FLASY 2022 - 9th Workshop on Flavour Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology

from Monday 27 June 2022 (08:00) to Friday 1 July 2022 (21:00)
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal (IST Congress Centre)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
27 Jun 2022
28 Jun 2022
29 Jun 2022
30 Jun 2022
1 Jul 2022
08:30 Registration   (IST Congress Centre)
09:15 Welcoming   (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Gustavo Branco (until 10:30) (IST Congress Centre)
09:30 Overview of the three-neutrino oscillation picture - Mariam Tórtola   (IST Congress Centre)
10:00 Lepton flavor phenomena in modular symmetry - MORIMITSU TANIMOTO   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 11:00) (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Jorge Romão (until 12:30) (IST Congress Centre)
11:00 Automorphic forms and fermion masses - Ferruccio Feruglio   (IST Congress Centre)
11:30 UV origin of modular flavor symmetries - Michael Ratz   (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Francisco Botella (until 10:30) (IST Congress Centre)
09:30 Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents in the Higgs Sector - Marc Sher   (IST Congress Centre)
10:00 The Muon-Specific Model - Pedro Ferreira   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 11:00) (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Ferruccio Feruglio (until 12:30) (IST Congress Centre)
11:00 Fermion Mass Hierarchies and Modulus Stabilisation in Modular-Invariant Models of Flavour - Serguey Petcov (INFN/SISSA, Trieste, Italy, and Kavli IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo, Japapn)   (IST Congress Centre)
11:30 Precision of Model Predictions and Modular Flavor Symmetries - Mu-Chun Chen (University of California - Irvine)   (IST Congress Centre)
12:00 Modular Flavor Symmetries and CP from the top down - Andreas Trautner   (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Gustavo Burdman (until 10:30) (IST Congress Centre)
09:00 On gauge and matter unification in composite Higgs models - Sebastian Jaeger   (IST Congress Centre)
09:30 Scotogenic A_5 to A_4 Dirac Neutrinos - Ernest Ma   (IST Congress Centre)
10:00 Flavour anomalies meet flavour symmetry - Claudia Hagedorn   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 11:00) (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Myriam Mondragón (until 12:30) (IST Congress Centre)
11:00 Neutrino transition in dark matter - Eung Jin Chun   (IST Congress Centre)
11:30 Multi-component dark sectors: symmetries, asymmetries and conversions - Juan Herrero Garcia (IFIC, UV/CSIC)   (IST Congress Centre)
12:00 Neutrino phenomenology in the presence of light gauge bosons - Eduardo Peinado   (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Stefan Antusch (until 10:30) (IST Congress Centre)
09:00 Neutrino and Flavour Models, from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale - Steve King   (IST Congress Centre)
09:30 Quantum-Gravitational Decoherence and the Number of Flavors in the Universe - Heinrich Päs (TU Dortmund)   (IST Congress Centre)
10:00 Completing the Standard Model - Jose W.F. Valle   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 11:00) (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Ernest Ma (until 12:30) (IST Congress Centre)
11:00 Progress in baryogenesis via neutrino oscillations - Nuria Rius   (IST Congress Centre)
11:30 VISHnu: flavour-variant DFSZ axion model for inflation, neutrino masses, dark matter and baryogenesis - Raymond Volkas   (IST Congress Centre)
12:00 Unconventional axions and ALPs - Belen Gavela   (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Morimitsu Tanimoto (until 10:30) (IST Congress Centre)
09:00 Flavour seesaw and phenomenological consequences - Manfred Lindner (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)   (IST Congress Centre)
09:30 Implications of the Zero 1-3 Flavour Mixing Hypothesis: Predictions for \theta_{23}^PMNS and \delta_PMNS$ - Stefan Antusch   (IST Congress Centre)
10:00 Momentum Dependence in Higgs Couplings from Physics Beyond the Standard Model - Gustavo Burdman (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 11:00) (IST Congress Centre)
Morning Session - Manfred Lindner (until 12:30) (IST Congress Centre)
11:00 Precision CEvNS - Danny Marfatia   (IST Congress Centre)
11:30 Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in the Standard Model and beyond - Valentina De Romeri   (IST Congress Centre)
12:00 Double Beta Decay as a Probe of New Physics - Frank F Deppisch   (IST Congress Centre)
Lunch Break (until 14:30) ()
Afternoon Session - Marc Sher (until 16:00) (IST Congress Centre)
14:30 Revisiting puzzles in lifetimes of single charmed hadrons - Blaženka Melić (Rudjer Boskovic Institute)   (IST Congress Centre)
