700 kW NuMI muon neutrino beam. It studies the disappearance of muon (anti)neutrinos and the appearance of electron (anti)neutrinos in the beam over a distance of 810 km between the detectors. The observations can be used to constrain neutrino oscillation parameters: $\theta_{23}$, $\Delta m_{32}^2$ and...
In recent years, there have been extensive spectroscopic studies, both experimental and theoretical, of helium isoelectronic sequence. Such an analysis requires information for a wide range of atomic parameters, including energy levels, wavelengths, oscillator strengths, radiative rates and lifetimes. Our aim was to provide a set of accurate energy levels, wavelengths, oscillator strengths,...
Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling are set by combining the single Higgs boson analyses targeting the γγ, ZZ, WW, tau+tau- and bb decay channels and the double Higgs boson analyses in the bbbb, bbtau+tau- and bbγγ decay channels, using data collected at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. With the assumption that new physics affects only the Higgs boson self-coupling...
Charge-Parity-Time (CPT) symmetry governs that the oscillation parameters for neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are to be identical. Different mass and mixing parameters for these particles may give us a possible hint for CPT violation in the neutrino sector. Using this approach, we discuss the ability of long-baseline and atmospheric neutrino experiments to determine the difference between mass...
Investigation of GPDs and TMDs represents one of the major goals of the COMPASS-II program. Together, GPDs and TMDs provide the most complete description of the partonic structure of a nucleon. GPDs can be accessed by lepton-induced exclusive scattering processes, such as Deep Virtual Compton Scattering or Hard Exclusive Meson Production. The exclusive $\pi^{0}$ production is the main source...
We estimate the new physics contributions to the calculation of muon anomalous magnetic moment, $a_{\mu}= \frac{g_{\mu}-2}{2}$ in
a $U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ extension of left-right symmetric model based on the gauge group $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L}\times SU(3)_C\times U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$.
The gauged $U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ symmetry helps in realising low-scale inverse seesaw...
We explore the non-commutative space-time to revive the idea that gamma-ray excess in the
galactic center can be the result of particle dark matter annihilation. In this scenario, photon
spectrum is produced by direct (prompt) emission during an annihilation where a photon can
be embed in the final state together with other direct products in a new triplet vertex. In the
Leptonic CP violation phase $\delta_{CP}$ is one of the current unknowns in neutrino oscillation physics. Not knowing the hierarchy of neutrino masses can bring an ambiguity in the measurement of $\delta_{CP}$. While accelerator based long baseline experiments like the proposed DUNE experiment can determine $\delta_{CP}$ without hierarchy ambiguity, it is interesting to study low energy...
The ATLAS experiment aims to record about 1 kHz of physics collisions. This is achieved by using a two-level trigger system to select interesting physics events while reducing the data rate from the 40 MHz LHC crossing frequency. Events are selected based on physics signatures such as the presence of energetic leptons, photons, jets or large missing energy. The wide physics programme carried...
Short-lived isomer 83mKr with its discrete electron spectrum has ideal properties to be used in the crucial role of calibration source in low energy experiments like KATRIN or XENON. To ensure smooth long-term operation of these experiments, reliable routines for production of 83Rb, which decays to 83mKr, have to be developed. We describe the methods developed at the Nuclear Physics Institute...
The Belle II experiment using the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric e+e- collider at KEK in Japan started physics data-taking from 2018. In the Belle II operation, the Electromagnetic CaLorimeter (ECL) trigger system was very crucial to operate the trigger/DAQ system. The ECL trigger simulation package has been prepared based on the Belle II Geant4-based analysis framework called Basf2. By the...
We investigate the effect of CP violation in the Higgs sector of the U(1)′-extended MSSM. We are particularly interested in the mass and decay dependence of the second lightest neutral Higgs boson, in the presence of CP violating phases for $\mu_{eff}$. The masses of the neutral Higgs bosons are calculated at the one-loop level by taking into account the contributions from top and bottom...