15:00 Heavy neutral leptons as long-lived particles - Martin Hirsch   (IST Congress Centre)
15:30 B0 B0\bar entanglement for an ideal experiment on the direct CP violation gamma phase - Francisco J. Botella (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 16:30) (IST Congress Centre)
Afternoon Session - Mariam Tórtola (until 18:30) (IST Congress Centre)
16:30 Elusive signals with anomaly detection - Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))   (IST Congress Centre)
17:00 Status of the R(D(*)) anomaly and complementary LHC probes - Monika Blanke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (IST Congress Centre)
17:30 On the interplay between flavour anomalies and neutrino properties - António Morais (University of Aveiro)   (IST Congress Centre)
18:00 (g-2) and lepton flavor violation in low scale flavor symmetries - Oscar Manuel Vives Garcia (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   (IST Congress Centre)
Welcome Reception (until 22:00) (Salão Nobre (Main Building))
Lunch Break (until 14:30) ()
Afternoon Session - Blazenka Melic (until 16:00) (IST Congress Centre)
14:30 Questioning New Physics in Rare Semileptonic B, D, and K decays - Svjetlana Fajfer   (IST Congress Centre)
15:00 Semi-dark Higgs decays: sweeping the Higgs neutrino floor - Jose Miguel No (IFT-UAM/CSIC)   (IST Congress Centre)
15:30 Two component dark matter models: combined particle physics and cosmological approach - Myriam Mondragón   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 16:30) (IST Congress Centre)
Parallel Session I.1 - Mu-Chun Chen (until 18:30) (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
16:45 Leptogenesis assisted by complex scalar singlet - Débora Marques Barreiros   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:00 Role of Higher-Dimensional Operators in an Anomaly-free U(1) extension - Kuldeep Deka   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:15 Neutrino mass and the early universe - Bowen Fu   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:30 Cosmology-friendly time-varying neutrino masses in beta decay experiments - Pablo Martinez-Mirave (IFIC (CSIC-Univ. Valencia))   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:45 Neutrino Portal to FIMP Dark Matter with an Early Matter Era - Catarina Cosme   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
18:00 First direct detection constraints on Planck-scale mass dark matter in DEAP-3600 - Michela Lai (Cagliati State University)   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
Parallel Session II.1 - Monika Blanke (until 18:30) (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
16:45 Long-lived particles and meson decays in $N_R$LEFT - Rebeca Beltran (IFIC (CSIC-UV))   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:00 Multiboson signals in the UN2HDM - João Seabra   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:15 Collider phenomenology of neutral scalars in a flavoured muti-Higgs model - João Pedro Pino Gonçalves (University of Aveiro)   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:30 Exploring multi-Higgs models with softly broken large discrete symmetry groups - Miguel Levy (CFTP/IST)   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:45 A flavor model for cobimaximal mixing - Biswajit Karmakar   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
18:00 Hunting for Discrete Goldstone Bosons - Víctor Enguita-Vileta (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
18:15 Heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations at the HL-LHC - Jan Hajer (Universidade de Lisboa)   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
Parallel Session III.1 - Luca Merlo (until 18:30) (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
16:45 The Cost of an ALP Solution to the Neutral B-Anomalies - Jesús Bonilla   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:00 Nonresonant Searches for Axion-Like Particles in Vector Boson Scattering Processes at the LHC - Jonathan Machado-Rodríguez (Instituto de Física Teórica - UAM)   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:15 Effects of squared four-fermion operators of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory on meson mixing - Luiz Vale Silva   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:30 Addressing the CKM unitarity problem with a vector-like up quark - Pedro M. F. Pereira (Instituto Superior Tecnico)   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:45 CP violation in hadronic two-body D meson decays: A global fit under the SM hypothesis - Eleftheria Solomonidi (IFIC (CSIC-Univ. of Valencia))   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
18:00 Stabilizing the SM with Vector-like Fermions - Tim Höhne   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