The large value of the last mixing angle of the PMNS mixing matrix measured by reactor experiments enable the search for CP violation in leptonic sector with a new generation of neutrino super beams. The ESSnuSB project proposes to use the European Spallation Source (ESS) based at Lund in Sweden to elaborate a high intensity neutrino super beam. The LINAC of this facility, under construction,...
Recently, it was shown that the ground state of quantum chromodynamics in sufficiently strong magnetic fields and at moderate baryon densities carries a crystalline condensate of neutral pions: the chiral soliton lattice (CSL). This phase cannot be realized from first principles using standard lattice Monte Carlo simulations due to the infamous sign problem. On the other hand, we show that...
Searches for solar antineutrinos from $\nu\to\overline{\nu}$ conversions of $B^8$ neutrinos are highly
sensitive to any source of MeV antineutrinos from the Sun. In this work we adapt these searches to non-minimal
neutrino decay models recently discussed in the context of the LSND, MiniBooNE, and reactor anomalies. The
production of such sterile neutrinos in the Sun, followed their...
The main physics motivation of Belle II experiment is to probe the New Physics beyond the Standard Model and precise measurement of CP violation, CKM parameters by heavy quark/lepton flavor decays as well. The SuperKEKB e+e- Collider at KEK in Japan has been started beam collision from 2018 to collect Belle II physics data. The Electromagnetic CaLorimeter (ECL) trigger system was very crucial...
The particle physics community is studying and developing new technologies to measure processes never detected before. Among these, strong efforts are put into studying innovative He detectors based on the quantum evaporation phenomenon. The main outcome of such detectors is the possibility to detect light dark matter particles. However, they also might have a great potential for exploring...
A search for scalar top quark pair production at the LHC is presented. This search targets a region of parameter space where the kinematics of top squark pair production and top quark pair production are very similar, because of the mass difference between the top squark and the neutralino being close to the top quark mass. The search is performed with the full run 2 data set of proton-proton...
The rate of neutrino oscillations is typically dictated by the vacuum oscillation frequency, $\omega$, and the matter potential, $\lambda$. Until the early 2000s, it was believed that this paradigm was sufficient to describe neutrino oscillations inside supernovae, as well. At that time, the outstanding problem of the field appeared to be an understanding of the effect of large and rapid...
The LHCb collaboration have recently updated their analysis of the resonant $J/\psi\, p$ mass spectrum in the decay $\Lambda_b^0 \to J/\psi\, p\, K^-$, making use of their combined Run 1 and Run 2 data. In the updated analysis, three narrow states, $P_c (4312)^+$, $P_c (4440)^+$, and $P_c (4457)^+$, are observed. The spin-parity assignments of these states are not yet known. We interpret these...
A new search for heavy charged Higgs bosons decaying to a pair of top and bottom quarks is performed using the full LHC Run-2 proton-proton data with the ATLAS detector. The search is performed using multi-jet final states with one electron or muon. Events are categorised according to the multiplicity of jets and how likely these are to have originated from hadronisation of a bottom quark. A...
The CMS Level-1 (L1) Trigger system was upgraded in 2016 in order to cope with the three fold increase in peak luminosity of Run 2 compared to Run 1. The upgraded trigger features advanced clustering, calibration, and particle identification techniques. More sophisticated algorithms, for example involving the invariant mass of pairs of L1 candidates, were also implemented. The upgrades reduced...
PROSPECT is a reactor antineutrino experiment consisting of a segmented liquid scintillator antineutrino detector designed to probe short-baseline neutrino oscillations and precisely measure the antineutrino spectrum of the primary fission isotope U-235. PROSPECT’s neutrino oscillation analysis utilizes target segmentation to look for differences in measured inverse beta decay (IBD) positron...