18:15 Yukawa ratios and nucleon decay fingerprints in SU(5) GUTs - Kevin Hinze   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
Group Photo (until 12:40) (IST Congress Centre)
Lunch Break (until 14:40) ()
Boat Trip (until 19:30) ()
Dinner (until 22:00) ()
Lunch Break (until 14:30) ()
Afternoon Session - Svjetlana Fajfer (until 16:00) (IST Congress Centre)
14:30 Beyond Jarlskog: Playing with Flavor Invariants - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin))   (IST Congress Centre)
15:00 New Physics in Yukawa Couplings with Flavour Symmetries - Luca Merlo (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)   (IST Congress Centre)
15:30 Flavour symmetries in the SMEFT - Ilaria Brivio (University of Heidelberg)   (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 16:30) (IST Congress Centre)
Parallel Session I.2 - Andreas Trautner (until 18:30) (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
16:45 An ultraviolet completion for the Scotogenic model - Pablo Escribano   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:00 Scotogenic Majorana neutrino masses in an orbifold theory of flavor - Omar Medina (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (CSIC - Universitat de València))   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:15 Flavored Dark Matter: Scotogenic Dark Symmetry from Flavor symmetry - Newton Nath (INFN Bari)   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:30 Flavour and dark matter in a hybrid seesaw/scotogenic model - Henrique Brito Câmara   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
17:45 Sterile neutrino portals to Majorana dark matter - Arsenii Titov (University of Valencia and IFIC)   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
18:00 Tasting Flavoured Majorana Dark Matter - Harun Acaroglu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
18:15 Dark matter in three-Higgs-doublet models with S$_{3}$ symmetry - Anton Kuncinas (CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa)   (Room QA1.1, South Tower)
Parallel Session II.2 - Michael Ratz (until 18:30) (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
16:45 The hidden side of scalar-triplet models with spontaneous CP violation - Bernardo Lopes Gonçalves   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:00 Phenomenology of a flavoured multiscalar BGL-like model with three generations of massive neutrinos - Vasileios Vatellis   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:15 Neutrino mass and flavor anomalies - shaikh saad (University of Basel)   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:30 Lepton masses from a flavorful Peccei-Quinn-Froggat Nielsen U(1) symmetry - Leon Manuel Garcia de la Vega   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
17:45 Absolute neutrino mass scale and dark matter stability from flavour symmetry - Salvador Centelles Chuliá (MPIK (Heidelberg))   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
18:00 Automatic Nelson-Barr from Gauged Flavor - Pablo Quilez Lasanta (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Room QA1.2, South Tower)
Parallel Session III.2 - Valentina De Romeri (until 18:30) (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
16:45 Decoherence and Neutrino Oscillations: from Microscopic to Macroscopic - Ting Cheng   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:00 Exploring BSM models at Long Baseline neutrino experiments - Alessio Giarnetti (Roma Tre University & INFN)   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:15 A novel window into Dirac vs. Majorana nature of neutrinos using CE$\nu$NS experiments - Chandan Hati   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:30 Correlating Muon g−2 Anomaly with Neutrino Magnetic Moments - Dr Sudip Jana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
17:45 Indirect search for sub-GeV dark matter with neutrino telescopes - Shohei Okawa (ICCUB)   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
18:00 A new software to compute MSSM squared amplitudes for particle physics and relic density calculations - Marco PALMIOTTO (Institut de physique des deux infinis Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
18:15 An Event Generator For New Physics in $B \to D^* \ell \nu$ decay - Lopamudra Mukherjee (University of Mississippi)   (Room QA1.3, South Tower)
Lunch Break (until 14:30) ()
Afternoon Session - Jose Valle (until 15:30) (IST Congress Centre)
14:30 Universal inverse seesaw and radiative neutrino masses - Antonio Enrique Cárcamo Hernández   (IST Congress Centre)
15:00 Kaon and B-meson decays with neutrino pairs - German Valencia (Monash University (AU))   (IST Congress Centre)
Closing (until 15:45) (IST Congress Centre)
Coffee Break (until 16:30) (IST Congress Centre)