In order to simultaneously account for both $R_{D^{(\ast)}}$ and
$R_{K^{(\ast)}}$ anomalies in $B$-decays, we consider an extension
of the Standard Model by a single vector leptoquark field, and study
how one can achieve the required lepton flavour non-universality,
starting from a priori universal gauge couplings. While the unitary
quark-lepton mixing induced by $SU(2)_L$...
Many analyses in ATLAS rely on the identification of jets containing b-hadrons (b-jets) at high efficiency while rejecting more than 99% of non-b-jets. Identification algorithms, called b-taggers, exploit b-hadron properties such as their long lifetime, their high mass, and high decay multiplicity to achieve this. Recently developed ATLAS b-taggers using neural networks are expected to...
The $\eta^\prime$-meson energy spectrum in the inclusive $\Upsilon (1S) \to \eta^\prime g g g \to \eta^\prime X$ decay measured by the CLEO Collaboration in 2002 allowed one to constrain the lowest Gegenbauer coefficients $B^q_2$ and $B^g_2$ of the quark-antiquark and gluonic distribution amplitudes of the $\eta^\prime$-meson entering the $\eta^\prime g^* g$ effective vertex function (EVF)....
The long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments rely on detailed models of neutrino interactions on nuclei to relate observations made at near detector locations to far detector locations in order to extract precision measurements on the oscillation parameters. These models constitute an important source of systematic uncertainty, driven in part because detectors to date have been blind to...
A search for a light charged Higgs boson (H+) decaying to a W boson and a CP-odd Higgs boson (A) using trilepton final states (electron-dimuon or trimuon) is presented. The result is based on data from pp collisions at 13 TeV, recorded by the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 /fb. In this search, it is assumed that the H+ boson is produced in decays of top quarks,...
Assuming that the degrees of freedom of a black hole are finite in number and of fermionic nature, we naturally obtain, within a second-quantized toy model of the evaporation, that the Bekenstein bound is a consequence of the Pauli exclusion principle for these fundamental degrees of freedom. We show that entanglement, Bekenstein and thermodynamic entropies of the black hole all stem from the...
I will briefly review several important formal theory developments in quantum field theory and string theory that were reported at ICHEP conferences in past decades, explain how they led to the formation of a new field of physical mathematics, and discuss a few lines of research of current interest within this field, as well as their fascinating connections to various branches of contemporary...
Broadcast on Youtube
Moderator of the discussion: Melissa Yexley
ArgonCube is a novel design for Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPCs), segmenting the total detector volume into a number of electrically and optically isolated TPCs sharing a common cryostat. For the charge-readout, a pixelated anode plane is employed, providing unambiguous 3D event reconstruction. In order to maximise the active TPC volume a new technology is used for...
Flavor violation is an established fact for the quark sector of the Standard Model (SM) as it is for the neutral sector of leptons. But in charged sector this phenomenon has not been observed yet. We shall study the lepton flavor violation (LFV) processes from $Z$ boson decays (LFVZD), $Z\rightarrow l_il_j$. For this we shall extend the SM with higher-dimensional gauge-invariant operators...
The azimuthal decorrelation angle between the leading jet and scattered lepton in deep inelastic scattering is studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The data was taken in the HERA II data-taking period and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 330 pb$^{-1}$. Azimuthal angular decorrelation has been proposed to study the Q^2 dependence of the evolution of the transverse momentum...
NNLO predictions for jet production in Deep Inelastic Scattering have recently become available. These are used to extend the QCD HERAPDF2.0Jets fits, that were made to extract PDFs from inclusive HERA data and HERA jet data, from NLO to NNLO. In addition new jet data sets have become available since the publication of HERAPDF2.0 and these are also considered. A simultaneous fit to these...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) has been proposed as a Higgs factory. The scintillator-tungsten based ECAL (Sc-ECAL) is a particle flow oriented sampling electromagnetic calorimeter designed for the CEPC. The active layers are plastic scintillator consist of 5×45 mm2 scintillator strips. The scintillator strips arrange in adjacent layers are perpendicular to each other to...